Neda Aria (Spoken Label, June 2024)

Spoken Label

19-06-2024 • 32 mins

Latest Spoken Label (Author / Writer Podcast) features making their debut, Neda Aria.

Neda's bio advises "| write, I create, I build worlds in my imagination. Writing is my soul, creating is my passion. I write to explore the human mind, | write to reveal what's beneath that beautiful mask of yours. I uncover the darkness within. I dare to free words, I dare to be brave, I dare to say what others afraid to say.

Author of ENARO, IDEO: The Bitter Recipes of the Truth, Feminomaniacs, and co-author of The legend of Kelpie.

Coming soon: Clandestine, Insects Circus, Prayer Rope, Production City, and Dream of Dandelions"

Under the name of Lilith Wilde, they have also bought out their debut romance novel "Bella Donna'.

More details about Neda Aria can be found at: