Isaiah 42:1a

Daily Bible Encouragement

02-05-2024 • 2 mins

Isaiah 42:1a

Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight;

In Isaiah chapter 41, God addresses his people – the nation of Israel – as his servant. He reminds them that he has chosen them and is with them. He has committed himself to help them and be their God.  But they are an unfaithful people; a rebellious servant. Much of Isaiah’s ministry is spent warning them of great upheaval and suffering which is to come, when they will experience God’s righteous judgement for turning away from him.

So, when we read this verse, at the start of chapter 42, we might expect that the servant God is talking about is still Israel. But as we read through the chapter we discover that he is actually talking about another servant. A better servant. One who is faithful and just. One in whom God the Father delights. One who will be a light in the dark world of the Gentile nations who don’t yet know God.

This is not just any servant. This is THE servant. He is not only faithful and obedient himself, but he is the one who will rescue and restore faithless and disobedient Israel. He is Jesus - God’s chosen one.

Beginning today, we will spend the next 7 weeks looking together at what God tells us, through the prophet Isaiah, about this promised servant.  We’ll focus on the so-called ‘Servant Songs’ – the sections of the book of Isaiah where God speaks to, or about, this promised servant, and where the servant speaks about himself.

It’s my hope and prayer that these passages will help us all to reflect on the character and work of Jesus. That we will appreciate afresh the suffering servant whose perfect life and death have made it possible for rebels like us to be called servants of the Most High God.

So today, let’s pray that as we read about Jesus, God’s chosen one, we too would delight in him. And let’s ask the Spirit to open our eyes in the weeks ahead, to see more clearly the beauty and majesty of Jesus, which Isaiah foretold.

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