Be the leader of your own life!

Rocks n Rituals Soul Food Nibbles

19-10-2023 • 19 mins

It is time to be the leader of your own life.

The cards say so. And your soul knows. Doesn't it?

The 3 cards from the Light Seer's Tarot deck this week are clearly showing you a path to self leadership. We have the 2 of Wands, The Emperor and the 10 of Cups.

What fabulous cards!

I have a real bee in my bonnet about being your own boss. I think it is because several years ago I was made redundant. And it came right out of the blue and blind-sided me. It left me feeling stupid, for not seeing it coming, and made me feel like a failure. I had never been "let go" in any previous jobs. It was a horrible feeling.

I was reminded of it recently when someone close me lost her job unexpectedly and unfairly. The anger that welled inside me as she spoke of how she had been working away with her manager laughing and joking all day, completely unaware that anything was wrong. And 5 minutes before the end of her shift he told her he was letting her go. They had no reason to let her go - she was an excellent employee. Always punctual, great work ethic and a fast learner. Clearly someone had a personality issue with her or was jealous but for reasons unknown, they let her go.

The bottom fell out of her world. She was stunned. She was upset and it left her feeling like a failure. But what makes me so proud of her is that she used that pain to get straight back out there. She has applied for dozens of new positions and will be snapped up in no time whatsoever.

But it reminded me of my redundancy. Of when I was left out in the cold. And how that sparked an inner fire in me which has led me here. I have used that fire and drive to build my own business, and with the help of some amazing mentors I am thriving and leading the life I could only ever dream of before.

And that is what is showing up in the cards this week.

The 2 of wands asking us to step out of the comfort zone. To follow the yearning of our soul for adventure despite the fear we feel inside when change comes calling.

The Emperor - asking us to step up and be the leader of our lives. To take action, rather than being the dreamer just planning and planning with nothing to show for it.

And the 10 of Cups - the happy ever after card which we can achieve when we step into the driving seat of our own lives!

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