Barely Creators

Channel 45 & Sabir

Channel and Sabir are both trying to create content on the internet. Youtube Videos, Podcasts, Websites, Freelance Editing, Video Games, and more. In this podcast, they get together to discuss their creative endeavors, among other things. Though their followings are pretty small. After all, they're Barely Creators. read less


Oshi No Ko Stole the Show #5
Oshi No Ko Stole the Show #5
Sabir's game prototype is ready to be shown off. After Channel gives his thoughts, the two talk about YouTubers they enjoy watching, Oshi No Ko's first episode, and the first Barely Creators YouTube comment.*This episode of Barely Creators has no sponsor. If you would be interested in a sponsorship with this podcast, please email Channel at*Discuss this episode on redditShow NotesSabir's GameUnityUnreal EngineGame Maker StudioGodotScratchRPG MakerAnime Seasons ExplainedCluster Truck - Next Stop: Clunk CityBarely Creators Episode 2: Icebergs & PlatformersScott The WozCGP GreyNexpoScare TheaterDomicsTheOdd1sOutJaiden AnimationsGradeAUnderAArloArlocastSgt DuckySummoning SaltChannel 45Austin John PlaysAbsolBlogsPokemonCandyEvieDegenerocityGamechamp3000VG Myths - Can You Beat Scott Pilgrim Without Stat Boosts?GD ColonGrianIce Cream SandwichJRose11Masahiro Sakurai On Creating GamesNileRedPKBeatsPolyMarsRobTopGamesTCNick3TerminalMontage The Game TheoristsThe Film TheoristsThe Food TheoristsThe Style TheoristsTierZooTrideAlan BeckerAvatar CriticBarely CreatorsBen ShapiroBloomsbrewstewfilmsCinemassacreClydeSeth The ProgrammerCortexERBEnzo is TiredFresh and FitI Hate EverythingIdubbbzIndieJacobJarvis JohnsonJim BrowningJontronKillithKitbogaLong beach griffyNEScRETROOveranalyzing AvatarPikasprey YellowSoft Lock PickingDuel Disasters GBA Trilogy - PikaspreyThe Problems With Yu-Gi-Oh! Destiny Board Traveler - Pikasprey RDCworld1SabirSam O'Nella AcademySuper Eyepatch WolfSwagkagevideogamedunkeyWhateverBorderline Forever - Scott The WozPokemonOshi No Ko"Idol" - YOASOBIMyanimelist.netAnilist.coFirst Comment Not every channel mentioned could be linked. You'll have to look them up on youtube.Support the showGreat anime and gaming videos - @Channel45Sabir's awesome channel - @SabirthehumanCheck out more episodes at BarelyCreators.comChannel's website, pretty much a hub for all this stuff - Channel45.TV