Personal Advice on Building Your Professional Network. It Takes a Village

Mentors at Your Benchside

09-07-2024 • 10 mins

#109 — How do you build a scientific network that gives you the best chance of getting your research funded? How can you identify who to include in your network, and how should you contact them?

This episode explains how to build a scientific network that works for you. We discuss the answers to these questions and provide some examples of collaborations that ended well—and some that didn't.

Check out our online article for additional resources to help get your research funded. [1] If you struggle to convey the impact of your research, you should definitely check out our webinar on this topic. [2] Plus, you can find more direct funding advice from Joel Berry here. [3]

1. Personal Advice on Building Your Professional Network. It Takes a Village. Available at:
2. How to Effectively Communicate Your Research. Available at:
3. How to Become an Expert at Getting Funded. Available at:

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