All Things EAP


The official podcast of BALEAP - The global forum for EAP professionals

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Translanguaging Unlocked: Bridging Languages, Breaking Barriers
5d ago
Translanguaging Unlocked: Bridging Languages, Breaking Barriers
In this episode of 'All Things EAP', Carrie Qian and Paul Breen explore the meaning and relevance of translanguaging in today’s higher education and EAP environments. They do this through an interview with both academics and students, including Professor Li Wei, the Director and Dean of the UCL Institute of Education (IOE). This is truly global episode in which we hear voices from Europe, eastern Asia and The Middle East discussing the subject from a range of perspectives including pedgaogical, ideological and technological considerations. We unlock the mystery and make this highly contemporary academic term accessible to everyone.Hosts:Carrie Qian, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU)Paul Breen, UCL Centre for Languages and International Education.Guests:Professor Li Wei, UCL Institute of Education (IOE).Anh Nguyet Luu, PhD student, University of Roehampton. Arhadi Shawish (Ahed), undergraduate student in Palestine.References and suggested further readings or resources:Breen, P. and Le Roux, M. (eds). (2024). Social Justice in EAP and ELT Contexts: Global Higher Education Perspectives. London, Bloomsbury Academic.Carroll, K.S. (2022). Translanguaging for transformation: Resisting monolingual ideologies. In Linguistic identities in the Arab Gulf states (pp. 183-197). Routledge.Luu, N., (2024). The White Gaze and Translanguaging: Getting Multilingual Students’ Voices Heard. Social Justice in EAP and ELT Contexts: Global Higher Education Perspectives. London, Bloomsbury Academic.Wei, L. (2018). Translanguaging as a practical theory of language. Applied linguistics, 39(1), pp.9-30.Wei, L. (2024). Transformative pedagogy for inclusion and social justice through translanguaging, co-learning, and transpositioning. Language Teaching, 57(2), pp.203-214.Presentation by Kelly Webb-Davies: 'Translanguaging in EAP' - BALEAP TELSIG 23-02-2024Presentation by Dylan Williams: 'The Role of Trust in South Korean EMI Translanguaging Practices' - BALEAP Conference 2021: University of Glasgow 6-10 April.
Machine Translation and Generative AI (Part 1)
Machine Translation and Generative AI (Part 1)
In this episode of 'All Things EAP, Xiaoqing Bi and Sanchia Rodrigues explore the implications of machine translation and generative AI in EAP. Joined by experts Mike Groves and Andy McIntosh, they delve into how these technologies are reshaping the landscape of language learning, addressing issues like academic integrity, student reliance on AI, and the ethical considerations for educators. This episode offers valuable insights into the evolving role of technology in EAP teaching and learning, and invites listeners to consider the future of these tools in education.Hosts:Xiaoqing Bi (Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University)Sanchia Rodrigues (University of Warwick)Guests:Mike Groves (Lingnan University)Andy McIntosh (Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University)Recommended resources:Groves, M. and Mundt, K.(2021) 'A ghostwriter in the machine? Attitudes of academic staff towards machine translation use in internationalised higher education', Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 50, p. 100957.Cai, L., 2024. How does ChatGPT Compare with Conventional Neural Machine Translation Systems in Performing a Chinese to English Translation Task?. Journal of Translation Studies, 4(1), pp.25-45.Liu, C. and Chen, M., 2024. Beyond seeking equivalents: exploring Chinese master’s students’ use of machine translation as a translanguaging process in EAP writing. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, pp.1-16.Timestamps:[00:55] Episode introduction[02:13] Feature discussion[02:22] What are the attitudes of EAP practitioners and the students towards machine translation in your contexts?[05:53] Do you think the lecturers in other disciplines tend to have the same opinions or they hold different perspectives on the use of machine translation?[07:21] How to guide students to use machine translation critically?[09:59] How would you compare generative AI tools like ChatGPT with machine translation in terms of EAP teaching and learning?[14:58] What ethical considerations should EAP teachers and students be aware of when using machine translation, and how can this impact the teaching and learning process?[21:13] Should machine translation be included in teachers professional development? If so, how?[25:02] Should EAP teachers be more accepting of non standard variants of global Englishes? And how can machine translation deal with this?[28:43] What do you envision for the future of machine translation within the field of EAP?[34:14] Wrap up and how to get in touch
Perspectives on Transnational Education (TNE)
Perspectives on Transnational Education (TNE)
In this episode of "All Things EAP," Xiaoqing Bi and Paul Breen explore Transnational Education (TNE), discussing the delivery of EAP across various institutions. They highlight the opportunities and challenges for teachers and students, featuring insights from Sam Evans on TNE models in China and Magda Rostron on teaching in an international hub in Qatar.Hosts:Xiaoqing Bi (Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University)Paul Breen (University College London)Guests:Sam Evans (Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University)Magda Rostron (Georgetown University, Doha, Qatar)Recommended resources:Evans, S., Collett, D. & Hu, M. (2022). Exploring cultural influences on engagement in peer review through the lens of self-determination theory at a transnational university in China. International Journal of EAP. Spring Issue, pp.61-84.Government Action on Student VisasQuinn, C. (2020). More China TNE programs shifting towards fully in-country model. The Pie News. Available at: City in QatarTimestamps:First Guest - Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, TNE Context in China[3:40] Can you explain the different models of Transnational Education (TNE)?[6:00] Why has the number of students enrolled in TNE increased significantly in recent years?[7:21] Why do some students prefer to stay in China for international education rather than going to the UK?[9:04] What attracts people to work at a TNE university, specifically in the context of XJTLU?[10:35] What advice would you give to EAP teachers interested in moving to China?[12:12] How does the typical makeup of teaching staff at British universities differ from that at XJTLU?[15:30] How has teaching EAP in China helped you develop as a teacher, and what scholarship opportunities are available at XJTLU?Second Guest - Georgetown University, TNE Context in Qatar[19:29] Can you share your background as an EAP practitioner and how you ended up in Qatar?[21:43] How do different cultures interact within the TNE context?[24:50] Why do students choose to study at a TNE university rather than at Qatari universities?[28:06] Can you discuss the EAP scholarship opportunities available?
Routes into EAP
Routes into EAP
In this first episode of 'All Things EAP' Laura, Sanchia and Carrie talk about how they got into teaching EAP, what they think the current issues are in EAP and where they think EAP might find itself in the future. They discuss the challenges and complexities of being an EAP practitioner with reference to their personal experiences and contexts.Host:Laura Richards, (University of Leeds)Guests:Sanchia Rodrigues (University of Warwick)Carrie Qian (Xi'an Jiatong-Liverpool University)Recommended resources:Bruce, I. & Bond, B.(eds) (2022) Contextualizing English for Academic Purposes in Higher Education: Politics, Policies and Practices. Bloomsbury.Kachru, B. (1985). Standards, codification and sociolinguistic realism: English language in the outer circle. In R. Quirk and H. Widowson (Eds.), English in the world: Teaching and learning the language and literatures (p. 11-36). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.BALEAP 2023 Biennial Conference: Caution! EAP under DEconstructionTimestamps:[0:47] Episode introduction[03:18] Feature discussion[04:28] When someone asks you what you do for a living, how do you answer?[07:46] What do we as practitioners think of when we think of EAP?[12:34] Has the background of new EAP practitioners changed?[15:17] Are we diverse?[17:10 ] How do you feel about the distinction between native speaker and competent language teacher whose first language is not necessarily English?[21:04] Would an EAP specific qualification have made you feel more validated as a novice practitioner? \[24:31] Where do we think we will find ourselves as EAP practitioners in the next 5/10/20 years?[28:00] Voice notes from listeners[30:11] Wrap up and how to get in touch