In this episode Mark talks about one of his favourite TV shows: 'The West Wing' - which is an American serialised political drama that was created by Aaron Sorkin that was primarily set in the West Wing of The White House, which depicted the fictional Democratic administration of President Josiah "Jed" Bartlet. The series ran from 1999 to 2006, during which it featured an enthralling and a phenomenonal cast of characters - including Martin Sheen as President Bartlet, Rob Lowe, John Spencer, Bradley Whitford, Richard Schiff, Allison Janney, Stockard Channing, and many other incredible actors over its seven season run, who all contributed to make The West Wing the incredible and groundbreaking television series that it was and will always be. The West Wing dealt with stories that ranged from political policy to personal tragedy - and over the course of the series its viewers were able to watch the main cast of characters evolve as well as dramatise the importance of democracy and of working together as a united country of people for a common purpose of continued prosperity for all the people of the United States of America, as voted for by the people of the United States of America.