From Death Race to Grand Theft Auto, driving games have long fuelled claims that players might be inspired to start mowing down pedestrians outside of the game. Starting with a story about a Toronto police officer linking a hit and run to a copy of Need for Speed found on the offender’s passenger seat, Ben talks Rich through the surprisingly longstanding history of links between video games and reckless driving. We encounter early arcade video games, clowns being run over at anti-car carnivals, and Adam West’s Batman doing British road safety videos. Crash! Bang! Wallop! What a podcast!
Show Notes:[Video] 1967 Adam West Batman UK Public Service Announcement
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[Video] Death Race News Report
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Stinchcombe, A., Kadulina, Y., Lemieux, C., Aljied, R., & Gagnon, S. (2017). Driving is not a game: Video game experience is associated with risk-taking behaviours in the driving simulator. Computers in Human Behavior, 69, 415-420.
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Note: Journal articles are often behind paywalls. If you don't have institutional access but would like a copy of these papers please email and we will happily send you a copy
Credits:Hosts – Ben Litherland & Rich McCulloch
Music by - Brutalust (Colin Frank and Maria Sappho), recorded and mixed by Joe Christman
Creative producer – Rachel Wood
Technical producer – Caroline Pringle
Technical production – Colin Frank