Story Slurp

Victoria Brown

What’s your story? We all have stories worth telling, but sometimes it can be difficult to get clear on that story and know how to tell it effectively. I'm Victoria Brown, a Story Coach - I believe stories have the power to connect, inspire and build unbeatable brands - but first you’ve got to get clear on that story. I believe: * Everyone has a story worth sharing (yes, even you). * It’s up to you how you frame that story. * It can be hard to see that story close up. * Your mindset can keep you small and stop you from sharing your story. * Stories are a powerful tool to connect people. * Stories can make your business memorable. I created this podcast to: * Inspire you through other people’s stories * Find out how to get clear on how to tell your story * Help you get out of your own way and believe in your own story. I've been lucky enough to be joined on the podcast by some awe-inspiring and generous successful business owners and experts, and I hope you enjoy hearing their stories and tips as much as I do. Enjoy your slurp of story juice. 🧃 read less


Should you QUIT social media for your business?
Should you QUIT social media for your business?
You DON'T have to be on social media for your business.Yup, I said it. I’m a marketing coach, but I don’t believe posting on social media should be a foregone conclusion for a business.How did that make you feel?I see so many small business owners bogged down by the obligation of making content for social media - totally burnt out by the amount of content they need to create, and then it’s not actually making a difference to the bottom line.  And the reality is there are so many other ways of finding customers - many of them better - yet people still stay stuck in a kind of self-imposed social media jail without actually thinking of whether it’s adding value to their business.The job of social media is to attract new customers to your business, to help them get to know you better and to keep you front of mind…is it doing that for you? if not, there will probably be other marketing channels and tactics that can do that better. Be open to new ways of working and give something else a go.In my latest episode of Creative Slurp Podcast I give my views on social media:I explain why it’s not the be-all and end-allI talk about the big businesses that have already gone social freeI show you how you can still get the benefits of social media without even having an accountI spill the beans on two other methods of attracting customers and building your brand that I consider to be betterI empower you to make the choice about social media that’s right for your business.I'm not ‘anti-social media’ and yes, I do have social media accounts. But I also want to help business owners be intentional about making the best decision they can around their marketing strategy and where they spend their time.  Story Slurp is hosted, produced and edited by Victoria Brown.LINKS:Get your Brand Story Canvas here.Get on the Brand Story Clarity Challenge wait list here.Find out how we can help you tell your story here.
3 easy ways to get out of a rut in your business and life
3 easy ways to get out of a rut in your business and life
Feeling stuck? If you keep getting the same results in your business or life and are sick of it, it can be hard to know how to shake things up and feel like you're heading in a positive direction again.  I've been there too!Here are three tools/easy ways of climbing out of that annoying rut and help to feel some momentum again - without feeling overwhelmed:Create mini-rituals  - like SUPER mini! Think 2 sun salutations or doing a 30-second doodle kind of 'mini'. This will just take you out of your head and shake things up a bit. Experiment with what works well for you.Build your community - it's a cliche - but it really does take a village.  We need people to bounce ideas off, stay accountable to, to look up and learn from and help to feel good about ourselves and progress in our business.  And building a community can be so much easier than you think. Join networking groups, join up with online course cohorts, make friends with other parents - whatever you feel comfortable doing.  If you need some ideas - Enterprise Nation holds virtual meetups all over the UK and in Ireland and they're free to join.  Check them out here. (I host the Solihull, Coventry and Warwickshire event every month, and you're more than welcome to come along, whether you live in the area, or not). Or check out the Creative Slurp Accountability Club - a monthly meeting for small business owners to review and reflect on what's working in their business and set goals, alongside other awesome business owners. Click here to find out more.Get down and messy - Again, another cliche, but to make an omelette ( or a batch of buckwheat crepes - my current pancake fave), you've got to break eggs! Anything you create, whether it's artwork or business, will have a lot of failed attempts, and all-round messiness behind it. If you're stuck waiting for perfect idea, the perfect product or the perfect moment.. you won't get anywhere and you'll be in that rut forever. You need to be prepared to get your hands dirty and break a few eggs to get some clarity. Get going, and you'll quickly get a lot clearer on what you need to do. Stay in procrastination-ville, and you'll still be in that rut by next year.Give those ideas a whirl, and let me know how you get on.  My email is and I'd love to hear how you get on! Find out more about Creative Slurp and what I offer small business owners here. Story Slurp is hosted, produced and edited by Victoria Brown.LINKS:Get your Brand Story Canvas here.Get on the Brand Story Clarity Challenge wait list here.Find out how we can help you tell your story here.