Ep.15: Perthshire Mums in Business & Sidestep Social with a free and easy website

#PerthshireHour podcast

15-03-2023 • 40 mins

With Mothers' day coming up this Sunday, I thought it might be good to feature a few Perthshire businesses run by mums. I contacted a few local business owners over the past week and they were good enough to tell me a little about the skills that motherhood helped them bring to your business, as well as some of the challenges too, not to mention the changes in direction that being a parent had on their business.

Featured this week were Karen (from Fun Junction Crief and Perth), Dawn (from Precious Sparkle), Victoria (from Litttle Scalliwags), and June McEwan (The Works/ Willow Works).

For this week's 'Perthshire Writer Focus' I added a little more about Fiona Lowry (Author of ‘Franco and The Green Light Fairy’ and ‘Felix's Favourite Day’), and the important role that the power of positive thinking has in the themes of her books.

Finally, in our 'Social Media Tips and Tricks' section, I highlighted the importance of taking ownership of your content by creating a simple (and free) website or blog with WordPress.com. (Please note: I'm not affiliated with WordPress, nor do I receive any form of compensation for recommending them. I've been making websites with WordPress for over a decade and I think they're the simplest (free) way for a small business to gain a professional presence outside social media and retain control over their own content).

Thanks as always for listening, and Happy Mothers' Day to all the mums who are listening to this week's episode.