Join Up Dots - Business Coaching Made Easy (With A Bit Of Life Coaching Too)

David Ralph of Join Up Dots

Are you an entrepreneur who needs the right mindset, motivation and confidence. Hell we all need confidence as its the key to everything in life, and very few entrepreneurs, solopreneurs or just people who are rocking and rolling have this naturally, even though it may seem like a god given gift. Whether you want an amazing online income, entrepreneur success, more money than you could dream off, freedom, love, sex, or even a huge promotion at work confidence will make it happen. And we will show you how to get it - BIGTIME! Having the confidence to go after it, and the mindset to make it happen is demonstrated in every episode of the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots through the startup stories, struggles, honest conversations and training and coaching. Ready to rock your life? read less


BUSINESS COACHING: Why You Need To Start A Business Around Need
2d ago
BUSINESS COACHING: Why You Need To Start A Business Around Need
BUSINESS COACHING: Why You Need To Start A Business Around Need Welcome to another insightful episode of Join Up Dots! Today, we're diving into one of the most crucial principles for aspiring entrepreneurs: the importance of building a business around what people need, not just what they want.  Understanding this key difference can be the foundation of your success, providing a reliable income and long-term growth.  Why Focusing on Needs is Vital When you create a business centered around people's needs, you tap into a consistent and steady demand. Unlike products that cater to fleeting desires, needs are essential for daily living. This makes your business more resilient and less susceptible to economic ups and downs. For instance, healthcare products and utilities like electricity and water are indispensable. People will always need these, ensuring a stable market. David Ralph, our very own, illustrates this beautifully with his ventures. Let's take a closer look at how his projects demonstrate the power of necessity-driven businesses. David Ralph’s Business Ventures David’s book on beating tinnitus is a prime example. Tinnitus is a condition that affects many people, causing a persistent ringing in the ears. By providing solutions to this genuine health concern, David addresses a critical need. People suffering from tinnitus are actively seeking ways to alleviate their symptoms, making this book a necessity for their well-being. Moving on to his EV charging business, David has tapped into the growing demand for electric vehicle infrastructure. As more people transition to electric cars, the need for accessible and reliable charging stations is undeniable. This isn’t just a want; it’s a necessity for EV owners to keep their vehicles running. David’s business leverages the global shift towards sustainable transportation, positioning itself in a market with escalating demand. David also runs a car shop, catering to the essential need for vehicle maintenance and repair. Cars are a vital mode of transport, especially in areas with limited public transportation. Owning and maintaining a car becomes a necessity, ensuring a steady flow of customers. This venture exemplifies how addressing everyday needs can create a stable and lucrative business.  The Power of Supply and Demand Understanding supply and demand is fundamental in business. Items with high demand and limited supply, like concert tickets, become more valuable as they become scarce. This principle works brilliantly with needs-based products, which typically have a consistent demand. When you control the supply of a necessary product, you can capitalize on this consistent demand, driving prices up and ensuring profitability.  Building Customer Loyalty When you solve a critical need, customers are more likely to develop loyalty to your brand. Needs drive repeat business, as customers continuously seek to fulfill these essential aspects of their lives. This leads to higher retention rates and a stronger, more reliable revenue stream. David’s ventures show that by addressing fundamental needs, you not only attract customers but also keep them coming back.  Resilience in Economic Downturns Businesses that meet essential needs tend to be more resilient during economic downturns. When people tighten their budgets, they cut back on luxuries but continue to spend on necessities. By focusing on products and services that are indispensable, your business can weather economic challenges more effectively. David’s businesses in healthcare, EV charging, and automotive services highlight how necessity-driven ventures can thrive even in tough times.  Join Up Dots and Your Path to Success In this episode, we explore how you can apply these principles to your own entrepreneurial journey. By identifying and addressing needs within your market, you can build a business with steady demand, loyal customers, and resilience in any economic climate. David Ralph’s experiences offer valuable insights and inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs looking to create lasting success. Tune in to this episode of Join Up Dots and discover how focusing on needs over wants can transform your business approach. Learn from David’s real-world examples and get practical tips on identifying essential needs in your market. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to pivot your existing business, this episode is packed with actionable advice to help you succeed.  Share and Spread the Word If you find this episode helpful, don’t keep it to yourself! Share it with your friends, colleagues, and anyone interested in entrepreneurship. Let’s spread the knowledge and inspire more people to build businesses that make a real difference. Use the hashtags #JoinUpDots, #EntrepreneurLife, #BusinessSuccess, and #NecessityDriven to join the conversation and help us reach more aspiring entrepreneurs.  Conclusion Building a business around what people need isn’t just smart; it’s essential for long-term success. By tapping into steady demand, creating loyal customers, and ensuring resilience, you set yourself up for sustainable growth. David Ralph’s ventures into healthcare solutions, EV charging, and automotive services demonstrate the power of necessity-driven businesses. Tune in to this episode of Join Up Dots to learn more and start your journey toward entrepreneurial success today. Thank you for listening! Don’t forget to share, rate, and review our podcast. Your support helps us bring more valuable content to you every week. Until next time, keep joining up those dots and making your entrepreneurial dreams a reality! --- Share your thoughts and connect with us on social media. Let’s keep the conversation going!
LIFE COACHING: Are You Willing To Lose What You Have?
LIFE COACHING: Are You Willing To Lose What You Have?
LIFE COACHING: Are You Willing To Lose What You Have? Hey everyone, today we're diving into a powerful insight about building your dream life. Many of you write to me at the Join Up Dots podcast, dreaming of living where you want, doing what you love, or owning your own business. It's intoxicating, right? But here's the hard truth: you can't get what you want unless you're willing to lose what you already have. That means being 1000% ready to let go of your old life, friends, routines, and even your earning potential. So, why is it so hard for people to make this leap? Fear of the unknown, attachment to our current life, risk aversion, our self-identity, lack of vision, and internal resistance all play a part. The unknown can be daunting, and stepping out of our comfort zones is tough. We hold on to emotional bonds, routines, and financial security. Our self-perception and societal expectations can keep us stuck. And without a clear vision or plan, taking that first step feels overwhelming. But here's the good news: you can overcome these barriers! Start with small, manageable changes. Shift your mindset and build a support system of like-minded dreamers. Clarify your vision and set achievable goals. Manage risks with a solid plan. By addressing these fears and obstacles, you'll be better prepared to leap towards your dream life. Share this message with the world! Let's inspire each other to take bold steps towards our dreams. #DreamLife #JoinUpDots #Inspiration #Motivation #LifeGoals #FearlessLiving #GrowthMindset #LiveYourBestLife Tune in and let's make it happen together!
BUSINESS INTERVIEW: Making Your Crazy Work For You
BUSINESS INTERVIEW: Making Your Crazy Work For You
Making Your Crazy Work For You Dr Grant Brenner is a board certified physician-psychiatrist based in Manhattan’s Chelsea neighbourhood. Utilizing a unique combination of cutting edge neuroscientific theories and adaptive personal engagement, his creative and highly personalized approach allows his patients to realize who they really are and create transformative and undeniable positive change, within themselves and the relationships around them. As he says “Throughout our life, we develop protective habits based on interactions with other people. If we only received affection from our parents when we did everything perfectly, perfectionist tendencies and people-pleasing can become habits as grown adults. On the flip side, if we were always told we couldn’t succeed by those who cared for us, failure can feel like an absolute dead end, leaving you hopeless. Psychiatrist  is the co-author of three books, and his latest,  is a step-by-step program for self-understanding and catalyzing change. “One of the most unexpected lessons of this adventure is the realization that, when I ‘get it wrong’ and mess things up, acceptance of myself and connection with others is necessary to ‘getting it right’ and straightening things out again,” says Dr. Brenner.  Otherwise, without a loving connection with myself, I won’t even be able to identify the parts of myself about which I have to be able to tell the truth so that reconciliation and healing can take place. So what is the biggest part of crazy he sees in most people time and time again? And why do we need help to see these blind spots when we more often than not are experts in seeing them in other people? Well lets find out as we start joining up dots with the one and only Dr Grant Brenner.
BUSINESS INTERVIEW: Corey Poirier - The Enlightened Passenger:
BUSINESS INTERVIEW: Corey Poirier - The Enlightened Passenger:
BUSINESS INTERVIEW: Corey Poirier - The Enlightened Passenger: Corey Poirier joins the Join Up Dots podcast for the second time, first appearing back on episode 261 on the an 14th January 2015 Corey Poirier is a name synonymous with personal development, leadership, and entrepreneurial success. As the celebrated author of "The Enlightened Passenger: The Flight That Changes Everything," he has helped countless individuals uncover the principles of meaningful living and achieving abundance in all aspects of life. As an award-winning speaker and author, Corey has captivated audiences across North America with his compelling keynote addresses. His dynamic presentations cover a broad spectrum of topics including motivation, leadership, and business growth, making him a sought-after voice in the world of personal and professional development. But Corey's journey doesn't stop at writing and speaking. Corey's impact extends beyond his written and spoken words. How The Dots Joined Up For Corey He is an entrepreneur who has founded and managed multiple successful businesses, bringing a wealth of real-world experience to his teachings. His entrepreneurial ventures and hands-on workshops have empowered countless individuals and organizations to elevate their leadership skills and drive success. In addition to his professional achievements, Corey is deeply committed to philanthropy, actively supporting various charitable causes and non-profit organizations. His dedication to giving back and creating positive change is a testament to his character and the values he espouses in his work. Join us as we explore the timeless secrets to meaning, success, and abundance with Corey Poirier. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned leader, or someone seeking personal growth, this episode promises to offer valuable insights and inspiration. So how does he know what to focus on next with so much going on? And from his days as a struggling stand-up comedian, would he have ever seen himself where he is today? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show for the second time the one and only Corey Poirier.
LISTENER SUCCESS: Small Businesses Started At A Budget
LISTENER SUCCESS: Small Businesses Started At A Budget
LISTENER SUCCESS: Small Businesses Started At A Budget In this episode of Join Up Dots, we celebrate the incredible success stories of our listeners who have transformed their lives and created their own income streams after attending a coaching session with David Ralph. Tune in to hear inspiring journeys from across the globe, each starting with minimal costs and achieving remarkable results. Hear about how one listener turned a passion for dogs into a thriving grooming business, fully booked and expanding rapidly. Another listener transformed a candle-making hobby into a successful venture, using a home kitchen as a workshop and selling products online. You'll also discover how a virtual assistant business was launched with just a laptop and internet connection, leading to a full-time career and steady clients. We also highlight the story of a tutoring service focused on helping high school students with math and science, starting with basic supplies and growing a strong client base. Additionally, we feature a gardening business that took root with a few tools and local marketing, now thriving within the community. Join us as we delve into these uplifting stories and discover the strategies and advice that helped our listeners achieve their dreams. This episode is a testament to the power of taking action and the impact of personalized coaching. Don’t miss out on these inspiring tales of entrepreneurial success!
COACHING: Moving To Portugal By Seeing No Issues
COACHING: Moving To Portugal By Seeing No Issues
COACHING: Moving To Portugal By Seeing No Issues Good morning, listeners! Today, I’m sharing the adventure of my recent move to Faro, Portugal, and how I overcame a myriad of little issues that initially held me back. For weeks, I was paralyzed by concerns like "Who’s going to feed the cat?" and "How will I manage my business finances?" But eventually, I gave myself permission to take the leap, and I want to show you how you can do the same. First up, the cat conundrum. I found out that hiring a cat-sitter or using automatic feeders can easily solve this problem. It's amazing how a small adjustment can ease such a big worry. Then there was the issue of managing finances remotely. Online banking and services like PayPal and Wise became my go-tos. Automating bills and payments ensured everything ran smoothly while I was away. Running a business from abroad was another major concern. The solution? Delegation and technology. I relied on my team, hired a virtual assistant, and used tools like Trello and Slack to keep things on track. Scheduling across different time zones was a breeze with Calendly, and Zoom and Google Meet kept me connected with clients and colleagues. One of my biggest worries was internet access. Researching local providers and having a portable Wi-Fi device saved the day. Plus, discovering local coffee shops and co-working spaces turned out to be a great way to mix work and exploration.  Adjusting to a new environment can be daunting. I gave myself time to settle in, explored my new neighborhood, and joined community activities to make Faro feel like home. Legal and administrative tasks, such as visas and health insurance, were tackled with thorough research and preparation. Feeling isolated or overwhelmed was another concern. Regular video calls with friends and family, joining expat groups, and practicing mindfulness helped keep those feelings at bay. Lastly, having contingency plans for unexpected issues like medical emergencies or travel disruptions gave me peace of mind. By breaking down these challenges and addressing them one by one, I realized that taking this leap was not only possible but incredibly rewarding. I hope my journey inspires you to overcome your own hurdles and pursue your dreams, no matter how many little issues stand in your way. Tune in to hear more about my adventure and how you can make your own dreams a reality. #Podcast #TravelAdventures #RemoteWork #LifeHacks #OvercomingObstacles #JoinUpDots #Inspiration #PortugalLife #DigitalNomad #BusinessTips #Mindfulness #ExpatLife
BUSINESS INTERVIEW: The Three Business Type For Any Entrepreneur
BUSINESS INTERVIEW: The Three Business Type For Any Entrepreneur
BUSINESS INTERVIEW: The Three Business Type For Any Entrepreneur You Need To See How Success Is Built (and Lost) To Be A Real Success Insider..Ben Fewtrell Is That Man My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is the Co-Founder and Managing Partner at MaxMyProfit and author of the Business Exceleration Blueprint, is a sought-after advisor, keynote speaker and trainer. He has been featured in ‘Secrets of TopBusiness Builders Exposed’, Virgins in-flight magazine, Sky Business and many more. He started his first business at the age of 18, where he built it to be a multi-millions dollar business with 64 trucks on the road in just 4 years. As impressive as it sounds, he was working ridiculous long hours and not making any money! By the age of 28 he was over it, and just knew there had to be a better way. After selling his transport company, he decided to pursue his passion for business and spent many years and tens of thousands of dollars learning what it takes to build a successful business. This led him to personally mentoring and coaching hundreds of business owners in dozens of industries, building his own multi-million dollar business in the process. He likes to have fun in both life and business, so is perfect for a show like Join Up Dots So why was he making no money when he had a multi million pound business in his hands? And is this a similar failing of most new entrepreneurs that he encounters? They are doing all the work but not getting the rewards? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Ben Fewtrell  Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Ben Fewtrell such as: How there are three types of businesses, you are either employed, self employed or you have a business. A business is where you can leave it alone and it will still make you money by operating. Ben shares how he almost when bust by trying to grow a business bigger than himself a this time. You need to work to your limits and then scale from that point. Through changing twelve jobs within twelve months he found out a very important lesson: He cant work for someone else and never has since. and lastly…. How some of his clients just cant be pushed into seeing a new way of operating. As he Ben says "They either breakthrough or they breakdown."
BUSINESS INTERVIEW: Discover the Power of Transformation with Mandy L Harvey
BUSINESS INTERVIEW: Discover the Power of Transformation with Mandy L Harvey
BUSINESS INTERVIEW: Discover the Power of Transformation with Mandy L Harvey 🌟 Introducing Mandy L Harvey, a truly inspiring guest whose remarkable journey from rock bottom to thriving is a testament to resilience, self-healing, and the power of perseverance. 🌟 From Struggle to Strength: Mandy's path was anything but smooth. Despite seeking help from multiple therapists in her youth, it wasn't until she faced the challenges of motherhood that she realized the depth of her unhealed wounds. Battling chronic health issues and overwhelming feelings of inadequacy, Mandy hit not one but two rock bottoms. These moments forced her to confront and deeply heal her childhood traumas, leading to a powerful reminder that "health is wealth." A Pivotal Transformation: In 2012, Mandy experienced a life-changing moment that set her on a new path. Through a dedicated focus on nutrition, she became a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. But Mandy soon discovered that diet alone wasn't enough. Embracing somatic experiencing and releasing the energy of trauma from her body brought her true healing. A Beacon of Hope: Today, Mandy is a beacon of hope, having helped countless individuals reclaim their health and vitality. Her journey is not just about personal healing but also about empowering others. Mandy has built a life and business that allows her to be present for her children while guiding others to unlock their potential. Get Ready to Be Inspired: Join us as Mandy shares her incredible story of transformation, healing, and the pursuit of a peaceful, purposeful life. Her wisdom and experiences are sure to inspire and empower you to embrace your own journey of self-discovery and growth. So, let’s start joining up dots with the one and only Mandy L Harvey. Tune in, be inspired, and don't forget to share this episode with your friends! 🌟🎙️
LIFE COACHING: How To Change Your Mental Outlook
LIFE COACHING: How To Change Your Mental Outlook
LIFE COACHING: How To Change Your Mental Outlook I'm in a funk is one of those things that most of us feel every now and again. You know that feeling of just being out of sorts and losing perspective of what is good in life? Well we received an email from a listener of Join Up Dots, who isn't just feeling the "I'm in a funk" vibe for a few days. This listener has been in this state of mind for a few years now. So lets start with the question and then of course you can listen to the show to hear the answer. Listener Question Dear David, i am reaching out to you to see if you can share some insight as to the steps I can take to change my current situation. I'm in a funk. Mentally and physically I am feel more and more lethargic everyday, and ill be honest I stopped listening to your show for about a year as your chirpiness and positivity started to make my skin crawl. I would think "Oh, just fuck off" and switch off the podcast, even though I admit i was in the wrong and knew that you were right. Now a year later, and through all the changes that have been forced upon us from powers outside of our control I want to take back the control in my life. I am sick of being the person who lets life happen to them, and want a piece of what you have. So two questions, if you have time to respond. Firstly, do you ever get into a head fuck place when you just cant shake yourself out of a slump? Do you ever think "Im in a funk" at all? And secondly what can I do to start making a difference in my life? Thank you, and sorry for switching off my your podcast as I know its the best one out there, I was just in a wrong place (and still in a wrong place) for your wisdom. J, Canada