Self Love Podcast

The Wellness Couch

Welcome to the self-love podcast a show that cracks open your heart and inspires a deeper regard for your own wellbeing and happiness. Expert interviews, ‘how-to’ quickies and deep dive conversations into the heart of our souls, unravelling the mystery, struggles and joys of simply being human. read less


SLP 399: Self Love Quicky - The Effect of Smell on the Amygdala for Emotional Trauma
3d ago
SLP 399: Self Love Quicky - The Effect of Smell on the Amygdala for Emotional Trauma
Recent studies at New York University have uncovered fascinating insights into the role of the amygdala in the brain’s limbic system, particularly in how it processes and releases emotional trauma. These findings challenge conventional wisdom and open new avenues for therapeutic approaches including Aromatherapy. Smell is a powerful and often underappreciated sense. The olfactory system, responsible for detecting and processing odours, is directly connected to the limbic system, which includes the amygdala. This direct connection means that smells can evoke strong emotional responses and memories, more so than other senses. This activation allows the release of emotional trauma stored within the amygdala, potentially offering a pathway for healing and therapeutic intervention. All the essential oils mentioned in this show can be found at Don’t forget to use your Self Love Podcast special code below. Links to follow: Website: Instagram: Facebook: Quotes: The amygdala is a small, almond-shaped cluster of nuclei located deep within the temporal lobes of the brain. Traditionally, the amygdala has been associated with the “fight or flight” response, helping individuals react quickly to perceived threats. Smell is a powerful and often underappreciated sense. Specific scents could activate the amygdala in a way that visual or tactile stimuli could not. Aromatherapy, for instance, might be used not just for relaxation but as a targeted method to release trauma. Essential oils and other scents could be carefully selected and utilized in therapeutic settings to help individuals process and let go of deeply rooted emotional pain.   SELF LOVE PODCAST SPONSOR LINKS THANKYOU FOR LISTENING… If you would like to share your feedback on this podcast please head to my Facebook and Instagram pages below. Thanks so much if you take the time to give me a 5-star rating on iTunes so that others find this podcast easily and I sincerely appreciate all of your feedback and comments. It makes it all worthwhile as I know this podcast can plant a seed where big things can indeed grow! If you would love to work with Kim one on one coaching or be a part of her Self Love & Wellness Mentorship Program to continue to master the art of self-love click here – SIGNATURE ‘ESSENTIAL SELF CARE WEEKEND’ EVENT with Kim Morrison Immerse yourself in a whole weekend for you, dive into the powers of your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and how essential oils can create magic and change in your life. Learn the importance of self-care and what it means to indulge and recharge every day… after all you deserve it! Click here for more information and locations for your Standard or VIP ticket – PODCAST SPONSOR: Twenty8 Essentials – DISCOUNT CODE: Discount Code for SLP Listeners – selflovepodcast LINKS: Twenty8 Essentials Website: Facebook: Instagram: Kim Morrison Website: Essential Self Mastery Program: Essential Self Care Weekend: The Art Of Self Love – Self-Love & Wellness Mentoring Program – Essential Oils 101 Program – Kim Morrison Instagram: Kim Morrison Facebook: MUSIC INTRO & OUTRO Many thanks to Wes and Charlotte Carr –
SLP 398: Break A Leg with Paula Gowland
5d ago
SLP 398: Break A Leg with Paula Gowland
‘I think I was expecting an older gentleman that had been an orthopaedic surgeon for many, many years, but he was actually quite cool, and he was around about the same age as me, and he kind of walked through those gates at the airport like he was going on a holiday. And obviously, with me sitting in a wheelchair he knew exactly who I was. So, we didn’t even have a chance to go anywhere. We were basically in the middle of the airport where he stripped down my bandages, with thousands of people walking around us, looking, thinking we were crazy I would have thought, and he stripped down my bandages looked at my leg, asked a few medical questions and he basically said the only way we can fix this is you get on a plane tomorrow morning and we amputate tomorrow night.’ ~ Paula Gowland No one would ever guess that simply hanging curtains could be so life-changing. Beautiful Paula Gowland’s world was turned upside down in the blink of an eye. As a result of a broken leg that morphed into life-threatening events that pushed her reality into deep and dark moments, this amazing soul shares her fight to triumph over heartbreaking trauma as depression and her suffering. This is one of the most powerful and uplifting stories you will ever hear. About Paula: From fitting in to truly standing out, Paula’s journey has been one of profound learning, healing and self-discovery coupled with an untiring appreciation for the preciousness of life. Being forced into the darkest places left no alternatives for Paula. Rising above her struggle for a new normal has led her to become a beacon of inspiration around the world. Paula Gowland is an award-winning entrepreneur, speaker and trauma coach. She has become a beacon of inspiration around the world as she opens our eyes to the strength of human resilience, giving us the courage to leap towards the life we are destined to live. Her unwillingness to surrender to the depression, loss and suffering while being in and out of hospital beds for more than two and half years, drove her to dig deeper and deeper with every setback. She refused to sacrifice her sanity for the sake of her children, husband, family, and YOU! Knowing that one day, her experiences would have reason and meaning, she submerged herself into learning, personal expansion techniques, aromatherapy, tapping, Reiki, astrology and numerology and even trained under Dr. Doreen Virtue. Dedicated to supporting others to triumph over trauma, Paula’s experiences have served as the vehicle for her courses, coaching and online content platforms. She is relentless in her desire to inspire hearts and move minds to use their trauma as a vehicle to become MORE, not less. • Announced as number 22 in the Sunshine Coast Daily’s Top 100 Most Influential People on the Sunshine Coast 2022. • Featured in the Women Inspired coffee table book in 2021. • Won the Sunshine Coast Business Women’s Network Sustainable Business Woman of the Year award in 2022. • Won a host of business awards as the co-owner of Sunshine Coast Art and Framing Gallery alongside husband John. They have grown from a single premises with 4.5 staff and an annual turnover of $800,000 to two premises, a gallery café and 24 staff with an annual turnover of $2.2 million within four years. An incredible and phenomenal soul with the most amazing story. Her definition of Self Love is connecting with yourself, and knowing what it is that you want. And also setting boundaries around what you will and won’t do from now on. It is knowing what is important to you and understanding what lights the fire inside of you and living into that so you have a little bit of that in every single day. Her favourite quote is: Live life with no limits. Things will always change, be it good or be it bad… nothing stays the same. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. Links to follow: Website: Instagram: Facebook: Email: Quotes: It was all so hard to comprehend at the time. It was like a raw piece of meat hanging off my leg. My body did not cope so well with the amputation. It was all such an eye-opener looking back. I was the hub of the home, and was totally ripped out which caused a huge impact. It was minute by minute to move forward. Ylang Ylang was my saviour and it helped me to let everything go. I saw an angel, it had been so long since I had seen someone I know. I learned I had to make the most of it being stuck there in hospital. I had so much time to think and being in your head can actually be dangerous. I felt like my place in the family had completely changed. The kids didn’t need me anymore and I felt like I was not needed. Everything started to unravel. Even I lost hope. Seeing my daughter get married was one of the biggest highlights. There was happiness to be had in the world. My business gave me purpose and a reason. My business became a platform to try all I had learned. I was zigging whilst everyone was zagging. My journey has given me the ability to help others. If it’s exciting or scary say yes!   SELF LOVE PODCAST SPONSOR LINKS THANKYOU FOR LISTENING… If you would like to share your feedback on this podcast please head to my Facebook and Instagram pages below. Thanks so much if you take the time to give me a 5-star rating on iTunes so that others find this podcast easily and I sincerely appreciate all of your feedback and comments. It makes it all worthwhile as I know this podcast can plant a seed where big things can indeed grow! If you would love to work with Kim one on one coaching or be a part of her Self Love & Wellness Mentorship Program to continue to master the art of self-love click here – SIGNATURE ‘ESSENTIAL SELF CARE WEEKEND’ EVENT with Kim Morrison Immerse yourself in a whole weekend for you, dive into the powers of your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and how essential oils can create magic and change in your life. Learn the importance of self-care and what it means to indulge and recharge every day… after all you deserve it! Click here for more information and locations for your Standard or VIP ticket – PODCAST SPONSOR: Twenty8 Essentials – DISCOUNT CODE: Discount Code for SLP Listeners – selflovepodcast LINKS: Twenty8 Essentials Website: Facebook: Instagram: Kim Morrison Website: Essential Self Mastery Program: Essential Self Care Weekend: The Art Of Self Love – Self-Love & Wellness Mentoring Program – Essential Oils 101 Program – Kim Morrison Instagram: Kim Morrison Facebook: MUSIC INTRO & OUTRO Many thanks to Wes and Charlotte Carr –
SLP 397: Self Love Quicky - Reframe Don’t Blame
SLP 397: Self Love Quicky - Reframe Don’t Blame
Blaming others or circumstances for our difficulties is a common way to respond, but it often keeps us stuck in a cycle of negativity and powerlessness. In this week’s Quicky I want to share a couple of powerful techniques to help us reframe our experiences and find valuable lessons in every situation. This will show you how you can shift your mindset from blame to growth and opportunity. All the essential oils mentioned in this show can be found at Don’t forget to use your Self Love Podcast special code below. Links to follow: Website: Instagram: Facebook: Quotes: Blame is a natural defence mechanism. Breaking free from this cycle lies in reframing our thoughts. Recognise and accept your emotions without judgment. Look for a positive aspect or potential benefit in the situation. Instead of focusing on blame, redirect your attention to discovering what the situation can teach you. Implement the lessons learned to make positive changes in your behaviour and mindset. Be thankful for the opportunity to learn and grow.   SELF LOVE PODCAST SPONSOR LINKS THANKYOU FOR LISTENING… If you would like to share your feedback on this podcast please head to my Facebook and Instagram pages below. Thanks so much if you take the time to give me a 5-star rating on iTunes so that others find this podcast easily and I sincerely appreciate all of your feedback and comments. It makes it all worthwhile as I know this podcast can plant a seed where big things can indeed grow! If you would love to work with Kim one on one coaching or be a part of her Self Love & Wellness Mentorship Program to continue to master the art of self-love click here – SIGNATURE ‘ESSENTIAL SELF CARE WEEKEND’ EVENT with Kim Morrison Immerse yourself in a whole weekend for you, dive into the powers of your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and how essential oils can create magic and change in your life. Learn the importance of self-care and what it means to indulge and recharge every day… after all you deserve it! Click here for more information and locations for your Standard or VIP ticket – PODCAST SPONSOR: Twenty8 Essentials – DISCOUNT CODE: Discount Code for SLP Listeners – selflovepodcast LINKS: Twenty8 Essentials Website: Facebook: Instagram: Kim Morrison Website: Essential Self Mastery Program: Essential Self Care Weekend: The Art Of Self Love – Self-Love & Wellness Mentoring Program – Essential Oils 101 Program – Kim Morrison Instagram: Kim Morrison Facebook: MUSIC INTRO & OUTRO Many thanks to Wes and Charlotte Carr –
SLP 396: Colour Nuances and Beautiful Hair with Maria Faulder
SLP 396: Colour Nuances and Beautiful Hair with Maria Faulder
‘So, I am inspired by a sort of childhood version of the client. So, to try and replicate what the sun would have done just by going to the beach or being out and about, you know how naturally there’s all these different nuances, particularly in longer hair. You’ve got golds and you’ve got some beiges in there, you might have some warmer tones, you might have some cool ash, and I’m just even talking about blondes. Don’t get me started on reds and coppers and brunettes because we will be here all day. But yeah, I’m just really inspired to create hair that’s the most beautiful that it can be.’ ~ Maria Faulder This is a powerful interview and insight into the world of hair from a world-renowned colourist and salon owner Maria Faulder. The conversation takes us on a journey of loving colour and art as a teenager to immigrating from the UK to establish a highly successful hair salon on the Sunshine Coast. Maria shares openly the highs and the lows and how the challenges have helped shape her into the successful wife, mother, friend and businesswoman she is today. Maria Faulder is the Art Director, Master Colourist and Founder of Suite Three Hair (est 2008) in Buderim on the Sunshine Coast. Maria won Small Businesswoman of the Year SCBWN 2016 by combining her passion for her craft and appreciation for her love of business. Maria was born in the UK, and immigrated to Australia with a young family in 2004. She. has over 38 years of hair industry experience and owned a highly successful hair salon in Carlisle, England. This experience gave her the strength and desire to launch her beloved Suite Three Hair in 2008. Maria has worked on over 50 runways from the Melbourne Fashion Festival to the New York Fashion Week and is very proud to say Suite Three Hair is part of Sustainable Salons Australia’s practices, systems and network. Her love of colour, shape and form came from her upbringing around Cumbria College of Art and Design, where her father taught Screen Printing. She spent a lot of time there and it’s fair to say that creativity was in my blood and fitted perfectly in the hairdressing world! Her craft is her passion, and to be given the privilege to create beautiful hair for her clients is her big why. Her definition of Self Love is meaning you can sit really well with the choices you have made. I have an abundance of self love with my family. It is celebrating your wins and being ok with the not wins. It is about being you and being a good person and kind. Her favourite quote is: Comparison is the thief of joy. Links to follow: Bookings Website: Instagram: Facebook: Quotes: It is a natural extension of her artistic passion. Everyone has a story and is from somewhere. You have got to be open. I would be at the opening of an envelope! It is the ripple effect that happens when you put yourself out there. I’ve just got a vision for every head of hair. I do love the fact that our clients feel respected, and cared for, and safe, definitely. A successful business isn’t successful without having a good policy manual and everybody is on board with what the systems are. The business awards made me more accountable and created more visions for the future. It was an honour to receive this award. The NY Fashion Show was an exciting experience. I know how not to take anything for granted. Home is where the heart is. It is a privilege training the next generation. At the end of the day, everyone is on their own journey. I have learned to adapt and troubleshoot. The vision and the reality are often two very different things. I have a daily ritual where we ask for 3 intentions and 3 gratitude’s. Comparison is the thief of joy.   SELF LOVE PODCAST SPONSOR LINKS THANKYOU FOR LISTENING… If you would like to share your feedback on this podcast please head to my Facebook and Instagram pages below. Thanks so much if you take the time to give me a 5-star rating on iTunes so that others find this podcast easily and I sincerely appreciate all of your feedback and comments. It makes it all worthwhile as I know this podcast can plant a seed where big things can indeed grow! If you would love to work with Kim one on one coaching or be a part of her Self Love & Wellness Mentorship Program to continue to master the art of self-love click here – SIGNATURE ‘ESSENTIAL SELF CARE WEEKEND’ EVENT with Kim Morrison Immerse yourself in a whole weekend for you, dive into the powers of your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and how essential oils can create magic and change in your life. Learn the importance of self-care and what it means to indulge and recharge every day… after all you deserve it! Click here for more information and locations for your Standard or VIP ticket – PODCAST SPONSOR: Twenty8 Essentials – DISCOUNT CODE: Discount Code for SLP Listeners – selflovepodcast LINKS: Twenty8 Essentials Website: Facebook: Instagram: Kim Morrison Website: Essential Self Mastery Program: Essential Self Care Weekend: The Art Of Self Love – Self-Love & Wellness Mentoring Program – Essential Oils 101 Program – Kim Morrison Instagram: Kim Morrison Facebook: MUSIC INTRO & OUTRO Many thanks to Wes and Charlotte Carr –
SLP 395: Self Love Quicky - The Importance of a Good Laugh
SLP 395: Self Love Quicky - The Importance of a Good Laugh
In the busyness of daily life, finding moments of genuine joy can sometimes feel like a luxury more than a necessity. But, making time to laugh is more than just a wee escape—it’s actually a crucial component of our overall well-being. Laughter, which is often referred to as “the best medicine,” has profound impacts that explains its benefits on our health. Understanding the science of laughter and its importance can inspire us to prioritise joy in our lives and make intentional time for it. All the essential oils mentioned in this show can be found at Don’t forget to use your Self Love Podcast special code below. Links to follow: Website: Instagram: Facebook: Quotes: Laughter is a complex physiological response that engages multiple systems in the body. When we laugh, our brain releases endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Laughter also has a positive impact on our cardiovascular system. The act of laughing can even boost our immune system. Joy and laughter contribute to our emotional and mental well-being. Prioritising laughter and joy is essential for a balanced, fulfilling life.   SELF LOVE PODCAST SPONSOR LINKS THANKYOU FOR LISTENING… If you would like to share your feedback on this podcast please head to my Facebook and Instagram pages below. Thanks so much if you take the time to give me a 5-star rating on iTunes so that others find this podcast easily and I sincerely appreciate all of your feedback and comments. It makes it all worthwhile as I know this podcast can plant a seed where big things can indeed grow! If you would love to work with Kim one on one coaching or be a part of her Self Love & Wellness Mentorship Program to continue to master the art of self-love click here – SIGNATURE ‘ESSENTIAL SELF CARE WEEKEND’ EVENT with Kim Morrison Immerse yourself in a whole weekend for you, dive into the powers of your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and how essential oils can create magic and change in your life. Learn the importance of self-care and what it means to indulge and recharge every day… after all you deserve it! Click here for more information and locations for your Standard or VIP ticket – PODCAST SPONSOR: Twenty8 Essentials – DISCOUNT CODE: Discount Code for SLP Listeners – selflovepodcast LINKS: Twenty8 Essentials Website: Facebook: Instagram: Kim Morrison Website: Essential Self Mastery Program: Essential Self Care Weekend: The Art Of Self Love – Self-Love & Wellness Mentoring Program – Essential Oils 101 Program – Kim Morrison Instagram: Kim Morrison Facebook: MUSIC INTRO & OUTRO Many thanks to Wes and Charlotte Carr –
SLP 394: Finding Something Within To Give To Others with Karis Ramsay
SLP 394: Finding Something Within To Give To Others with Karis Ramsay
‘I then devoted myself to wanting to help others, and wanting to help others was one of my biggest drivers. And so I took a job in a refugee camp straight out of Uni. And when I was involved at Uni I was doing lots of social justice and that’s where I really felt I was starting to understand myself. I had a lot of strength from that and it was really, really beautiful to meet so many people who had gone through so much yet they were showing up every day, they had so much strength, and they were still finding something to give to others. And that I think really taught me to be really thankful.’ ~ Karis Ramsay After completing a degree in nutrition, sport and exercise, Karis Ramsay’s first job took her to refugee camps where she dedicated herself to improving the health and wellbeing of displaced populations. Throughout her career, she has worked with some of the world’s most vulnerable communities in challenging environments. Karis’s career has spanned from international work with orphans, trafficked children, and refugees to large government health projects in Australia to disability to suicide intervention locally and many more things in between when it comes to working to improve life and opportunity for every human, her work has been very diverse. Working with such vulnerable, strong, and brilliant people ignited a passion that led her to further academic pursuits, including earning a Master of Public Health from the University of Sydney Medical School and beginning a PhD in gender and health. However, once she published her first research article, which was only distributed to other academics, she was driven by a desire to reach wider audiences, and found her calling in filmmaking. Transitioning from academia (she is still the lecturer for Culture and Society in Public Health at Victoria University and on the standby roster for the United Nations) she ventured into filmmaking driven by a desire to amplify important stories to broader audiences. With a background in writing and producing factual content, her documentary ‘100 Million Displaced’ recently gained recognition at the Justice Film Festival in New York and was featured prominently, including at the United Nations Office of Migration. As well as many other achievements highlighting her commitment to challenging societal norms and giving voice to marginalised communities through compelling storytelling. Through her films, she aims not only to shed light on pressing global issues and dispel misconceptions but also to foster empathy and provoke meaningful dialogue. Each narrative she crafts is an opportunity to inspire introspection and catalyse positive change, drawing from her own experiences and the human beings whose spirits she cherishes. Her definition of Self Love is: ‘Allowing myself to be who I am.’ Her favourite quote is: ‘If you judged a fish in its ability to climb a tree it would spend its whole life thinking it was dumb.’ Links to follow: HELP Bound Documentary Project – Donate here: 100 Million Displaced Documentary: Instagram: Facebook: Quotes: I had no clue where I fit into the world. I found myself gaining strength through others. Helping others gave me a sense of accomplishment. I found helping others gave me a real sense of accomplishment. When we don’t know how to fix ourselves, we help others. I got to the point where I knew I really needed to work on myself. I was so scared to try anything or give anything a go. I had not achieved much when it came to knowing myself. I am multi-faceted and that’s how I love to work. I love very deeply. We have 180-200,000 people arrive to live in Australia each year. I love human acts of kindness. In my culture we do not send children to school or external places until their sense of identity is so strong. I moved from documentary film making to the realness of humanity. People do not know how to identify they’re even in a DV relationship. I wrote a story based on truth based on a situation in a made-up world. I am humbled by the Sunshine Coast community. Donations through the Australian Cultural Fund. I allow myself to be who I am. You matter, you really matter. Let’s look at what you can do and love that. Celebrate who you are and what you can do. What an honour to be part of goodness!   SELF LOVE PODCAST SPONSOR LINKS THANKYOU FOR LISTENING… If you would like to share your feedback on this podcast please head to my Facebook and Instagram pages below. Thanks so much if you take the time to give me a 5-star rating on iTunes so that others find this podcast easily and I sincerely appreciate all of your feedback and comments. It makes it all worthwhile as I know this podcast can plant a seed where big things can indeed grow! If you would love to work with Kim one on one coaching or be a part of her Self Love & Wellness Mentorship Program to continue to master the art of self-love click here – SIGNATURE ‘ESSENTIAL SELF CARE WEEKEND’ EVENT with Kim Morrison Immerse yourself in a whole weekend for you, dive into the powers of your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and how essential oils can create magic and change in your life. Learn the importance of self-care and what it means to indulge and recharge every day… after all you deserve it! Click here for more information and locations for your Standard or VIP ticket – PODCAST SPONSOR: Twenty8 Essentials – DISCOUNT CODE: Discount Code for SLP Listeners – selflovepodcast LINKS: Twenty8 Essentials Website: Facebook: Instagram: Kim Morrison Website: Essential Self Mastery Program: Essential Self Care Weekend: The Art Of Self Love – Self-Love & Wellness Mentoring Program – Essential Oils 101 Program – Kim Morrison Instagram: Kim Morrison Facebook: MUSIC INTRO & OUTRO Many thanks to Wes and Charlotte Carr –
SLP 393: Self Love Quicky - Building Rapport and Communicating Effectively
SLP 393: Self Love Quicky - Building Rapport and Communicating Effectively
Great communication skills are a cornerstone of successful relationships, both personally and professionally. And, building rapport which is the process of establishing a connection with another person, is essential for trust and mutual understanding. This week we take a look at some of the ways in which we can communicate more effectively and also discuss ways in which we can build rapport powerfully. All the essential oils mentioned in this show can be found at Don’t forget to use your Self Love Podcast special code below. Links to follow: Website: Instagram: Facebook: Quotes: Rapport is the harmonious relationship where individuals feel comfortable, understood, and valued. Mirroring involves subtly mimicking the other person’s body language, tone of voice, and language patterns. Matching extends this concept to the rhythm of speech and choice of words. People process information primarily through visual, auditory, or kinesthetic (feeling) channels. Demonstrating genuine interest and understanding is crucial. Use affirmations and positive feedback to reinforce desirable behaviours and attitudes. Genuine interest and authenticity are paramount. Building rapport and communicating effectively are skills that can be honed with practice and the right techniques.   SELF LOVE PODCAST SPONSOR LINKS THANKYOU FOR LISTENING… If you would like to share your feedback on this podcast please head to my Facebook and Instagram pages below. Thanks so much if you take the time to give me a 5-star rating on iTunes so that others find this podcast easily and I sincerely appreciate all of your feedback and comments. It makes it all worthwhile as I know this podcast can plant a seed where big things can indeed grow! If you would love to work with Kim one on one coaching or be a part of her Self Love & Wellness Mentorship Program to continue to master the art of self-love click here – SIGNATURE ‘ESSENTIAL SELF CARE WEEKEND’ EVENT with Kim Morrison Immerse yourself in a whole weekend for you, dive into the powers of your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and how essential oils can create magic and change in your life. Learn the importance of self-care and what it means to indulge and recharge every day… after all you deserve it! Click here for more information and locations for your Standard or VIP ticket – PODCAST SPONSOR: Twenty8 Essentials – DISCOUNT CODE: Discount Code for SLP Listeners – selflovepodcast LINKS: Twenty8 Essentials Website: Facebook: Instagram: Kim Morrison Website: Essential Self Mastery Program: Essential Self Care Weekend: The Art Of Self Love – Self-Love & Wellness Mentoring Program – Essential Oils 101 Program – Kim Morrison Instagram: Kim Morrison Facebook: MUSIC INTRO & OUTRO Many thanks to Wes and Charlotte Carr –
SLP 392: Self Love Replay - A Conversation We Need To Have with Dr Sherrill Sellman
SLP 392: Self Love Replay - A Conversation We Need To Have with Dr Sherrill Sellman
This week we have the conversation that needs to be had with the incredible Dr Sherrill Sellman. As much as change is happening on a global level, looking like chaos around us, it’s an impulse that is also allowing us to step into a more profound awareness and in this deep-dive conversation we find out how we can open our consciousness and become more aware. As a Board-Certified Integrative Naturopathic Doctor, mind-body psychotherapist, author, journalist, international lecturer, contributing writer to numerous health magazines and host of a weekly podcast, Dr Sherrill Sellman’s focus has always been to offer practical, safe and effective holistic solutions for the myriad of the health and hormonal issues that challenging women of all ages. In this conversation Sherrill shares very generously about the black cloud that hit her when she was just 21years of age. But she also says this was the time that also raised the blinds that allowed the light in and started her journey of self-awakening and serving others. Sherrill says we all go through times of challenge, through the cauldron crucible. She calls it the Dark Knight Of The Soul, where we feel like there is no real purpose, a deep despair, or when everything is taken away, the ground is shaky, it is an intense time. It is also a time when the soul sheds a skin making anew, like a caterpillar that dissolves everything to become the butterfly. For some it can take decades to find themselves or their purpose especially when there is no reference point. If we allow the connection back into the essence of the soul, it can shake us to the core. But it is a journey, a journey guided by the soul. And it is around the ages of 28-30 that can be one of the most pivotal times in someone’s life. These times can be a massive change and re-evaluation. Be driven to look behind the curtain Sherrill says. We are all in this great and profound moment to be here and participate in this transformational time. This is not a walk in the park, it will take a serious spiritual practice. Sherrill recommends looking for all the ways our angels can show up to guide us through. One of her angels was Dr Harville Hendrix who wrote the book called ‘Getting The Love You Want’, who taught her the importance of listening to the other person. This is a heartfelt conversation with Sherrill recommending always find a way to calm the mind, like getting into nature, watch the sunrise, meditate and find a way to listen as all the answers will come from within. There are more neurons in the heart than the brain. She says things happen when we are willing to change. Sherrill’s Quote: ‘A walk in nature walks the soul back home.’ About Sherrill: Over the years, Sherrill has challenged many of the accepted (but false) beliefs that women have been taught about their bodies and hormones. She has also challenged the many medical and pharmaceutical interventions that have been of the allopathic model. Sherrill is falways seeking the many proven and safe solutions that truly support women of all ages to attain optimal health and wellness. Her research and clinical experience, more often than not, challenges the traditional medical model’s approach that are usually (but often erroneously) prescribed to women. Sherrill believes that the body has an innate ability to heal, regenerate and rejuvenate at any age and from any condition. The healing journey must incorporate a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual re-alignment. Her website freely offers many useful and effective resources along with articles, podcast shows, educational videos and an informative blog. Her various educational programs and health consultations allows her to offer personal support and guidance. As you will hear in this podcast the knowledge that she has gained over the past 30 years on her own health journey has allowed her to totally heal and rejuvenate her body. It is her greatest pleasure and honour, to share this knowledge and along with the tips she offers in this podcast you will be able to enjoy the blessings of an ageless body and endless vitality as well as feel more confident on dealing with the changes we are enduring globally on a daily basis. You can follow Dr Sherrill Sellman on: Website: Facebook: Book – Hormone Heresy – Love Code Podcast – Kim’s Interview on Dr Sherrill’s Love Code Podcast March 21- What Women Must Know Podcast –   SELF LOVE PODCAST SPONSOR LINKS THANKYOU FOR LISTENING… If you would like to share your feedback on this podcast please head to my Facebook and Instagram pages below. Thanks so much if you take the time to give me a 5-star rating on iTunes so that others find this podcast easily and I sincerely appreciate all of your feedback and comments. It makes it all worthwhile as I know this podcast can plant a seed where big things can indeed grow! If you would love to work with Kim one on one coaching or be a part of her Self Love & Wellness Mentorship Program to continue to master the art of self-love click here – SIGNATURE ‘ESSENTIAL SELF CARE WEEKEND’ EVENT with Kim Morrison Immerse yourself in a whole weekend for you, dive into the powers of your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and how essential oils can create magic and change in your life. Learn the importance of self-care and what it means to indulge and recharge every day… after all you deserve it! Click here for more information and locations for your Standard or VIP ticket – PODCAST SPONSOR: Twenty8 Essentials – DISCOUNT CODE: Discount Code for SLP Listeners – selflovepodcast LINKS: Twenty8 Essentials Website: Facebook: Instagram: Kim Morrison Website: Essential Self Mastery Program: Essential Self Care Weekend: The Art Of Self Love – Self-Love & Wellness Mentoring Program – Essential Oils 101 Program – Kim Morrison Instagram: Kim Morrison Facebook: MUSIC INTRO & OUTRO Many thanks to Wes and Charlotte Carr –
SLP 391: Self Love Quicky - Let’s Not Take Our Freedom for Granted
SLP 391: Self Love Quicky - Let’s Not Take Our Freedom for Granted
In today’s fast-paced world, the concept of freedom often gets overlooked amidst our daily routines and responsibilities. We hustle through our lives, seldom pausing to appreciate the liberties we enjoy. The story of Julian Assange, a name synonymous with controversy, transparency, and prolonged confinement, serves as a stark reminder of how easily freedom can be compromised and how deeply it should be cherished. For over a decade, Assange’s life has been restricted in ways most of us cannot fathom. His story brings into sharp focus the privileges we often take for granted: the freedom to move, to speak, to connect with the world without fear of persecution. After seeing Julian hug his amazing wife when he landed in Canberra this week I wanted to share some simple yet profound ways we can be reminded of the joys and appreciation of what we get to call freedom. All the essential oils mentioned in this show can be found at Don’t forget to use your Self Love Podcast special code below. Links to follow: Website: Instagram: Facebook: Quotes: It shows how easily freedom can be compromised and how deeply it should be cherished. Assange’s endurance invites us to reflect on our own lives and the freedoms we enjoy. Being aware of global and local issues helps us appreciate our own circumstances. Small gestures of kindness can have a positive impact we can have on others. Spend time outdoors. Take time to recognize and celebrate small achievements and moments of joy. Engage in mindfulness practices. Freedom of expression is a fundamental right. Spend quality time with loved ones.   SELF LOVE PODCAST SPONSOR LINKS THANKYOU FOR LISTENING… If you would like to share your feedback on this podcast please head to my Facebook and Instagram pages below. Thanks so much if you take the time to give me a 5-star rating on iTunes so that others find this podcast easily and I sincerely appreciate all of your feedback and comments. It makes it all worthwhile as I know this podcast can plant a seed where big things can indeed grow! If you would love to work with Kim one on one coaching or be a part of her Self Love & Wellness Mentorship Program to continue to master the art of self-love click here – SIGNATURE ‘ESSENTIAL SELF CARE WEEKEND’ EVENT with Kim Morrison Immerse yourself in a whole weekend for you, dive into the powers of your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and how essential oils can create magic and change in your life. Learn the importance of self-care and what it means to indulge and recharge every day… after all you deserve it! Click here for more information and locations for your Standard or VIP ticket – PODCAST SPONSOR: Twenty8 Essentials – DISCOUNT CODE: Discount Code for SLP Listeners – selflovepodcast LINKS: Twenty8 Essentials Website: Facebook: Instagram: Kim Morrison Website: Essential Self Mastery Program: Essential Self Care Weekend: The Art Of Self Love – Self-Love & Wellness Mentoring Program – Essential Oils 101 Program – Kim Morrison Instagram: Kim Morrison Facebook: MUSIC INTRO & OUTRO Many thanks to Wes and Charlotte Carr –
SLP 390: Running From What You Need To Focus On In Life with Leigh Stalker
SLP 390: Running From What You Need To Focus On In Life with Leigh Stalker
‘I used to do a lot of endurance sports, the long-distance running and triathlons, Iron Man’s and things like that and what I realised is I got really good at running a long way, running away. So, I was using running and those endurance sports as a way to distract myself from the things I actually needed to focus on in my life. And, at the time, I was using that hustle, that drive, that competitive spirit, and taking on immense challenges as a way to feel I was being productive, but I was actually being productive and achieving things in parts of my life that weren’t fulfilling.’ ~ Leigh Stalker Leigh Stalker is an acclaimed performance coach renowned for his extraordinary feats and expertise in physical and mental conditioning. His diverse background, ranging from setting a world record to enduring some of the planet’s most gruelling physical challenges, uniquely positions him to coach elite athletes and fitness enthusiasts who are aiming for the pinnacle of their potential. Leigh’s journey in high-performance coaching is underpinned by his experiences across various extreme environments. From summiting a 6200-meter Himalayan mountain solo, completing Ironman triathlons, to setting an endurance challenge world record, Leigh’s own accomplishments are a testament to the effectiveness of his techniques. His tenure at sea as a Master of Yachts provided him with critical insights into resilience and leadership under pressure, skills he integrates into his coaching to enhance physical and mental endurance. Leigh’s approach combines advanced breathwork, mindfulness, and visualisation techniques to help athletes master their bodies and minds, preparing them for competitive success and everyday resilience. Whether you’re aiming to push your limits in fitness or expand on your life’s dreams, Leigh’s coaching provides the strategies and motivation to achieve extraordinary goals. Join him to transform your performance and reach the heights of your athletic aspirations. His definition of Self Love is being kind to oneself, and look at yourself through the lens of kindness which will allow you to think in a more empowered way. His favourite quote is from a teacher in India: ‘Joy is our nature.’ Best link to follow: Instagram: Quotes: You do not have to believe everything you are told in the health industry. I think I was very stubborn, and having such a hard time with my health, I questioned it all. I was able to turn that stubbornness into a genuine strength that gave me confidence. Big energetic challenges create a lot of noise. Check in with yourself and ask the question am I giving too much to this? A more mindful and gentle approach has me highly motivated and pumped. What is it that is adding value to my life and those I love? As a coach you need to understand your clients well. What is the cost of you engaging in this? Sleep, hydration and inflammation are basic markers. Breath work allows you to think more calming and less reactive. Get someone to believe they are worth it is the big challenge. It’s not about perfection but doing a good job consistently. It is about making investments in yourself. Allow for hurdles to come up and adapt accordingly. Ask what would a role model do? What is the real reasoning? Climbing 6,200mts solo was a big task and my biggest achievement. I needed to do something that required new behaviours. Nothing is really a certainty but we need to make our best decision we can in a powerful and regulated way. Pushing the limits was a familiar state for me. Men and women are so so different in how we think, how we feel and how we operate. Be kind to yourself. Joy is our nature. We have a choice in every situation.   SELF LOVE PODCAST SPONSOR LINKS THANKYOU FOR LISTENING… If you would like to share your feedback on this podcast please head to my Facebook and Instagram pages below. Thanks so much if you take the time to give me a 5-star rating on iTunes so that others find this podcast easily and I sincerely appreciate all of your feedback and comments. It makes it all worthwhile as I know this podcast can plant a seed where big things can indeed grow! If you would love to work with Kim one on one coaching or be a part of her Self Love & Wellness Mentorship Program to continue to master the art of self-love click here – SIGNATURE ‘ESSENTIAL SELF CARE WEEKEND’ EVENT with Kim Morrison Immerse yourself in a whole weekend for you, dive into the powers of your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and how essential oils can create magic and change in your life. Learn the importance of self-care and what it means to indulge and recharge every day… after all you deserve it! Click here for more information and locations for your Standard or VIP ticket – PODCAST SPONSOR: Twenty8 Essentials – DISCOUNT CODE: Discount Code for SLP Listeners – selflovepodcast LINKS: Twenty8 Essentials Website: Facebook: Instagram: Kim Morrison Website: Essential Self Mastery Program: Essential Self Care Weekend: The Art Of Self Love – Self-Love & Wellness Mentoring Program – Essential Oils 101 Program – Kim Morrison Instagram: Kim Morrison Facebook: MUSIC INTRO & OUTRO Many thanks to Wes and Charlotte Carr –
SLP 389: Self Love Quicky - Cherishing Special Friendships
SLP 389: Self Love Quicky - Cherishing Special Friendships
In the busyness of our modern lives, it’s easy to get swept away by endless to-do lists and mounting responsibilities. Yet, amidst the busyness, there’s something incredibly valuable that often gets overlooked, and that is precious friendships. The bonds we form with special souls can significantly enhance our wellbeing and enrich our lives in ways that nothing else can. Have you ever noticed that when you reunite with a close friend after months or even years apart, it feels like no time has passed? This magical phenomenon is a testament to the depth of true friendship. These connections are built on shared experiences, mutual understanding, and unwavering support. They transcend time and distance, providing a sense of comfort and belonging that remains constant regardless of life’s changes. This week’s Quicky is a reminder to reach out to a special soul and let them know how much they mean to you! All the essential oils mentioned in this show can be found at Don’t forget to use your Self Love Podcast special code below. Links to follow: Website: Instagram: Facebook: Quotes: There’s something incredibly valuable that often gets overlooked and that is friendship. The bonds we form with special souls can significantly enhance our wellbeing. Special connections are built on shared experiences, mutual understanding, and unwavering support. Friends are our emotional anchors. Social connections can lead to better health outcomes and wellbeing. Friends challenge us, broaden our perspectives, and help us grow as individuals. We must make a conscious effort to prioritise these relationships. Friendships are a vital part of a fulfilling life.   SELF LOVE PODCAST SPONSOR LINKS THANKYOU FOR LISTENING… If you would like to share your feedback on this podcast please head to my Facebook and Instagram pages below. Thanks so much if you take the time to give me a 5-star rating on iTunes so that others find this podcast easily and I sincerely appreciate all of your feedback and comments. It makes it all worthwhile as I know this podcast can plant a seed where big things can indeed grow! If you would love to work with Kim one on one coaching or be a part of her Self Love & Wellness Mentorship Program to continue to master the art of self-love click here – SIGNATURE ‘ESSENTIAL SELF CARE WEEKEND’ EVENT with Kim Morrison Immerse yourself in a whole weekend for you, dive into the powers of your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and how essential oils can create magic and change in your life. Learn the importance of self-care and what it means to indulge and recharge every day… after all you deserve it! Click here for more information and locations for your Standard or VIP ticket – PODCAST SPONSOR: Twenty8 Essentials – DISCOUNT CODE: Discount Code for SLP Listeners – selflovepodcast LINKS: Twenty8 Essentials Website: Facebook: Instagram: Kim Morrison Website: Essential Self Mastery Program: Essential Self Care Weekend: The Art Of Self Love – Self-Love & Wellness Mentoring Program – Essential Oils 101 Program – Kim Morrison Instagram: Kim Morrison Facebook: MUSIC INTRO & OUTRO Many thanks to Wes and Charlotte Carr –
SLP 388: Self Love Replay - Open Hearted Connection with Helen Padarin
SLP 388: Self Love Replay - Open Hearted Connection with Helen Padarin
‘We feel more close-hearted when we are in that state of fear. And that happens as a type of protection really, but unfortunately a side effect of a closed heart means we are less connected with ourselves so it is harder for us to hear our own intuition and our own gut feelings, our own sense of what is true for us and what is right for us as individuals but what it also does, it doesn’t just create that sense of disconnection from ourselves, but it creates that sense of disconnection from others and the world around us too. Not just in ourselves but division between one another.’ A very openhearted and real conversation around the state of the world through the eyes of one of Australia’s most well-renowned natural health practitioners Helen Padarin who in this interview guides us with science and soul back into our hearts with love and care. Knowing there is so much for our nervous systems to navigate right now it is clearly impacting our health with so many feeling the pressure. Helen believes the focus needs to come back to self-care and to truly nurture one self. Her clinic has seen more restrictions and pressures and coercions the base line stuff we are all dealing with now has added pressure like isolation or lock down or fear… it is not just emotional and mental which is huge but also a link to the physical. We talk soul, spirit and how to have an open heart. So to understand this more when we are in a state of fear our amygdala is activated and the frontal part of the brain shuts down – amygdala hijack – and we go into a reactive state of being. We make decisions out of fear in a reactive state rather than a sense of empowerment. And this shuts of our heart as a form of protection but a side effect means we are less connected with ourselves. It also disconnects us from ourselves and one another. It does not matter about your opinions or beliefs right now there is a lot of fear happening on both sides. Helen lets us know all the things that can bring us back to our present moment and into our body. To open our hearts we need to get back into our body and to know that our senses bring us back to the body. We talk neuro-psycho-immunology and how stress impacts our endocrine system and neuro-transmitters and nervous system innovation. This can make us susceptible to immune disorders and things like cancer, even our reproductive cycles and fertility. It effects our ability to produce digestive enzymes and how we absorb food of which the nutrients are the building blocks for health and wellbeing. The biggest emphasis in times of any stress is to maintain our sense of health and wellness. Helen acknowledges that no matter how smart or educated anyone is ultimately we are all human and all humans experience trauma over the extent of each person’s life. If we are not aware of the patterns created by these traumas, we can create repeating patterns. We are all to some extent children walking around in adult bodies with wounds and the need to heal some aspects of our lives. We never heal in isolation, we are always interacting with others so the more we can take ownership of our own stuff with compassion and empathy we can help the healing of the collective. Through experiences we have innate biases which will support our story. It takes a lot of courage to entertain another story… and actually question our beliefs and stories. There is so much influence from industry happening as well. We have always known that industry does not always have the best interests of the consumer at heart and there is a lot of vested interest right now. If we can meet with openhearted discussion and friendly debate, instead of a culture of not agreeing so you cannot be friends anymore, then there is more hope. It is very fascinating how quickly this shift in being able to converse and being able to have different points of view and healthy debate. We seem to have lost a lot of that lately which may indeed be driven by fear and hearts being closed off. We discuss the possibility of having more open-hearted conversations. Perhaps read ‘Non-Violent Communication’ by Marshall B Rosenberg and maybe understanding ‘The 4 Agreements’ by Don Miguiel Ruiz where one is to not take things personally. Helen believes pauses are so important. And to actually hear what the other person is saying and not take it personally, but rather find yourself saying, ‘That’s interesting.’ Somatic experiencing is a type of trauma therapy. This is about understanding where the memories are held in the body. The better we know ourselves the less threatened we will be by others. The more ok and openhearted we can be regardless of another’s opinion the more open we can be to learning understanding that we know everything. We have a lot of different shapes and shades to each of us. We go down the rabbit hole of who is ‘THEY’? When we are told ‘they say’ we have to do things or not do things. Helen has a variety of views on this, whether it is the perceived power of the elite or whether it could be a mental construct and our responsibility – or broken down into our ability to respond. When you are responsible you have more choice. And it gives you more options. It may not be easy but then having no choice is not easy either. ‘They’ could be the construct of who we give the power to, and maybe we feel powerless or the victim. It can be incredibly scary and difficult territory. People in places of power are vastly outnumbered by the population itself. And if everyone stayed true to their own truths and were more empowered there may be less problems. We all need to do our own healing. Helen explains how a vaccine was developed and what it has done for humanity and although her understanding is limited right now she believes it may not all be as it is portrayed. She encourages all to look into the era of the polio vaccine and the story behind the story. This vaccine is very different to any vaccine ever produced before. A vaccine takes 7-15 years to be deemed relatively safe. A vaccine normally has a part of the live or dead pathogen. The mRNA is basically coding our cells to make an identifying protein from your own cells that looks like the protein on the virus. You are producing that threat within your own body which is where some of the concern has come about. What happens to the immune system when it is primed in such a way? The immune system primed in this way creates an overreaction which can potentially cause death. Helen also talks about the other ingredients graphine oxide and what impacts that might have. Another concern is that they have been produced with brand new technology with NO long term proof to say they are safe and effective. They also do not stop transmission and they may reduce hospitalisation, even though some research suggests otherwise, it does not fit the previous definition of a vaccination. Helen expresses her concern around the idea of herd immunity (which protects the most vulnerable people) where it was once suggested that 70-80% in total of people who have had the infection, or the vaccination, was herd immunity… and now the definition on the World Health site it is now only reached through the vaccination… this raises a red flag too. The other part of the picture is there are known therapeutics (medications and supplements) that are cheap and very readily available (when not inhibited) that have been proven to help viruses like Covid yet these have been now removed from availability. This also raises red flags. There is no way this is about health, this is about CONTROL. If it was about health we would be hearing about quality sleep, to eat well, movement, water. If it really was a pandemic then spending $26m on an advertising campaign it begs the question why we need this much spent to prove it is. When other things are being withheld and there is only one way out of this it begs the question why? We talk about how one size fits all, it has never been the case with food, lifestyle, climate and certainly not pharmaceutically… There are genomic testings done for breast cancer alone to ensure the right medication is administered to the right woman. So, to assume this one vaccine is right for everyone raises question. How can it be ok to inject brand new technology into a brand new baby or pregnant women when we have no data to support the long term safety? There has been over 10,000 reaction claims to the vaccine which is more reactions to this shot than every other shot combined over the past 30 years. We are playing with fire. It is amazing how many resources we pulled together for this one event. Imagine if we spent this much money educating villages on permaculture, food, agriculture, educating in schools and driving a deeper connection to what we are eating. Or it could be used in safe water resources. The means are obviously there to do it as it has all suddenly appeared, yet we are a country in debt. In Helen’s opinion we have misdirected funds, energy and action. This could be the issue with centralised systems rather than acting locally for global benefit. More things close to home that people are engaged with. It comes back to the disconnect to our needs and sustenance. We talk about following the money trail behind this world-wide scenario. The third largest cause of death in the USA is medicines prescribed for their correct reasons. Not incorrect, but correct. If alternative integrative doctors or chiropractors for example get an adverse reaction they are named and shamed. They are considered dangerous. The maxima of first do no harm has certainly gone out the window with this. Nobody can say with true conviction that these vaccines are safe and effective. Maybe in 10-15 years time we may see they worked out pretty well, but we need to remember they are still in trial and research phase. So, there is no way they can say with certainty otherwise. Things we can do: 1 – Medical treatments are a personal choice. Helen fully supports it. She does not support mandates and coercion. 2 – Support your system with good water, nutritious food, sleep, laughter, relaxation, play, sunshine… we need daily to keep our mind, heart, immune system and hormones in good condition. The more regulated and balanced and well-functioning these things are the better resilience we have through times of stress. Focus on nourishing and cleansing you. 3 – Supplements for extra support whilst in a heightened state of pressure including more hands on care like acupuncture, chiro, massage, holding yourself. There is more need for more nurturing and care. 4 – If you choose to have the jab from the research in past 18 months and the function of these interventions, things that can be somewhat protective in various protocols like quercetic, vitamin D and C, resveratrol, glutathione, zinc etc. 5 – Daily basics – Sheridan Austin’s Foraged for You Mother’s Blend and Glow a skin support formulation with collagen, Australian native foods high in Vit C and antioxidants, resveratrol and maritime pine bark which all have immune modulating effects. Fear is the greatest driver towards stress so get back into your heart and know that wherever you are at right now is the right place. It is time to act from a different place. Gain new perspectives. Gather mentors who help with embodied experiences not just talking. Approach with softness and compassion and then we can do it for others. If we do not heal this, we will judge others. Say I see it. I hear you. I support you. Cultivate that compassion and connection within and for all parts of ourselves. Check out the Twenty8 blend Immune Boost 10ml synergy oil blend and Pine Oil. Helen’s final message to you is this… you need to feel it to heal it. The flipside is that whatever we resist persists. Encourage some softness and compassion for yourself as we are in challenging times right now. Acknowledge you are doing the best you can with the resources you have at the moment. Give yourself some love, compassion and high-5’s so far. Be open to being curious about what you are feeling. Don’t shut it out or numb it with food or alcohol. Remember you are not your feelings, they are feedback system. You are feeling your feelings you are not your feelings. Sometimes just seeing it is enough for it to transform into something beautiful. Do things that are really nourishing for yourself and from there seeds will grow and spread. Spend time with yourself and learn to grow with and trust your intuition. That will change the world. You’ve got this! Her definition of Self Love is to really acknowledge and accept with compassion all parts of ourselves. We are not binary creatures. We are not all good we are not all bad, all joy and frivolity or shame and disgust. We have all parts. We have the fear, anxiety, the bliss the sadness, the grief. The only way we can really love ourselves is to befriend all those parts of us. Befriend fear, it’s not necessarily bad. Get curious about your feelings and the situation. Create a shift within and we can gain a new perspective. Her favourite quote is from Rumi: Beyond the idea of right doing and wrong doing There is a field. I’ll meet you there. It just is. Naturopath, nutritionist, medical herbalist and author Helen Padarin has been in clinical practice since 2001. She works from one of Sydney’s most highly regarded integrated medical centres along with GP’s, a paediatrician and other practitioners. Helen holds a bachelor degree in Health Sciences (Naturopathy), advanced diplomas in nutrition, herbal medicine and massage and has completed extensive post-graduate training in treatment for metabolic, neurologic, digestive and immune disorders. Helen is passionate about conscious living, real food, vital health and empowering individuals, families and organisations to find the joy in being well. She gains constant inspiration from seeing clients make conscious changes to their physical health to find that it also benefits their emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing as well. She loves working with other health professionals, community groups, thought leaders and game changers providing a truly holistic approach to health and in doing so creating a supportive community. Helen finds nothing more satisfying than seeing patients and clients inadvertently spread inspiration to friends and family around them. Vitality, it turns out, is contagious! In spare time Helen enjoys outdoor adventure, walking in nature, spending time by and in the ocean, playing (i.e. working on strength and fitness in dynamic functional and fun ways), progressing her own journey of wellness, sharing enriching and joyful experiences with friends and family, and continuing on the journey of “know thyself”. Helen’s Qualifications Bachelor of Health Sciences (Naturopathy) – University of New England Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy (Nature Care College, Sydney) Diploma of Nutrition (Nature Care College, Sydney) Diploma of Botanical Medicine (Nature Care College, Sydney) Diploma of Remedial Massage (Nature Care College, Sydney) Holistic Lifestyle Coach (CHEK Institute) MAPS (Medical Academy of Paediatric Special Needs) Practitioner Training   SELF LOVE PODCAST SPONSOR LINKS THANKYOU FOR LISTENING… If you would like to share your feedback on this podcast please head to my Facebook and Instagram pages below. Thanks so much if you take the time to give me a 5-star rating on iTunes so that others find this podcast easily and I sincerely appreciate all of your feedback and comments. It makes it all worthwhile as I know this podcast can plant a seed where big things can indeed grow! If you would love to work with Kim one on one coaching or be a part of her Self Love & Wellness Mentorship Program to continue to master the art of self-love click here – SIGNATURE ‘ESSENTIAL SELF CARE WEEKEND’ EVENT with Kim Morrison Immerse yourself in a whole weekend for you, dive into the powers of your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and how essential oils can create magic and change in your life. Learn the importance of self-care and what it means to indulge and recharge every day… after all you deserve it! Click here for more information and locations for your Standard or VIP ticket – PODCAST SPONSOR: Twenty8 Essentials – DISCOUNT CODE: Discount Code for SLP Listeners – selflovepodcast LINKS: Twenty8 Essentials Website: Facebook: Instagram: Kim Morrison Website: Essential Self Mastery Program: Essential Self Care Weekend: The Art Of Self Love – Self-Love & Wellness Mentoring Program – Essential Oils 101 Program – Kim Morrison Instagram: Kim Morrison Facebook: MUSIC INTRO & OUTRO Many thanks to Wes and Charlotte Carr –
SLP 387: Self Love Quicky - Treating a Nasty Flu Virus Naturally
SLP 387: Self Love Quicky - Treating a Nasty Flu Virus Naturally
When the good ol flu strikes, it can leave you feeling drained and miserable. While rest and hydration are key, natural remedies can provide additional relief and support your recovery. Here’s a wee guide to treating a nasty flu virus naturally, incorporating essential oils, supplements, and feel-good remedies and all I have been using since being whacked by this virus. All the essential oils mentioned in this show can be found at Don’t forget to use your Self Love Podcast special code below. Links to follow: Website: Instagram: Facebook: Quotes: Eucalyptus oil is renowned for its ability to clear nasal congestion and ease respiratory issues. Lavender oil promotes relaxation and better sleep, which is crucial during recovery. Vitamin C boosts your immune system and can shorten the duration of flu symptoms. Blackcurrant Powder is loaded with anthocyanins, antioxidants and vitamin C that can help combat flu viruses. Chicken soup, an age-old remedy isn’t just comforting—it can help reduce inflammation and provide necessary nutrients. If you have nutrient, hormonal, vitamin and/or mineral deficiencies, IV therapy may support your health. Foraged for You has a certified organic blend of carefully selected, real and fermented foods containing lactobacillus probiotics. Kultured Wellness have a range of ferments and I particularly love making my own yoghurt. Your body needs rest to heal.   SELF LOVE PODCAST SPONSOR LINKS THANKYOU FOR LISTENING… If you would like to share your feedback on this podcast please head to my Facebook and Instagram pages below. Thanks so much if you take the time to give me a 5-star rating on iTunes so that others find this podcast easily and I sincerely appreciate all of your feedback and comments. It makes it all worthwhile as I know this podcast can plant a seed where big things can indeed grow! If you would love to work with Kim one on one coaching or be a part of her Self Love & Wellness Mentorship Program to continue to master the art of self-love click here – SIGNATURE ‘ESSENTIAL SELF CARE WEEKEND’ EVENT with Kim Morrison Immerse yourself in a whole weekend for you, dive into the powers of your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and how essential oils can create magic and change in your life. Learn the importance of self-care and what it means to indulge and recharge every day… after all you deserve it! Click here for more information and locations for your Standard or VIP ticket – PODCAST SPONSOR: Twenty8 Essentials – DISCOUNT CODE: Discount Code for SLP Listeners – selflovepodcast LINKS: Twenty8 Essentials Website: Facebook: Instagram: Kim Morrison Website: Essential Self Mastery Program: Essential Self Care Weekend: The Art Of Self Love – Self-Love & Wellness Mentoring Program – Essential Oils 101 Program – Kim Morrison Instagram: Kim Morrison Facebook: MUSIC INTRO & OUTRO Many thanks to Wes and Charlotte Carr –
SLP 386: Self Love Replay - Choosing Yourself 100% with Melinda Grinner
SLP 386: Self Love Replay - Choosing Yourself 100% with Melinda Grinner
‘It’s choosing yourself 100%. If you don’t choose yourself and make time, create time for you, you’re ripping yourself off, but also everyone around you because they’re not going to see your best self, your happier self. And it’s also teaching the people around you, especially if you’ve got little humans, like how dare you rip off these little humans, teaching them that they can’t choose themselves and have time for themselves to grow and evolve and care for themselves.’ ~ Melinda Grinner Melinda Grinner, adventurer, wife to Blase, Mother to Breath, Oak & Ocean, also is the proud owner of Raw Coaching (Previously MAB Personal Training & Adventures). Raw is all about empowering the ‘Real. Authentic. Woman.’ to be/do/have the life she desires from a place of LOVE. Using health as her anchor, activating her strength to have the confidence mentally, physically & emotionally within. This is a beautiful conversation around women honouring who they are and choosing themselves to be their biggest, best version of themselves. Melinda opens up and shares why this is the most important act of self-love. Her journey is testament of how to never ever give up on oneself and always believe you deserve the best life has to offer you. If you are ever feeling challenged Melinda believes there are 3 steps to come home to you. 1. Feel the feels. 2. Ask what do I choose? 3. Find out who can I ask to support me right now? This allows you to unlock the power and wisdom within. Her definition of Self Love is: Loving oneself is choosing oneself. Her favourite quote is: ‘You are worthy to choose you. Love is the answer!’ Links to follow: Instagram: Facebook RAW: Facebook: Linked In: Quotes: I stumbled across the meaning of purpose and it aligned with movement. Relationships are not about happiness but about growth. I learned I had to choose myself. It was all coming from a place of fear. What would love do in this moment? It is important to trust in and love the journey. Adventure has taught me about so much. Nothing changes if nothing changes. It’s never about the top of the mountain, there’s always another mountain. I accept where I am right now. We either evolve or dissolve. Contentment is being present in the moment. Balance is BS! Past experiences give us the opportunity of growth. Us women have so much wisdom. Intention is everything. Focus into the feeling you desire and use it for manifestation. The power of intention activates life. Loving oneself is choosing oneself. If you do not make time for yourself you are ripping those who love you off. A sun rise is like Mother Nature giving me a kiss all over my body. You are worthy to choose you. Choose from a place of love.     SELF LOVE PODCAST SPONSOR LINKS   THANKYOU FOR LISTENING… If you would like to share your feedback on this podcast please head to my Facebook and Instagram pages below. Thanks so much if you take the time to give me a 5-star rating on iTunes so that others find this podcast easily and I sincerely appreciate all of your feedback and comments. It makes it all worthwhile as I know this podcast can plant a seed where big things can indeed grow!   If you would love to work with Kim one on one coaching or be a part of her Self Love & Wellness Mentorship Program to continue to master the art of self-love click here –   SIGNATURE ‘ESSENTIAL SELF CARE WEEKEND’ EVENT with Kim Morrison   Immerse yourself in a whole weekend for you, dive into the powers of your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and how essential oils can create magic and change in your life. Learn the importance of self-care and what it means to indulge and recharge every day… after all you deserve it!   Click here for more information and locations for your Standard or VIP ticket -   PODCAST SPONSOR: Twenty8 Essentials - DISCOUNT CODE: Discount Code for SLP Listeners – selflovepodcast   LINKS: Twenty8 Essentials Website: Facebook: Instagram:   Kim Morrison Website:   Essential Self Mastery Program:   Essential Self Care Weekend:   The Art Of Self Love -   Self-Love & Wellness Mentoring Program -   Essential Oils 101 Program -   Kim Morrison Instagram:   Kim Morrison Facebook:   MUSIC INTRO & OUTRO Many thanks to Wes and Charlotte Carr -
SLP 385: Self Love Quicky - The Zest of Lemon Oil
SLP 385: Self Love Quicky - The Zest of Lemon Oil
In the world of aromatherapy, few essences can match the vibrant versatility of lemon essential oil. Derived from the peel of the Citrus limon plant, this aromatic extract has been cherished for centuries for its uplifting scent and incredible health benefits. From invigorating the senses to cleansing the home, lemon essential oil serves as a versatile companion in holistic wellness. In this week’s Quicky we delve into learning about the essence of lemon oil, uncovering its key benefits and features that make it a must-have for every home. All the essential oils mentioned in this show can be found at Don’t forget to use your Self Love Podcast special code below. Links to follow: Website: Instagram: Facebook: Quotes: Lemon oil is renowned for its mood-lifting properties. Lemon oil bolsters the body’s natural defences against pathogens. Lemon aids digestion by stimulating the production of gastric juices and promoting healthy bowel movements. Lemon’s potent antibacterial and antifungal properties, lemon oil serves as a non-toxic alternative to conventional household cleaners. Diffusing lemon oil can enhance focus, concentration, and productivity. Citral is a constituent in lemon known for its potent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Lemon oil is often more budget-friendly, making it accessible to a wide range of consumers.   SELF LOVE PODCAST SPONSOR LINKS THANKYOU FOR LISTENING… If you would like to share your feedback on this podcast please head to my Facebook and Instagram pages below. Thanks so much if you take the time to give me a 5-star rating on iTunes so that others find this podcast easily and I sincerely appreciate all of your feedback and comments. It makes it all worthwhile as I know this podcast can plant a seed where big things can indeed grow! If you would love to work with Kim one on one coaching or be a part of her Self Love & Wellness Mentorship Program to continue to master the art of self-love click here – SIGNATURE ‘ESSENTIAL SELF CARE WEEKEND’ EVENT with Kim Morrison Immerse yourself in a whole weekend for you, dive into the powers of your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and how essential oils can create magic and change in your life. Learn the importance of self-care and what it means to indulge and recharge every day… after all you deserve it! Click here for more information and locations for your Standard or VIP ticket – PODCAST SPONSOR: Twenty8 Essentials – DISCOUNT CODE: Discount Code for SLP Listeners – selflovepodcast LINKS: Twenty8 Essentials Website: Facebook: Instagram: Kim Morrison Website: Essential Self Mastery Program: Essential Self Care Weekend: The Art Of Self Love – Self-Love & Wellness Mentoring Program – Essential Oils 101 Program – Kim Morrison Instagram: Kim Morrison Facebook: MUSIC INTRO & OUTRO Many thanks to Wes and Charlotte Carr –
SLP 384: You Can’t Un-Hear What You’ve Heard with Annie Morris
SLP 384: You Can’t Un-Hear What You’ve Heard with Annie Morris
‘For me, it took nearly two years, of experimenting what worked for me. And reminding me… I think having Lynne in my life for that whole year, solidly, was like, ‘Hang on Annie we have worked on this.’ So, it was a reminder that you can’t un-hear what you’ve heard so keep moving forward which way. And I think what was really important for me was to set some goals. And then when those goals were set, I had some clarity along the way and then I really started enjoying the ‘being’. And once I would see that it wasn’t actually fear it possibly could have been excitement, I would then lean in.’ ~ Annie Morris Annie Morris is located on beautiful Kangaroo Island in South Australia and loves helping people. She is passionate about teaching people the tools to help them go from feeling uneasy and stuck, to feeling content and free. The reason she knows she can help you is because she has had years of struggling with her inner critic. It’s time for her to share her experience and let others benefit from it. Annie is Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, a Master Practitioner of Time Line Therapy® and a Practitioner of Advanced Hypnotherapy. This is a beautiful conversation about a beautiful being who has done a lot of inner work and been on a massive journey from a place of fear to excitement. Annie shares her story so openly and allows us all to feel at ease about wherever we are at in our lives. She helps people to get out of being stuck! And we get to hear how we can do this with ease by embracing the uncomfortable and falling in love with yourself. Her definition of Self Love is honesty and being ok with where you are at. It is doing the inner work which brings you to a place of flow. It’s the small things that turn into the big things. It is doing something for myself every day and giving myself the time to do it. It is allowing yourself time. It is about moving your body and knowing it is really healthy to do something every day. Be ok with yourself. Her favourite quote is: ‘The magic that you’re looking for is in all the things you’re avoiding.’ Links to follow: Website: Instagram: Facebook: Quotes: Travelling is about a freedom to me. I was always pulled to the hippy dip side of life. I’m starting to realise life is about timing. Everyone’s experience of this work is different. You cannot un-hear what you have heard. All I want is to be in flow, but we are always in flow! We need to understand sadness to appreciate happiness. It’s ok to be angry or sad. We are not taught how to handle our emotions. Who is driving your bus? The inner critic? The inner partier? Or your true self? Don’t focus on what you don’t want, focus on what you DO want. My biggest strength is being authentic and honest. Authenticity is key. I was born to lead but I knew I wasn’t going about it right either. Put your hand on your heart to remind yourself to get out of your head. Lead from your heart space with more love and kindness. My rock bottom was my bounce point to come up. In a way labelling can be both good and not so good, it’s about exploring. How do you know this is not heaven already? Nature has a massive play for us. Success leaves clues. Be present in the moment. Be anchored. Life’s one big trial. There’s no right or wrong way its just two paths to end up in the same place. Lean into the uncomfortable. What if you’re exactly where you need to be so you can see what you need to see so you can help others. Ask if this is really serving me? Move your body. Everything that is uncomfortable and by doing the inner work is knowing on the other side of it is calm, confidence and happiness.   SELF LOVE PODCAST SPONSOR LINKS THANKYOU FOR LISTENING… If you would like to share your feedback on this podcast please head to my Facebook and Instagram pages below. Thanks so much if you take the time to give me a 5-star rating on iTunes so that others find this podcast easily and I sincerely appreciate all of your feedback and comments. It makes it all worthwhile as I know this podcast can plant a seed where big things can indeed grow! If you would love to work with Kim one on one coaching or be a part of her Self Love & Wellness Mentorship Program to continue to master the art of self-love click here – SIGNATURE ‘ESSENTIAL SELF CARE WEEKEND’ EVENT with Kim Morrison Immerse yourself in a whole weekend for you, dive into the powers of your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and how essential oils can create magic and change in your life. Learn the importance of self-care and what it means to indulge and recharge every day… after all you deserve it! Click here for more information and locations for your Standard or VIP ticket – PODCAST SPONSOR: Twenty8 Essentials – DISCOUNT CODE: Discount Code for SLP Listeners – selflovepodcast LINKS: Twenty8 Essentials Website: Facebook: Instagram: Kim Morrison Website: Essential Self Mastery Program: Essential Self Care Weekend: The Art Of Self Love – Self-Love & Wellness Mentoring Program – Essential Oils 101 Program – Kim Morrison Instagram: Kim Morrison Facebook: MUSIC INTRO & OUTRO Many thanks to Wes and Charlotte Carr –
SLP 383: Self Love Quicky - The Vibrational Frequencies of Essential Oils
SLP 383: Self Love Quicky - The Vibrational Frequencies of Essential Oils
The concept of vibrational frequency stems from the understanding that everything in the universe, including living beings and inanimate objects, emits energy at a specific frequency. This energy, often referred to as vibrational energy, is believed to influence the state of our being. In the case of essential oils, each oil is thought to resonate at a particular frequency, which corresponds to its unique chemical composition and molecular structure. And, this week we dive into what vibrational frequency actually means and how essential oils can do so much for us in our every day life. All the essential oils mentioned in this show can be found at Don’t forget to use your Self Love Podcast special code below. Links to follow: Website: Instagram: Facebook: Quotes: Essential oils, with their potent fragrances and therapeutic properties, have emerged as powerful tools for supporting our health and well-being. Tainio’s research found that essential oils have some of the highest frequencies of any natural substance, ranging from 52 MHz to 320 MHz. Scientific research on the vibrational frequencies of essential oils is limited, but there is growing interest in understanding their potential therapeutic effects. Essential oils are valued for their ability to support emotional wellbeing. Rose essential oil is often associated with the heart chakra. These aromatic wonders have the potential to uplift and nourish every aspect of your being. Embrace the power of essential oils as a natural and holistic approach to enhancing your health and wellbeing.   SELF LOVE PODCAST SPONSOR LINKS THANKYOU FOR LISTENING… If you would like to share your feedback on this podcast please head to my Facebook and Instagram pages below. Thanks so much if you take the time to give me a 5-star rating on iTunes so that others find this podcast easily and I sincerely appreciate all of your feedback and comments. It makes it all worthwhile as I know this podcast can plant a seed where big things can indeed grow! If you would love to work with Kim one on one coaching or be a part of her Self Love & Wellness Mentorship Program to continue to master the art of self-love click here – SIGNATURE ‘ESSENTIAL SELF CARE WEEKEND’ EVENT with Kim Morrison Immerse yourself in a whole weekend for you, dive into the powers of your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and how essential oils can create magic and change in your life. Learn the importance of self-care and what it means to indulge and recharge every day… after all you deserve it! Click here for more information and locations for your Standard or VIP ticket – PODCAST SPONSOR: Twenty8 Essentials – DISCOUNT CODE: Discount Code for SLP Listeners – selflovepodcast LINKS: Twenty8 Essentials Website: Facebook: Instagram: Kim Morrison Website: Essential Self Mastery Program: Essential Self Care Weekend: The Art Of Self Love – Self-Love & Wellness Mentoring Program – Essential Oils 101 Program – Kim Morrison Instagram: Kim Morrison Facebook: MUSIC INTRO & OUTRO Many thanks to Wes and Charlotte Carr –
SLP 382: You Can Achieve Anything You Want In The World with Richard Thompson
SLP 382: You Can Achieve Anything You Want In The World with Richard Thompson
‘Anything is possible. You can achieve anything you want in this world, that is it. The caveat around that is you must want it, and then I guess coming off of that condition that you must want it, is that you need a vision, and you need a team around you to assist you to achieve that vision. So, nothing in life, I don’t believe, (worthwhile), can be achieved by yourself. As long as you know where you’re going, and you create a team around you to help you achieve that, then you can achieve anything in the world.’ ~ Richard Thompson An incredible conversation with the amazing Richard Thompson, a lawyer, a dad, a partner, and a world-record ultra triathlete. We talk all things highs and lows and respectfully find ways to navigate this turbulent life we all live. There are so many gems in this beautiful conversation and I know you are going to love everything our dear guest has to offer. After completing his Law and Accounting degrees from QUT, Richard spent a number of years working as a solicitor where he practised in all areas of commercial law as well as succession and elder law. An accomplished and respected professional athlete, Richard spent five years as a full time professional ultra triathlete where he won two world titles and broke a world record for the three day event. In 2023 Richard returned to law and absolutely loved the joy of helping clients and in 2024 he established his own legal practice Thompson Legal in Bli Bli. ‘I am a dedicated father to Theodore, Frankin and Rupert, I am the podcast host of “Success x Happiness”, I speak to companies about high performance in the workplace and I am a lawyer and director of Thompson Legal. My three core values in life are “integrity”, “teamwork” and “helping others” and I have found Thompson Legal as the perfect vessel to achieve these all at the same time. As a lawyer, I specifically work with business to assist in all matters of commercial legal work, including: – Buying and selling businesses including commercial due diligence; – Retail, Commercial & Industrial leases – as Landlord or Tenant (drafting, negotiating, assigning and disputes) – Mergers / Acquisitions; – Share Sale agreements; – Shareholders Agreements; – Joint Venture Agreements; – Business and Asset Protection; and – General Business compliance, risk mitigation and assisting businesses achieve practical outcomes to allow them to be more profitable. My world champion success in professional sport stems from meticulous planning, commitment and a team dedicated to high performance. It is incredible to see the direct parallels with the sport and into business and I am passionate to help others achieve the same success in their own lives. To be part of their team and help them achieve high performance.’ His definition of Self Love is finding something that nourishes you, that you prioritise on a regular basis, for you. His favourite quote is from Marianne Williamson: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” Links to follow: Website: Instagram: Facebook: Linked In: Success x Happiness Podcast: Success x Happiness with Kim Morrison: Quotes: You have to work hard to see the benefits for yourself. So many lessons have been learned to achieve the success I had. I have a desire to inspire others to achieve greatness. Endurance is the ability to endure, we need to endure life. You only improve because you have endured the hardship. Improve, recover, build. Endure the discomfort as long as you can and success will follow. Doing everything right to the best of your ability consistently allows you to go to places you’ve never been before. You can achieve anything you want in this world. Nothing worthwhile can be achieved by yourself. Success is subjective. I have extreme belief in myself. Goals generally are not the best for you as they can cap your potential. Are you able to extract the most out of yourself? Did you actually do the best you could? You cannot put any currency on an objective outcome. Look at everyone as humans. Employing people who are better than you is the best. One thing that are you grateful for, proud of and looking forward to? What is the high and low of your day and what is the buffalo – random, funny or noticed? Double down to fill up! It’s the 1%’ers, it’s the small things! Appreciate the small things. How much you are home in order to be away and show it. The key learnings are centred around self-love. What are our 5 non-negotiable values and how we can serve them in our relationship? You can only connect the dots by looking back. You cannot have the light without the dark. Every human in intriguing. Anyone can achieve anything they want. Know where you want to steer your ship.   SELF LOVE PODCAST SPONSOR LINKS THANKYOU FOR LISTENING… If you would like to share your feedback on this podcast please head to my Facebook and Instagram pages below. Thanks so much if you take the time to give me a 5-star rating on iTunes so that others find this podcast easily and I sincerely appreciate all of your feedback and comments. It makes it all worthwhile as I know this podcast can plant a seed where big things can indeed grow! If you would love to work with Kim one on one coaching or be a part of her Self Love & Wellness Mentorship Program to continue to master the art of self-love click here – SIGNATURE ‘ESSENTIAL SELF CARE WEEKEND’ EVENT with Kim Morrison Immerse yourself in a whole weekend for you, dive into the powers of your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and how essential oils can create magic and change in your life. Learn the importance of self-care and what it means to indulge and recharge every day… after all you deserve it! Click here for more information and locations for your Standard or VIP ticket – PODCAST SPONSOR: Twenty8 Essentials – DISCOUNT CODE: Discount Code for SLP Listeners – selflovepodcast LINKS: Twenty8 Essentials Website: Facebook: Instagram: Kim Morrison Website: Essential Self Mastery Program: Essential Self Care Weekend: The Art Of Self Love – Self-Love & Wellness Mentoring Program – Essential Oils 101 Program – Kim Morrison Instagram: Kim Morrison Facebook: MUSIC INTRO & OUTRO Many thanks to Wes and Charlotte Carr –
SLP 381: Self Love Quicky - The Potential Benefits of Essential Oils in Managing Epilepsy and Seizures
SLP 381: Self Love Quicky - The Potential Benefits of Essential Oils in Managing Epilepsy and Seizures
Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterised by recurrent seizures, affecting millions of people worldwide. While modern medicine offers various treatment options, including medication and surgery, some individuals seek alternative therapies to complement their conventional treatments. Among these alternatives, essential oils have gained attention for their potential therapeutic benefits. In particular, frankincense, derived from the resin of the Boswellia tree, stands out for its remarkable properties in managing epilepsy and seizures. This week we look into the benefits and science behind essential oils and their efficacy in alleviating symptoms associated with epilepsy, fits and seizures. All the essential oils mentioned in this show can be found at Don’t forget to use your Self Love Podcast special code below. Links to follow: Website: Instagram: Facebook: Quotes: Essential oils have gained attention for their potential therapeutic benefits. Frankincense stands out for its remarkable properties in managing epilepsy and seizures. Essential oils contain bioactive compounds that possess anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective properties, making them promising candidates for managing epilepsy and seizures. Frankincense contains potent compounds like boswellic acids, terpenes, and sesquiterpenes, which exhibit anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and neuroprotective effects. Compounds found in essential oils, such as terpenes and antioxidants, exert neuroprotective effects.   SELF LOVE PODCAST SPONSOR LINKS THANKYOU FOR LISTENING… If you would like to share your feedback on this podcast please head to my Facebook and Instagram pages below. Thanks so much if you take the time to give me a 5-star rating on iTunes so that others find this podcast easily and I sincerely appreciate all of your feedback and comments. It makes it all worthwhile as I know this podcast can plant a seed where big things can indeed grow! If you would love to work with Kim one on one coaching or be a part of her Self Love & Wellness Mentorship Program to continue to master the art of self-love click here – SIGNATURE ‘ESSENTIAL SELF CARE WEEKEND’ EVENT with Kim Morrison Immerse yourself in a whole weekend for you, dive into the powers of your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and how essential oils can create magic and change in your life. Learn the importance of self-care and what it means to indulge and recharge every day… after all you deserve it! Click here for more information and locations for your Standard or VIP ticket – PODCAST SPONSOR: Twenty8 Essentials – DISCOUNT CODE: Discount Code for SLP Listeners – selflovepodcast LINKS: Twenty8 Essentials Website: Facebook: Instagram: Kim Morrison Website: Essential Self Mastery Program: Essential Self Care Weekend: The Art Of Self Love – Self-Love & Wellness Mentoring Program – Essential Oils 101 Program – Kim Morrison Instagram: Kim Morrison Facebook: MUSIC INTRO & OUTRO Many thanks to Wes and Charlotte Carr –
SLP 380: If You Don’t Use It you Lose It with Morgan Kennedy
SLP 380: If You Don’t Use It you Lose It with Morgan Kennedy
‘I think a lot of people are stuck in a state where they’re not educated, and they don’t know. They try to find the answers of what they’re feeling or what they’re experiencing and it’s really just not there which is really sad to think about because there are the answers, but a lot of people just don’t really know them. So, they can be stuck in that state for however long. I think my passion is to really just bring people the information they deserve and it’s not only just improving the way they move, it’s improving every aspect of their life. Goes back to the simple premise – if you don’t use it, you lose it.’ ~ Morgan Kennedy The human body is not symmetrical. The neurological, respiratory, circulatory, muscular and vision systems are not the same on the left side of the body as they are on the right, and vice versa. Morgan Kennedy’s work recognises these asymmetries and implements strategies that approach both sides separately to avoid imbalances over time. His qualifications are in the three primary courses of Postural Restoration Institute known as Myokinematics, Pelvic Restoration and Postural Respiration. Additionally, Morgan is certified in Functional Range Conditioning from Functional Range Systems. Technically he is titled as a ‘Specialist’ in both. He has a huge passion for helping people make positive changes and loves supporting his clients to understand how incredible their body is. This interview is a captivating conversation about a young man’s passion for helping his clients be their best selves. Morgan has a deep knowledge and love of the human body and shares how the health and fitness industry has become such a wonderful profession to be a part of. He is intelligent, and inspiring and makes being healthy sound effortless. His definition of self-love is being able to understand we are all learning and that you will never understand what is the best thing for you. Self-love is something that changes over time. We want to better ourselves, learn from what we have done and continuously want to grow. His favourite quote is from Marcus Aurelius: ‘Practice what seems impossible.’ Links to follow: Linktree: Instagram: Facebook: Linked In: Quotes: Blessed to have a really good network and learning opportunities. We are on this planet for a relatively short amount of time to make a difference. If we can improve physically we will support people to improve mentally. My journey has been about understanding my body more. When we perform better we improve the way we feel. A lot of people will become stagnated with how much they know. We are not breathing the best we can. We may get strong but we might be getting strong in a way we cannot adapt. People have literally stopped doing what they love due to pain. We are all trying to help our clients. The body is a miracle. We need to understand how precious life is. I change people’s lives! I am continuously learning and want to keep learning. There are a lot of people who do not like change. But I am here and want to give information to help them. Life is a rollercoaster. Practice what seems impossible. Your actions are going to reflect your outcome.   SELF LOVE PODCAST SPONSOR LINKS THANKYOU FOR LISTENING… If you would like to share your feedback on this podcast please head to my Facebook and Instagram pages below. Thanks so much if you take the time to give me a 5-star rating on iTunes so that others find this podcast easily and I sincerely appreciate all of your feedback and comments. It makes it all worthwhile as I know this podcast can plant a seed where big things can indeed grow! If you would love to work with Kim one on one coaching or be a part of her Self Love & Wellness Mentorship Program to continue to master the art of self-love click here – SIGNATURE ‘ESSENTIAL SELF CARE WEEKEND’ EVENT with Kim Morrison Immerse yourself in a whole weekend for you, dive into the powers of your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and how essential oils can create magic and change in your life. Learn the importance of self-care and what it means to indulge and recharge every day… after all you deserve it! Click here for more information and locations for your Standard or VIP ticket – PODCAST SPONSOR: Twenty8 Essentials – DISCOUNT CODE: Discount Code for SLP Listeners – selflovepodcast LINKS: Twenty8 Essentials Website: Facebook: Instagram: Kim Morrison Website: Essential Self Mastery Program: Essential Self Care Weekend: The Art Of Self Love – Self-Love & Wellness Mentoring Program – Essential Oils 101 Program – Kim Morrison Instagram: Kim Morrison Facebook: MUSIC INTRO & OUTRO Many thanks to Wes and Charlotte Carr –