Isaiah 49:1a

Daily Bible Encouragement

16-05-2024 • 2 mins

Isaiah 49:1a

Listen to me, you islands; hear this, you distant nations:

Over the past 2 weeks, we've looked at verses from chapter 42, where God tells us, through Isaiah, about the character and work of the promised Servant. This week, in chapter 49, we get to hear the Servant himself speaking. And look who he is speaking to! ‘Islands’, as we’ve already seen, means ‘everywhere that isn’t Israel’. The Servant, when he speaks, addresses all the nations - not just those who considered themselves to be God’s people.  Who does this Servant think he is?! It's one thing to the expect a hearing from the small band of people who already identify as followers of Yahweh. It's quite another to demand the attention of the entire world! Yet that is exactly what he does: "Listen to me, you islands. Hear this, you distant nations" All people, everywhere. Stop what you're doing and pay attention to me!

If Isaiah was writing today, I imagine he'd be bracing himself for the backlash: "What right have you got to go foisting your religious ideas on the rest of the world?!" "By all means keep your own traditions alive, but don't expect everyone else to join in.” "Haven't you heard of cultural imperialism?!" It’s still – just about – OK in our society for Christians to listen to God (providing he doesn’t say anything too controversial!).  It’s definitely not OK for us to suggest that what God says applies to everyone, everywhere, even those who don’t call themselves his people. Most people might reluctantly agree that God’s allowed to speak to his followers if they’ve willingly signed up to receive his emails. But they’re pretty convinced that he hasn’t got the right to broadcast, uninvited, across the airwaves.

Except, of course, he has. Because there isn’t a person alive in the world right now who God didn’t make. There isn’t a single square inch of the planet that isn’t his, because he created it all. So when he sends his Servant as his appointed ambassador, the Servant has every right to address all people everywhere.

Let's not be bullied into thinking that Jesus is only relevant to the few who call themselves Christians. The coming of this Servant is momentous news for the whole world - those who were waiting for him and those who've never heard of him. Those who welcome his coming and those who want to turn him away.

Let's pray today that allpeople everywhere would listen to the words of Jesus, and acknowledge his authority over them. And let that begin with us.

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