Turkish Cultural Program 2024.07.27

Turkish Cultural Program

29-07-2024 • 2 hrs

Fuad played music from the following musicians: Ajda Pekkan, Altin Gün, Ayten Alpman, Barış Manço, Duman, Erkin Koray, Fahir Atakoğlu, Fethi Taner, Kargo, Kıraç, Modern Folk Üçlüsü, mor ve ötesi, Nilipek., Nilüfer, Özlem Tekin, Selda Bağcan, Tarkan, Tuğçe Yegül

In the news:

  • Erdoğan expects an apology from the Palestinian leader.
  • Türkeş cannot visit political prisoner Osman Kavala.
  • People are leaving expensive and earthquake-prone Istanbul to other provinces.
  • Turkey deport so Syrian trans woman and family and Islamic extremists kill her.
  • Gov. of the Turkish central bank: "We will not reduce interest rates."
  • Public transportation costs are going up in Turkey.
  • President wants to collect debts from municipalities, opposition says he is taking revenge.
  • President announces $30 billion incentives to bring high-tech.
  • Renowned photographer Güler exhibition in Qatar.
  • A documentary about Eastern Turkey is out.
  • The Turkish youth Philharmonic Orchestra announces his 2024 tour.
  • A Turkish jazz band will be at the St. Petersburg Jazz Festival in Russia.
  • The Üsküdar district in Istanbul starts mobile playgrounds for kids.
  • Furnishing and design show is coming to Istanbul in September.
  • The world architecture Festival put's Istanbul's Artİstanbul Feshane on its short list for awards.
  • Archaeologists discover a 3500-year-old receipt on a clay tablet.
  • A laborer finds a Roman boundary stone in Eastern Turkey.
  • Turkey announces that it brought back 19 articles smuggled out of the country.