Drew Garty (Spoken Label, May 2024)

Spoken Label

29-05-2024 • 42 mins

Latest up from Spoken Label (Spoken Word / Poetry Podcast) features Drew Garty.

Drew Garty is a rather nomadic Scotsman (still kilt wearing) who currently resides inManchester and London. He has been writing for several years and has performed at a number of venues throughout Manchester and the North West and recently debuted in London.

His work is based on everyday life observations of people and circumstances with a heavy leaning on nostalgia or the unusual (check his work entitled Kilt Day, Stage Name).

Heavily biassed towards humour with a number of pieces reflecting LGBTQ+ issues (Under theRainbow).Drew has been published in various anthologies but maintains a discipline with his writing which observes a personal objective.

Generally eschewing but not dismissing publication, Drew prefers the intimacy of a live performance and an engaging audience.

Also an accomplished photographer he is examining a future of combining his writing with some images.You can contact

Drew can be contacted via email on pumpkinpositive@hotmail.co.uk