Historical Belfast

Jason Burke

Described in one review as a 'Belfast Tardis', Historical Belfast is Belfast's one and only history podcast on the airwaves. Hosted by historian Jason Burke, it provides an accessible and entertaining insight into the fascinating history of Northern Ireland's capital city, once proclaimed as 'the Athens of the North'.

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Exploring Donegall Street
Exploring Donegall Street
For this episode I’ve decided to re-trace some of my steps from last year. Early in 2023, while chatting with Eoin Brannigan – Editor In Chief at the Belfast Telegraph – we came up with a plan for a series of articles to feature in the newspaper. The series was directly inspired by Donal Fallon’s brilliant Three Castles Burning book A History of Dublin in Twelve Streets. “Do you think this could be done for Belfast?” Eoin asked me. “Absolutely!” I replied, and so I got to work on it straight away by selecting an initial list of 10 streets to go away and research. The idea was not to provide a dull chronological historical description of each street, rather it was to unearth interesting and lesser-known stories of people & events associated with each street and then attempt to weave them together. The end product, it was hoped, would offer a history of Belfast from the streets – an alternative history, if you like. For me it became a voyage of discovery with every passing street, and I’m pleased to say that the voyage isn’t over because the Belfast Telegraph has committed me to another 10 articles starting later this month. Each of these articles will be repurposed as bonus podcast episodes for subscribers on Patreon – so if you haven’t checked out the Historical Belfast Patreon yet now is the time to do so!But for now, we’re going back to the start - back to the very first article that I wrote which kicked off the series. Part of the fun of these articles was seeing how the editors would choose the titles after I’d submitted them. For this one on Donegall Street they opted for ‘Bleak Street’, and here’s why.First World War Historical Walking Tour (Sunday 14th July)Support the Show.
Titanic: Ship of Dreams with Gareth Russell
Titanic: Ship of Dreams with Gareth Russell
The biggest ship the world had ever seen, constructed by the world’s biggest shipbuilder Harland & Wolff; Titanic was (and still remains) something that Belfast is immensely proud of. Belfast bore no shame from the tragedy of the ship’s sinking, for it was the blood, sweat and tears of our own that built it. “She was alright when she left here” was our tongue-in-cheek way of saying “We did our bit”, and suffered in the process. Eight Belfast lads lost their lives during the two-year construction period; I avoid calling them ‘Belfast men’ because the youngest was just 15 years of age – Samuel Scott from Templemore Street in the East of the city – only a child. Samuel had been employed as a ‘catchboy’ – a junior member of a riveting squad. His cause of death was recorded as a fractured skull. In many ways Samuel Scott and his 7 mortally injured colleagues are the forgotten collateral damage that was necessary to make Titanic a reality. In stark contrast to the luxury on board the ship and the billions of pounds and dollars that have swirled around the Titanic brand to this day Samuel Scott lay in an unmarked grave in Belfast City Cemetery until 2011 when Feile an Phobail (the West Belfast Festival) provided a headstone to remember him. Titanic is arguably worth more to Belfast today than 111 years ago when she slipped out of Belfast like a palace on the sea. Our Titanic Belfast museum, which took longer to build than the ship itself, cost in excess of £100m and continues to attract millions of visitors who are keen to see and hear more about a tragic maritime tale that has been so often told. It’s said that well over 500 books have been written about Titanic in the English language alone – if you count assorted reprints and books in foreign languages the total number of Titanic texts is somewhere in the region of 1,000. You’d think, therefore, that not much else could be written which hadn’t been written before – and you’d be wrong, because my guest for this episode has managed to do exactly that and seemingly with great success.Gareth Russell is a Belfast-based historian, novelist and playwright. In 2019 he published his account of the Titanic disaster titled The Ship of Dreams: The Sinking of the Titanic and the End of the Edwardian Era. It was named a ‘Book of the Year’ by The Times newspaper and a ‘Best History Book of 2019’ by The Daily Telegraph – no mean feat…And so when thinking about the Titanic and Belfast’s connections to it I figured there would be no better person to speak to than Gareth. Support the Show.
Voetbalstad Belfast (Football City Belfast) with Wouter Schollema
Voetbalstad Belfast (Football City Belfast) with Wouter Schollema
When we think of the Dutch and their association with football it immediately evokes images of Johan Cruyff and his iconic ‘Cruyff turn’, Van Basten’s almost impossible goal in 1988, Ruud Gullit’s ‘sexy football’, Ajax winning the European Cup in 1995, and the famous ‘sea of orange’ that accompanies the Netherlands national team wherever they play. It really is a world away from our own domestic football scene here in Northern Ireland where the prospect of a Tuesday night fixture away to Warrenpoint Town doesn’t quite have the same appeal as what the Netherlands can offer.And yet recently I’ve come across a Dutch historian who is so fascinated by the history of football in Belfast that he has decided to write a book about it – in Dutch, and for a Dutch audience…Wouter Schollema is from the Frieseland region in the north of Netherlands. Through his studies at the Groningen University Wouter gained a keen interest in the history of Ireland and, in particular, the more recent history of Northern Ireland.Football-wise he supports a club called Cambuur who, if the Dutch Erdivisie is turned upside down, are one of the top teams in the Netherlands… In reality they’re about the be relegated to the Dutch second-tier. At Cambuur, Wouter provides stadium tours for visitors and he is also the Dutch language teacher for the foreign players at the club.Over the last year or so Wouter and I have struck up a friendship due to our mutual interest in football and so I thought it was only right that I should invite him onto the podcast to talk about his book, and I began by asking him where his fascination with Belfast comes from.Support the Show.
Glentoran FC and the Vienna Cup, with Sam Robinson
Glentoran FC and the Vienna Cup, with Sam Robinson
One Saturday Before the Great War, thirteen players from Glentoran Football Club, industrial workers to a man, each of them living in the cramped housing of Ballymacarrett, became the unlikely heroes of a tale which is scarcely believable.Those not familiar with the story are to be forgiven for thinking that Sam Robinson, a writer and Glentoran fanatic, has let his imagination run wild during these gruelling months of lock-down, however the reality is quite the opposite. Sam has spent many months trawling through online archives including those of foreign countries, tracking down individuals, and writing an historical account of the underdogs from East Belfast on the European stage. The comedy element of the pub crawls and players going AWOL helps us relate to the players as people that we recognise – they weren’t the professional footballers of today, but normal people like you I – and excited to see the world.The winning of the cup in Vienna was the high water mark of the story – in many ways, the events surrounding it almost made the cup irrelevant, such were high stakes. The glory of Vienna was followed by a dark twist – heading into the mouth of the First World War the Glentoran party were forced to “run like hell” to escape being caught up in the opening exchanges of the conflict. When the war eventually did begin, some of the Glentoran players served in the British Army. Indeed, some of the players who they had faced on the tour served also, but on the opposing side – Hertha Berlin, for example lost 36 men in total during the Great War.And as if that wasn’t enough, when the Second World War began in 1939, some of the characters in this story became victims of the Holocaust, while one man was executed for an attempt on the life of Adolf Hitler. You literally couldn’t make it up…The Second World War touched Glentoran too of course, the club was virtually destroyed during the Belfast Blitz, including the Oval grounds, the kits, the records, and the trophies all lost except one which sat on the chairman’s mantle piece – the Vienna Cup.Welcome to Episode 12 of the Historical Belfast Podcast, this episode being dedicated to Sam Robinson’s new book on the Glentoran side that toured Europe in 1914 and brought home a cup won in Vienna. Copies of the book can be obtained by contacting Sam via the ‘One Saturday Before The War’ Facebook page – also, if you’ve any further information to add to the story, particularly on the players, Sam would be delighted to hear from you.If you’re new to this podcast, please check out the previous 11 episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcast content, and most importantly, share the episodes on your social media, it really helps people to find it.After reading the book myself, Sam joined me on Zoom for a chat and I began by asking him how his relationship began with Glentoran Football Club...(Bless 'em All piano version by Calikokat Piano: (4) Bless ‘Em All – Piano - YouTube)Support the Show.
Belfast Boys with Professor Richard Grayson
Belfast Boys with Professor Richard Grayson
For Episode 10 of the Historical Belfast Podcast I’ve been chatting to Professor Richard Grayson, head of history at Goldsmiths University London. Richard Grayson has many publications to his name, too many to list here certainly, but I will mention two in particular: Dublin’s Great Wars  - The First World War, the Easter Rising and the Irish Revolution, published in 2018 and one that I know listeners of this podcast would enjoy.  And secondly, Belfast Boys – How Unionists and Nationalists Fought and Died Together in the First World War, published in 2009, it is a book that I have leaned heavily on over the years, it’s become almost like a bible in the sense that it’s the one book that I keep going back to in order to find solutions for my own research conundrums and it generally always comes up with the answers.Belfast Boys fundamentally changed how I approach the writing of history. It led me into a world of history by numbers, an scientific approach to the craft which is underpinned by statistics. However, Richard has cleverly taken that scientific approach and weaved through it the individual and local stories which make it relatable for the reader.The late Professor Keith Jeffery, my one-time supervisor at Queen’s described Belfast Boys as ‘An extremely important book. This work of humane scholarship deserves to become a classic’. For me, 12 years on from its publication, it is already a classic, and as relevant today as it was when it was first released.Support the Show.
'The Famine's Not Funny' with Tim McGarry
'The Famine's Not Funny' with Tim McGarry
Tim McGarry has become a familiar face on our tv screens over the last 20 years or more.He is perhaps best-known for his role as a fictional Sinn Fein spokesman ‘Da’ in the evergreen comedy series ‘Give My Head Peace’.These days he might best be described as a comedian, actor, broadcaster, and as his Wikipedia page points out, a fan of Cliftonville Football Club…Having said all that, I haven’t invited Tim onto the Historical Belfast Podcast merely for the sake of it. His work, at times, has strayed into the field of history. More recently, a radio series titled ‘The Long And The Short of It’ has been investigating complex matters of Irish history from different perspectives.In previous years I’ve seen him do a stand-up show on the events of 1916 as well as a hilarious overview of Irish history called ‘Tim McGarry’s Irish History Lesson’…And so, when I thought about Tim, and how he engages with history, it intrigued me. At times he uses his comedy to confront contentious issues from our past and he seemingly gets away with it where others might not.In this episode you’ll hear from someone who is extremely well-read in their history, instilled during his younger years at a Christian Brothers School and then at St Malachy’s College, itself steeped in history. Tim is endlessly witty and open minded about history and identity, but more importantly he’s an all-round good guy. Don’t forget to listen to the previous 8 episodes of the Historical Belfast Podcast. You can subscribe for free on Apple, Spotify, Amazon, or wherever you get your content and this will ensure that you never miss an episode. But for now, I hope you enjoy Episode 9, I’m calling it 'The Famine’s Not Funny' with Tim McGarry, and I started off by asking him to describe his relationship with history…Support the Show.