#3 Natasha Lipman: Why 'Wellness' Is Not Always The Answer

The Aut-Cuisine Podcast

16-10-2022 • 24 mins

What do you think when you hear the term 'wellness'? Probably an influencer on a yacht, glowing with health from the inside, out. However, 'wellness' can sometimes have something of a dark side - and it is not always the answer, such as if you are looking at how to potentially manage the hallmarks of a disability or a condition through the use of diet. It is not something that is necessarily for everyone.

Natasha Lipman is a former BBC journalist turned newsletter writer and podcast host. Initially beginning out on Instagram through documenting something of a food diary, Lipman was later diagnosed with a host of different conditions - including, but not limited to, Ehlers Danos Syndrome. (Sometimes informally known as EDS.) What follows os a discussion of wellness culture and the intersection with disability - and how this may not be something for everyone.

Content note: Some themes in this episode may be distressing for some, and discretion is advised prior to listening.


About Natasha Lipman: Natasha Lipman is a former BBC journalist who has since gone freelance; she writes a substack newsletter, the Rest Room, and hosts a podcast of the same name. Her work revolves around the topic of living well with chronic illness, and tackles a wide range of themes - such as planning a chronically ill friendly wedding, to becoming ill as a child. She is also the content lead for Visible Health, and is also currently learning Yiddish.

About the host: Lydia Wilkins is a freelance journalist and speaker. Her work largely revolves around disability and socials issues, and has been published in places such as The Metro, Refinery 29, Insider, The Independent, PosAbility Magazine and others. Her debut book, The Autism Friendly Cookbook, is the result of varying lockdowns in the UK - and is due for release on November 21st 2022.


Further links from what has been mentioned in this podcast episode:

Visit Natasha's official website. Have you read Natasha's newsletter? Subscribe here.

Upgrade to Natasha's paid for newsletter here.

Pre-order Lydia's upcoming book, The Autism Friendly Cookbook, here.

Make sure to sign up to Lydia's newsletter for regular updates, too.


You can now pre-order The Autism Friendly Cookbook via Jessica Kingsley Publishers; for 20% off, please use the code AUTCOOKPREPOD20 at the checkout. Pre-order here.


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