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Holy Saviour Bitterne
Holy Saviour Bitterne
Catch up on our Sunday teaching from our Sunday services.
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Religion & Spirituality
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Questions Jesus Asked: What good is it to gain the whole world but forfeit your soul?
We continue our series exploring Jesus' hard hitting questions - how can we ensure our priorities are right and that we are prepared to take up our cross and follow Him.
Questions Jesus Asked: What good is it to gain the whole world but forfeit your soul?
We continue our series exploring Jesus' hard hitting questions - how can we ensure our priorities are right and that we are prepared to take up our cross and follow Him.
Questions Jesus Asked: Who of you can add an hour to your life by worrying?
Kim Baillie helps us to explore the theme of worrying and anxiety.
Questions Jesus Asked: Why are you so afraid?
We continue our series exploring the questions Jesus asked, as we think about when He questioned His disciples about their fear amidst the storm on the lake.
Going Deeper teaching night
At our 3rd Sunday worship & teaching night, Tony unpacks our view of mission, discipleship and church. Are we longing for the wild?
Questions Jesus Asked: Do you believe this?
Rev Ani helps us to unpack another question of Jesus, do we believe all that we declare we believe?
Questions Jesus asked: What do you want?
Becky continues our series exploring the questions Jesus asked - today's question, What do you want? ALPHA starts here next week - to find out more, head to www.holysaviour.church/alpha
Questions Jesus asked: Who do you say I am?
The first in our series looking at the Questions Jesus Asked. Tony unpacks Jesus' question - who do you say I am? Luke 9: 18-21 was our reading. Curious? Try Alpha - head to www.holysaviour.church/alpha
Wonder & Joy 2 - Zechariah's song
Margaret Doust continues our Advent series called Wonder & Joy exploring the song of Zechariah.
Wonder & Joy 1: Simeon's Song
Hear Becky Baillie unpack the first of our Advent Series - Simeon's Song.
Mission Sunday: CMS
We hear from our Mission Partners Marcio & Noami about their work with CMS in Indaiatuba, Brazil.
Spolier Alert: Love Wins
We celebrate Christ the King by considering what Jesus models in John 18: 33-37... His Kingdom is not of this world!
Safeguarding Sunday
Jane Fisher helps us to understand the importance of safeguarding and how we all have a role to play to keep the church healthy and safe. If you have been affected by any of the issues raised or want to talk to someone - please get in touch.
Remembrance Sunday
Tony helps us reflect on how we are to respond in Jesus' name on Remembrance Sunday.
Cutting through the noise 8: To eternity and beyond
Tony finishes off our 1 Corinthians series, unpacking what Paul says about life after life after death - 1 Corinthians 15: 12-28
Cutting through the noise 7 - Order in Worship
Sadoc helps us in our altogether service to unpack what Paul is saying to us in 1 Corinthians 14: 26-40. As ever if you have any questions or queries, do please get in touch.
Cutting through the noise 6: Gifts that bring unity
Becky Baillie unpacks what Paul is talking about concerning spiritual gifts as we continue our Cutting through the noise series in 1 Corinthians 12: 1-12.
Cutting through the noise 5: Freedom
Kim Baillie helps us unpack our passage this week as we continue our Cutting through the noise series exploring 1 Corinthians.
Harvest: God's incredible abundance
We take a break from our 1 Corinthians series to celebrate Harvest. To consider God's incredible great goodness to us and to reflect on a well known passage - John 6: 1-15, the feeding of the 5000!
Cutting through the noise 4: Why Singleness Matters
Ani helps us to unpack 1 Corinthians 7: 1-16 and what Paul is seeking to teach us about the importance of singleness and celibacy.
Cutting through the noise 3
James Baillie unpacks God's sexual ethic and why sex matters.