Loudwater Outfitters Podcast-A Missing Person Podcast.

Michael Hubbard

Loudwater Outfitters,LLC is a search and recovery organization committed to finding answers to the missing and murdered. We recognize that every missing person is a human being with a loving family. We know every missing and unidentified individual out there deserves no less attention to their situation than anyone else under any other circumstance. We have seen how missing people in our country has become a quiet epidemic and we want to advocate to change that. We never charge or expect a penny from the families. We use the power of Social Media to spread awareness and help us generate clues and information before heading out into the field to conduct the search. We utilize multiple pieces of equipment and resources to accomplish this mission. We want to use this podcast to spread the awareness ,also, by bringing our real time cases to you so you can help in this mission. We will have guests on our show relevant to this cause as well as family members who are willing to talk.The podcast will be hosted by John Alexander(The Palmetto Sleuth). We want to be their voice so their missing loved one is not forgotten and for everyone listening to understand what this missing person meant to the families. PLEASE follow this podcast on your favorite platform and follow our Facebook page also. Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel by the same name. There will also be another YouTube channel by the name of Loudwater Outfitters Podcast very, very soon and please subscribe when it is available. None of this will cost you a dime and will only take a few moments. Please like our posts and videos and definitely leave reviews on any of these sites, it will help us tremendously.

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