Ukrainian Learning Accelerator

Language Learning Accelerator

If you're trying to think your way into learning Ukrainian, you're doing it wrong. Learn Ukrainian like you did English: by hearing a huge amount of it. (With at least a vague idea of what it means!) Thousands of Ukrainian Phrases, along with the English translations, presented directly to your brain: from practical to philosophical to flirting. Just phrases, no filler! Go way beyond the Ukrainian language basics to not just communicate, but actually become an interesting person in Ukrainian. As an audio-only tool to learn Ukrainian, it's a great companion for driving, walking, or house chores. This podcast is the perfect supplement for your current language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo or are enrolled in a Ukrainian class. If you’re a beginner, we recommend you use this tool in addition to a good Ukrainian intro course. The Ukrainian Learning Accelerator is created by language lovers and world travelers, for the love of language! Every episode has subtitles available. (If your podcast player supports it.) read less


Learn Ukrainian: Restaurants
Learn Ukrainian: Restaurants
Let's grab a bite to eat. Useful Ukrainian phrases for a trip to a restaurant. This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Ukrainian, to improve your Ukrainian vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Ukrainian. These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Ukrainian language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Ukrainian class. The more you expose your brain to Ukrainian audio, the faster you'll learn. View the full list of English and Ukrainian phrases in this episode. Contact us with feedback and ideas: Phrases in this episode: I'm hungry.I haven't eaten yet today.Can you recommend a good restaurant?I'd like to make a takeout order.Do you have an available table?Can I make a reservation?I want to reserve a table for 4 at 7pm.Can I sit over there?I'm waiting for my friend.Can we sit somewhere else?Can I have a menu, please?What are today's specials?Do you have vegetarian options?I'm allergic to peanuts.What do you recommend?What ingredients does this dish contain?I'd like to order this dish.I’d like one of these.I'd like what that woman there is eating.What local beer do you have?Could I have a glass of water? Could you bring some napkins?Would it be possible to turn down the music a little?How long will my food take?The food was delicious.I’m still hungry.Do you have desserts?Can I have a dessert menu?I’m full.Can I have the check, please?Do you accept credit cards?How can I work off this debt?I just ate! It was delicious.
Learn Ukrainian: Travel
Learn Ukrainian: Travel
Here's some phrases for train or bus travel, asking where to buy tickets, asking about the services, buying a ticket, and finding your departure platform. This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Ukrainian, to improve your Ukrainian vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Ukrainian. These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Ukrainian language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Ukrainian class. The more you expose your brain to Ukrainian audio, the faster you'll learn. View the full list of English and Ukrainian phrases in this episode. Contact us with feedback and ideas: Phrases in this episode: Let's go by train.Is there a train station map available?Where can I find the timetable/schedule?How long is the journey to Kyiv?What time does the next train to Kyiv depart?How frequent are the trains to Kyiv?Trains leave every hour.Where do I buy a ticket?How much is a ticket to Kyiv?Is there a discount for students?Is there a restroom on the train?Is there Wi-Fi on the train?Is there food service on the train?Can I purchase a round-trip ticket?Can I change my ticket to a different day?Can I keep my luggage with me?I’d like one ticket to Kyiv, please.Where do I find the train to Kyiv?Is this the right train for Kyiv?Can you help me find my seat?Are there any stops or transfers on the way to Kyiv?Would you tell me when we arrive at Kyiv?
Learn Ukrainian: Meeting People 1
Learn Ukrainian: Meeting People 1
Useful phrases for meeting new people and starting conversations. This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Ukrainian, to improve your Ukrainian vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Ukrainian. These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Ukrainian language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Ukrainian class. The more you expose your brain to Ukrainian audio, the faster you'll learn. View the full list of English and Ukrainian phrases in this episode. Contact us with feedback and ideas: Phrases in this episode: I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name.Where are you from?I'm from The United States.This is my first time in Ukraine.How old are you?I'm 25 years old.Do you have any siblings?I have 2 brothers and 1 sister.I don’t have any siblings.I lie sometimes.Where are we going?Where do you live?How long have you lived here?What do you do for work?Do you play any sports?I love to play soccer, but not on a team.What are your hobbies?Can you teach me how to do that?What are you excited about these days?What are your projects?What type of music have you been enjoying recently?Are you following any TV show?Have you seen any good movies lately?What's your favorite season?What are your favorite foods?How long have you been learning English?What's your email address?Could I have your phone number?Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?I’m busy tonight, how about this weekend?Would you join me for dinner on Friday?I'm busy then. How about Saturday instead?Satuday works for me. It's a plan!I'm running late, I'll be there soon!You always brighten my day.
Learn Ukrainian: Professions
Learn Ukrainian: Professions
Phrases describing common professions. This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Ukrainian, to improve your Ukrainian vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Ukrainian. These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Ukrainian language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Ukrainian class. The more you expose your brain to Ukrainian audio, the faster you'll learn. View the full list of English and Ukrainian phrases in this episode. Contact us with feedback and ideas: Phrases in this episode: An accountant analyzes finances and provides advice.An actor portrays characters in plays, movies, or television shows.An architect designs buildings for aesthetics and functionality.An artist creates art to express ideas and emotions.A baker bakes bread and desserts in a bakery.A banker manages financial transactions and offers investment advice.A barista serves coffee and other drinks in a cafe.A chef oversees the preparation and cooking of food in a restaurant and designs menus.A dentist diagnoses and treats dental and oral health issues.A doctor examines patients, diagnoses problems, and prescribes treatments.An electrician installs, maintains, and repairs electrical systems.An engineer uses science and math to design and develop structures, systems, and products.A farmer cultivates crops, raises livestock, and manages a farm.A firefighter puts out fires and handles other emergencies.A flight attendant ensures passenger safety and provides customer service during airline flights.A hairdresser cuts and styles hair in a barbershop.A journalist investigates and reports on current events.A lawyer provides legal advice and represents clients in legal matters.A librarian organizes library resources and assists patrons in finding information.A mechanic repairs and maintains vehicles and machinery.A nurse cares for patients and assists doctors.A pharmacist dispenses medications and counsels patients on proper usage.A photographer captures images using cameras to create visual art.A pilot operates aircraft, transporting passengers or cargo.A police officer enforces laws and responds to emergencies.A receptionist greets visitors, answers phone calls, and provides administrative support.A salesperson sells products or services and builds customer relationships.A scientist conducts research, performs experiments, and analyzes data to expand knowledge.A secretary assists with administrative tasks supporting the smooth functioning of an organization.A programmer writes and tests code to develop software applications.A teacher instructs students, develops lesson plans, and assesses their progress in various subjects or disciplines.A taxi driver transports passengers to their desired destinations.A waiter takes orders and brings food and beverages to the table.A web developer designs and develops websites.A writer creates books, articles, or stories, conveying ideas through words.A veterinarian cares for animals by diagnosing and treating their illnesses or injuries.A carpenter constructs and repairs structures made of wood.A plumber installs, repairs, and maintains plumbing systems.An entrepreneur starts business ventures, taking risks and finding opportunities for innovation.
Learn Ukrainian: Ideas
Learn Ukrainian: Ideas
Let's practice Ukrainian with some ideas worth pondering. This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Ukrainian, to improve your Ukrainian vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Ukrainian. These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Ukrainian language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Ukrainian class. The more you expose your brain to Ukrainian audio, the faster you'll learn. View the full list of English and Ukrainian phrases in this episode. Contact us with feedback and ideas: Phrases in this episode: a mistake is only an error if I've made it beforeto see your past, look at your body see your future, look at your mind now.sow seeds when young, to harvest when oldif I am not setting my direction, someone else islife can be a horror or a comedy, often at the same timemost of my fears are like sharks without teethI have fought a million fights, most of them in my headevery step outside your comfort zone expands your comfort zoneadventure begins when we say yes!I am all that I am, because we all are what we arethough we are very similar, we are not the samenot everything that is legal is justnot everything that is illegal is injustif there are two great evils in the world, they are centralization and complexityin this world there are many questions and fewer answersone lifetime is enough to change the worldin this world there are many people, but there's nobody like youyou didn't come into this world, you came out of it
Learn Ukrainian: A Trip to the Movies
Learn Ukrainian: A Trip to the Movies
This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Ukrainian, to improve your Ukrainian vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Ukrainian. These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Ukrainian language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Ukrainian class. The more you expose your brain to Ukrainian audio, the faster you'll learn. View the full list of English and Ukrainian phrases in this episode. Contact us with feedback and ideas: Phrases in this episode: Let's go to a movie!The smell of popcorn is irresistible.We got the best seats, didn't we?The cinematography in this movie is breathtaking.I love the unique perspective of the director.The soundtrack complements the storyline beautifully.The dialogue was brilliantly written.That movie was a total mind-bender, huh?That cameo was an awesome surprise!The lead actor truly nailed it.That movie was a rollercoaster of emotions.The musical score gave me goosebumps!The movie’s message resonates with me.The special effects were out of this world.It certainly had some good one-liners.That actor's performance was incredible.It's the kind of movie you can't forget.I have a new favorite character now.Did you catch that subtle foreshadowing?Did the movie exceed your expectations too?I didn't see that twist coming! Did you?I would absolutely watch that again.Next time, let's bring some more friends along.Next time, you can choose the movie!