Chief Evangelist with Ethan Beute

Chief Evangelist

Welcome to Chief Evangelist, the podcast that unravels the unique and potent role of Chief Evangelists and the influential movement they lead. Hosted by Ethan Beute, each episode delves into the world of evangelism work, exploring its intricacies and shedding light on what success truly means in this space. From understanding why focusing on a problem is more impactful than a product, to the overlap and divergence with thought leadership, community building, category design, and traditional sales and marketing – this podcast is your go-to resource for insights into innovation and the demand for evangelism. Whether you're aspiring to be a Chief Evangelist or seeking to comprehend its significance, join Ethan for captivating conversations with evangelists across diverse companies, verticals, and industries. read less


047 Matt Coats (SchoolMint) on Driving Innovation and Revenue As Chief Evangelist
047 Matt Coats (SchoolMint) on Driving Innovation and Revenue As Chief Evangelist
Watch or listen to this week's episode on driving innovation and revenue through evangelism!Matt Coats, Chief Evangelist at SchoolMint, shares his path from sales to evangelism - what sparked the vision, how he sold the concept internally, how it affected his compensation, and why it landed him on the senior leadership team.Watch or listen for insights into the role of a Chief Evangelist, the need to turn the voice of the customer into new customer value, and strategies for preparing the market for these new solutions.Takeaways:The primary role of an evangelist is innovation - continuously identifying new opportunities to create customer- and market-informed solutions. A Chief Evangelist is uniquely positioned to help turn the voice of the customer into realized customer value.Variable compensation can be part of an evangelist’s package. But that variable comp should look more like the CEO’s than a sales rep’s - not necessarily in quantity, but definitely in what it’s tied to.Three types of external meetings for an evangelist: direct prospect or customer contact in a formal way (presentation, exec briefing, etc), informal customer interactions (coffee, lunch, or a call), and conferences (panels, sessions, and networking).Evangelism is sales, but you’re selling ideas, not products. An evangelist can help sell employees on the meaning, purpose, and results of the company’s work, as well as sell to prospects and resell to customers the promise of improved outcomes.Quote of the Show:“We need somebody who’s going to go out and sell this concept. It’s not about selling a product or a thing, we need to sell this idea to the market.” Links Related to This Episode:Matt Coats on LinkedIn: SchoolMint: See or Hear More Conversations on Chief Evangelist with Ethan Beute:YouTube: Podcasts: Evangelist: https://www.chiefevangelist.comChief Evangelist is produced by Ringmaster, on a mission to create connections through B2B podcasts. Learn more at
046 John Kindervag (Illumio) on Making Zero Trust a Movement
046 John Kindervag (Illumio) on Making Zero Trust a Movement
Creator of the Zero Trust model of cybersecurity, John Kindervag serves as Chief Evangelist at Illumio. He joins host Ethan Beute to share insights from his journey turning a new idea into a global movement.More than a dozen years ago as a Forrester analyst, he turned primary research into a new model of information security. Rather than a perimeter-based approach, a segmented approach that assumes zero trust is more effective. An affront to the status quo at the time, Zero Trust is now a global movement that’s reached every continent and resulted in an Executive Order by President Biden. Behind it all is passion, persistence, and evangelism.Takeaways:The most important role of a Chief Evangelist is to create and communicate a compelling narrative and story that they genuinely believe in. Go beyond technical details to business strategy - and do it with expertise, enthusiasm, and human centricity.Put the problem and opportunity ahead of the product. Zero Trust is a strategy that’s product, technology, and vendor neutral. Evangelize the problem, not the product.Embrace both external and internal evangelism. Engage with customers and prospects while also fostering understanding and buy-in among teammates. And align with the CMO for maximum impact.No matter your problem, solution, or market, evangelism should be based on a deep and sincere desire to make people’s lives better.Quote of the Show:“The only purpose for doing all this is to make people’s lives better. That’s the reason for technology. If you’re just into it for the technology, but not the human aspects of it, it’s not a good fit for you.” - John Kindervag Links Related to This Episode:John Kindervag on LinkedIn: Illumio: ON2IT: Final Draft Report to the President: Zero Trust and Trusted Identity Management: DOD SkillBridge Program: See or Hear More Conversations on Chief Evangelist with Ethan Beute:YouTube: Podcasts: Evangelist: https://www.chiefevangelist.comChief Evangelist is produced by Ringmaster, on a mission to create connections through B2B podcasts. Learn more at
045 Brian Robison (Corellium) on Technical Evangelism for Bigger Impact
045 Brian Robison (Corellium) on Technical Evangelism for Bigger Impact
Listen in on a conversation on the relationships between sales, technical marketing, product marketing, and evangelism. Join Brian Robison, Chief Evangelist and Vice President of Product Marketing at Corellium. To that role, Brian brings experience in marketing and evangelizing hardware and software solutions with Blackberry Cylance, Citrix, McAfee, and Tripwire.The theme throughout his career: making a bigger impact inspired by the belief in the solution and its importance to people’s lives. The work throughout: developing assets, narratives, and hands-on experience with the product.Takeaways:The most important role of an evangelist is to support the sale. Everyone is in sales, including the evangelist. The evangelist is there not to drive a transaction, but to discover, communicate, and establish clear value. You’re selling trust and relationships, not SKUs and prices.Often functioning as a “one-person production house” of product demos, stories, and presentations, Brian balances routine tasks with creative responsibilities is essential for efficiency, creativity, and innovation. Customer needs and customer use cases shift. Being aligned with your customers and being a hands-on user yourself deepens understanding and unlocks new ideas and enhanced value.Two tell-tale signs that you need an evangelist are a young company bringing something revolutionary to the world or a big company in an established market trying to create a paradigm shift. Both need a bigger conversation about the outcomes of a new approach, not just one about a tool.Quote of the Show:“I have always sought out companies and products that are different, that change how people do things, that have a much bigger impact.” Links Related to This Episode:Brian Robison on LinkedIn: Corellium: See or Hear More Conversations on Chief Evangelist with Ethan Beute:YouTube: Podcasts: Evangelist: https://www.chiefevangelist.comChief Evangelist is produced by Ringmaster, on a mission to create connections through B2B podcasts. Learn more at
044 Kelly Ryan Bailey on Skills as Your Currency
044 Kelly Ryan Bailey on Skills as Your Currency
Join Kelly Ryan Bailey, CEO and Global Skills Evangelist at Skills Baby, as she explains the dynamic role of an evangelist with host Ethan Beute. The focus is on innovation, transformative work, and storytelling - all fueled by an authentic passion.Learn why and how Kelly developed an open-source vocabulary around skills in service of all stakeholders in the labor market, why someone referred to her as a “one-woman SWAT team” in an evangelist role, which other names an evangelist might go by, and how she advocates for equality and empowering working women, addressing the significant gaps in the workforce.Takeaways:The most important role of an evangelist is authentic connection through genuine belief. You must believe in what you’re talking about to your core, connect with people immediately, and take people on a journey through storytelling.Embrace the evangelist role: Straddling inside and outside an organization, you work across all departments, providing a unique perspective and essential skills for driving innovation and transformation.Communicate your value effectively as an evangelist: Track and integrate outcomes into your stories, consistently sharing achievements. When discussing your value with employers, highlight tangible, positive changes your work has brought to organizations.Continuous learning is key for evangelists: Adaptability and a broad skill set are crucial. Gain new skills to enhance your value, recognizing that qualities like communication, problem-solving, and adaptability, though not easily quantified, are integral to your narrative of value.Quote of the Show:“The more we empower others into these leadership roles and unlock those barriers, the world can change into a beautiful place.” Links Related to This Episode:Kelly Ryan Bailey on LinkedIn: Skills Baby: Kelly’s Linktree:  Personal Website: See or Hear More Conversations on Chief Evangelist with Ethan Beute:YouTube: Podcasts: Evangelist: https://www.chiefevangelist.comChief Evangelist is produced by Ringmaster, on a mission to create connections through B2B podcasts. Learn more at
043 Corrina Owens (purple cork) from Customer Evangelist to Chief Evangelist
043 Corrina Owens (purple cork) from Customer Evangelist to Chief Evangelist
In this episode, Corrina Owens, Chief Evangelist at purple cork, draws from her account-based marketing and demand generation experience with companies like Profisee and Gong to explain how evangelists can work across functions to better serve customer needs.Hear the customer-turned-team-member story of Corrina joining purple cork and why the Chief Evangelist role made sense for her, the company, and the competition. Learn about her current focus on positioning and the impact of AI on go-to-market strategy. Takeaways:The most important role of a Chief Evangelist is to deeply understand the voice of the customer, where the customer is, what their goals and aspirations are, and what you’re solving for them.When considering implementing an evangelist role, look to your ideal customers. When considering hiring the right person, consider an evangelist title - especially if you want them to work across traditional boundaries and have a broader, more holistic impact on customer experience..If your product or service doesn’t have a clear category in the minds of your customers, you and your competitors have a problem and an opportunity. An evangelist may be uniquely prepared to help.Despite the role of AI and technology, recognize the irreplaceable value of human creativity and human connection that evangelism can bring for business success.The need to feel seen and heard remains constant, but few people are getting what they need. Invest in active listening and open conversation to make people feel valued. Whether managing teams, connecting with customers, or interacting with anyone else, a little patience, empathy, and curiosity go a long way.Quote of the Show:“In the age of AI, creators and evangelists are going to reign supreme. Because it’s the person behind the tools, technologies, frameworks, templates, and playbooks who’s really the secret sauce.” Links Related to This Episode:Corrina Owens (LinkedIn): Direct with Corrina & Taylor (podcast): cork (Website): See or Hear More Conversations on Chief Evangelist with Ethan Beute:YouTube: Podcasts: Evangelist: https://www.chiefevangelist.comChief Evangelist is produced by Ringmaster, on a mission to create connections through B2B podcasts. Learn more at
042 Udi Ledergor (Gong) on Igniting Demand and Evangelism
042 Udi Ledergor (Gong) on Igniting Demand and Evangelism
This episode features Udi Ledergor, Chief Evangelist at Gong. Udi’s been along throughout Gong’s success journey, primarily as CMO. Learn why the shift to evangelism made sense for him, the company, and their community.Get insights into how Udi created the job description, how he sources 20-25 speaking engagements each quarter, how he lines up appointments with people in customer and target accounts, what his quarterly KPIs include (like influenced and impacted revenue), and more!Four top takeaways:The most important role of a Chief Evangelist is to ignite market demand and create other evangelists in order to drive a self-sustaining movement.B2B marketing, influenced by B2C practices, has adopted a more human, approachable, and communicative style, exemplified by Gong's vibrant, unbuttoned branding. The rise of evangelism is consistent with this more human approach.After years of growth, a VP or C-suite role can become slower and more operational. If this doesn’t play to your strengths, shifting to an evangelist role brings you back to the work of solving problems, acting quickly, and - in Udi’s case - doing hands-on marketing.When hiring an evangelist, consider their domain expertise, connections, and credibility. Ensure genuine alignment with your company's values. Strong communication skills, especially in public speaking, are obviously helpful, too. Look for someone who can tell a bigger story—whether your company is creating or disrupting a category. Evangelism isn't for every company, but for those with transformative ideas, it can be a powerful strategy.Quote of the Show:“I do see evangelism as an extension of marketing. More and more companies are starting to realize the importance and impact evangelism can make. And I see more companies talking to me about hiring this function for themselves.” Links Related to This Episode:Udi Ledergor on LinkedIn: Gong (Website): Gong (Blog): Gong & Forrester Article: See or Hear More Conversations on Chief Evangelist with Ethan Beute:YouTube: Podcasts: Evangelist: https://www.chiefevangelist.comChief Evangelist is produced by Ringmaster, on a mission to create connections through B2B podcasts. Learn more at
041 Richie Cotton (DataCamp) on Creating Courses and Confidence
041 Richie Cotton (DataCamp) on Creating Courses and Confidence
In today's episode, Richie Cotton, who serves as a Data Evangelist at DataCamp, sits down with host Ethan Beute to discuss his strategic method for creating impactful content to drive top-of-funnel and customizing curriculum to achieve specific learning objectives.Richie takes us through his career journey, transitioning from course creation to a more commercially focused position in the learning solutions team. He reflects on an unexpected yet welcomed shift to his current role as a data evangelist at DataCamp. Throughout the conversation, he emphasizes the crucial importance of data literacy.Takeaways:A data evangelist's key role is to boost confidence in using data, emphasizing that everyone has inherent skills. Beyond promoting products, the focus is on reducing fear (or even terror!) by guiding people to take simple steps to use data more effectively in their personal and professional lives.Strategic preparation is key to effective content creation - whether course, podcast, book, or anything else. Consider the audience's background, current knowledge, and desired outcome.Richie’s evolved from creating courses to a commercially focused role in the learning solutions team, which works closely with sales and customer success to guide business clients toward effective data training programs. His transition into the evangelist role was unexpected but embraced, highlighting the importance of demystifying the role of an evangelist by spreading awareness and understanding.DataCamp’s four-person media team, of which he’s a member, is like a band of musicians. They’re closest to - but independent from - the marketing team and their metrics generally drive top of the funnel and start of the sales process. His personal KPIs are related to content creation and output.Quote of the Show:“It’s just empathy, really. You need to put yourself in the position of the people you’re speaking to and try to understand what they care about.” Links Related to This Episode:Richard Cotton on LinkedIn: DataCamp: Richie Cotton on Twitter: The DataFramed Podcast: See or Hear More Conversations on Chief Evangelist with Ethan Beute:YouTube: Podcasts: Evangelist: https://www.chiefevangelist.comChief Evangelist is produced by Ringmaster, on a mission to create connections through B2B podcasts. Learn more at
040 Martin Schneider (Annuitas) from Journalist to Analyst to Marketer to Evangelist
040 Martin Schneider (Annuitas) from Journalist to Analyst to Marketer to Evangelist
In this episode, our guest, Martin Schneider, Head of Research and Chief Evangelist at GTM transformation firm Annuitas, discusses the crucial role of a Chief Evangelist in crafting bigger, more persuasive narratives that instill belief in the ”'why” and “how” behind your vision.Learn his path from journalist to analyst to marketer to evangelist and his process of establishing the evangelist roles within a few different organizations. Hear the unique skills and value built at each stage of his career journey that allowed him to find success with evangelism.Takeaways:An evangelist's key role is to create believers by crafting compelling narratives that inspire confidence in the “why” and “how.” In the subscription, you’re not just selling products; you’re helping people join and stay through shared belief.An ex-analyst could be a great evangelist for you - to help you get noticed, get legitimized, gain authority, earn coverage, get quoted, get sourced and create differentiation. The AR and PR functions benefit from an evangelist.Though it’s difficult to prove efficacy, you can look for evidence like competitors stealing your language or overbid on your keywords. You’re looking for evidence all around that your language and point of view are taking hold in the market.An evangelist needs to be credible and authoritative (relative to product and best practices), to source and share great stories of your own (not just parroting product marketing), and to tell more than a company story (going beyond the pitch deck). You need to structure it well, incentivize others throughout the org, and engage them for shared belief in bigger narratives.Quote of the Show:“As we move into the subscription economy and everything is a service, you’re not just selling products anymore, you’re getting people to join and they’ve got to be believers.” Links Related to This Episode:Martin Schneider on LinkedIn: Annuitas Website:  The Chief Growth Officer's Handbook (Book Link): See or Hear More Conversations on Chief Evangelist with Ethan Beute:YouTube: Podcasts: Evangelist: https://www.chiefevangelist.comChief Evangelist is produced by Ringmaster, on a mission to create connections through B2B podcasts. Learn more at
039 Ton Dobbe on Driving Your Mission with Empathy and Remarkability
039 Ton Dobbe on Driving Your Mission with Empathy and Remarkability
In today's episode, we're thrilled to have Ton Dobbe, the founder of Value Inspiration and the author of The Remarkable Effect - The Essential Book for Tech Entrepreneurs on a Mission. Ton dives into the relationship between product marketing and evangelism with our host, Ethan Beute. Discover Ton's insights on achieving true remarkability and learn how to apply his innovative methodology to create meaningful differentiation and exceed customer expectations. He also delves into his mission at Value Inspiration and reveals the transformative role product marketing has played throughout his career journey.Takeaways:The most important role of an evangelist is to get people energized to make a transformative journey. People need to trust that there’s a different and better way and to pursue it.Be remarkable in your business; remarkability is your “magic glue.” Understand what makes you unique, identify ideal customers, and cultivate these relationships. Passionate fans spread the word. Find your niche; don't aim to please everyone.“Empathy is underrated” in both sales and marketing. Developing it requires that the meaningful difference you’re evangelizing is first and foremost. People need to see themselves in it and to feel, realize, and experience it. Revenue and profit follow.The things humans do don’t scale. Yet we can create meaningful differentiation and competitive advantage through human activities. issues, you'll stand out, even against bigger competitors. Prioritize solving highly valuable and critical problems in a way that surpasses customer expectations for lasting impact.Quote of the Show:“You’re on a mission to take a friction out of the market that’s been holding businesses back for too long. Name that. Make it specific.”Links Related to This Episode:Ton Dobbe on LinkedIn: Value Inspiration: Ton Dobbe on Twitter: The Remarkable Effect (Book Link): The Remarkable Effect (Amazon Book Link): The Tech Entrepreneur on a Mission Podcast: The ultimate guide to tuning your B2B SaaS Segmentation (Article): Guy Kawasaki on LinkedIn: Donald Miller, CEO at StoryBrand on LinkedIn: See or Hear More Conversations on Chief Evangelist with Ethan Beute:YouTube: Podcasts: Evangelist: https://www.chiefevangelist.comChief Evangelist is produced by Ringmaster, on a mission to create connections through B2B podcasts. Learn more at
038 Pablo Gonzalez on Your Point of View and Content Leverage
038 Pablo Gonzalez on Your Point of View and Content Leverage
Today’s guest is Pablo Gonzalez, CEO and Co-Founder of Be The Stage and Co-Founder and Co-Host of Category Thinkers. He joins host Ethan Beute to discuss category design, evangelism, and community.Pablo shares in-depth the significance of being deeply community-oriented. He provides valuable insights on content leverage – the strategic use of messaging and communication to influence various facets of your business, spanning from HR and employee experience to biz dev and customer experience. It's not just about content creation but also includes the essential steps of planning, testing, and continuously refining and realigning your message for superior outcomesTakeaways:The most important role of an evangelist is to be the tip of the spear in championing a point of view, generating content leverage, and rallying a community around the problem you aim to address.To become a category leader, focus on evangelizing your perspective and problem, not your product or brand. This involves crafting a compelling point of view (POV) that addresses the current state, the problem, its effects, the new category solution, and its future impact with real-world use cases.Effectively spearheading market interaction involves iterating through different articulations of your POV and leveraging content to communicate your message on digital stages, podcasts, shows, and other channels.Being an evangelist means engaging people in something they care about. An evangelist serves as a “pied piper,” spreading a shared POV to build a receptive community, creating a vital flywheel for successful companies.Quote of the Show:“I want to be a person who proves that community creation is the most viable form of business development in this new era.” Links Related to This Episode:Pablo Gonzalez on LinkedIn: Be The Stage Website: Category Thinkers Website: Mark Schaefer on LinkedIn: Belonging To The Brand (Book Link): See or Hear More Conversations on Chief Evangelist with Ethan Beute:YouTube: Podcasts: Evangelist: https://www.chiefevangelist.comChief Evangelist is produced by Ringmaster, on a mission to create connections through B2B podcasts. Learn more at
037 David Ross (Miro) on Coaching, Consulting, and Conversation
037 David Ross (Miro) on Coaching, Consulting, and Conversation
Today’s guest is David Ross, Principal Agile Product Evangelist at Miro. He joins host Ethan Beute as they navigate the shift from being a practitioner to assuming the role of an advocate.Dave shares three specific ways he stays sharp, up to date, and in touch with the latest in his field, how he generated demand for his expertise and evangelism, and why his background in coaching and consulting lends itself so well to his evangelist role.Takeaways:The most crucial role of an evangelist is to engage in meaningful conversations with customers, understand their needs, and learn about them to serve them better. For a product evangelist, this often involves product use, under-use, or non-use!Rather than prescribing solutions, ask powerful, open-ended questions and guide customers to find their own solutions, much like a therapist would. Communication skills, empathy, and a commitment to helping people are essential traits for this.The work of evangelism and the role of an evangelist may be for you, even if you don’t plan for it, expect it, or even know what it is. Hear the process Dave undertook to pursue, learn about, and find joy in his relatively new position – and how he explains it to family and friends!Use multiple channels to be of highest value. Dave shares how he built relationships with the sales and customer success teams to reach prospects and customers, engages in the Miro Discovery Center, attends key conference in the agile community, and teaches business agility and agile use cases internally.Quote of the Show:“You’re talking to people and trying to help solve their problems in a collaborative way.”Links Related to This Episode:David Ross on LinkedIn: Miro: https://miro.comSee or Hear More Conversations on Chief Evangelist with Ethan Beute:YouTube: Podcasts: Evangelist: https://www.chiefevangelist.comChief Evangelist is produced by Ringmaster, on a mission to create connections through B2B podcasts. Learn more at
036 Shaun Plant (LawVu) on Redefining the Practice of Law
036 Shaun Plant (LawVu) on Redefining the Practice of Law
Today’s guest is Shaun Plant, Chief Legal Evangelist at LawVu and Community Evangelist at InView. He joins host Ethan Beute to share a better way forward for lawyers going in-house – leaving the traditional law firm model and becoming proactive business partners with deep legal expertise, supported by software and tools, to make a substantial impact on the company's operations and strategy.Watch or listen to learn how content creation, certification courses, community building, a business book, activity-based metrics, and visionary leadership come together in a unique role, opportunity, and movement.Takeaways:The most important role of an evangelist is to believe in the value and impact of their message wholeheartedly, to possess a deep understanding of their audience's needs, and to cultivate personal relationships while connecting industry stakeholders.In-house lawyers should be business partners, not just legal service providers. “There is a better way of working” - being more connected, proactive, and creative, aided by software and tools, to maximize impact on the company's success.The core of the role involves thought leadership, social media, conferences, panels, and similar. He’s also writing a book to define and empower this movement and managing an engaged, 10,000-member community. Success is measured primarily by activity metrics – along with some vision and trust.Most of the content in the community is member-created. It’s tech- and brand-agnostic; though it’s provided by LawVu, they’re careful to keep it focused on the goal of helping people embrace a new way to practice law. – through magazines, a website, a blog, conferences, and matchmatking/networking.Quote of the Show:“We knew we had a solution, but it was a solution to a problem that the industry we were talking to didn’t want to admit that it had.”Links Related to This Episode:Shaun Plant on LinkedIn: LawVu: InView: LawVu on Twitter: Greg Stephenson on LinkedIn: See or Hear More Conversations on Chief Evangelist with Ethan Beute:YouTube: Podcasts: Evangelist: https://www.chiefevangelist.comChief Evangelist is produced by Ringmaster, on a mission to create connections through B2B podcasts. Learn more at
035 Casey Cheshire (Ringmaster) on Podcasting for Voice of the Customer
035 Casey Cheshire (Ringmaster) on Podcasting for Voice of the Customer
Today’s guest is Casey Cheshire, Founder and Chief Evangelist at Ringmaster. He joins host Ethan Beute to share why every company needs an evangelist - and a podcast!Casey explains how companies can leverage podcasts to connect with their ideal customers, as well as the benefits of podcasting in terms of capturing, learning from, and sharing the literal voice of the customer.Takeaways:The most important role of an evangelist is to continuously engage with people, understand their challenges, and represent both your company and customers authentically. In our increasingly digital world, where sales and marketing tech depersonalizes and dehumanizes the experience, evangelism reprioritizes genuine connections.Center everything around the customer, even when naming your podcast. Name it for or about your target audience, shape the discussion around their interests, and focus on what you aim to discover from them. And, of course, make them the guests!Evangelism is work that needs to be done – just like sales, marketing, or finance. Paving the way and gaining a competitive edge are two results of creating an evangelist role. For Casey, a dedicated evangelist role champions the customer’s voice and advances thought leadership.Use a podcast for systematic and consistent customer engagement, providing a steady flow of valuable insights. Casey explains how podcasts offer a more effective and appreciative way to connect with customers compared to surveys and one-off projects. Sharing your podcast platform is another valuable relationship-building strategy that overcomes the hurdle of initiating conversations with prospects.Quote of the Show:“There is no more efficient and effective a way to connect with and learn from your customer than a podcast. It’s a slow-drip espresso of customer information and connection.”Links Related to This Episode:Casey Cheshire on LinkedIn: Ringmaster: Casey Cheshire on Twitter: The Hard Corps Marketing Show: Creating The Greatest Show: Buyer Personas by Adele Ravella: Canadian Potato Museum: See or Hear More Conversations on Chief Evangelist with Ethan Beute:YouTube: Spotify: Podcasts: Evangelist: Evangelist is produced by Ringmaster, on a mission to create connections through B2B podcasts. Learn more at
034 Amelia Taylor on Sourcing and Influencing Revenue as an Evangelist
034 Amelia Taylor on Sourcing and Influencing Revenue as an Evangelist
Today’s guest is Amelia Taylor, Evangelist and GTM Strategist at She joins host Ethan Beute to share the story of evolving from a sales role into an evangelist role – how she did it, why she did it, and how it’s going.Amelia shares the essence of being an evangelist, a role that demands an unwavering dedication to spreading messages and ideas in the most impactful manner possible. She explains how to meet today’s and tomorrow’s buyers with both EQ and IQ, as the dynamics of human interaction, the behavior of buyers, and the role of salespeople are all shifting.Takeaways:The most important role of an evangelist is to connect with people in a genuine and helpful way. Amelia emphasizes the importance of being true to yourself and of taking on the roles of peer and friend to clients. This approach cultivates a comfortable atmosphere, leading to higher success rates.The concealed domain of dark society carries dual potentials that evangelism can unlock. Amelia believes the future of sales prioritizes IQ, EQ, and interpersonal dynamics – meeting, engaging, and serving buyers in the places they live and work.“But is this sales?” This is a question Amelia asks as she breaks out of the sales box in an effort to go to where your buyers are, leverage existing relationships (with advisors, for example), and source revenue in unorthodox ways. Adapting to changes in the buying process may drive more evangelist roles.Shifting from a sales role to an evangelist role involved selling the concept to the CEO, the CMO, and others. If you take this path, put a clear plan together – including primary areas of focus (or activity “buckets”) and revenue targets you expect to source and influence.Quote of the Show:“You have to go where your buyers live. Being present there. Being human. Being yourself. Being a peer and a friend to your buyer. That’s how buyers are buying.” Links Related to This Episode:Amelia Taylor on LinkedIn: RevGenius: Amelia Taylor on Instagram: or Hear More Conversations on Chief Evangelist with Ethan Beute:YouTube: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Chief Evangelist: Chief Evangelist is produced by Ringmaster, on a mission to create connections through B2B podcasts. Learn more at
033 Kristi Faltorusso on Customer Success Evangelism from the Outside In
033 Kristi Faltorusso on Customer Success Evangelism from the Outside In
Today’s guest is Kristi Faltorusso, Chief Customer Officer at ClientSuccess and an active evangelist of the practice of customer success (CS). She joins host Ethan Beute to share practical and meaningful insights into change management and behavioral transformation.Kristi shares her approach to advancing the discipline of CS, which is relatively new and which was lacking in voices, stories, and examples. She explains how she developed her voice and audience (including her struggles along the way) through an approach she describes as sharing selflessly.Takeaways:The most important role of an evangelist is education. Kristi identified the need for it within the domain of customer success and how she took on the challenge. The need for practical CS guidance extends beyond frontline practitioners or managerial leaders. This encompasses education for all stakeholders.When joining ClientSuccess, Kristi had already earned authority and credibility through her achievements, challenges, and honesty. Her authentic and vulnerable nature connected with a growing audience, which made her interactions with clients genuine, relatable, and human.Kristi created her audience engagement by recognizing the importance of situating herself with a larger community – of taking an “outside-in” approach. She guided her team to replicate her approach through active participation, observation, and introspection.Companies seeking evangelists should consider people within their customer base. This enables a deeper understanding and view of customer needs, wants, motivations, actions, and stories. Kristi believes that the focus should be on identifying who excels at amplifying and using their voices in innovative ways.Quote of the Show:“I want to be able to drive change in our discipline and I believe that this is the way to do it.” Links Related to This Episode:Kristi Faltorusso on LinkedIn: ClientSuccess: or Hear More Conversations on Chief Evangelist with Ethan Beute:YouTube: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Chief Evangelist: Chief Evangelist is produced by Ringmaster, on a mission to create connections through B2B podcasts. Learn more at
032 Jared Fuller (PartnerHacker/Reveal) on Nearbound and The Who Economy
032 Jared Fuller (PartnerHacker/Reveal) on Nearbound and The Who Economy
Our guest today is Jared Fuller, Co-Founder & CEO at Partner Hacker and Chief Ecosystem Officer at Reveal. Join Ethan Beute in this engaging conversation with Jared about his insights into three types of entrepreneurs, three distinct eras in B2B SaaS, the category of near bound, and the role of evangelism.Jared encourages evangelists to embrace their true selves, lead with genuineness and passion, navigate life authentically, and share their stories openly and honestly. This approach helps serve the emerging economy that favors “who” over “how.”Takeaways:The most important role of a chief evangelist lies in authenticity. The work must be done with passion, sincerity, and genuineness – qualities that can’t be bought or faked.Three distinct types of entrepreneurs - builders, geniuses, and pros – start and build companies in three distinct ways. The one most aligned with thoughtful, strategic evangelism is the pro.The process of crafting a manifesto helps in category creation and evangelism. With “Trust is the New Data,” Jared co-founded PartnerHacker with a well-developed and articulated point of view, foundation, and strategic direction.Trust is essential to successfully guide individuals toward their desired outcomes. Building relationships and prioritizing people supports long-term, sustainable success more than highlighting credentials or pushing products. The trend is toward “who” over “how.”Quote of the Show:“We only trust people who’ve been to places we want to go. That’s how we buy today.” Links Related to This Episode:Jared Fuller on LinkedInPartner HackerNear BoundRevealJared Fuller’s articleJared Fuller on TwitterSee or Hear More Conversations on Chief Evangelist with Ethan Beute:YouTubeSpotifyApple PodcastsChief EvangelistChief Evangelist is produced by Ringmaster, on a mission to create connections through B2B podcasts. Learn more at
031 Ami Arad (6sense) on Blending Experience and Hospitality
031 Ami Arad (6sense) on Blending Experience and Hospitality
Today’s guest is Ami Arad, Senior Principal Product Evangelist at 6sense. Ami joins Ethan Beute to share the journey of becoming an evangelist at 6sense, a company he joined after thriving at Microsoft and Oracle and 25 years after his first evangelist roleAmi shares his insights into incorporating showmanship and creating excitement in truly unique ways.Takeaways:The most important aspect of his role is to leverage showmanship and ignite excitement around solutions. Create an objective that centers on creating a buzz and garnering interest – and align with sales and revenue.Throughout his career, Ami excelled as a showman – delivering demos and presentations as an evangelist and a sales engineer. He went above and beyond, infusing each moment with creativity and excitement. From captivating sales kickoffs to entertaining performances, Ami made it his mission to create an engaging experience for everyone involved. His efforts not only brought a sense of fun but also made events unforgettable.Ami observed that in the corporate landscape, most companies relied on a single evangelist to represent their brand. These individual evangelists became the very embodiment of their respective businesses, leaving a lasting impression on anyone they encountered. When he joined 6sense, the team already had several familiar faces and respected voices in the market, so he has even more freedom to be himself.Ami's ingenious strategy to boost engagement in their events involved the creation of extraordinary, specialized dinner and lunch experiences, carefully designed to immerse attendees in sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. The production capitalizes on his unique blend of showmanship and hospitality.Quote of the Show:“We can train them over Zoom or we can do what I want to do, which will be more memorable, entertaining, educational, and even viral.” Links Related to This Episode:Ami Arad on LinkedIn6senseAmi Arad's personal websiteSee or Hear More Conversations on Chief Evangelist with Ethan Beute:YouTubeSpotifyApple PodcastsChief EvangelistChief Evangelist is produced by Ringmaster, on a mission to create connections through B2B podcasts. Learn more at
030 Jill Rowley on Community, Customer Centricity, and Catalysts for Change
030 Jill Rowley on Community, Customer Centricity, and Catalysts for Change
Today’s guest is Jill Rowley, GTM Advisor & LP at Stage 2 Capital. Jill joins Ethan Beute to share how she began leveraging social networks not for direct selling, but to nurture relationships and connections that eventually lead to sales conversations. Jill was a pioneering evangelist in organizations like Salesforce, Eloqua, and Marketo and offers advice in this conversation on creating value and mutual benefit in every interaction – with individuals and within your broader ecosystem. She shares the story of being recruited for an evangelist role and reveals a mistake she made in the process.Takeaways:The most important role of an evangelist is to ignite, inspire, influence, and enlighten those around them. In essence, evangelists act as potent catalysts, driving transformative change, building trust with people, and introducing solutions they believe in.The nature of human-to-human experiences defies easy quantification. While certain tools assist in attempts to measure interactions, reliance on these instruments has become excessive. Success in fostering human relationships most often eludes measurement. With advances in technology, the challenge of quantification is bound to intensify.LinkedIn is obviously more than a mere online resume, but that wasn’t always so obvious. Jill recognized its networking power early on and adopted it as a tool alongside others she was using in a sales capacity. Her success set her up as a social selling evangelist before most people were using that language.Sales success does not hinge on the product itself, but on how effectively you contribute to your client's success. By prioritizing the success and satisfaction of your clients, you’re assuring a longer relationship and sustainable growth.Shift your mindset from selling a product to actively solving a problem for your customers. This transformation is the key to building lasting relationships and long-term success. As time progresses, the true value lies in your network—your net worth is tied to the strength and depth of your connections.Quote of the Show:“We’ve gone too far measuring the things that are easily measured and not remembering that it’s about humans, trust, and relationships, which are a lot harder to measure.” Links Related to This Episode:Jill Rowley on LinkedIn:  Orange Theory: Stage 2 Capital: Jill Rowley on Twitter: See or Hear More Conversations on Chief Evangelist with Ethan Beute:YouTube: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Chief Evangelist: Chief Evangelist is produced by Ringmaster, on a mission to create connections through B2B podcasts. Learn more at
029 Kevin Hartman on The Symbiosis Between Professor and Evangelist
029 Kevin Hartman on The Symbiosis Between Professor and Evangelist
Today’s guest is Kevin Hartman, Associate Professor of Marketing at the University of Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business, author of “Digital Marketing Analytics: In Theory & Practice,” and former Chief Analytics Evangelist at Google. Kevin joins Ethan Beute to share how to find success while balancing an abundance amount of opportunities and responsibilities.Among the insights you’ll get from Kevin on how his team collaborated with prominent clients, providing invaluable assistance in overcoming their most formidable obstacles.Takeaways:The most important role of an evangelist is thought leadership – bringing an expert voice, expert opinion, and expert presence to help people make better decisions, make sense of complexity, and use tools more effectively.In Kevin’s experience as Chief Analytics Evangelist, the evangelist roles at Google were relevant and successful because they created so much value. As complexity grows in markets, problems, solutions, products, and services, the value of an evangelist increases. They play a unique and complementary role alongside salespeople, account managers, and CSMs.Taking on an evangelist role is inherently risky because it’s taking a step away from direct revenue attribution and direct customer relationship. Kevin shares the ways he and his team worked to capture and measure value and impact – and why it turned out not to be enough.Leveraging your expertise may include serving as an adjunct professor and textbook author. The relationship between evangelist and professor is symbiotic – the work in each role makes you better in the other. One theme is teaching in a way that’s approachable without being patronizing. Another is an unwavering commitment to stand and deliver.The job of an evangelist “is not to be right and to convince you of what’s right. It’s to get you to understand your problem in a different way so you can solve it.”Quote of the Show:“Proving that we were having an impact was the most important and still the most elusive thing we were trying to do.” Links Related to This Episode:Kevin Hartman’s on LinkedInNotre Dame - Mendoza College of BusinessNore AnalyticsKevin Hartman on TwitterDigital Marketing Analytics: In Theory and Practice BookSee or Hear More Conversations on Chief Evangelist with Ethan Beute:YouTubeSpotify Apple Podcasts Chief EvangelistChief Evangelist is produced by Ringmaster, on a mission to create connections through B2B podcasts. Learn more at
028 Chris Cochran (Huntress) on Podcasting as a Cheat Code for Life
028 Chris Cochran (Huntress) on Podcasting as a Cheat Code for Life
Today’s guest is Chris Cochran, Advisory CISO & Chief Evangelist at Huntress. He’s also Co-Founder & Chief Creative Officer at Hacker Valley Media. Chris joins Ethan Beute to share why successful evangelism may be measured through aided recall, then unaided recall.Among the insights you’ll get from Chris, a prolific podcaster, are tips for starting a podcast, structuring and growing a podcast, and even guesting on others’ podcasts.Takeaways:The most important role of an evangelist:It lies in their capacity to connect individuals through the power of storytelling. Conveying information in a manner that resonates emotionally enables that information to embed itself deeply in someone’s head and heart.For companies seeking a Chief Evangelist, stay patient. It’s about hiring the right person for this very unique role. Chris shares the story of Huntress finding him after searching for two years. He also explains how and why their mission is worth evangelizing.Evangelists should ask themselves: "How can we elevate storytelling to catalyze a change within our industry?"While discovering the role of Chief Evangelist, Chris immersed himself in every episode of this podcast. This experience not only validated his beliefs but opened a deep understanding of evangelism.Podcasting is a “cheat code for life” – it unlocks so much potential in you and in other people. Chris shares how and why he found himself hosting and producing a dozen shows, as well as specific tips to help you be a better podcast guest and host.Quote of the Show:“The most important job of a Chief Evangelist is connecting people to information that’s going to enable them through the story.”Links Related to This Episode:Chris Cochran’s on LinkedIn:  Huntress: Hacker Valley Media: Huntress on Twitter: Hacker Valley Media on Twitter: See or Hear More Conversations on Chief Evangelist with Ethan Beute:YouTube: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Chief Evangelist: Chief Evangelist is produced by Ringmaster, on a mission to create connections through B2B podcasts. Learn more at