The Real Estate Espresso Podcast

Victor Menasce

Welcome to The Real Estate Espresso Podcast, your morning shot of what's new in the world of real estate investing. Join investor, syndicator, developer, and author Victor J. Menasce as he shares his daily real estate investment outlook. Our weekday episodes deliver 5 minutes of high-energy, high-impact content to fuel your success. Plus, don't miss our weekend editions featuring exclusive interviews with renowned guests such as Robert Kiyosaki, Robert Helms, Peter Schiff, and more. read less


Invasion of the Weeds
2d ago
Invasion of the Weeds
On today’s show we are talking about invasive species of plants that can play a role in your due diligence when purchasing property.  The first one I’m going to cover today is Wild Parsnip. Wild Parsnip is an invasive plant native to Europe and Asia.  Like giant hogweed and other members of the carrot family, it produces sap containing chemicals that can cause human skin to react to sunlight, resulting in intense burns, rashes or blisters. The second invasive species is one that has also been around for a long time. But I was only introduced to it this past weekend. My wife and I were traveling on the Labor Day  weekend on Long Island and it was everywhere. The banks of most rivers and canals were covered in it. The plant is Japanese Knotweed. Its stalks can grow up to 3 feet in a week. It is invasive and it is relentless. Both plants can take years to eradicate from your property. **Real Estate Espresso Podcast:** Spotify: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   iTunes: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   Website: [](   LinkedIn: [Victor Menasce](   YouTube: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   Facebook: [](   Email: [](  **Y Street Capital:** Website: [](   Facebook: [](   Instagram: [@ystreetcapital](
Bank of Canada Drops Interest Rates
3d ago
Bank of Canada Drops Interest Rates
On today’s show we are seeing another central bank drop their benchmark lending rate. The Bank of Canada dropped its benchmark interest rate for the third time in a row, leaving the rate at 4.25%. This is in stark contrast to the US Fed Funds rate which remains at 5.25%-5.5%. Each country seems to behave like they are economic islands. But we have a globally interconnected economy and no country is an island unto itself.  We are not insulated from what is happening in Europe, or in China. We have a globally synchronized economic cycle that is being influenced by factors that are well outside the control of central bankers. Nevertheless ew have central bankers acting as if they can pull one lever with the left hand and slow down the economy, and gently pull another monetary policy lever with the right hand and accelerate the economy.  There is no question that we are seeing sustained economic slowdown in the US, in Europe, in Canada.  This is one of those good news bad news stories. Central bankers don’t aggressively lower rates unless they see a problem in the economy. Lowering rates is good news for borrowers, but it is really a reflection of bad news, This time it is being coupled with a good news narrative. We should be wary of the story that says this time is different.  ----------------- **Real Estate Espresso Podcast:** Spotify: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   iTunes: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   Website: [](   LinkedIn: [Victor Menasce](   YouTube: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   Facebook: [](   Email: [](  **Y Street Capital:** Website: [](   Facebook: [](   Instagram: [@ystreetcapital](
Active Adult Is The Fastest Growing Segment
4d ago
Active Adult Is The Fastest Growing Segment
On today’s show we are taking a closer look at a new and emerging trend in building construction. This is a newer segment which fills a gap in the definition of building types. At one end of the spectrum for senior housing you have a simple market rate apartment which offers no services and will usually include basic amenities. As adults age, they might progress through various offerings starting with independent living, assisted living, memory care and then skilled nursing. Each of these product offerings are distinct in the market and have pretty well accepted definitions of which services are included at each level of care.  There is a new report out from the National Investment Center for senior Housing and Care which focuses on the Active Adult Segment. We are very interested in this segment because it fills a sizeable gap between the market rate apartment and the independent living product.  -------------- **Real Estate Espresso Podcast:** Spotify: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   iTunes: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   Website: [](   LinkedIn: [Victor Menasce](   YouTube: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   Facebook: [](   Email: [](  **Y Street Capital:** Website: [](   Facebook: [](   Instagram: [@ystreetcapital](
New York's Leaning Tower
5d ago
New York's Leaning Tower
On Thursday evening I passed by New York’s leaning tower. We’ve all heard of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. The modern day equivalent of that is the Millennium Tower in San Francisco. That building is leaning nearly 60cm, a little over 2 feet. Several attempts have been made to stabilize the Millennium Tower by underpinning the foundation and have actually destabilized the building even further.  New York’s leaning tower is right on the East River and I was speaking on a yacht full of investors while taking a tour of NY Harbor. I got a close up first hand view of the building. We passed my so many iconic landmarks from the water including Rikers Island, Ellis Island, Lady Liberty, the Battery, the new Freedom Tower. I was even able to get a photograph of one of my mother’s buildings from the water. She was an architect in Manhattan at one of New York’s premiere architecture firms.  The building in question has been fully erected, all 60 stories of poured concrete. It's all happening over at One Seaport or 161 Maiden Lane: 60 storeys of prime real estate on Manhattan’s East River waterfront. At first glance it may look like any other construction project downtown. But look a lot closer, and you’ll find it’s actually leaning 8 centimetres, or three inches, to the north. The North side of the building consists of a sheer wall made of solid concrete. It’s an incredibly narrow building. From the water it seems pencil thin.  Manhattan island is ideal for building tall buildings. Most of it sits on solid bedrock which is made mostly of slate. But a building which is directly on the East River will have brackish salt water do contend with at the foundation level which will make the soil underneath the tower more fluid.  --------------- **Real Estate Espresso Podcast:** Spotify: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   iTunes: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   Website: [](   LinkedIn: [Victor Menasce](   YouTube: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   Facebook: [](   Email: [](  **Y Street Capital:** Website: [](   Facebook: [](   Instagram: [@ystreetcapital](
AMA - Damage Deposits In Residential Leases
6d ago
AMA - Damage Deposits In Residential Leases
This question also comes from Chris who is asking a follow-on question from last week’s question on apartment turnover. Last week Chris was asking about how long to budget for making a unit rent ready. So here is his question. “If the average  apartment turn requiring cleaning and “light repair” is around $2,000 shouldn’t the tenant security deposit collected at lease signing be no less than this?  Or am I thinking about this wrong and one has nothing to do with the other?  I’m simply approaching this with a mindset that you want to try and avoid being in the red for apartment turns coming out out of your pocket.” ---------- **Real Estate Espresso Podcast:** Spotify: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   iTunes: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   Website: [](   LinkedIn: [Victor Menasce](   YouTube: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   Facebook: [](   Email: [](  **Y Street Capital:** Website: [](   Facebook: [](   Instagram: [@ystreetcapital](
Leasing Incentives That Don't Detract From Valuation
Leasing Incentives That Don't Detract From Valuation
At Y Street Capital we bring in young professionals from time to time to work as interns on a part time basis to learn more about real estate investing and development. These unpaid internship positions foster a win-win relationship that can often accelerate the learning for a young adult. At Y Street Capital we are looking for a research assistant to work for a few hours a week on special projects. Some of that work will also include the background research that could ultimately result in episodes of the podcast. If you have a few hours a week to spare and are a candidate, or perhaps you have a young adult in your life with a high level of curiosity. Send an email to and put the word research in the subject line.  -------------- On today’s show we are looking at how to create leasing incentives that preserve the value of your building.  Most building valuations are based on the income method which involves taking the gross rent, minus the operating expenses to get the net operating income. You then divide that amount by the market capitalization rate to get the value.  Let’s say that you want to offer a bunch of incentives for new tenants to move into your building. You could offer a discount on rent which would result in a reduction in rent and therefore a reduction in the value of your building. If you offer the tenant something that costs you money to provide, then your expenses increase and you have the same effect of lowering the value of your building.  In a brand new building you will want to pre-lease as much of the building as possible. Many developers I know have 30% pre-leasing as a target to achieve by the time the building is ready to open. But in order to achieve that, tenants need to plan on moving when the building is completed, not necessarily in 30 days or 60 days when it might be otherwise convenient for them. It’s a longer sales cycle.  From an accounting standpoint, investments in the building assets are associate with the balance sheet and not the income statement. For example the materials that go into the building like paint and gypsum board and bricks are all part of the capital improvements. A capital investment is amortized over the depreciated life of the asset. Some startup costs can be capitalized. For example if you have marketing expenses that are associated with the initial lease-up of the building, it would be legitimate to capitalize those costs instead of expensing them since they are a one-time cost and not a recurring cost.  So let’s imagine that you offer a free large format television as part of a move-in special. The cost of that TV can be capitalized. While it appears as an incentive to the tenant, it doesn’t get treated as an operating expense to the business and therefore the cost of the TV doesn’t reduce the value of the building when looking at multiples of net income.  ----------- **Real Estate Espresso Podcast:** Spotify: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   iTunes: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   Website: [](   LinkedIn: [Victor Menasce](   YouTube: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   Facebook: [](   Email: [](  **Y Street Capital:** Website: [](   Facebook: [](   Instagram: [@ystreetcapital](
The Evolution of Air Rights
The Evolution of Air Rights
On today’s show we are talking about air rights.  Air rights refer to the legal ability to control, lease, or sell the space above a property. Traditionally, property rights included not only the land and any buildings on it but also the air above and the ground below. The concept of air rights date back centuries and are ingrained in common law. The biggest change to air rights came with commercial aviation which put the ownership of the atomosphere in the public domain while preserving private ownership of the air immediately above a property for the enjoyment of the property owner. Exactly where private property rights transition to the public domain varies by location and by jurisdiction. -------------- **Real Estate Espresso Podcast:** Spotify: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   iTunes: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   Website: [](   LinkedIn: [Victor Menasce](   YouTube: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   Facebook: [](   Email: [](  **Y Street Capital:** Website: [](   Facebook: [](   Instagram: [@ystreetcapital](
The Fed Pivot Is Here
The Fed Pivot Is Here
For the past several months I’ve been predicting that the Fed will need to pivot on their interest rate policy.  As recently as Thursday of last week I predicted that the Fed would have no choice but to drop interest rates based on labor market weakness. I also predicted that we would hear some meaningful update at the Jackson Hole conference in Chair Powell’s remarks on Friday morning.  I don’t have a crystal ball, although I expect to some that it might seem like I do. On Friday morning Chair Powell did indeed announce a major change in monetary policy. There were a few things that Chair Powell said in his remarks that were significant.  He declared a bit of a victory lap on the inflation fight, even though the disinflationary progress has been gradual over the past year.  The real story behind the Fed pivot is unemployment is rising sharply.  --------------- **Real Estate Espresso Podcast:** Spotify: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   iTunes: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   Website: [](   LinkedIn: [Victor Menasce](   YouTube: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   Facebook: [](   Email: [](  **Y Street Capital:** Website: [](   Facebook: [](   Instagram: [@ystreetcapital](
Where Did The Jobs Go?
Where Did The Jobs Go?
If you’re been listening to this show for a while, then you will know that I’ve been saying consistently that the jobs data being reported by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics in the United States cannot be correct.  Now think about it, here is a real estate developer who happens to live in Canada stating pretty boldly that the US government is reporting data incorrectly. How crazy is that.  Well some might have been surprised that the BLS issued a revision to the past year’s numbers and disclosed that the number of new jobs reported was actually 818,000 lower that what had been previously reported.  ----------- **Real Estate Espresso Podcast:** Spotify: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   iTunes: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   Website: [](   LinkedIn: [Victor Menasce](   YouTube: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   Facebook: [](   Email: [](  **Y Street Capital:** Website: [](   Facebook: [](   Instagram: [@ystreetcapital](
Making Sense Of The New Zillow Rental Market Report
Making Sense Of The New Zillow Rental Market Report
I'd like to invite you to be my guest for a sunset cruise in NYC on August 29 from 4PM to 8PM. We will depart from the East River and tour the Hudson River with stunning views of the NY skyline. There will be great conversation, fine cuisine, and a few presentations on alternative investments. If you're interested in learning more, send an email to and put "Hudson" in the subject line. ------------ On today’s show we are looking at a new rental market report published by Zillow for the month of July.  A cooler rental market is prompting more property managers to offer concessions in a bid to attract new tenants. Though rent growth is only slightly softer than last year, far more property managers are offering short-term perks. On today's show we are going to try and make sense out of what this report could be telling us. ----------------- **Real Estate Espresso Podcast:** Spotify: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   iTunes: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   Website: [](   LinkedIn: [Victor Menasce](   YouTube: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   Facebook: [](   Email: [](  **Y Street Capital:** Website: [](   Facebook: [](   Instagram: [@ystreetcapital](
New IECC Energy Codes
New IECC Energy Codes
I'd like to invite you to be my guest on board a tour of the Hudson River in NYC on Aug 29 from 4-8PM. We will depart from the East River in Lower Manhattan. This exclusive event is for accredited investors only. There will be great conversation, fine cuisine, an incredible view of the NY skyline and a few presentations on alternative investments. To learn more send an email to and put the word "Hudson" in the subject line. ------------- On today's show we are talking about the 2024 revision of the IECC energy code which was just published last week. The National Association of Home Builders published a summary of the changes in this six page document. --------------- **Real Estate Espresso Podcast:** Spotify: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   iTunes: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   Website: [](   LinkedIn: [Victor Menasce](   YouTube: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   Facebook: [](   Email: [](  **Y Street Capital:** Website: [](   Facebook: [](   Instagram: [@ystreetcapital](
How To Select A Property For Development
How To Select A Property For Development
Today’s show is another in our beginner series. On today’s show we are talking about what makes a site suitable for development.  A location might seem perfect in terms of proximity to amenities, demand for housing in the area, good schools,  When I look at a site I’m considering the density that would be desirable in that location and the density allowed under the zoning. Some people look at density allowed in the zoning and think that’s the only determining factor.  This is not the whole story. If you are going to achieve a particular density, then all of the requirement to achieve that density need to be met.  --------------- **Real Estate Espresso Podcast:** Spotify: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   iTunes: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   Website: [](   LinkedIn: [Victor Menasce](   YouTube: [The Real Estate Espresso Podcast](   Facebook: [](   Email: [](  **Y Street Capital:** Website: [](   Facebook: [](   Instagram: [@ystreetcapital](