“YouTube Rabbit Holes” w/ Yasmine Dankwah

Chai with Rai

15-05-2024 • 28 mins

The incredible soul that is Yasmine Dankwah sat down and discussed her process of storytelling, YouTube rabbit holes and of course Spoken word vs poetry.

Here is the link to Yasmine's short story titled "An Epic: as told by my grandma’s photo album " for Symphonies of Beaded Threads

About Yasmine:

Yasmine Dankwah is a British-Ghanaian spoken word artist and writer based in South London. She is interested in exploring how resistance in the form of identity-based discrimination can act as a springboard for joy in live performance by using music, spoken word poetry and lyricism. She is currently an artist on Boundless Theatre’s Accelerator programme and part of the Emerging Writer’s Group at the Bush Theatre. Last year, she became a recipient of the Francis Chagrin award and was featured on BBC Radio London for her audio play I Used To Know H.I.M, which was commissioned by Chronic Insanity Theatre.

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