Trinity High Wycombe and Cores End United Reformed Churches - Sermons 1 year ago. #AllAreWelcome

Trinity URC1Y

📻 Listen again to messages from our services 1 year ago. Join us for worship every Sunday, #AllAreWelcome Hear truths on God's unconditional love, Jesus' radical inclusion, and how we can love all people. 🙏️ Be encouraged to walk in love as Christ did. ✝️ Spread hope - share this podcast! 💌 Let it inspire you and others to follow Jesus' example. Don't just listen - come every Sunday and experience God's love! ♥️ We'd love to worship with you in person! See you there! Website: YouTube: #GrowTogether #LoveOneAnother read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


Sunday, 17th September 2023 - Sow generously
Sunday, 17th September 2023 - Sow generously
Short Talk; 'sow generously' Gratitude: An expression of thanks to God for His indescribable gift. Generosity: The importance of generosity, highlighting that all good things come from the generous love and grace of God. The metaphor of a seed, emphasizing how a seed must be sown, die in the ground, and then produce an incredible harvest. Jesus' fascination with seeds and how He used parables like the sower and the seed to convey important lessons. Seeds are described as fascinating because they contain life within a tiny shell and, under the right conditions, can produce something marvelous. Paul's challenge to a vibrant but sometimes divided Corinthian church. Giving Cheerfully: Paul encourages cheerful giving and emphasizes that it should be a personal decision rather than driven by guilt or comparison with others. Multiplication of Seeds: How a single seed of Jesus' life has multiplied into millions or billions of changed lives over centuries. An example of a simple act of generosity, starting with a small cupboard in Saint Andrews Church, which has grown to help hundreds of thousands of people in need. The Abundance of God's Love: The immense, indescribable gift of God's love and grace, freely given, and encourages generosity in response. All good things come from God's abundant love and grace Generosity is a reflection of God's love and a means to bring blessings to others, creating a harvest of joy and love. Join us in looking back 📻 ! Listen again to timeless messages from our services from 1 year ago. Hear truths on God's unconditional love, Jesus' radical inclusion, and how we can love all people. 🙏️ Be encouraged to walk in love as Christ did. ✝️ Spread hope - share this podcast! 💌 Let it inspire you and others to follow Jesus' example. 👣 Invite friends to tune in! 🗣️ Join us for worship every Sunday, #AllAreWelcome Don't just listen - come every Sunday and experience God's love! ♥️ We'd love to worship with you in person! 👐 See you there! Website: YouTube: Podcasts: Twitter: Instagram: What's on: #Church #ListenAgain #WhatDidYouSay #Worship #TheMessage #God #Jesus #Podcast #Faith #ChurchLife #GetConnected #GrowTogether #LoveOneAnother
Sunday, 10th September 2023 - Jacob, the ladder, and trusting
Sunday, 10th September 2023 - Jacob, the ladder, and trusting
Jacob was a lonely, guilty figure fleeing his past when he had the dream. God had to speak to Jacob in a dream when he was passive to get through to him. In the dream, Jacob saw a ladder between heaven and earth with angels going up and down. The passage points to Jesus as the ladder between heaven and earth. Jesus referred to himself as the ladder between heaven and earth. The passage also tells us something about the church as a "trusting" place where heaven and earth meet. The church is a special meeting place between God and people. The passage addresses us individually in our own lonely, guilty, or dark places. Even when we don't know it, God can be present with us in those painful places. Those painful places can later become "Bethel" - the house of God. Join us in looking back 📻 ! Listen again to timeless messages from our services from 1 year ago. Hear truths on God's unconditional love, Jesus' radical inclusion, and how we can love all people. 🙏️ Be encouraged to walk in love as Christ did. ✝️ Spread hope - share this podcast! 💌 Let it inspire you and others to follow Jesus' example. 👣 Invite friends to tune in! 🗣️ Join us for worship every Sunday, #AllAreWelcome Don't just listen - come every Sunday and experience God's love! ♥️ We'd love to worship with you in person! 👐 See you there! Website: YouTube: Podcasts: Twitter: Instagram: What's on: #Church #ListenAgain #WhatDidYouSay #Worship #TheMessage #God #Jesus #Podcast #Faith #ChurchLife #GetConnected #GrowTogether #LoveOneAnother
Sunday, 3rd September 2023 - The Season of creation
Sunday, 3rd September 2023 - The Season of creation
All age Talk: ‘Season of Creation – rivers of justice and peace’ The river of Life from Revelation, bringing healing. Rivers start small but grow large, which fascinates the speaker. The local River Wye is a precious chalk stream needing protection. The Wye has been polluted and neglected over the years. Local groups like Revive the Wye aim to restore and protect the river. Rivers worldwide are being damaged through pollution. Rivers are sacred places in scripture that we must protect. Join us in looking back 📻 ! Listen again to timeless messages from our services from 1 year ago. Hear truths on God's unconditional love, Jesus' radical inclusion, and how we can love all people. 🙏️ Be encouraged to walk in love as Christ did. ✝️ Spread hope - share this podcast! 💌 Let it inspire you and others to follow Jesus' example. 👣 Invite friends to tune in! 🗣️ Join us for worship every Sunday, #AllAreWelcome Don't just listen - come every Sunday and experience God's love! ♥️ We'd love to worship with you in person! 👐 See you there! Website: YouTube: Podcasts: Twitter: Instagram: What's on: #Church #ListenAgain #WhatDidYouSay #Worship #TheMessage #God #Jesus #Podcast #Faith #ChurchLife #GetConnected #GrowTogether #LoveOneAnother
Sunday, 27th August 2023 - The lectionary and what it means
Sunday, 27th August 2023 - The lectionary and what it means
Reflecting on the previous sermon series on Revelation. Why the lectionary is used for most services rather than exploring other parts of the Bible. Doing the daily office with readings and psalms from the lectionary. Fewer churches have evening services now, and we are poorer for it Certain Bible passages and hymns conjure up thoughts about God. Recalling a confirmation class discussion about hymns portraying God. One student said a hymn portrayed God like an almighty corset. Today's Romans passage reminds us of a previous sermon on not thinking too highly of yourself. Relating this to the unattractive character of Uriah Heep from David Copperfield. Does emphasizing humility makes some people think even less of themselves. Does stressing humility leads some people to think even less of themselves when they already face challenges to their self-esteem from lack of education, employment, or respect from others. Join us in looking back 📻 ! Listen again to timeless messages from our services from 1 year ago. Hear truths on God's unconditional love, Jesus' radical inclusion, and how we can love all people. 🙏️ Be encouraged to walk in love as Christ did. ✝️ Spread hope - share this podcast! 💌 Let it inspire you and others to follow Jesus' example. 👣 Invite friends to tune in! 🗣️ Join us for worship every Sunday, #AllAreWelcome Don't just listen - come every Sunday and experience God's love! ♥️ We'd love to worship with you in person! 👐 See you there! Website: YouTube: Podcasts: Twitter: Instagram: What's on: #Church #ListenAgain #WhatDidYouSay #Worship #TheMessage #God #Jesus #Podcast #Faith #ChurchLife #GetConnected #GrowTogether #LoveOneAnother
Sunday, 20th August 2023 - Sermon: John's Dos and Dont's
Sunday, 20th August 2023 - Sermon: John's Dos and Dont's
John tries to take in all he's seen and heard in the vision He is overwhelmed and kneels to worship the angel But the angel says "Don't do it" Don't worship me, worship God Don't worship lesser things, only God Not the Bible, ministers, rulers, wealth, technology or military might The emperor demanded worship as God's son But the angels say these words can be trusted - worship God Jesus says happy are those who obey the prophetic words The message is simple - worship the living God John is overwhelmed by the vision and kneels to worship the angel, but is told not to worship lesser things, only God. Rulers like the emperor demanded worship but angels tell John the words are true - worship God. The message is not to worship human rulers and powers but only the living God. This is the simple message to obey from Revelation. Join us in looking back 📻 ! Listen again to timeless messages from our services from 1 year ago. Hear truths on God's unconditional love, Jesus' radical inclusion, and how we can love all people. 🙏️ Be encouraged to walk in love as Christ did. ✝️ Spread hope - share this podcast! 💌 Let it inspire you and others to follow Jesus' example. 👣 Invite friends to tune in! 🗣️ Join us for worship every Sunday, #AllAreWelcome Don't just listen - come every Sunday and experience God's love! ♥️ We'd love to worship with you in person! 👐 See you there! Website: YouTube: Podcasts: Twitter: Instagram: What's on: #Church #ListenAgain #WhatDidYouSay #Worship #TheMessage #God #Jesus #Podcast #Faith #ChurchLife #GetConnected #GrowTogether #LoveOneAnother
Sunday, 20th August - Talk: Light of our lives
Sunday, 20th August - Talk: Light of our lives
The new Jerusalem needs no sun or moon to shine on it The glory of God shines on it and the Lamb is its lamp Ancient people worshiped the sun for its life-giving light and warmth The moon was seen as a lesser god, creating seasons and rhythms Cities produced their own light with oil lamps in John's day But today's light pollution would astonish ancients John knows the importance of light But the true light is God's spiritual light - the glory of God This has been seen in Jesus, the Lamb on the cross If we learn one thing from John, it is to worship the living God The theme of light, referring to the passage just read about how the New Jerusalem needs no sun or moon because God is its light. Ancient people worshiped the sun and moon but that John sees the true light as the spiritual light of God's glory, revealed in Jesus Christ. The main message from John is to worship the living God, not lesser things. Listen again to key parts of our services from 1 year ago Join us for worship every Sunday, all are welcome Website: YouTube: Podcasts: Twitter: Instagram: What's on: #AllAreWelcome #Church #ListenAgain #WhatDidYouSay #Worship #TheMessage #God #Jesus #Podcast
Sunday, 6th August 2023 - After Alpha
Sunday, 6th August 2023 - After Alpha
Revelation repeatedly calls us to simple heartfelt worship of God. It invites us to put aside earthly idols that demand our worship. John wrote Revelation when Christians faced persecution from the Roman empire. The churches he wrote to were frightened by the empire's military might. But John reminds them that Rome is not the ultimate power - God is. There is a spiritual battle between good and evil described in these chapters. Though it talks of destructive forces, God can destroy destruction without being destructive. Heaven falls silent so God can hear the cries of his people on earth. At the communion table, we proclaim the lamb sacrificed on the cross as the ultimate power, not political or military forces. We must continue to worship God amidst life's struggles, holding onto all that is good. We explore Revelation's call to worship God above all earthly powers. Though the middle chapters describe spiritual battles, John reminds us that God, not the mighty Roman empire, is the ultimate power. God destroys evil without being destructive himself. Overall we are to worship God amidst life's struggles, proclaiming Christ's sacrifice as the greatest power. Listen again to key parts of our services from 1 year ago Join us for worship every Sunday, all are welcome Website: YouTube: Podcasts: Twitter: Instagram: What's on: #AllAreWelcome #Church #ListenAgain #WhatDidYouSay #Worship #TheMessage #God #Jesus #Podcast
Sunday, 16th July 2023 - Numbers and symbols
Sunday, 16th July 2023 - Numbers and symbols
The sermon reflects on the imagery in Revelation, especially the four "heavenly creatures" repr esenting all creation worshiping God, and the image of Jesus as a sacrificed lamb. The preacher discusses how Revelation reveals the glory and majesty of God. Revelation is a visionary book filled with symbolic imagery and numbers. It reveals God's heavenly perspective on history and current events. The four "heavenly creatures" may represent the heights of creation - lion, ox, eagle, human. They are also linked to the four Gospel writers - lion for Mark, human for Matthew, ox for Luke, eagle for John. Numbers like 4, 7, and 12 have symbolic meaning coming from the Old Testament. Revelation portrays heaven as a place of continuous worship with God at the center. Jesus is portrayed as a sacrificed lamb, showing he conquered through self-sacrifice. The slain lamb is worthy to open the scroll of God's plans. The creatures and elders in heaven continually worship God and the lamb. Revelation invites Christians on earth to join in the heavenly worship and praise of God. The Book of Revelation uses vivid symbolic imagery and numbers, like the number 7 representing completeness, to reveal God's majestic heavenly realm, where the four wondrous creatures representing all of creation along with the twenty-four elders continually worship the Lord Almighty. At the center of this glorious worship stands the sacrificed Lamb, Jesus Christ, who is worthy to fulfill God's eternal plans. By portraying this awe-inspiring scene of ongoing praise in heaven, Revelation invites Christians on earth to envision ourselves participating in this eternal worship, caught up in wonder and awe of our magnificent, loving Creator and Redeemer. As we join in praise of God and the Lamb, we align our lives to their purposes and participate here and now in the cosmic worship that continues forever around God's throne. Join us in looking back 📻 ! Listen again to timeless messages from our services from 1 year ago. Hear truths on God's unconditional love, Jesus' radical inclusion, and how we can love all people. 🙏️ Be encouraged to walk in love as Christ did. ✝️ Spread hope - share this podcast! 💌 Let it inspire you and others to follow Jesus' example. 👣 Invite friends to tune in! 🗣️ Join us for worship every Sunday, #AllAreWelcome Don't just listen - come every Sunday and experience God's love! ♥️ We'd love to worship with you in person! 👐 See you there! Website: YouTube: Podcasts: Twitter: Instagram: What's on: #Church #ListenAgain #WhatDidYouSay #Worship #TheMessage #God #Jesus #Podcast #Faith #ChurchLife #GetConnected #GrowTogether #LoveOneAnother
Sunday, 9th July 2023 - Finding out about God
Sunday, 9th July 2023 - Finding out about God
Finding out about God The Old Testament shows gradual revelation of God over time. The New Testament revelation through Jesus was fuller. We don't know for certain if Jesus said the words in Matthew about no one knowing the Father except the Son. The Gospels were written long after Jesus' life. Matthew, as a disciple, likely remembered Jesus' important teachings. Jesus reveals God to the marginalized, not the arrogant. Matthew passage shows Jesus' frustration at people missing his message. Genesis shows early stages of understanding God. We must be humble and open to ongoing revelation, not arrogant about our knowledge. In today’s sermon, we explore the theme of “Finding Out About God.” How the Old Testament shows a gradual revelation of God unfolding over many years. Contrast this to the time of Jesus, when we see fuller revelation of God’s nature and purpose. Now the Gospels were written decades after Jesus lived, so we can’t be certain he actually spoke the words in Matthew about no one knowing the Father except the Son. But as a disciple, Matthew likely remembered Jesus’ most important teachings. The passage shows Jesus’ frustration that people were missing his message about God’s love and salvation. Jesus reveals God to the poor and marginalized, not the arrogant. Going back to Genesis, we see the early stages of humanity just beginning to understand who God is. For us today, the lesson is that we must remain humble and open to ongoing revelation of God through Christ. We must not become arrogant or think we have perfect knowledge already. May we keep seeking God with childlike faith, wonder and curiosity. Listen again to key parts of our services from 1 year ago Join us for worship every Sunday, all are welcome Website: YouTube: Podcasts: Twitter: Instagram: What's on: #AllAreWelcome #Church #ListenAgain #WhatDidYouSay #Worship #TheMessage #God #Jesus #Podcast
Sunday, 2nd July 2023 - The Book of Revelation
Sunday, 2nd July 2023 - The Book of Revelation
The Book of Revelation can be challenging and bewildering, causing discomfort and fear for some readers. There were debates in the early church about whether to include the Book of Revelation in the New Testament, but it ultimately became part of the Bible. The book was written by John, who was exiled to the island of Patmos due to his witness, and it emerged from a context of persecution under the Roman Empire. Revelation belongs to the apocalyptic genre, which contrasts earthly and heavenly life and speaks of a struggle between good and evil. Violent imagery in Revelation should not be taken literally; at its core is Jesus, who sacrificed himself for humanity. The book begins with letters to seven churches, including the church of Laodicea, which is criticized for its complacency and lukewarm faith. Jesus is portrayed as knocking on the door of the Laodicean church, urging them to open their hearts and let him in. The invitation to open the door symbolizes a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus. The book invites readers to open their hearts, minds, spirits, and lives to the loving Lord, who offers forgiveness, purpose, and love. "Do not panic. If you don't warm to the Book of Revelation, you're in good company." "Be patient with the book; it's full of imagery. It isn't a description of reality as such; it was a vision that came to John in the context of worship." "Here I am, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with them and they with me." Listen again to key parts of our services from 1 year ago Join us for worship every Sunday, all are welcome Website: YouTube: Podcasts: Twitter: Instagram: What's on: #AllAreWelcome #Church #ListenAgain #WhatDidYouSay #Worship #TheMessage #God #Jesus #Podcast
Sunday, 25th June 2023 - 3 key words: visitors, hospitality, compassion
Sunday, 25th June 2023 - 3 key words: visitors, hospitality, compassion
Sermon: followed by time of quiet reflection 3 key words: visitors, hospitality, compassion The scriptures highlight the theme of visitors and hospitality, starting with Abraham and Sarah encountering three visitors in Genesis. People in the Bible are constantly on the move, encountering new situations and meeting strangers, emphasizing the theme of journeys and travel. Change and unexpected circumstances can disrupt and transform our lives, whether by our own choices, actions of others, sickness, suffering, or blessings. God is found amidst our wanderings and encounters, often visiting us in surprising and unrecognized ways, delivering blessings beyond our imagination. Jesus is the ultimate visitor, entering fully into human life, teaching, healing, and showing compassion to those in need, revealing God's new way of being with us. Jesus' presence transcends time and space through his death, resurrection, and Ascension, making his home forever with us. Suffering and need are prevalent in the world, and amidst these realities, the stories of Abraham, Sarah, and Jesus offer hope, compassion, and love. God invites people to join in the work of compassion and salvation, as seen in Abraham and Sarah being part of God's unfolding story and the disciples being commissioned and sent out. The disciples' names and our own names are part of the ongoing story of God's saving and renewing all of creation, with unique callings and opportunities for each individual. As we respond to God's call, we can be answers to prayer, revealing God's heart of compassion, seeking justice, and taking action, even if the laborers may seem few. Welcoming people in need Listen again to key parts of our services from 1 year ago Website: Podcasts: Twitter: Instagram: What's on: #AllAreWelcome #Church #ListenAgain #WhatDidYouSay #Worship #TheMessage #God #Jesus #Podcast
Sunday, 18th June 2023 - God demonstrates His Love
Sunday, 18th June 2023 - God demonstrates His Love
Address “God demonstrates His Love” followed by time of quiet reflection The sermon emphasizes that being a Christian is about what God has done through Jesus Christ, not our own actions or words. Jesus was credited as righteous by God for paying the penalty of sin, even though he was without sin himself. We cannot pay the debt of our sin ourselves; it requires a perfect sacrifice, which Jesus provided as the Lamb of God. By putting our sins on Jesus and accepting him through faith, we are considered righteous in God's sight. Through Jesus' death and resurrection, our sins have been paid for, and we are set free from the penalty of sin. Faith is crucial in accepting this freedom and trusting in what Jesus and God have promised. Our trust in God should not waver, even in the face of suffering, as it produces endurance, character, and hope. God's love for us is demonstrated by Christ's death for sinners, even when we were still ungodly. We are justified and have peace with God through faith, becoming his children and sharing in his glory. Reading God's word helps us grow spiritually and deepen our faith, as it reveals the character and love of God. Suffering should not discourage or deter believers from their faith, but rather it should be seen as an opportunity for spiritual growth and an occasion to deepen our trust in God Listen again to key parts of our services from 1 year ago Website: Podcasts: Twitter: Instagram: What's on: #AllAreWelcome #Church #ListenAgain #WhatDidYouSay #Worship #TheMessage #God #Jesus #Podcast