My Spiritual Journey: God, Me and Braelyn
Come with me as I talk about me transitioning into my spiritual journey, trusting God, How I felt embarrassed to come to him in prayer because I felt like he wouldn't listen based off all my sins and how I found a church here in ATL that I loveee because of Crystal Hayslett Also known as Fatima I had to pause and give my girl her flowers. 🫶🏽Y'all of all 10 years I've been doing makeup, all the celebrities I've met and done services for and while I love each and every person I've been blessed to service it's just something about Crystals journey and story that inspires me in soo many different ways. Not just her story, but who she is as a person. Iykyk how much I look up to her lol she's such a beautiful spirit and always blesses her presence with so much grace & peace. You can literally see God heavy through her and thats what inspires me the absolute most. It came to a shock to everyone when I started to express her being my idol because I've literally never had one until I came across her. You rarely ever get to meet your idols and when you do, sometimes they're not who thought they were. But within 6 weeks of me finding out about her, God made a way for me to meet her ON MY BIRTHDAY!!! 🥹💕 First impressions are everything & I'll never forget hers to me. So amazing & so happy for all she's doing. & Go check out her podcast if you haven't already. It'll change your lifee💐💕SN: it was Nzinga Imani (Angela) personality when I did her makeup that made wanna watch the show and I'm so glad I did because chileee I've been glued every since 😂😂 so thank you as well for being you for having such a big personality that everyone lovessss!! 🫶🏽✨See you guys each and every Monday @7am EST!!!Listen and Watch the podcast here: https://linktr.ee/makeupbydalesaMy Gospel Playlist https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/gospel/pl.u-oZyllDlsZo2DbP@_rmills Cliphttps://www.instagram.com/p/CvyVS5jL_i8/Follow Us https://www.instagram.com/nomommiesleftbehind/My Personal IG https://www.instagram.com/makeupbydalesa/My Idol Crystal Haysletthttps://www.instagram.com/luvcrystalrenee/Her Podcast https://www.instagram.com/keepitpositivesweetie/Links to My Books/DevotionalsWhen Women Pray By TD Jakeshttps://www.amazon.com/When-Women-Pray-Changed-Through/dp/B08G595C77/ref=sr_1_1?crid=7GHJF4WEW5A5&keywords=when+women+pray+td+jakes&qid=1694979583&sprefix=when+women+pr%2Caps%2C122&sr=8-1Quiet Times With God By Joyce Meyershttps://www.amazon.com/Quiet-Times-God-Devotional-Inspirations/dp/B08GRB49GQ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=MHY2SLANU83L&keywords=quiet+times+with+god&qid=1694979651&s=audible&sprefix=quiet+times+with+god+%2Caudible%2C115&sr=1-1Jesus Calling https://www.amazon.com/Jesus-Calling-Updated-Expanded-Enjoying/dp/B01M0GAAYQ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=152PHVFZ6CVIQ&keywords=jesus+calling&qid=1694979686&s=audible&sprefix=jesus+callin%2Caudible%2C101&sr=1-1