Episode 5: Pandu renounces the throne

Mahabharata for kids

29-07-2023 • 14 mins

Dhritarashtra gets married to Gandhari who decides to blindfold herself to share Dhritarashtras misfortune. Pandu marries Kunti and Madri. Pandu accidentally kills a sage and his wife in a hunting accident and is cursed that he will die if he touches either of his wives again. While he is depressed that the kingdom doesnt have an heir, Kunti remembers a boon she had received as a child from Sage Durvasa and remembers trying the boon out of curiosity as a child and acquiring a son from the Sun God. Scared, Kunti had put the baby,who was born with gold earrings and a gold armor, in a basket and had sent the basket down a river.