Guest Interview – Charlotte – Derbyshire Writing School Intern

Begin - Derbyshire Writing School Podcast

24-03-2023 • 27 mins

Episode 85—Guest Interview Charlotte Howes—Derbyshire Writing School Intern

We are back in the writers’ room and we have another guest in our hot seat this week! She's been here before! It's our intern Charlotte!

We worked with the University of Derby to offer another paid internship at the beginning of this year. This is part of the Universities DRIVEN project, working with businesses in Derbyshire to provide practical, paid internships to graduates.

We are pleased to introduce you to Charlotte, our intern.

Having just finished a master's degree in creative writing, Charlotte is dedicating her time to reading and writing more of what she loves. Her goal is to see a book she’s written someday on a shelf in Waterstones. What a splendid vision and dream!

Pete and Laura ask Charlotte:

  • What do you write, what do you read?
  • Why do a second internship with Derbyshire Writing School?
  • Talk about your internship. What did you learn, enjoy, or find challenging?
  • Has anything surprised you through your time working at Derbyshire Writing School?
  • If you could give two pieces of advice to someone starting out on their writing career, what would they be?
  • What’s next for you?

In the podcast, Charlotte speaks about a treasure map she created of indie bookstores in Derbyshire, and also the blogs she has written for Derbyshire Writing School website.

You can find all the information about what’s happening at Derbyshire Writing School by visiting ‘The Socials!’




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