Multiple Fragment Ligation: The Why and How

Mentors at Your Benchside

14-05-2024 • 7 mins

#105 — You may be familiar with standard single fragment ligations: insert, vector, ligase—done! But what if you have a complex cloning project with a massive region of DNA to clone? You can’t PCR the whole thing, and you can’t cut the entire thing out from somewhere else. What do you do?

In this episode, we explain the answer: multiple fragment ligation.

Check out the corresponding article for some handy illustrations and links to related resources. [1] To discover more ways to go about molecular cloning, check out these five approaches. [2] And read this article to dive deeper into how ligation works. [3]

1. Multiple Fragment Ligation: The Why and How. Available at:
2. Cloning Methods: 5 Different Ways to Assemble. Available at:
3. DNA Ligation: How it Works & 6 Top Tips. Available at:

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