215. Why Is My Life So Difficult? Jesus Doesn’t Seem To Help Me.
Life so often feels like it’s such hard work and then we become a Christian and wonder why it doesn’t get much easier. It often can feel like it’s getting harder. In this episode we explore this topic and ask how do we work out our faith so that at least we aren’t causing our own issues. Support the podcast with a coffee.... https://www.buymeacoffee.com/crisrogers To get a copy of The Bible Book By Book head here...https://www.eden.co.uk/christian-books/bible-study/bible-study-reference-books/bible-background/the-bible-book-by-book/ Rev Cris Rogers is a church leader at allhallowsbow.org.uk and Director of Making Disciples. Chair of the Spring Harvest Planning Group. For more information check out wearemakingdisciples.com #Heart #Hands #Heart