The Same Commission

Echoes International

The Same Commission podcast focuses on aspects of mission you might not have considered before. Whether you are thinking about mission for the first time or you’ve been faithfully serving in or supporting mission – this is the podcast for you! Echoes International’s Jim Armstrong and Matt Pitts meet a new guest each week from the world of mission, learn about a new topic and hear ways in which we can pray effectively. Find out how God is moving across His world and be inspired to follow God’s leading. read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


Spiritual Warfare
Spiritual Warfare
A topic which isn’t always the focus of Western churches, Nate Bramsen reflects on the challenging issue of SPIRITUAL WARFARE with Jim and Matt in today’s episode of The Same Commission. They consider the Biblical definition, discuss whether mission partners face particular spiritual pressures as they serve and focus on what our responses as believers should be to spiritual attacks. Nate gives a personal account of the prayers of God’s people sustaining him in times of trouble and the assurance that we have in in the Lord Christ Jesus. with Nate Bramsen, CMML mission partner Born and raised in Senegal, Nate Bramsen founded Rock International in 2006, a non-profit organization offering holistic care and multi-media gospel media tools for children in neglected areas of the world. Today, Nate carries out a global itinerant speaking schedule, podcasts, and works with teams taking the Gospel to unreached areas. His heart is to see this generation become disciples and unconditional followers of Jesus Christ.  “Spiritual warfare doesn’t just mean what the enemy is doing, spiritual warfare is what we get to do. We are on offence, we’re not on defence. I’ve already got victory so I’m moving forward. How do I move forward? In ‘everything by prayer and supplication’ – and so prayer is our weapon” Nate Bramsen, mission partner (CMML) Podcast participants: Jim Armstrong, General Director, Echoes International, Matt Pitts, Missions Director, Echoes International and Nate Bramsen, CMML mission partner SOCIAL: Facebook: @echoesinternational; Nate Bramsen @bramsen Instagram: @echoesinternational; Nate Bramsen @natebramsen Nate Bramsen, YouTube: and Into Your Bible: Spiritual warfare in the jungle (video mentioned in podcast) PODCAST INFO:Podcast website: Apple Podcasts: Amazon: Spotify: SOCIAL:Instagram: Facebook: Website: KEYWORDS: Mission; Mission partners; Gospel; Christian; Brethren; Assemblies; Believers; Prayer; Missionaries; Faith; Spiritual warfare; spiritual attack; enemy; pray; attacks; religions
Is There a Role for Short-Term Mission in the 21st Century?
Is There a Role for Short-Term Mission in the 21st Century?
Jim and Matt chat to Matthew Skirton from OM about whether there is a need for short-term mission in the world today. They consider the advantages of short-term mission, the challenges of doing short-term mission well and whether short-term mission always leads to long-term service in cross-cultural mission. Matthew highlights the unique role that short-term outreach has to inspire people for the wider mission of God. with Matthew Skirton, CEO, OM UK Beginning his ministry in Moldova, Matthew Skirton is now the UK CEO of OM, overseeing the ministry across the UK as OM seeks to mobilise people to be involved in mission work among the least reached. He regularly preaches and speaks at churches, Christian events and conferences. “So this belief that we are all called to mission work…I suppose it is a little thing but I think quite important-  that we don’t speak of being involved in a ‘short-term mission’ and then just tick the box and then I’ve done my mission work… because we are called to wrap our whole lives around the reality of knowing God through His son Christ and living as a disciple of Christ and all being on a mission, we are all ‘sent ones’, we are all missionaries and so that’s the thinking around not calling them ‘short-term missions’ but ‘short-term outreaches’ within OM” – Matthew Skirton Podcast participants: Jim Armstrong, General Director, Echoes International, Matt Pitts, Missions Director, Echoes International and Matthew Skirton, CEO, OM UK SOCIAL: OM website:   OM UK Facebook: @OMUnitedKingdom OM UK Instagram: @omunitedkingdom PODCAST INFO:Podcast website: Apple Podcasts: Amazon: Spotify: SOCIAL:Instagram: Facebook: Website: KEYWORDS: Mission; Mission partners; Gospel; Christian; Brethren; Believers; short-term; mission; outreach; volunteer; volunteering; missional; cross-cultural; missionaries; mobilise, mobilisation
Mission in a Male-Dominated Society
Mission in a Male-Dominated Society
This episode of The Same Commission considers the role of women within mission, particularly those mission partners serving in countries with a strict patriarchal society or where women’s rights are not respected. Eunice and Janey share differing experiences of serving in male-dominated societies with Matt and Jim, looking at both the challenges and the benefits of being a woman mission partner.    with Eunice Jones, South Asia and Janey Mukomba, Zambia Janey Mukomba, originally from Scotland, heads up Mwana Ministries in Zambia, which seeks to improve the lives of children in Africa by reaching them with the good news of Jesus Christ, and providing opportunities to further their education, with three strands of ministry - Mwana Media, Mwana Mission and Mwana Action. Looking ahead, Janey is hoping to produce new TV programmes with her team in Zambia, focusing more on animation, to minister to children on television. Eunice Jones, now based in Wales, was a mission partner in South Asia, commended in 1989 until 2020. Today she is still involved in social media outreach, encouraging believers in South Asia and with translation projects for Bibles and Christian resources, including ensuring that these translations are recorded and distributed through media, for example through local radio. “In a country where Christians and missionaries are considered suspicious and… we experienced a lot of opposition and men and families lost their visas and had to leave, women were considered relatively terms of impacting the community. That worked in our favour because we were able to carry on, not only just running a clinic but communicating the gospel and I was involved in translation work. I think had I been a man I would not have still been there.” – Eunice Jones, mission partner, South Asia Podcast participants: Jim Armstrong, General Director, Echoes International, Matt Pitts, Missions Director, Echoes International, Eunice Jones, mission partner, South Asia and Janey Mukomba, mission partner, Zambia TAG ON SOCIAL: Facebook: @MwanaMinistries Instagram: @mwanaministrieszm Mwana Ministries: PODCAST INFO:Podcast website: Apple Podcasts: Amazon: Spotify: SOCIAL:Instagram: Facebook: Website: KEYWORDS: Mission; Mission partners; Gospel; Christian; Brethren; Believers; Church; Fellowships; Assembly; Assemblies; Women; Woman; Female; Misogyny; Male; Domination; Power; Patriarchal; Patriarchy; Rights; Society; Community; Communities; Families; Respect; Gender; Africa; Zambia; South Asia
Migrant Ministry
Migrant Ministry
In episode five of The Same Commission, Jim and Matt meet up with mission partner Sam Killins, as they reflect on the changing trends in migration, particularly in South America. They focus on the new missional opportunities that migration can provide to believers, as we seek to share the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ throughout the world. with Sam Killins, mission partner Sam Killins, with his wife Alejandra, has served in Colombia for many years, focusing on church planting among young people and Venezuelan immigrants. Alejandra and Sam continue to help a number of Venezuelan immigrants on a regular basis, and host missions teams as well as participate in camps and conferences in Colombia. In particular they support the Refuge Church in the border city of Cucuta, which is home to new believers from Venezuela who struggle significantly to just get by in their everyday lives.  “We’re made of the same stuff, we have similar desires and similar dreams and we start finding common ground and a friendship that can last well beyond what we can imagine” – Sam Killins, mission partner Podcast participants: Jim Armstrong, General Director, Echoes International, Matt Pitts, Missions Director, Echoes International and Sam Killins, mission partner TAG ON SOCIAL: Facebook: Instagram: PODCAST INFO:Podcast website: Apple Podcasts: Amazon: Spotify: SOCIAL:Instagram: Facebook: Website: KEYWORDS: Mission; Mission partners; Gospel; Christian; Brethren; Believers; migrants; migration; immigration; asylum seekers; emigration; emigrants; economy; economic; population; movement; diaspora; dispersion; South America; mass migration; ministry; church planting; refugees; refuge; refugee
Succession Not Retirement
Succession Not Retirement
Ramez Atallah joins Jim and Matt for Series 2 of The Same Commission, as he discusses how to plan well for succession. Drawing on his experience from leading a number of various mission organisations, Ramez shares how mission partners should work hard to make themselves redundant, by ensuring that their ministries are passed on well to the next generation. with Ramez Atallah, Senior Advisor, Bible Society of Egypt Ramez Atallah left Egypt as a child, after his family’s property was confiscated by the socialist regime in the 50s. He lived in Canada, where he met and married his wife, Rebecca. In 1980, they moved back to Egypt with their two young children, where he served with IFES and the Lausanne Movement. Since 1990, Ramez worked as the General Secretary of the Bible Society of Egypt, where he now is their Senior Advisor. “The Lord will decide, but what is my role, what does God assign me? And if Paul was responsible to have Timothy, Titus, several young men working with him, each of whom could have picked up the baton and worked in different areas and the Lord Jesus had twelve, eleven of whom ended up carrying the torch after him, then certainly we should have two or three around us from whom we can choose and from whom the Lord can choose. Yes, it is the Lord’s decision, but we have a big role to prepare for the Lord’s decision” – Ramez Atallah Podcast participants: Jim Armstrong, General Director, Echoes International, Matt Pitts, Missions Director, Echoes International and Ramez Atallah, Senior Advisor, Bible Society of Egypt TAG ON SOCIAL: Facebook: PODCAST INFO:Podcast website: Apple Podcasts: Amazon: Spotify: SOCIAL:Instagram: Facebook: Website: KEYWORDS: Mission; Mission partners; Gospel; Christian; Brethren; Believers; retirement; retire; succession; succeeding; management; leadership; generations; managers; leader; ministry; ministries; redundant;
Christianity, culture and compost
Christianity, culture and compost
Integration in the community Former Echoes International’s mission director Rupert Abbott reflects on his time serving as a mission partner in Birmingham and Pakistan. Jim and Matt consider how far mission partners should integrate into the culture and community in which they serve. Rupert shares about his skills in running agricultural projects over the years and how even something simple like compost can create a connection with a neighbour! with Rupert Abbott, former Echoes International missions director and mission partner Rupert Abbott has served in mission for many years, from inner city Birmingham to Pakistan to Thailand and then back to the UK, where he served as Echoes International Missions Director until 2022. He has used his skills in agriculture to build connections with the communities he’s lived in, and he and his wife Janet have been involved in fostering and adoption in a variety of contexts. “The years that I spent in Birmingham had taught me what I needed to know and all the skills about how to have useful conversations with Muslim friends so that when I did get the opportunity in Pakistan and could open my mouth I had something useful to say and the right kind of way in which to say it ” – Rupert Abbott, former Echoes International missions director and mission partner Podcast participants: Jim Armstrong, General Director, Echoes International, Matt Pitts, Missions Director, Echoes International and Rupert Abbott, former Echoes International missions director and mission partner TAG ON SOCIAL: Facebook: Instagram: @rupertabbott57 PODCAST INFO:Podcast website: Apple Podcasts: Amazon: Spotify: SOCIAL:Instagram: Facebook: Website: KEYWORDS: Mission; Mission partners; Gospel; Christian; Brethren; Believers; Rural; Agriculture; Agricultural Development; Pakistan; Culture; Assimilation; Thailand; Birmingham; Outreach;
What stays, what goes?
What stays, what goes?
Helping the church keep the vision of church-planting Episode 3 of The Same Commission focuses on the importance of church planting, with Philippe Perilliat from France. Philippe shares with Matt and Jim a bit about the growth of the evangelical church in France, his personal experiences of planting churches and why every church should be considering the need to plant a new fellowship or support others to do so.   with Philippe Perilliat, France Philippe, with his wife Marie Christine are heavily involved in the work of the local church. Their vision is for evangelism and to see the church grow through new converts. Philippe and Marie Christine serve in Aix en Provence, where a new church has been planted, work among students has developed and a regional church planting training centre has been established. “I remember when I became a Christian, I met my first group of Christians, it was the first time in my life. I couldn’t understand anything of what they were saying, of their culture, even when they were sharing the Bible, but I could see through their lives that they had something I hadn’t - and this testimony is very powerful ” – Philippe Perilliat, GLO, France Podcast participants: Jim Armstrong, General Director, Echoes International, Matt Pitts, Missions Director, Echoes International and Philippe Perilliat, GLO, France TAG ON SOCIAL: Facebook: @philippe.perrilliat GLO website: PODCAST INFO:Podcast website: Apple Podcasts: Amazon: Spotify: SOCIAL:Instagram: Facebook: Website: KEYWORDS: Mission; Mission partners; Gospel; Christian; Brethren; Believers; Church; Fellowships; Assembly; Assemblies; Church-planting; Planting; New churches; Evangelism; Support; Testimony; Outreach;
How to support mission when you aren't a missionary!
How to support mission when you aren't a missionary!
Want to support mission but you aren’t sure how? Listen to Ruth and Monty’s inspiring story of their involvement in the Northern Ireland Women Working for God committee, which organises women-only events and a whatsapp prayer group to encourage women of every age to support and pray more for mission. Jim and Matt hear why it is so important for us to walk alongside cross-cultural mission partners in prayer today. with Monty McCleery and Ruth Price, Echoes International Women Working for God Northern Ireland Committee Monty McCleery is originally from Mexico, and the Lord brought her to Northern Ireland, where she married Lawrence, and together they have a heart for reaching out to children in Carryduff. She is a member of the Echoes International Northern Ireland Women Working for God committee. She works as a part-time graphic designer with Child Evangelism Fellowship and Monty and her husband have just welcomed their first child.   Ruth Price is married to Glenn with three teenage children. They live on the north coast of Ireland and she is a member of Dunluce Christian Fellowship. She works in nutrition research at Ulster University and is secretary of the Echoes International Northern Ireland Women Working committee. “Sometimes I feel like we forget that our mission partners are people in their own right and they have left family and friends and the culture that they know and moved everything to a new country to serve the Lord (and absolutely the Lord will bless them for that), but we need to be praying into that for them” – Ruth Price Podcast participants: Jim Armstrong, General Director, Echoes International, Matt Pitts, Missions Director, Echoes International and Monty McCleery and Ruth Price, Echoes International Women Working for God Northern Ireland Committee PODCAST INFO:Podcast website: Apple Podcasts: Amazon: Spotify: SOCIAL:Instagram: Facebook: Website: KEYWORDS: Mission; Mission partners; Christian; Brethren; Believers; Missionaries; Prayer; Women; Ladies; Female; Woman; Praying; Fellowship; Support; Events; Whatsapp;
Unity In Mission
Unity In Mission
The Same Commission Echoes International podcast The Same Commission kicks off Season Two with a wonderful discussion about the importance of unity in mission, with Jonathan Lamb, minister-at-large with Keswick Ministries. Jim and Matt explore with Jonathan why Christians aren’t always united, how to overcome cultural differences and what to watch out for when divisions occur.  with Jonathan Lamb, Keswick Ministries Jonathan Lamb is a former chairman of Keswick Ministries and is now a minister-at-large, serving the Keswick movement in the UK and internationally. He is a Vice President of IFES and the former Director of Langham Preaching, and continues to train leaders and preachers around the world, as well as regularly teaching at conferences. He is the author of many books, including ‘Essentially One: Striving for the Unity God loves’.   “We miss sometimes the spiritual reality here, the spiritual warfare in our congregations and in mission and we can cruise along without recognising what’s going on. And we can miss the urgency of being eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit ” – Jonathan Lamb, Keswick Ministries Podcast participants: Jim Armstrong, General Director, Echoes International, Matt Pitts, Missions Director, Echoes International and Jonathan Lamb, Keswick Ministries PODCAST INFO:Podcast website: Apple Podcasts: Amazon: Spotify: SOCIAL:Instagram: Facebook: Website:  KEYWORDS: Mission; Mission partners; Gospel; Christian; Brethren; Believers; Unity; Holy Spirit; churches; assemblies; United; Together; Gentleness; Humble; Theology; Doctrine; Serving; God; One; Jesus Christ; Spiritual Warfare;
Suffering for Christ
Suffering for Christ
The Same Commission Echoes International podcast A difficult topic today for The Same Commission podcast as we look at what it means to suffer as a Christian. Shahbaz shares from his experiences in Pakistan, mentioning in particularly recent events affecting believers in the Punjab province. It might not be a subject we like to dwell on, but suffering has long characterised the Christian’s life and Shahbaz, Jim and communications manager Lesley (standing in for our missions director Matt Pitts) reflect on why suffering isn’t in vain. The Same Commission podcast focuses on aspects of mission you might not have considered before. Whether you are thinking about mission for the first time or you’ve been faithfully serving in or supporting mission – this is the podcast for you! Echoes International’s Jim Armstrong and Matt Pitts meet a new guest each week from the world of mission, learn about a new topic and hear ways in which we can pray effectively. Find out how God is moving across His world and be inspired to follow God’s leading. Season 1 Episode 9 SUFFERING with Shahbaz Masih Boota, Pakistan Shahbaz Masih Boota has been a full-time church leader in the Brethren church in Pakistan for around 10 years. He then joined Zarephath Bible Seminary (ZBS) in 2008 and has served at ZBS in different roles, such as lecturer, Associate Dean, and President of the Seminary until 2022. He is now studying for his Ph.D. He teaches and speaks on Christian Theology in Context, looking particularly at the theology of suffering and persecution in a minority context. “By suffering, churches are more motivated, more revived, more strengthened, more focused on prayer and fasting – the church is united!” A difficult topic today for The Same Commission podcast as we look at what it means to suffer as a Christian. Shahbaz shares from his experiences in Pakistan, mentioning in particularly recent events affecting believers in the Punjab province. It might not be a subject we like to dwell on, but suffering has long characterised the Christian’s life and Shahbaz, Jim and communications manager Lesley (standing in for our missions director Matt Pitts) reflect on why suffering isn’t in vain. Podcast participants: Jim Armstrong, General Director, Echoes International, Lesley de Blieck, Communications Manager, Echoes International and Shahbaz Masih Boota, Pakistan Resources: Opal International: PODCAST INFO:Podcast website: Apple Podcasts: Amazon: Spotify: SOCIAL:Instagram: Facebook: Website: KEYWORDS: Mission; Mission partners; Gospel; Christian; Brethren; Believers; Prayer; Missionaries; Faith; Pakistan; Asia; Christianity; Suffering; Pain; Violence; Response; Churches; Church; Unity; United; Pray; Minorities; Persecution; Assemblies
Business as Mission
Business as Mission
Bringing his many years of experience on the mission field encouraging microenterprise and setting up humanitarian aid projects, Allan considers whether BUSINESS AS MISSION is just something for the entrepreneurial types among us. Jim and Matt quiz him on the advice Allan would give to new mission partners setting out and they all reflect on how to keep mission as your primary goal in business.  The Same Commission podcast focuses on aspects of mission you might not have considered before. Whether you are thinking about mission for the first time or you’ve been faithfully serving in or supporting mission – this is the podcast for you! Echoes International’s Jim Armstrong and Matt Pitts meet a new guest each week from the world of mission, learn about a new topic and hear ways in which we can pray effectively. Find out how God is moving across His world and be inspired to follow God’s leading. Season 1 Episode 8 Season 1 Episode 8 BUSINESS AS MISSION with Allan Bussard, MSC Canada mission partner Allan Bussard is chair and managing director of Integra Cooperative, a social venture capital fund active in Eastern Europe and East Africa and founding partner of Integra Foundation, a microenterprise development and SME business development agency. Allan, with his wife Caulene, ministers through discipleship in Central and Eastern Europe, economic development (poverty alleviation) programmes in Central and Eastern Europe and East Africa and work with children at risk and are listed by our sister support group in Canada, MSC.  “There’s a wide range of skills that can be employed, for example engineers and technicians and logistics people -  and so who is it that God has made you to be and how can that fit into a bigger picture?” Bringing his many years of experience on the mission field encouraging microenterprise and setting up humanitarian aid projects, Allan considers whether BUSINESS AS MISSION is just something for the entrepreneurial types among us. Jim and Matt quiz him on the advice Allan would give to new mission partners setting out and they all reflect on how to keep mission as your primary goal in business. Podcast participants: Jim Armstrong, General Director, Echoes International, Matt Pitts, Missions Director, Echoes International and Allan Bussard, MSC Canada mission partner Resources: Allan and Caulene Bussard, MSC Canada Integra: PODCAST INFO:Podcast website: Apple Podcasts: Amazon: Spotify: SOCIAL:Instagram: Facebook: Website: KEYWORDS: Mission; Mission partners; Gospel; Christian; Brethren; Believers; Prayer; Missionaries; Faith; Business as mission; Microenterprise; Humanitarian aid; Christianity; Small and Medium Sized Enterprise; SME; Business; Business Development; Central Europe; Eastern Europe; Skills; East Africa; Economic development; Poverty; Poverty alleviation; Support; Assistance; Assemblies
Teaching and Training for Women
Teaching and Training for Women
Anne-Laure shares about TEACHING AND TRAINING FOR WOMEN, looking in particular at the training course she leads for women. She muses what impact there is on the local church when women receive theological training. Jim and Matt ask her about the challenges facing women as they learn and why this should be an important issue for the whole church to support. The Same Commission podcast focuses on aspects of mission you might not have considered before. Whether you are thinking about mission for the first time or you’ve been faithfully serving in or supporting mission – this is the podcast for you! Echoes International’s Jim Armstrong and Matt Pitts meet a new guest each week from the world of mission, learn about a new topic and hear ways in which we can pray effectively. Find out how God is moving across His world and be inspired to follow God’s leading. Season 1 - Episode 7 TEACHING AND TRAINING FOR WOMEN with Anne-Laure Mostacero, Echoes International mission partner Originally from France, Anne-Laure Mostacero has served on OM ships and in Peru and has been trained in Northern Ireland and the United States. She and her husband Luis are now based in Spain and they are mission partners associated with Echoes International. Anne-Laure serves the Lord through writing, teaching, and mentoring women living and serving in 18 different hispanic countries.  “It’s about women who do understand their new identity in Christ and are active in their gifting and serving the church, serving in mission. It’s about women being in the Word and that changes their circle of influence” Anne-Laure Mostacero, Echoes International mission partner Anne-Laure shares about TEACHING AND TRAINING FOR WOMEN, looking in particular at the training course she leads for women. She muses what impact there is on the local church when women receive theological training. Jim and Matt ask her about the challenges facing women as they learn and why this should be an important issue for the whole church to support. Podcast participants: Jim Armstrong, General Director, Echoes International, Matt Pitts, Missions Director, Echoes International and Anne-Laure Mostacero, Echoes International mission partner Resources: Ancladas PODCAST INFO:Podcast website: Apple Podcasts: Amazon: Spotify: SOCIAL:Instagram: Facebook: Website: KEYWORDS: Mission; Mission partners; Gospel; Christian; Brethren; Believers; Prayer; Missionaries; Faith; Woman; Woman; Theology; Theological Training; Training; Ladies; Church; Assemblies;
Creative Models of Mission
Creative Models of Mission
Listen to speaker, mission partner and Bible teacher Nate Bramsen as he shares his mission journey to serve in unreached areas of the world and the challenges that come with that, both for himself and his family. Jim and Matt discuss with Nate how CREATIVE MODELS OF MISSION are needed, how God invites us into His story and what it means to honour governments and regimes which forbid us from witnessing. The Same Commission podcast focuses on aspects of mission you might not have considered before. Whether you are thinking about mission for the first time or you’ve been faithfully serving in or supporting mission – this is the podcast for you! Echoes International’s Jim Armstrong and Matt Pitts meet a new guest each week from the world of mission, learn about a new topic and hear ways in which we can pray effectively. Find out how God is moving across His world and be inspired to follow God’s leading. Season 1 - Episode 6 CREATIVE MODELS OF MISSION with Nate Bramsen, CMML mission partner Born and raised in Senegal, Nate Bramsen founded Rock International in 2006, a non-profit organization offering holistic care and multi-media gospel media tools for children in neglected areas of the world. Today, Nate carries out a global itinerant speaking schedule, podcasts, and works with teams taking the Gospel to unreached areas. His heart is to see this generation become disciples and unconditional followers of Jesus Christ.  “The only thing that I could hear was that there will always be people to fill a pulpit, but there will not always be people going to those who are unreached – and that was enough” Nate Bramsen, mission partner (CMML) Listen to speaker, mission partner and Bible teacher Nate Bramsen as he shares his mission journey to serve in unreached areas of the world and the challenges that come with that, both for himself and his family. Jim and Matt discuss with Nate how CREATIVE MODELS OF MISSION are needed, how God invites us into His story and what it means to honour governments and regimes which forbid us from witnessing. Podcast participants: Jim Armstrong, General Director, Echoes International, Matt Pitts, Missions Director, Echoes International and Nate Bramsen, CMML mission partner Resources:     CMML:; Rock International; Nate Bramsen, YouTube: and Into Your Bible: PODCAST INFO:Podcast website: Apple Podcasts: Amazon: Spotify: SOCIAL:Instagram: Facebook: Website: KEYWORDS: Mission; Mission partners; Gospel; Christian; Brethren; Believers; Prayer; Missionaries; Faith; Unreached; Creative access; Creative models; Closed countries; Christianity; Assemblies
Communicating the Gospel in Different Cultures
Communicating the Gospel in Different Cultures
In today’s podcast we deep dive into the differences in culture between peoples and nations today. Ivan Chow argues why mission partners shouldn’t start with a cultural analysis of the country they’re serving in, but should begin instead with God’s Word. Jim and Matt explore with Ivan why this approach is crucial for all believers as we communicate the gospel wherever we are. The Same Commission podcast focuses on aspects of mission you might not have considered before. Whether you are thinking about mission for the first time or you’ve been faithfully serving in or supporting mission – this is the podcast for you! Echoes International’s Jim Armstrong and Matt Pitts meet a new guest each week from the world of mission, learn about a new topic and hear ways in which we can pray effectively. Find out how God is moving across His world and be inspired to follow God’s leading. Season 1 - Episode 5 COMMUNICATING THE GOSPEL IN DIFFERENT CULTURES with Ivan Chow, Bethesda Church Bukit Arang, Singapore Ivan Chow serves as a senior church leader in Bethesda Church Bukit Arang in Singapore. He has been preaching and teaching the Bible for 25 years in Singapore and cross-culturally in places like Australia, China, Hungary, India, Malaysia, Myanmar and Romania. He also serves as a director at the Evangelical Theological College Asia and is involved in The Gospel Fellowship, a church planting and revitalisation movement.  “The Word of God is relevant in every age and culture. When we look at the world to  do our cultural analysis, we do so through the lens of this deeper common culture that we find in the Scriptures” Ivan Chow, Bethesda Church Bukit Arang, Singapore In today’s podcast we deep dive into the differences in culture between peoples and nations today. Ivan Chow argues why mission partners shouldn’t start with a cultural analysis of the country they’re serving in, but should begin instead with God’s Word. Jim and Matt explore with Ivan why this approach is crucial for all believers as we communicate the gospel wherever we are. Podcast participants: Jim Armstrong, General Director, Echoes International, Matt Pitts, Missions Director, Echoes International and Ivan Chow, Bethesda Church Bukit Arang, Singapore Resources: Bethesda Church Bukit Arang, Singapore: PODCAST INFO:Podcast website: Apple Podcasts: Amazon: Spotify: SOCIAL:Instagram: Facebook: Website: KEYWORDS: Mission; Mission partners; Gospel; Christian; Brethren; Believers; Prayer; Missionaries; Faith; Bible; Scriptures; Biblical; Culture; Cultural; Peoples; Nations; Christianity; Word of God; Word; World; Relevance; Assemblies
Unfinished Task in Europe
Unfinished Task in Europe
Today’s podcast is a wide-ranging discussion of the UNFINISHED TASK IN EUROPE, the issues facing the continent of Europe and how we as believers can respond. Stephen McQuoid talks with Jim and Matt about the church in Europe, reflecting on questions such as ‘isn’t Europe Christian by heritage anyway?’, ‘how does the ‘unfinished task’ relate to Europe?’ and ‘Why should Christians welcome migrants?’. The Same Commission podcast focuses on aspects of mission you might not have considered before. Whether you are thinking about mission for the first time or you’ve been faithfully serving in or supporting mission – this is the podcast for you! Echoes International’s Jim Armstrong and Matt Pitts meet a new guest each week from the world of mission, learn about a new topic and hear ways in which we can pray effectively. Find out how God is moving across His world and be inspired to follow God’s leading. Season 1 - Episode 4 UNFINISHED TASK IN EUROPE with Stephen McQuoid, GLO Europe Dr Stephen McQuoid is the General Director of GLO Europe and has a passion for reaching secular Europeans with the gospel. He serves at Clyde Valley Community Church and combines this with an itinerant teaching and training ministry both in the UK and abroad.   “From an encouraging perspective the growth of evangelicalism in Europe is coming from a low start, but it is growing…For example, the French are just one of the most exciting churches in Europe. Through their battles with secularism, you’ve got a generation of young leaders still faithful to Christ – there’s a lot of dynamism that needs to be released and explode” Stephen McQuoid, GLO Europe Today’s podcast is a wide-ranging discussion of the UNFINISHED TASK IN EUROPE, the issues facing the continent of Europe and how we as believers can respond. Stephen McQuoid talks with Jim and Matt about the church in Europe, reflecting on questions such as ‘isn’t Europe Christian by heritage anyway?’, ‘how does the ‘unfinished task’ relate to Europe?’ and ‘Why should Christians welcome migrants?’. Podcast participants: Jim Armstrong, General Director, Echoes International, Matt Pitts, Missions Director, Echoes International and Stephen McQuoid, General Director, GLO Europe Resources: GLO Europe: PODCAST INFO:Podcast website: Apple Podcasts: Amazon: Spotify: SOCIAL:Instagram: Facebook: Website: KEYWORDS: Mission; Mission partners; Gospel; Christian; Brethren; Believers; Prayer; Missionaries; Faith; Europe; Central Europe; Eastern Europe; Migration; Asylum Seekers; Immigration; European; Secularism; Christianity; Heritage; Unfinished; Unfinished task; continent; Assemblies
Positive Impact of Mission
Positive Impact of Mission
Former Echoes mission partner and director Ian Burness meets Matt and Jim at the Echoes International Bath office he used to work at to share some amazing stories from the history of mission. Fighting against the stereotype of colonialism that has often been levelled at missionaries in the 18th and 19th centuries, Ian reflects on the wonderful, if complicated, legacy that early mission partners have left for us today. The Same Commission podcast focuses on aspects of mission you might not have considered before. Whether you are thinking about mission for the first time or you’ve been faithfully serving in or supporting mission – this is the podcast for you! Echoes International’s Jim Armstrong and Matt Pitts meet a new guest each week from the world of mission, learn about a new topic and hear ways in which we can pray effectively. Find out how God is moving across His world and be inspired to follow God’s leading. Season 1 - Episode 3 POSITIVE IMPACT OF MISSION with Ian Burness After studies in medicine in Aberdeen University, Ian Burness and his wife Margaret went to Africa in 1979, where Ian ran a mission hospital on the Zambian/Angolan border and worked in local churches among the Lubale people. After returning to the UK in 1990, Ian worked with Echoes of Service, now Echoes International, based in Bath, where he was our General Director until 2015. He’s also published a variety of books on the history of mission, making him the ideal person to reflect on the impact of mission over the past few hundred years. “In all the early years of leprosy care, the research and advances were being done by Christians who were at the cutting edge of this. They were the ones who were there, reaching the most needy and the poorest of the poor. Why were they doing that? Because they had compassion for people and they had love for Jesus Christ” Ian Burness Former Echoes mission partner and director Ian Burness meets Matt and Jim at the Echoes International Bath office he used to work at to share some amazing stories from the history of mission. Fighting against the stereotype of colonialism that has often been levelled at missionaries in the 18th and 19th centuries, Ian reflects on the wonderful, if complicated, legacy that early mission partners have left for us today. Podcast participants: Jim Armstrong, General Director, Echoes International, Matt Pitts, Missions Director, Echoes International and Ian Burness Resources: Medicine in Remote Places by Ian Burness: A Legacy for the Future: Ian Burness’ lecture at Echoes International’s 150th celebrations in 2022:    PODCAST INFO:Podcast website: Apple Podcasts: Amazon: Spotify: SOCIAL:Instagram: Facebook: Website: KEYWORDS: Mission; Mission partners; Gospel; Christian; Brethren; Believers; Prayer; Missionaries; Faith; History; Legacy; Colonialism; 18th Century; 1th9 Century; Historical; Travel; Africa; India; Archives; Research; Christianity; Leprosy; Medical Mission; Medicine; Assemblies
Advances in Translation
Advances in Translation
Listen to Wycliffe Bible Translators’ James Poole, Jim and Matt discusses the wonderful ADVANCES IN BIBLE TRANSLATION which have been taking place recently. Yet 1 in 5 people are still waiting for the Bible in the language that speaks to them best. The Same Commission podcast focuses on aspects of mission you might not have considered before. Whether you are thinking about mission for the first time or you’ve been faithfully serving in or supporting mission – this is the podcast for you! Echoes International’s Jim Armstrong and Matt Pitts meet a new guest each week from the world of mission, learn about a new topic and hear ways in which we can pray effectively. Find out how God is moving across His world and be inspired to follow God’s leading. Season 1 - Episode 2 ADVANCES IN TRANSLATION with James Poole, Wycliffe Bible Translators James Poole is the Executive Director of Wycliffe Bible Translators. His role takes him around the world and across the UK and Ireland, as he shares about Wycliffe’s mission to serve local partners worldwide, bringing God’s Word to their communities in the language which speaks to them best. “It’s the scale of what’s happening that is so remarkable. To put that simply - in 2023 somewhere around the world a new Bible was launched, printed and distributed at the rate of one a month, a New Testament was launched at the rate of one a week and a new translation started around the world at the rate of one per day” – James Poole, Wycliffe Bible Translators Listen to Wycliffe Bible Translators’ James Poole, Jim and Matt discusses the wonderful ADVANCES IN BIBLE TRANSLATION which have been taking place recently. Yet 1 in 5 people are still waiting for the Bible in the language that speaks to them best.    Podcast participants: Jim Armstrong, General Director, Echoes International, Matt Pitts, Missions Director, Echoes International and James Poole, Executive Director, Wycliffe Bible Translators Resources: Wycliffe Bible Translators: PODCAST INFO:Podcast website: Apple Podcasts: Amazon: Spotify: SOCIAL:Instagram: Facebook: Website: KEYWORDS: Mission; Mission partners; Gospel; Christian; Brethren; Believers; Prayer; Missionaries; Faith; Bible; Translation; AI; Artificial Intelligence; Translators; Assemblies
Partnership in the Gospel
Partnership in the Gospel
In today’s podcast, Jim and Matt discuss with Al Simms the theme of ‘PARTNERSHIP IN THE GOSPEL’. They explore what that means for us today as believers and consider what that looks like on the ground, in places like Central Asia. The Same Commission podcast focuses on aspects of mission you might not have considered before. Whether you are thinking about mission for the first time or you’ve been faithfully serving in or supporting mission – this is the podcast for you! Echoes International’s Jim Armstrong and Matt Pitts meet a new guest each week from the world of mission, learn about a new topic and hear ways in which we can pray effectively. Find out how God is moving across His world and be inspired to follow God’s leading. Season 1 - Episode 1 PARTNERSHIP IN THE GOSPEL with Al Simms, People International Al Simms is director of People International, a mission agency reaching out into Central Asia to recruit, train and send new gospel workers to some of the least reached people in the world. “when we talk about wider Central Asia, we’re talking about a Muslim background region of the world, with about 600 million people living there and over 99% of the people there have never heard of a Saviour who died and rose again and offers to bring new life” – Al Simms, People International In today’s podcast, Jim and Matt discuss with Al Simms the theme of ‘PARTNERSHIP IN THE GOSPEL’. They explore what that means for us today as believers and consider what that looks like on the ground, in places like Central Asia.  Podcast participants: Jim Armstrong, General Director, Echoes International, Matt Pitts, Missions Director, Echoes International and Al Simms, Director, People International Resources: People International: PODCAST INFO:Podcast website: Apple Podcasts:  Amazon: Spotify:  SOCIAL:Instagram: Facebook: Website: KEYWORDS: Mission; Mission partners; Gospel; Christian; Brethren; Believers; Prayer; Missionaries; Faith; Central Asia; Unreached; People Groups; Partnership; Unity; Working together; Assemblies