El Conservador Radio Show Podcast

El Conservador Radio Show

George Rodriguez is a nationally known blogger and commentator who has served as the South Texas Coordinator for the national Tea Party Patriots. He has been a regular guest on Fox News, Univision, and various state and national news outlets. He has also spoken around the nation at many rallies.  Mr. Rodriguez was born in Laredo, Texas and raised in San Antonio. He has dedicated his life to sharing conservative values with Hispanics and with all Americans. As a Ronald Reagan and George H. Bush appointee, he worked for the Department of Justice in community relations and immigration outreach. He also worked with the White House Office of Public Liaison on community outreach, and with Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) on judiciary legislation, including civil rights and immigration legislation.  Mr. Rodriguez was part of the 1988 Bush Presidential Campaign, and then worked for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development as a special assistant, then later as an office director. Mr. Rodriguez worked with the Katrina Recovery program as an anti-fraud compliance officer, and for the City of San Antonio as a real estate director before his retirement in 2010.  Mr. Rodriguez served as the Harris County GOP Chairman of Outreach from 1999 to 2000 and continues his active leadership. Mr. Rodriguez made national history in March, 2011, when he was named President of the San Antonio Tea Party and became the first Hispanic president of a major Tea Party group in the U.S. In May, 2012, he stepped down to become president of the South Texas Political Alliance, a political action group concentrating on state and local issues.  Mr. Rodriguez graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in Political Science, and has certificates in Community Building from DePaul University and Harvard University. He has a blog at El Conservator and a facebook page “El Conservator.”

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