The Monsters Among Us Podcast shares chilling true stories about cryptids and other creatures. Host Derek Hayes explores spooky and mysterious stories from listeners in various places. Whether someone has sighted a UFO, Bigfoot, or Mothman, Hayes is here to listen and review the footage.
Derek Hayes had his first experience with an unexplained sighting when he was a kid living in rural Ohio. He has years of experience working in film. His first spooky encounter with the famed mystery black cat ignited his passion. The Monsters Among Us Podcast is a paranormal podcast that explores scary stories. People from across the globe who have had experiences can email Hayes to be on the show. In each episode, he shares real-life encounters.
If a story is spooky or legendary, it's on the Monsters Among Us Podcast. Each episode has one to four topics and includes a brief history of each. He plays footage and connects the stories to the discussion. No case is too strange, whether it's alien abductions, black triangles, or doppelgangers. With episodes like "Mirrored Men" and "Dogman, Skinwalker, Werewolf?" Hayes covers the gamut.
Hayes' podcast often groups legends and topics together in exciting ways. For instance, "Hometown Legends #13," discusses ghosts, killers, bigfoots, and "wild" children. These topics aren't the same, but Hayes connects them in a way that makes sense. Hayes also discusses issues like Sasquatch and Maub on several episodes.
The Monsters Among Us Podcast is a spooky way to explore the unknown. Whether one believes or is curious, Hayes has a cryptid creature story that will interest them.