Rachel Cantor, Brew Recommendations Writer at Morning Brew. When Rachel was a high school student, she started an online publication with a friend covering the news for teens, by teens and recruited writers from 12 different countries to contribute. Entering college, Rachel thought she wanted to work in marketing at an agency after school, but after accumulating diverse experiences from internships at an agency and Refinery 29 to running her university's largest student organization and spending a summer working on a startup, she decided she wanted to do something more entrepreneurial. On a whim during her senior year, Rachel started a personal recommendations newsletter to share with her friends for fun, which quickly took off. As the newsletter grew, she started sharing it on Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, which unexpectedly led to opportunities to become a freelance writer and ultimately landed her her job at Morning Brew writing Sidekick, a daily recommendation newsletter. Rachel discusses why entrepreneurship is an activity, not an identity, how her curiosity is an asset, and why you should share your work with the world. This conversation is brought to you by The Garage at Northwestern.
You can sign up for Sidekick here: https://www.morningbrew.com/sidekick/subscribe