Photography Made Simple

Live Snap Love

Ever wish you had a photography mentor you could turn to for advice, so that you could learn photography quickly, and without the frustration and overwhelm that often comes with it?  That’s exactly what you’ll get when you tune into the Photography Made Simple podcast! I’m on a mission to help photographers just like you grow their photography skills quickly, so you can shorten the learning curve and get photos you love faster. In this show you'll get actionable techniques, helpful insights and practical advice to help you capture the beauty of your everyday with ease. From camera settings, photo ideas and gear advice, to tackling editing, finding your style or exploring different photography genres, I cover it all. Tune in to get inspired, feel more confident behind the camera, and get photos you genuinely love. read less


Ai and Photography:  Where Do YOU Draw The Line?
4d ago
Ai and Photography: Where Do YOU Draw The Line?
There has been a lot of chatter recently about the use of AI in photography, especially as Photoshop's AI tools have been growing steadily, and very recently both Lightroom and Lightroom Classic introduced a new generative AI tool inside Lightroom, making it even more accessible to use AI on your images. So where do YOU draw the line when it comes to the use of AI in photography? I'm definitely no expert in AI but it did prompt me to think more closely about the use of AI in my own work!  From tagging and noise reduction to generative AI tools, together we will explore the ethical considerations and personal boundaries of AI in photography. Whether you're a seasoned photographer or just starting out, this episode will hopefully get you thinking about what is and isn't acceptable in your own photography journey! You’ll discover:  What AI is in Photography, and how we have maybe been using AI without realizing it! Some recent examples of AI photos that made the news (including one that won a photography competition!)  What I personally use AI for, and where I draw the line. Does it make a difference if you made the changes manually or using AI?  The ethical considerations of using AI in photography GO TO THE SHOW NOTES 👉 COME SAY HI! WEBSITE | BLOG |  INSTAGRAM |  FACEBOOK |  New episodes drop every Tuesday, so make sure to click that follow button to get notified when they land!
5 Ways to Show Motion in Photography
5 Ways to Show Motion in Photography
The way that you show movement or motion in your photos can give your images a totally different look and feel,  and today on the podcast, we are looking at all the different ways you can capture it!  Using motion is a great way to make your images look more creative, have stronger compositions, or just play and have fun!  You can choose to freeze the motion, have motion blur in the background, have motion blur on your subject, introduce motion blur just by camera movement and even do time lapse photography! In this week’s podcast, we’ll look at all 5 different ways to capture motion in your photos,  along with some tips and ideas for using each one.  So join me in today’s episode and discover:  The 5 different ways to show motion and movement in your photos. How to ensure that you “freeze” the motion in your images. How to introduce intentional motion blur on your subject How to show the motion in the background, but keep your subject sharp What time lapse photography is  CHECK OUT AUTO TO AWESOME 👉 GO TO THE SHOW NOTES 👉 COME SAY HI! WEBSITE | BLOG |  INSTAGRAM |  FACEBOOK |  New episodes drop every Tuesday, so make sure to click that follow button to get notified when they land!
Wondering why you need Photoshop? Here’s 5 reasons.
Wondering why you need Photoshop? Here’s 5 reasons.
As much as I love using Lightroom Classic for editing my photos, it doesn’t mean that it can do absolutely everything you need! There’s a damn good reason why Adobe bundled both Lightroom Classic CC and Photoshop CC together in their Photography Plan - because when you have access to both programs, you can do absolutely anything your little editing heart desires! But when should you use Photoshop - and what can it do that Lightroom Classic can’t?  That’s exactly what we’re covering today on the podcast!  I’m going to go into detail on the 5 main reasons to take your images into Photoshop for advanced editing, and give you some ideas for each one so you can get a feel for the whole treasure trove of adjustments you can make in Photoshop!  So join me in today’s episode and discover:  The type of pixel adjustments that you will take your image into Photoshop for  How Photoshop can help you play with colour in your images The types of overlays and filters that can add extra magic to your photos Some advanced portrait retouching I find myself doing from time to time  Why Photoshop is a must-learn for all types of photographers!  GET THE FREE PHOTOSHOP STARTER KIT 👉  CHECK OUT OUR PHOTOSHOP COURSES 👉 Photoshop Fundamentals 👉 Photoshop Magic COME SAY HI! WEBSITE | BLOG |  INSTAGRAM |  FACEBOOK |  New episodes drop every Tuesday, so make sure to click that follow button to get notified when they land!
8 Questions To Help You Determine The Best Lens for YOU
8 Questions To Help You Determine The Best Lens for YOU
Choosing a lens can feel like a difficult and overwhelming task- there is so much choice that it can be hard to narrow it down and decide which would be the best lens for YOU.  Let’s face it, lenses are expensive, so it’s an important thing to get right! Although you can always sell your lenses if they turn out not to be the one for you, it’s easier and more cost effective to get it right the first time.  So today on the podcast, I’m going to walk you through 8 questions you should ask yourself when shopping for a new camera lens. These questions will help you determine the best lens for you, based on your genre, interest and style of photography, but also practical considerations such as weight or brand loyalty.  So join me in today’s episode and discover:  The 3 questions you should ask yourself to help you choose the best focal length for your genre and style of photography. Why focal length is about more than simply how much you want to fit in the frame. The practical considerations to take into account, such as whether to get a zoom or prime, and whether weight is a factor How to get better quality lenses for a more affordable price All 8 questions you should ask yourself to choose the best lens for YOU.  GET THE FREE WHICH LENS KICKSTARTER GUIDE 👉  GO TO THE SHOWNOTES 👉 COME SAY HI! WEBSITE | BLOG |  INSTAGRAM |  FACEBOOK |  New episodes drop every Tuesday, so make sure to click that follow button to get notified when they land!
Why I’ve Revamped Our Courses (and what’s coming up!)
Why I’ve Revamped Our Courses (and what’s coming up!)
This week’s episode is a little bit of an indulgent one, because I’m talking all about the courses we have at Live Snap Love, and the biggish changes we are making to these in 2024, and what we have coming up! If you are new to the world of Live Snap Love, then you’ll learn exactly what courses are coming up, so you can see what might suit you based on where you currently are on your photography journey, and what you need help with. And if you’ve been here a while and were planning on taking one of our courses in the near future, how these are changing for the better! Finally, if you’re already a student and wondering how this affects your purchase, don’t worry, we’ll be covering that too!  So join me in today’s episode and learn:  Why the product suite we had at the end of 2023 just didn’t feel like it was working anymore. How I’ve optimized all our courses for ease, speed and simplicity. Why I’ve decided to make all of our courses available all year round.  What all this means for students of our “old” courses The courses we currently have on offer, and the course we’re working on next. Some sneak peeks for what’s coming up! CHECK OUT ALL OUR COURSES HERE! 👉 Check out all our courses here! GET IN TOUCH HERE! 👉 Let us know what you’d like to see next! COME SAY HI! WEBSITE | BLOG |  INSTAGRAM |  FACEBOOK |  New episodes drop every Tuesday, so make sure to click that follow button to get notified when they land!
How to Find Dramatic & Interesting Light For All Your Photos
How to Find Dramatic & Interesting Light For All Your Photos
Do you know how to find beautiful, dramatic, interesting light for your photos? Light is EVERYTHING in photography. Good light will illuminate your subject, draw your eye to what you want the viewer to focus on, minimize distractions, make images more dramatic or magical, give them a three dimensional quality and just generally make our images more compelling and unique. Thats why learning how to see the light, use it in different ways, and be able to control or manipulate it is crucial for photographers of all genres.   So today on the podcast, I’m giving you advice on how you can find more interesting and dramatic light for your photos, regardless of whether you take photos to document your family, capture still lifes or portraits, so it really is for everyone. You can also find out more about our Mastering Natural Light course here.  Why taking time to slow down as a photographer is the first steps in learning how to get more interesting photos The biggest takeaway our Mastering Natural Light students leave the course with The one thing that nearly all images will benefit from - and it’s all to do with the light.  How to experiment with the same light in different ways to get more interesting images The end vision to have in mind that will enhance both the look and feel of your images. CHECK OUT THE MASTERING NATURAL LIGHT COURSE! 👉 Mastering Natural Light Course COME SAY HI! WEBSITE |  BLOG |  INSTAGRAM |  FACEBOOK |  New episodes drop every Tuesday, so make sure to click that follow button to get notified when they land!
Want to start shaping light? Get a reflector!
Want to start shaping light? Get a reflector!
Learning how to use and modify light is essential for taking your photos to the next level in photography because how you use and control the light will determine how your photos turn out!  One tool you can use to modify and shape light is called a reflector.  If you’ve heard people talking about using a reflector,  but weren’t quite sure what it does, or indeed whether you need one, then I created this episode for you!  Simply put, a reflector is simply a tool that will help you change or mold the light to suit your vision, and help you get your images to look the way you want them to. In today’s episode, I’m going to cover what a reflector is, when you might want to use one, when the right time is to get one, and if you do, which one you should get. Tune into today’s episode to learn:  What exactly a reflector is Why you use a reflector, and some specific situations you might find yourself using one When and why you should consider getting a reflector, even if it is just for learning about light  The type and size of reflector I recommend that most people get (bonus, it’s only around $40!) What each side of the 5 in 1 reflector does.  FREE GUIDE: Grab the FREE Mastering Natural Light Starter Guide 👉 MORE RESOURCES Mastering Natural Light Course The 5 in 1 reflector I Use! COME SAY HI! WEBSITE |  BLOG |  INSTAGRAM |  FACEBOOK |  New episodes drop every Tuesday, so make sure to click that follow button to get notified when they land!
8 Photography lighting ideas that will supercharge your photos!
8 Photography lighting ideas that will supercharge your photos!
Light is the single most important element of your photo, and is one that  can lift a mediocre, mundane scene into something incredible and awe-inspiring. That’s why learning how to use light to its full potential is so incredibly important if you want to take your photos to the next level.  However, I understand that working with natural light can seem a little overwhelming at first, because you don’t get to choose the light you are given on any particular day!  But that doesn’t mean you don’t have any control - far from it. If you can learn how to work with light you’ve got, or how to modify the light to suit your vision, then you will have mastered a crucial component of photography that will leave you feeling inspired and creative, and creating photos that WOW.  In this episode I’m giving you just a few different photography lighting ideas so you can experiment using the light around you. My goal is a simple one - I want to inspire you to pick up your camera and start looking at the LIGHT as your inspiration!  If you’re interested in learning more about light, be sure to download our FREE Mastering Natural Light Starter Guide where I’ll walk you through six essential types of natural light and how you can use them today! FREE GUIDE: Grab the FREE Mastering Natural Light Starter Guide 👉 MORE RESOURCES Mastering Natural Light Course FREE Mastering Natural Light Starter Guide COME SAY HI! WEBSITE |  BLOG |  INSTAGRAM |  FACEBOOK |  New episodes drop every Tuesday, so make sure to click that follow button to get notified when they land!
What Do The Numbers On My Camera Lens Mean?
What Do The Numbers On My Camera Lens Mean?
“What do all these numbers on these camera lenses actually mean?!”  This was one of my very first questions I had when buying my first DSLR and I don’t mind telling you, it took me a little while to figure out!  So in this week’s episode, I’m going to break down what the numbers on your camera lens actually mean, so that you can figure out how a particular lens will perform,  and therefore whether it is the right lens for you.  Tune into today’s episode to learn:  What the numbers before the mm mean on your camera The quick way to know whether your lens will look more “zoomed in” or “zoomed out”  How this changes depending on your camera body, and the crop factor you should always take into account Why some camera lenses have two numbers before the mm, and some only have one What that F number means on your camera lens, and why sometimes  you will have two numbers separated by a dash Plus we’ll breakdown different camera lenses so you can see how to approach looking at lenses to see how they will perform, and compare them to see which lens is best for you.  FREE GUIDE: Grab the FREE Which Lens Kickstarter Guide here:  👉 MORE RESOURCES To see a visual comparison of focal lengths, and get more resources on camera lenses, head to the show notes for this episode here: 👉 COME SAY HI! WEBSITE |  BLOG |  INSTAGRAM |  FACEBOOK |  New episodes drop every Tuesday, so make sure to click that follow button to get notified when they land!
Lightroom or Lightroom Classic: Which Do I Need in 2024?
Lightroom or Lightroom Classic: Which Do I Need in 2024?
Whether you’re a long time user of Lightroom or Lightroom Classic, OR you’re brand new to editing and just wondering which program to get, you’ve probably come to realize that there are two different programs available from Adobe, both (confusingly!) called Lightroom.  This always raises a lot of questions, particularly for those who are just starting out on their editing journey, and are confused about which one they should get, and the differences between the two!  Adobe does make absolutely top-notch, wonderful editing programs, but sometimes they don’t make it easy to determine which one will suit you best.  Never fear, Audrey’s here!  Today on the podcast, I’m going to dive into the differences between these programs, and how to decide which is the best one for you.  Because each program is suited to a different type of photographer, and the type of workflow you have, or want to have.   So tune into today’s episode to learn:  How to identify the different versions of Lightroom, and the main differences between the two. Why Adobe created two different versions of the same program, and which each is aimed at.  Why you get BOTH Lightroom and Lightroom Classic in the photography plan from Adobe Whether the new Lightroom Local mode a good substitute for Lightroom Classic How you can decide which of these programs is best for YOU. Which plan you should buy (and why Adobe makes this more confusing than it needs to be!)  Be sure to visit the website to see screenshots of which plan to get - it can be confusing!  MENTIONED LINKS:  👉 Download the FREE Lightroom Classic Starter Kit  👉Edit Like A Pro in Lightroom Classic  👉Get Organized in Lightroom Classic   👉Check out the Photography Plans from Adobe  For full details and screenshots, go to COME SAY HI! WEBSITE |  BLOG |  INSTAGRAM |  FACEBOOK |  New episodes drop every Tuesday, so make sure to click that follow button to get notified when they land.
6 Ways to Kickstart Your Creativity In Photography
6 Ways to Kickstart Your Creativity In Photography
I’ve always said that photography is a game of two halves - one side of our brain needs to focus on the technical aspects, such as our camera settings, where to focus, finding the light etc.  The other side needs to see the creative possibilities - the composition, angles, or unique twist we can stamp on our photos!  As photographers, it’s pretty common to focus more on the technical side, and don’t set aside some time for nurturing or practicing our creativity!   While learning the technical side is incredibly important (we need to know HOW to create the vision in our head into a photograph!) spending a wee bit of time nurturing our creativity can be rewarding too.  If you feel your creativity is a little lacking or you’re stuck in a rut, tune in to listen to today’s podcast where I’ve given you some ideas to kickstart your creative side!  So tune into today’s episode to learn:  Why keeping an idea journal can be beneficial, and what to look for when writing down ideas.  How limiting yourself can actually make you more creative! Some ideas for photography projects you can do that will force you to be more creative. A cheap and cheerful hack to use your existing lens in a different way Editing ideas to get more creative without picking up your camera!  MORE RESOURCES FOR YOU! For resources & links, visit our website ➡️  FREE Creative photography exercises and projects guide! 20 PHOTOGRAPHY PROJECT IDEAS 10 WAYS TO IMPROVE  YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY THIS WEEKEND HOW TO EDIT LIKE A PRO IN LIGHTROOM CLASSIC  COME SAY HI! WEBSITE |  BLOG |  INSTAGRAM |  FACEBOOK |  New episodes drop every Tuesday, so make sure to click that follow button to get notified when they land!
5 Reasons Your Photos Aren’t Turning Out The Way You Want!
5 Reasons Your Photos Aren’t Turning Out The Way You Want!
There were so many times back at the early stages of my photography journey where I felt totally disheartened and frustrated, because no matter what I did,  my photos just didn't turn out the way that I had envisaged in  my head,  and nothing like the photos I wanted to take.  Of course, there can be several reasons why each individual image doesn’t quite hit the mark, but if it’s happening frequently, and most importantly,  you don’t know what you’re doing wrong, it’s time to take control and do something about it!  That’s what we’re talking about in today’s episode;  the 5 MOST likely reasons why your images just aren’t turning out like you see in your head,  and how to fix it!  Here’s what we’re talking about today:  Why your exposure settings plays such a big role in how your image looks, and why taking control of them matter so much The biggest “ingredient” in your photo to get right.  How to approach a scene so that you get the best results. Why you need to get your camera manual into your hands today!  What to STOP thinking about for now, and what to focus on instead.  Links Mentioned Auto to Awesome Course 3 Reasons Shooting in Manual Mode will Improve Your Photos  5 Simple Questions That Will Change Your Photos Photography Case Study Katie Lynn Photography Case Study Erica Heinrichs The 90 Day Photograph Starter Guide & Blueprint COME SAY HI! WEBSITE |  BLOG |  INSTAGRAM |  FACEBOOK |  New episodes drop every Tuesday, so make sure to click that follow button to get notified when they land!
When are you ready to start your own photography business?
When are you ready to start your own photography business?
Are you thinking of starting your own photography business, but wondering if you are ready to take the plunge and start charging for your work? Or how long you need to have been shooting for? Or what experience do you need??  Then this week’s episode is for you!  I'm going to talk about some of the things that I personally think you should have in place, and be able to do, before you start charging for your skills.  Tune in to learn:  Why deciding what type of business - and who you want to serve - matters.  The key photography skills you should have mastered before you start charging.  What experience you need, and how you can get it (without seeming like the bargain basement option)  Why consistency is one of the most important things you need before starting to find clients.  How understanding your costs BEFORE you start doing free / low cost practice sessions is SO important, and some of the things you need to consider.  An action plan for starting to charge money for your skills.  RESOURCES MENTIONED Check out the “Photography Biz Start Up Kit” Auto to Awesome  COME SAY HI! WEBSITE |  BLOG |  INSTAGRAM |  FACEBOOK |  New episodes drop every Tuesday, so make sure to click that follow button to get notified when they land!
What is a fast lens and why should I get one?
What is a fast lens and why should I get one?
In this week’s episode, we’re going to be talking about lenses, specifically one type of lens, called “fast lenses”.  You may have already heard this term bandied about and wondered what the heck it refers to! Or maybe you’ve already heard of it, but not sure exactly WHY you might want one, if this is something you should get, and what you should look for if you did!  So tune in as I break down exactly what fast glass refers, and why adding one to your lens collection is a good idea! I must warn you, we talk a bit about settings in this episode, where I give you some numbers for aperture, shutter speed and ISO and give comparison numbers. If you are the type of person who needs to see a number written down for it to make sense (I do!) then be sure to grab a pen and bit of paper so you can see the numbers in front of you as we go along.  Here’s what we’ll cover today:  What exactly people mean when they talk about fast glass, and how it gets its name. The key reason people get a fast lens, and the benefits it can bring.  A real life example of the difference having a fast lens can make to your settings, and the options you have.  Some suggestions for fast lenses if you’re ready to move away from the kit lens.  RESOURCES & LINKS MENTIONED Canon 50mm F1.8 Canon 50mm F1.4 Yonghuo 50mm F1.8 Lens Nikon 50mm F1.8 Lens Nikon 50mm F1.4 FX Lens Sigma 35mm Art Lens for Canon Tamron 35mm F1.4 Lens for Canon Canon 85mm F1.8 Auto to Awesome  COME SAY HI! WEBSITE |  BLOG |  INSTAGRAM |  FACEBOOK |  New episodes drop every Tuesday, so make sure to click that follow button to get notified when they land!
6 Tips for Successfully Organizing Your Photos in Lightroom Classic
6 Tips for Successfully Organizing Your Photos in Lightroom Classic
As we kick off a brand new year, it’s a great time to think about how to organize and clean up your digital image files, and a great program that can really help you do this, is Lightroom Classic. In fact, that is exactly why Lightroom Classic was created - to give photographers like yourself a tool to manage your photos with a complete end to end workflow.   So today on the podcast, I’m going to give you 6 tips for helping you organize your images using Lightroom Classic.   Now if you don’t use Lightroom Classic, you can still take the tips that I’m going to give you, and apply them to your chosen software, so if you don’t have Lightroom Classic, this can still apply to you! Tune in to learn:  Why setting up folder system head of time will help you when it comes to saving and importing your photos Tips to help you stay on top of your image collection once you have imported them.  How to use keywords and filenames to help you find your image files at a later date The MOST important element of your post production workflow.  Why having a repeatable workflow will save you getting back into a mess in the future.  RESOURCES MENTIONED Check out “Get Organized In Lightroom Classic” My 4 Step System For Culling Photos with Intention COME SAY HI! WEBSITE |  BLOG |  INSTAGRAM |  FACEBOOK |  New episodes drop every Tuesday, so make sure to click that follow button to get notified when they land!