Generative Worlding

Generating this world, and new worlds, through relationship.

In every action, in every way we are ‘being’ in the world, in every way we meet each other, we are generating this world; and new worlds. From this perspective, every meeting is an opportunity to step more greatly into personal and shared responsibility. read less
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GW e4: 'Relational Dojos' with Daphne van Run
GW e4: 'Relational Dojos' with Daphne van Run
Daphne van Run emanates a deep connection to her environment, her experience of the present moment, and her self. She holds many roles where these qualities are embodied and utilised, including as a facilitator and as a leadership coach, guiding authentic connection and communication and supporting social entrepreneurship and conscious workplaces. A core theme of her work with individuals is the activation of right relationship to self and others through meeting 'what is' in the moment. Her group work within organisations often involves the activation and facilitation of sustainable change through the engagement of multiple stakeholdersThis episode’s conversation was sparked by a relational space that Daphne is facilitating in Exeter, ‘Relational Dojos’, drawing on Daphne’s extensive experience with Circling, Authentic Relating, coaching, change management, and group facilitation. We followed the conversation into our relationship with and response to complexity, the social field - and the impact of physical space on the social field -, why we both struggled in traditionally-organised and -managed businesses, what a ‘Relational Dojo’ is and why Daphne is called to steward and spark them, and so much more.You can learn more about Daphne’s background and current work focuses by heading to her website, her LinkedIn page, or her Instagram page. And you can reach out to Daphne directly at Get full access to Generative Worlding at
GW ep1: Facilitating in the Chaos with Meg Buzzi
GW ep1: Facilitating in the Chaos with Meg Buzzi
Meg Buzzi is an author, facilitator, coach, and organisational design consultant. She is a true activator, committed to co-creating cultures of trust, alignment, and authenticity. Her work draws on living systems theory, ethnography, and creative practice, along with 20 years of leading software teams and business transformation projects.In this first ever Generative Worlding episode, we follow the conversation as it snakes its way through how these times of chaos are affecting the way people in groups show up, into why having multiple perspectives noticing what’s happening ‘in the room’ is so important, and arrives at the need for facilitators to have islands of support beneath our feet so we can best serve when in the facilitator role.It wasn’t intended to be a facilitation role-focused conversation but I’m glad it went that way because there’s so much wisdom here for all of us, facilitators or not.To find out more about Meg and her work, you can head to her book The In-Between, which she describes as ‘a hands-on guide to thriving in today’s hybrid workplace.’, explore workplace transformation through her consultancy, the Present of Work, or join one of the free events starter cultures facilitates— a community collective she co-founded during the 2020 lockdown.She’s also a founding member at Open Facilitation, as am I! Get full access to Generative Worlding at