#1 Robin Van Creveld: Why We Need Community More Than Ever Before

The Aut-Cuisine Podcast

27-09-2022 • 29 mins

In the heart of Lewes, UK, is where the Community Chef (CIC) business is based. A social enterprise that has been going for twenty years, community outreach is at the heart of the organisation. But where does the organisation take its ethos from, what is the work that is carried out, where did the idea for the business originate from, and why? In this episode of The Aut-Cuisine Podcast, founder Robin Van Creveld takes us back to the days of creating the organisation from scratch, and sketching out a schematic of what he wished to achieve, following time spent travelling to places such as India.

Note: No restrictions have been placed on the interviewees in terms of language and terms that they use. This podcast may cover potentially triggering subjects, owing to the topic of food - so please use discretion when engaging.


About Robin Van Creveld: Robin Van Creveld is the founder of Community Chef, a CIC organisation based in Lewes, Sussex. Having worked in various parts of the food sector from 1994, he returned to Britain from a year spent in India, where, dissatisfied with the state of Western Food Culture, he set up Community Chef. An organisation that has been running for 2 decades, the focus is on healthy eating through various forms - such as running classes, or hiring a smoothie bike. He is the author of The Man With A Pan.

About the host: Lydia Wilkins is a freelance journalist and speaker. Her work largely revolves around disability issues, and has been published in places such as The Metro, Refinery 29, Insider, The Independent, PosAbility Magazine and others. She is also an occasional copywriter for brands such as Tiimo and others. Her debut book, The Autism Friendly Cookbook, is the result of varying lockdowns in the UK - and is due for release on November 21st 2022.


Further links from what has been mentioned in this podcast episode:


You can now pre-order The Autism Friendly Cookbook via Jessica Kingsley Publishers; for 20% off, please use the code AUTCOOKPREPOD20 at the checkout. Pre-order here.


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