We Can Remake The World

Nathan Gardner

You want to change the world? So do we. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by our challenges it’s time to get informed and find solutions. There are people changing the world every day and you can help. Join us as we speak with visionary business leaders, nonprofits, artists, and everyday people who are making an impact. From sustainability to human rights, host Nathan Gardner shares concrete ways you can make a difference exactly where you are. Tune in, get informed, get inspired, and take action. Subscribe and share these stories with others. A better world is possible so let’s build it. Let’s change the world. read less
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Take Action to Stop Illegal Fishing and Save Our Planet - Sea Shepherd pt 2
Take Action to Stop Illegal Fishing and Save Our Planet - Sea Shepherd pt 2
When the going gets tough the activists get tougher. Our oceans are in distress as we continue to overfish marine ecosystems around the world. 90% of whales, 85-99% of shark species, trillions of fish, and countless other ocean animals have been lost due to overfishing, much of which operates outside of the law. Illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing is a major enabler of the exploitation of our oceans but the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is standing in the way. Literally. By using direct action techniques and what founder, Captain Paul Watson, calls “aggressive nonviolence”, Sea Shepherd crews document and disrupt illegal fishing and whaling on the open water. Featured on the popular TV series, “Whale Wars”, and in documentaries like Seaspiracy on Netflix, Sea Shepherd ships send illegal fishing boats running as they attempt to cover up their destruction of wildlife ecosystems and human rights violations. Tune in to learn more about the crucial work Sea Shepherd is doing to protect our oceans, which also means protecting our planet, and how you can get involved today.SUPPORT Sea Shepherd: Learn more , volunteer, donate, and get involved at https://seashepherd.org/.CHALLENGE: The Earth Warrior challenge. Make a choice to alter your habits or behaviors in a way that benefits the Earth. If you eat seafood, or animal products of any kind, you can choose to remove them from your diet completely, or partially if you need a transition period. Replace disposables with reusables for good. If you have the choice between car, train, bus, or plane, choose train or bus – or bike. Or build volunteering with an Earth-focused organization into your routine. Choose something that you know will have a powerful impact on the health of our Earth and take action on it that you can sustain. Tell other people about the choice you’ve made and why you’ve made it. The more of us who become Earth warriors the more hope we'll see by making our hope active and alive. TAKEAWAYS: 1: We are more powerful than we realize.  2: When we take a stand we can transform the world. 3: Hope without action is lifeless. We must take our hope and make it active. Visit www.wecanremaketheworld.com for more info and resources.
Take Action to Stop Illegal Fishing and Save Our Planet - Sea Shepherd pt 1
Take Action to Stop Illegal Fishing and Save Our Planet - Sea Shepherd pt 1
When the going gets tough the activists get tougher. Our oceans are in distress as we continue to overfish marine ecosystems around the world. 90% of whales, 85-99% of shark species, trillions of fish, and countless other ocean animals have been lost due to overfishing, much of which operates outside of the law. Illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing is a major enabler of the exploitation of our oceans but the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is standing in the way. Literally. By using direct action techniques and what founder, Captain Paul Watson, calls “aggressive nonviolence”, Sea Shepherd crews document and disrupt illegal fishing and whaling on the open water. Featured on the popular TV series, “Whale Wars”, and in documentaries like Seaspiracy on Netflix, Sea Shepherd ships send illegal fishing boats running as they attempt to cover up their destruction of wildlife ecosystems and human rights violations. Tune in to learn more about the crucial work Sea Shepherd is doing to protect our oceans, which also means protecting our planet, and how you can get involved today.SUPPORT Sea Shepherd: Learn more , volunteer, donate, and get involved at https://seashepherd.org/. CHALLENGE: The Earth Warrior challenge. Make a choice to alter your habits or behaviors in a way that benefits the Earth. If you eat seafood, or animal products of any kind, you can choose to remove them from your diet completely, or partially if you need a transition period. Replace disposables with reusables for good. If you have the choice between car, train, bus, or plane, choose train or bus – or bike. Or build volunteering with an Earth-focused organization into your routine. Choose something that you know will have a powerful impact on the health of our Earth and take action on it that you can sustain. Tell other people about the choice you’ve made and why you’ve made it. The more of us who become Earth warriors the more hope we'll see by making our hope active and alive. TAKEAWAYS: 1: We are more powerful than we realize.  2: When we take a stand we can transform the world. 3: Hope without action is lifeless. We must take our hope and make it active. Visit www.wecanremaketheworld.com for more info and resources.
Nature is a Human Right: New York Restoration Project
Nature is a Human Right: New York Restoration Project
The pandemic has shown us how crucial Nature can be. When there was nowhere else to go we still had our parks, our shores, our gardens. But millions of people in cities around the world had little to no access to green spaces, and still don't. The New York Restoration Project (NYRP) is changing that. NYRP is working in all five boroughs of New York City to ensure that every New Yorker has equal access to Nature. By transforming abandoned lots into gardens, clearing trash, restoring parks, creating community gardens and community outreach programs, and advocating for greater access to green space, NYRP is growing our relationship with the Earth and the natural world one New Yorker at a time. Why does this matter? We won't protect what we aren't connected to. With each garden, each green space, each restored park, NYRP is reminding us of the bond and the responsibility we have to the natural world. Tune in for our conversation with Executive Director, Lynn Kelly, to learn more, get inspired, and take action on behalf of urban green spaces today. SUPPORT NYRP's work: Learn more, donate, and get involved at https://www.nyrp.org/en/. CHALLENGE: The Green challenge. Offer something to your favorite green space in the form of a donation, volunteering time, appreciation of it, or care for it. Pick up trash every time you’re there or remove weeds. If you don’t have a favorite green space in your local area then go find one. Or support a natural space that you love or that you’ve always wanted to visit – a national or state park.Giving back to a place you appreciate it forms a new relationship with it- you’re now part of its story. Nature gives us so much, let's give something back.TAKEAWAYS: 1: We won’t protect what we don’t value. What we can’t see. What we don’t experience.  2: The best way to make change is to get our hands in the dirt and get involved. 3: It’s time to prioritize what truly matters. Visit www.wecanremaketheworld.com for more info and resources.
Healing A Planet in Crisis: Tony Rinaudo
Healing A Planet in Crisis: Tony Rinaudo
Have you ever wanted to give up? Do you have moments of such strong doubt that you begin to wonder if things will ever actually get better? Tony Rinaudo, our guest today, has been there too. And gotten to the other side. After years of failed attempts to help transform the barren landscapes of west Africa into fertile ground, Tony had an aha moment that not only changed his life but the lives of millions of farmers, animals, and plants throughout Africa. The method that Tony has developed, FMNR (Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration), is re-greening Africa, shrinking the Sahara Desert, bringing food security and financial freedom to millions of farmers and their families, and healing the Earth in the process. Tony teaches us that seeking to live a life of purpose combined with not giving up can lead to miraculous change. SUPPORT Tony's work and take action today: Learn more , donate, and get involved at https://fmnrhub.com.au/.  And check out Tony's book, The Forest Underground, coming to all major digital platforms this week!CHALLENGE: Grow something. Build a relationship with living things in the way that Tony did. Raising plants requires patience and faith. With persistence we can often raise something beautiful that we have nurtured. Connect with Nature and the miracle how these tiny seeds can grow into fruits, vegetables, herbs, flowers if they have the right conditions and care. Our ideas for a better world can take root with patience and persistence in the same way. TAKEAWAYS: 1: Moments of doubt and difficulty are always part of the story, but there is also always hope. 2: Sometimes the solutions we’re seeking are right in front of us if we can just open our eyes. 3: One person can change the world.Visit www.wecanremaketheworld.com for more info and resources.
People Power Is All We Need: SumofUs
People Power Is All We Need: SumofUs
Why do corporations believe they can get away with anything? Because they think nobody is watching. But we can change that. By building global action networks focused on increasing transparency and building citizen awareness we can make sure no organization is operating in the dark. And when citizens are aware, united, and empowered anything can change. Today we're joined by Angus, Laura, and Ildem of SumofUs, a global online campaigning platform and corporate watchdog. Listen for an inspiring conversation about direct examples of how action leads to change. Examples like the story of Máxima Acuña, a Peruvian farmer who is standing against a massive global mining company, and Sofia Gatica, who has built a powerful movement of victims of pesticide poisoning, and Frances Haugen, who blew the whistle on social media's urgent need to protect the health of its users. These stories and more prove that when people stand together things change.SUPPORT SumofUs and take action today: Learn more , donate, and get involved at https://www.sumofus.org/. CHALLENGE: Find an online action or advocacy platform you resonate with. Then find a campaign that speaks to you and take action on it. Sign a petition, join a mailing list, donate to an active cause, and amplify voices who are protecting human rights and the rights of living things and ecosystems. Then share that campaign with at least one person in your life. TAKEAWAYS: 1: The power of the people is real. Let's make use of it. 2: Visibility into corporate behavior matters - with transparency comes accountability and change. 3: We are most powerful when we stand together.Visit www.wecanremaketheworld.com for more info and resources.
Who Owns the Earth? & The Power of Grassroots Movements: Clayoquot Action
Who Owns the Earth? & The Power of Grassroots Movements: Clayoquot Action
Who decides what happens to land? To water? To wildlife? To trees? Is it governments who get to choose? Private owners? Should indigenous communities be involved? Do citizens have any right to determine how we treat the planet, locally and globally? Until now, corporations and governments have mostly determined what happens to the natural world and how, but after countless examples of neglect what is our best path forward? We're joined by Bonny Glambeck, campaigns director and co-founder of Clayoquot Action, a direct-action conservation organization on Canada's west coast. Bonny teaches us the history of her region where indigenous communities have joined together with activists several times to protect their lands. Canada's largest protest and civil disobedience action in history is happening here right now, where people on the ground are fighting to protect old-growth forests which are home to rare and precious rainforest ecosystems and many endangered species. Can we learn from their example to protect what matters for the health of our planet and ourselves before it's too late?SUPPORT Bonny and Clayoquot Action: Learn more , donate, and get involved at https://clayoquotaction.org/.CHALLENGE: Pick three issues you care about and find a grassroots organization doing work on those issues to learn more about. Choose to support those organizations in some way by donating, volunteering, or simply sharing their message.TAKEAWAYS: 1: It's time to bring activism back to the forefront. 2: Communities coming together peacefully to advocate for their rights and the rights of others is the most powerful force for change on Earth. And the most successful. 3: It's time to get involved. If we aren't becoming activists we are missing an opportunity.Visit www.wecanremaketheworld.com for more info and resources.
The Fight Against Greed: Vandana Shiva and Earth Democracy
The Fight Against Greed: Vandana Shiva and Earth Democracy
The 1% are destroying the Earth and convincing us it's good for us. And Vandana Shiva has an answer: "Not on our watch." We speak to the globally respected and award-winning activist, author, scientist, speaker, and protector of life about the crucial crossroads we are standing at in 2022. Vandana teaches us how to see through the false narratives of the 1% so that corporate influence no longer controls us. By harnessing the power of community, diversity, solidarity, and creative vision we can build a global movement to protect the rights of all living beings and the Earth. A new paradigm of an Earth democracy where people and planet thrive together for generations to come.SUPPORT Dr. Vandana Shiva and the Navdanya Foundation: Learn more , donate, and get involved at navdanya.org. Follow Dr. Shiva and Navdanya on Instagram.CHALLENGE: Dig deeper into the story and ideas of a leader you are inspired by. Read their books, get to know them beyond the soundbites we all hear in history books or the media. Think about how their ideas are relevant for your life and how you might take action that aligns with those ideas. TAKEAWAYS: 1: Colonization still continues on a global scale. Will we allow it? 2: We are standing at a crossroads which won't last much longer. It's time to choose the world we want and build it. 3: There is a solution. It's time to evolve political democracy into an Earth democracy, where the rights of all life are respected and protected.Visit www.wecanremaketheworld.com for more info and resources.
The Power of Activism: Right Livelihood Award
The Power of Activism: Right Livelihood Award
The power of the people is real, and it starts with each of us. Today we're joined by Ole von Uexkull of the Right Livelihood Foundation. Known worldwide as the "alternative Nobel Prize", the Right Livelihood Award celebrates and amplifies the work of people who are building change from the ground up within their local communities. Changemakers like Greta Thunberg, Edward Snowden, Daniel Ellsberg, Vandana Shiva, Mordechai Vanunu, and many more have been honored with the Right Livelihood Award for fighting for global human and environmental rights and for advocating for greater transparency from systems of power. Right Livelihood laureates are reimagining our world and building solutions to global problems right now. By following their example and engaging with our local communities we can build movements to reshape every aspect of society. True change has always grown out of action taken by citizens coming together to speak with one voice. Join us, learn more, get inspired, and take action today.SUPPORT Right Livelihood: Learn more about RL laureates, support their work, donate, and get involved at rightlivelihood.org/. Follow their work on Instagram and Twitter, and visit their college program at https://rightlivelihood.ucsc.edu/.CHALLENGE: Become an activist for a cause you believe in. Take action by joining local groups which are advocating for your chosen cause or add your voice to online activism efforts. Experience the feeling of getting directly involved with something you care about and amplify that message within your community.TAKEAWAYS: 1: It's time to exercise our voices now. As individuals, within communities, and collectively. 2: We should never take our right to gather, organize, speak out, or protest for granted. 3: Our true arena for change is on the ground through grassroots movements based on community values. No true change has ever been legislated - change comes from citizens, laws come later.Visit www.wecanremaketheworld.com for more info and resources.
Dining Out to End Homelessness: Rethink Food
Dining Out to End Homelessness: Rethink Food
There is no reason for anyone to go hungry. And Matt Jozwiak of Rethink Food is on a mission to prove it. By partnering with top restaurants and small businesses around the United States, Rethink is creating a new model to end food insecurity. From their home base in New York City, Rethink funnels donations and resources to restaurants who create meals for those in need and they have already served millions of meals through their Rethink Certified program. Rethink shows us what's possible when we take what we already have and maximize the potential good we can do. Listen for ways you can become part of the mission to end hunger in the United States and around the world.SUPPORT Rethink Food: Learn more, donate, and get involved at rethinkfood.org. Follow their mission on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. CHALLENGE: Commit to getting involved with food insecurity directly in your community. Seek out local community centers and offer your time as a volunteer, your financial support, or other resources like food. Get closer to the problem so that you can understand how to build the solution where you are.TAKEAWAYS: 1: We don’t have to start from scratch to build a better world. We can simply rethink and improve what we already have. 2: Building relationships and strengthening communities is a major key to solving every problem we face. 3: Nobody has to solve any problem alone. We can build support systems to help each other make our individual impact. Visit www.wecanremaketheworld.com for more info and resources.
Every Life Matters in the Global Community: Sheldrick Wildlife Trust
Every Life Matters in the Global Community: Sheldrick Wildlife Trust
Every life matters. In Nature, nothing is insignificant. Every member of an ecosystem is needed to help that community thrive, yet as humans we often pretend like we are the only ones who matter. There is a lot that the natural world can teach us about caring for each other and our planet. Today we're joined by Melissa Sciacca, US executive director for the globally-respected David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust based in east Africa. The Sheldrick Trust manages large areas of land in Kenya, protecting elephants and rhinos from threats like poaching, and caring for orphaned wildlife before releasing them back into the wild. Melissa gives us a window into the experiences of African wildlife, what we can learn from them, and how we can ensure that these beautiful animals continue to grow in numbers for generations to come. Learn more about the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust at https://www.sheldrickwildlifetrust.org/.CHALLENGE: Adopt a species. Pick an animal you love and learn more about the challenges they face and how we can protect them. Take action in whatever way makes sense to you, and share what you learn with others.TAKEAWAYS: 1: We are all members of a global community, and if we can act from that understanding we can change the world. 2: There is a lot to learn from Nature and the animal kingdom which could help us rethink our world for the better. 3: You can be an ambassador for the causes you care about.Visit www.wecanremaketheworld.com for more info and resources.