Unfinished Business: Breaking Through Fear, Doubts, and Excuses to Finish Your Novel

Begin - Derbyshire Writing School Podcast

11-08-2023 • 11 mins

Episode 98—A Writers Toolkit Episode: Unfinished Business: Breaking Through Fear, Doubts, and Excuses to Finish Your Novel

Do you have a story in your heart, a manuscript in progress, but somehow find yourself unable to reach 'the end'? In this episode, we delve into the all-too-common struggle of leaving novels unfinished. But fear not! We're not just identifying the problems; we're providing solutions, and we have a special programme designed to guide you to completion.

This Episode's Insights: From Idea to Finished Book

Join Laura, Pete, and the Derbyshire Writing School team as they explore:

  • The common reasons why writers struggle to finish their books.
  • Solutions to overcome fear, boredom, and self-doubt.
  • The importance of committing to your writing and creating movement in your story.
  • How finishing your book can be an incredible achievement, teaching you more than any course or book ever could.

Finish Your Book – Online Group Programme: Your Path to Completion

If this episode resonates with you, our new group programme, Finish Your Book, might be just what you need. Designed specifically for writers who are passionate but stuck, this programme offers motivation, practical support, and a writing community ready to cheer you on.

Programme Highlights:

  • Dates and Time: Six live Zoom sessions, starting Wednesday 8 November 2023, from 7:30 pm – 8:45 pm.
  • Price: from £115
  • Interactive Learning: Writing sprints, peer feedback, personalised solutions, and more.
  • Achievements: Complete writing sprints, gain feedback, create an action plan, and join a wonderful group of writers.

Course Overview: [Detailed Overview Here]

Why This Programme Is for You

  • Craft Your Story Together: Write together with focused and guided creative time.
  • Edit Like a Pro: Learn to edit your novel or non-fiction book.
  • Solve Your Writing Problems: Address your unique challenges.
  • Achieve Real Progress: Make tangible progress on your writing journey.

Ready to Join Finish Your Book?

Don't let your ideas sit in a draft folder. Seize this opportunity to tell the world, "I wrote a book!" Enroll in our Finish Your Book programme and turn the insights from this episode into real progress on your writing journey.

Enroll Now

Keep writing, it will all work out. Let this episode and our Finish Your Book programme be your catalyst to success.


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