Episode 13: Interview with Spanish artist Gonzalo Santamaria

A Monkey on Your Back: Circus and Music Podcast

19-03-2021 • 1 hr

Gonzalo Santamaria is a Spanish circus artist, producer, director, and Kaotic Cirkus festival coordinator from Valencia who trained in Bristol, UK, at Circomedia. This interview took place end of September 2020, so it has taken us a while to get it out to you, but it is a lovely interview none-the-less, with music from Spandex Moose, La Trocamba Matanusca, and yet another fabulous tune from The Invisible Circus' house band The Carny Villains.

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Miss Radida insta: @missradida, website: www.missradida.com

Gracie B insta: @theamazinggracieb

Gonzalo Santamaria: https://gonzalosantamaria.com/biography/artist/

The Invisible Circus:https://invisiblecircus.co.uk/

Spandex Moose:https://soundcloud.com/spandexmoose

The Carny Villains:http://www.thecarnyvillains.com/

La Trocamba Matanusca: http://latrocamba.com/

Educircation Project: http://www.educircation.eu/

Circomedia: https://www.circomedia.com/

L'espai de Circ: http://espaidecirc.com/

"Save the Temazo": https://savethetemazo.org/

Carampa Circus School, Madrid: http://carampa.com/

Mario Queen of the Circus: https://marioqueenofthecircus.com/