Claire Tonti

The Art of Being a Mum

25-05-2023 • 1 hr 50 mins

This week I am pleased to welcome Claire Tonti to the show. Claire is a musician and podcaster from Melbourne VIC and a mum to 2 children.

Claire was right into music in her early 20s, and has come back to it later in life. She recently released her album Matrescence which she began writing at the beginning of 2022. She returned to music after having long covid and being at her lowest point mentally and physically .

Matrescence was inspired by what she was feeling and going through post partum and a lot of the songs are inspired by people and women particularly who she had listened to speak over many years of podcast interviewing.

Claire hosts 2 podcasts, currently Tonts and Suggestible with her husband, and she has previously hosted Just Make The Thing, She runs a podcast company with her husband who is a comedian, podcaster and youtuber.

Claire is an ambassador forC.O.P.E. and The Giget Foundation and is so passionate about supporting mothers,

You can tell Claire is a podcaster/interviewer, as she somehow turns the tables on me during this episode and at times it is hard to tell who is interviewing who! This is a really vulnerable and emotional episode.

Matrescence is the physical, emotional, hormonal and social transition to becoming a mother.

This episode contains mentions of post natal depression and anxiety, pre natal anxiety, birth trauma, post natal depletion,

Claire - website / instagram / music

Podcast - instagram / website

If today’s episode is triggering for you in any way I encourage you to seek help from those around you, medical professionals or from resources on line. I have compiled a list of great international resources here

Music used with permission from Claire, tracks from her recent album Matrescence.

When chatting to my guests I greatly appreciate their openness and honestly in sharing their stories. If at any stage their information is found to be incorrect, the podcast bears no responsibility for guests' inaccuracies.