Overhang PCR: Add Missing DNA Sequences Using Primers

Mentors at Your Benchside

30-01-2024 • 5 mins

#95 — Have you ever accidentally forgotten to add the Kozak consensus sequence to the start of a coding gene? Or forgotten to include the stop codon? Did you clone something, then realize you wanted to tag it with something? Or do you want to add restriction enzymes to your PCR product to make it easier to clone into a plasmid? Overhang PCR may be your answer!

In this episode, we discuss what overhang PCR is, its benefits, and how to perform it in the lab. [1] While you are here, check out our article on TA cloning? [2]

1. Overhang PCR: Add Missing DNA Sequences Using Primers. Available at: https://bitesizebio.com/20786/overhang-pcr/
2. Ta-Da! The Magic of Taq and TA Cloning. Available at: https://bitesizebio.com/19709/ta-da-the-magic-of-taq-and-ta-cloning/

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