Every Single Sci-Fi Film Ever*

Ayesha Khan

The Every Single Sci-Fi Film Ever* podcast looks back at more than a century of films, beginning in 1902 and working towards the future. Each episode focuses on a film, director or theme and brings in experts to discuss the history, politics, and influences. Join sci-fi enthusiast Ayesha Khan as she travels through time and space, encounters aliens, and battles authoritarian regimes all from the comfort of your home planet. Released every two weeks


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The Invisible Man Exposed
The Invisible Man Exposed
As with all episodes of this podcast there are spoilers ahead!For full detailed shownotes (without character limits) you can choose the episode on the watch page here.I would love for you to join in by watching The Invisible Man here. You can follow what I'm researching and working on next on the podcast Instagram page @everyscififilm.Description:When HG Wells wrote The Invisible Man in 1897 he was in a world in which the telephone, the phonograph and even the invention of the radio brought the idea of disembodied voices to an increasing number of people. In the 1933 film director James Whale (who also directed Frankenstein) imbued the film with themes of mass communication more relevant to an age of radio broadcasts and film newsreels. Although it is a part of Universal Pictures classic monsters it often feels more like a comedy than a horror. The film was a great success with the special effects impressing moviegoers and critics. This week’s wonderful experts break down the themes and history of the film. We also have a little discussion about Things to Come (1936) which is also based on an HG Wells story and touch upon the infamous War of the Worlds radio play (1938) which (apparently) led people to think aliens were invading. The ExpertsKeith Williams is a Reader in English at the University of Dundee with a special interest in the pre 1945 period and HG Wells. He is the author of the book H.G. Wells, Modernity and the Movies.Marc Longenecker is an Associate Professor of the Practice of Film Studies at Wesleyan University and wrote an article titled A Brief History of Invisibility on Screen.Chapters00:00 Introduction01:35 Invisibility on film and by HG Wells10:28 Humour, satire and prejudice14:26 A man walks into a pub15:28 Rags to riches: Whale, Wells and Rains20:12 The invisible actor22:02 Phonographs, radio and Hitler27:18 War of the Worlds (1938 radio drama)29:58 The special effects35:37 HG Wells Vs the movies39:27 Things to Come (1936)46:42 Legacy49:08 Conclusion51:32 RecommendationsNEXT EPISODE!No film to watch for next episode as we will be discussing the development of early pulp fiction magazines and comics and their relationship to science fiction. You can start catching up with the Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers film serials of the 1930s as I am working on an episode based on them.  You can check JustWatch to see where you can access them.You can also watch them on YouTube. There are also some colourised versions. There were three Flash Gordon serials and one Buck Rogers serial Flash Gordon (1936)Flash Gordon (1936. Colourised)Flash Gordon’s Trip to Mars (1938)Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe (1940)Buck Rogers (1939)Send me a text message.
King Kong: The Origin of a Cinematic Titan
King Kong: The Origin of a Cinematic Titan
As with all episodes of this podcast there are spoilers ahead! For full detailed shownotes (without character limits) you can choose the episode on the watch page here. I would love for you to join in by watching the film King Kong here.Description:In early March 1933 the US welcomed Franklin D Roosevelt as their 32nd president. The longest lasting presidency in US history. That same weekend the original King Kong opened in theatres in New York. The huge ape was a big success and continues to wow audiences almost a century later. Although I have many dear friends and family members who adore this creature I have never been enraptured by him. I wanted to find two experts who really had love of this film as well as the knowledge and insight that would put the movie into context. The ExpertsMark Bould is a professor of Film and Literature at the University of West England, Bristol. He has written/edited multiple books on science fiction and the 1933 King Kong is one of his favourite films.Peter Conolly Smith is an Associate Professor of History at Queens College, CUNY. He specialises in American studies and also considers King Kong as one of his favourite films. Chapters00:00 My reading plans, a big thank you intro00:46 Introduction02:00 Why Mark loves the film03:40 Why Peter loves the film06:57 The meaning and relevance of pre-code films09:25 The great travelling filmmaking adventurers13:06 The Depression Era as King Kong19:28 Racism: inherent and the allegory27:32 The Scottsboro Boys trial30:28 Beauty and the Beast: the contamination of civilization36:08 Boyish adventure!39:04 Groundbreaking special effects41:53 The humanisation of Kong43:26 The legacy: Kong, Kaiju and Jurassic Park50:39 Conclusions51:10 Recommendations for listenersNEXT EPISODE!The next film we'll be speaking about it The Invisible Man. You can watch it here.Send me a text message.
Just Imagine a Musical Rom-Com Sci-Fi!
Just Imagine a Musical Rom-Com Sci-Fi!
As with all episodes of this podcast there are spoilers ahead! For full detailed shownotes (without character limits) you can choose this episode on the watch page here and scroll down. I would love for you to join in by watching the film Just Imagine which is available here.If you would like to share your thoughts on the film or the episode you can do that on Instagram. DescriptionHow did the US make a lighthearted, musical rom-com in answer to the grand German dystopia of Metropolis? Just Imagine was made by David Butler who was hot off the success of another musical: Sunny Side Up (1929).Just Imagine was released in November of 1930 a little over a year after the Wall Street Crash. Sound had become commonplace in movie theatres and musicals were drawing in the crowds. Just Imagine had a budget of approximately $1.1 million.The film is set in 1980. Unsurprisingly there are no synth bands or shoulder pads. There is, however, a glorious retro-futuristic glimpse into what the vision of the future looked like for the people of 1930. The film is very different to its big budget predecessors Aelita Queen of Mars and Metropolis. Just Imagine is a light-hearted, musical rom-com and offers very little anxiety about technology or the future. I had considered titling the episode 'Just Imagine Being Optimistic About the Future!'. Luckily I have procured some heavyweight experts to explain how techno-optimism was par for the course in the machine age USA.The ExpertsJay Telotte is a Professor Emeritus of film and media studies at Georgia Tech. He has written extensively about film history for decades including many books and articles on science fiction cinema. He wrote the article Just Imagine-ing the Metropolis of Modern America in 1996.Lisa Yaszek is back with us! She is Regents' Professor of Science Fiction Studies at Georgia Tech, has written/edited multiple books on science fiction and teaches Just Imagine as part of a futurism, fashion, and science fiction design class. She was recently received the SFRA Award for Lifetime Contributions to Science Fiction Scholarship.Chapters:00:00 Intro to the show and guests01:41 The perfect storm for a musical rom-com sci-fi04:55 Musicals 08:19 Science Fiction10:26 Swedish accents, gender and the other queen of Mars15:10 Optimism, World's Fairs and technocracy19:53 The futurists and fashion24:26 Visionary tech hits and misses28:50 Good and evil of sci-fi fashion31:47 The death of the big-budget futurist film33:27 Visual legacy: Flash Gordon, Frankenstein & Buck Rodgers35:29 Sci-fi musical Vs sci-fi horror37:34 Conclusions40:07 RecommendationsNEXT EPISODE!We will  be speaking about the 1933 original King Kong! The film is available to buy or rent on many streaming channels. You can check the 'Just Watch' website to get details on where. You can also watch the film here.Send me a text message.
Frankenstein Goes to Hollywood
Frankenstein Goes to Hollywood
We're doing things a little differently this episode. There are still spoilers ahead! Frankenstein is considered by many people to be a solid first choice for the first science fiction novel. (Before you start jumping up and down in disgust, yes, there are many stories from the 1600s and even ancient tales which are considered to be strong contenders for the first written sci-fi story. That does not take away from the influence of Mary Shelley.) In 1816 the teenager* went on holiday to Switzerland and came up with the character of Frankenstein and his monster which would then develop into a novel titled Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus. Over 200 years later there are still films being made based on the characters from the book. In this episode, we touch upon James Whale’s 1931 Frankenstein film but look at the origins of the story, examine why its monster has such a long lasting legacy, and why these stories resonate with us still.For full detailed shownotes please click the episode at www.everyscififilm.com/watch and scroll down.The expertsRoger Luckhurst is a Professor at Birkbeck, University of London. He specialises in literature, film and cultural history from the 19th century to the present. He has written many books and numerous articles on science fiction, horror and the Gothic.Sarah Artt is a Lecturer at Edinburgh Napier University. She has taught courses on Frankenstein in film and literature and co-led a 3 year project titled The Age of Frankenstein which examined the origins and legacy of the story. Her book Quiet Pictures comes out in May 2024. Chapters00:00 Introduction, thank you and guests02:08 The origin of the monster04:51 Mary Godwin: not your average 19th century girl06:22 The monster is still with us10:16 Mary Shelley as the monster: my hackneyed take14:23 The ultimate goth princess15:02 Knowledge and punishment16:37 The horror film genre20:12 Frankenstein’s monster: a child of revolution!23:16 Why we love monsters29:58 James Whale and the Bride of Frankenstein31:38 Godzilla, B movies and pod people35:50 The Stepford Wives39:18 The slave becomes the master40:08 Burning cross, lynching and the mob42:59 Conclusions: class, prejudice and eugenics46:06 RecommendationsNext episodeThe next film we will be covering is Just Imagine (1930). Is is a musical, rom-com sci-fi set in 1980. You can watch it here: https://archive.org/details/JustImagine_201701*Correction: I wrongly say at 02:37 that Mary Shelley is 16 or 17 years old when they arrive at Villa Diodati but she is 18.Send me a text message.
Metropolis: The Most Influential Sci-Fi Film Ever*
Metropolis: The Most Influential Sci-Fi Film Ever*
*Almost. As with all episodes of this podcast there are spoilers ahead!You can watch Metropolis (1927) here or here: For full shownotes visit the watch page for this episode on the website: https://www.everyscififilm.com/watchDescriptionAfter losing World War I Germany entered a time of economic hardship and political turmoil. In 1918 the Monarchy abdicated. The country was financially crippled by the reparations enforced by The Treaty of Versailles and German democracy began.From 1918 until Hitler came to power in 1933 is known as the Weimar period. A time of political upheaval and artistic creativity. German Art and Cinema were thriving while the left and right were wrangling for control of the country. In 1927 Fritz Lang made what is to this day considered one of the greatest films of all time. It is based on a story by Thea Von Harbou, his wife at the time, who went on to collaborate with Nazi Party on multiple films. The ongoing influence of Metropolis on film is immense. Films like Blade Runner, Fifth Element, Frankenstein, Batman, and more recently Poor Things have all been influenced by it. And yet, the film itself was not a hit.Luckily we have two luminary experts to help us understand the film, the society it came from and the themes it portrays. The expertsSonja Fritzsche is a professor of German Studies and an author/editor for many books about science fiction. She has taught courses on science fiction, utopia and Metropolis.Noah Isenberg is a film historian and best-selling author. He is a professor at the University of Texas and editor of the book Weimar Cinema: An Essential Guide to Classic Films of the Era.Chapters00:00 Introduction, shownotes clarification and guests02:30 Weimar: economics, Hitler and creative legacy11:05 Fritz Lang15:00 Thea Von Harbou18:41 Lang’s Jewish heritage and Harbou’s Nazism21:05 The rediscovery of missing Metropolis reels22:05 Lang’s visual virtuosity26:05 Fear of the future and the three faces of Utopia27:50 The virgin, the whore and the workers unions31:41 Critical reception Vs visual spectacle35:32 Religious themes37:37 The Nazi connection45:23 Lang’s future: M, Woman in the Moon, Film Noir48:25 Is Metropolis the most influential sci-fi film of all time?50:36 Conclusions and recommendationsNEXT EPISODE!We will be looking at Frankenstein and speaking about monsters and their role in storytelling and science fiction. You can watch Frankenstein (1931) here.Or check Just Watch for where it is available. Send me a text message.
Aelita: The 100 Year Old Queen of Mars
Aelita: The 100 Year Old Queen of Mars
As with all episodes of this podcast there are spoilers ahead!You can watch Aelita Queen of Mars (1924) here. For full shownotes visit the watch page for this episode on the website: https://www.everyscififilm.com/watch Lenin, the leader of the Russian revolution and the new soviet Russia declared “cinema is for us the most important of the arts”. He recognised the power of film to reach a wide range of audiences and its potential as propaganda. The country was struggling as was its film industry which was nationalised in 1919. In the first half of the 20th century Russia has been through a world war, a revolution and a civil war which ended in 1923. Some months later the words “Anta Odeli Uta” started appearing in the press and distributed leaflets. The words are from Aelita Queen of Mars which was Soviet Russia’s first big film. A film they hired acclaimed pre-revolutionary film director Yakov Protozanov to make. This film was intended to make a big impact, to be popular and be a beacon of the new emerging soviet Russia. Although the film was a commercial success, communist critics were harsh in their verdict.The film has a mishmash of themes which make for confusing viewing. Part communist propaganda (oppressed Martian workers rise up against a cruel king), part romantic drama (jealousy and obsession), part social commentary (corrupt government officials and bumbling policemen) amongst many other things.Luckily we have two heavyweight scholars to help us rein in the confusion. The expertsDenise Youngblood is Professor of History Emerita at the University of Vermont.  She is a specialist on the history of Russian and Soviet cinema from 1908 to the present. She has written extensively on the subject, including seven books and numerous articles and film reviews. Denise has a PhD from Stanford and was one of only three Americans who studied Soviet film history at VGIK (the Soviet state film institute in Moscow) during Soviet times.Rachel Morley is Associate Professor at UCL's School of Slavonic & East European Studies where she is also co-chair of Russian Cinema Research Group. She has published widely and presented papers on Russian film.Chapters00:00 Introduction to show and guests02:43 The pre-revolutionary master returns07:01 Where is the communist propaganda?13:00 Anta Odeli Uta and the critics Vs fans18:34 Is the protagonist meant to be unlikable?23:12 Women: past, present and future28:34 The working class32:17 A vision of the future: costumes and set design35:22 Russian sci-fi after Aelita: Stalin Vs Khrushchev38:38 Aelita: a warning to Soviet filmmakers40:53 Did Aelita inspire Fritz Lang’s Metropolis?43:12 Protozanov’s future44:27 Stalin’s restrictions on the film industry48:02 ConclusionNEXT EPISODE!Fritz Lang’s Metropolis is next! It is considered by many to be one of the greatest films of the silent era. You can watch it here  at the internet archive or here on YouTube. Or you can check here for UK or here for US options. DVDs of the film are also available(There are many versions of the film due to editing, lost footage and restorations. There is also a 1984 GSend me a text message.
The Creator: David Eagleman's favourite sci-fi film ever
The Creator: David Eagleman's favourite sci-fi film ever
As with all episodes of this podcast there are spoilers ahead! Every once in a while we take a break from watching and learning about old science fiction films and speak to a guest about their favourite sci-fi film. In this episode I speak to David Eagleman about The Creator and what about this 2023 film made it to the top of his list.For full shownotes with references to the subjects mentioned in this episode you can visit https://www.everyscififilm.com/the-creator-david-eagleman-s-fvouriteThe guestDavid Eagleman is a neuroscientist at Stanford University, a best-selling author of multiple books, and an entrepreneur. He is cofounder of Cognito Entertainment, a production company that focuses on science-based films and documentaries and he also directs the US based Center for Science and Law. David is the host of the Inner Cosmos podcast that delves into topics about the human brain and perception. You can find out more about him at https://eagleman.comChapters00:00 Introduction of show and guest01:19 Overview of The Creator (with spoilers)03:24 Why The Creator resonates with David05:38 Consciousness, AI, and neuroscience10:16 Human tribalism and prejudice14:28 AI: friend, foe, fear, and the future17:50 Mimicry, humanity, and the potential of AI19:15 Can AI adapt and excel beyond the human brain?23:01 Sad robots and subjectivity24:52 Religious AI, heaven, and the cynical endingNEXT EPISODE!The next film we will be looking at is Aelita Queen of Mars. A 1924 film from Soviet Russia. You can watch the film here on YouTube. In some locations you can check where it is available to stream, rent or buy at JustWatch. The film is available to buy on Amazon in some places. DVDs of the film are available though not common.Send me a text message.
The First Science Fiction Film Ever
The First Science Fiction Film Ever
As with all episodes of this podcast there are spoilers ahead! I would love for you to join in by watching the film, Le Voyage Dans La Lune here. The film was made by the pioneer French film director George Méliès in 1902. It is widely considered to be the first sci-fi film ever. There is a small rumble of a potential contender which I have added at the bottom of the full shownotes. For full shownotes with references to the subjects mentioned in this episode you can visit https://www.everyscififilm.com/the-first-science-fiction-film-everThe expertsRichard Neupert is the Charles H. Wheatley Professor of the Arts and a Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor at the Department of Theatre and Film Studies at the University of Georgia. He has written extensively on film including numerous books. His book French Film History, 1895-1946 was published in 2022.​Bert Ulrich probably has one of the best jobs in the world! He acts as NASA’s liaison for film and TV collaborations. He is a film and visual arts author. In 2022 his essay A Legacy of Spectacle: The Impact of George Méliès on Science Fiction Filmmaking was published in the academic journal Film International. Chapters00:00 Introduction to show and guests01:37 How the son of a successful bootmaker became a theatre performer04:14 George Méliès watches a Lumiere brother’s screening06:35 A quick overview of the film08:12 Méliès satire and style12:30 The father of special effects15:27 France’s Belle Époque: optimism, industrialism, and exploration20:47 Success and piracy23:42 The pros and cons of Méliès’ solo working style27:54 Méliès’ decline31:27 Rediscovery of his work33:49 The development of Sci-fi cinema since 190244:18 Concluding thoughtsNEXT EPISODE/S!Next episode I will be speaking to David Eagleman, Stanford neuroscientist and best selling author, about his favourite Sci-fi film The Creator. This 2023 film is streaming on Disney+. You may be able to check where you can rent or buy the film at JustWatch. The next film we will be looking at is Aelita Queen of Mars. A 1924 film from Soviet Russia. You can watch the film here on YouTube. You can check where it is available to stream, rent or buy at JustWatch. The film is available to buy on Amazon in some locations. DVDs of the film are available though not common.Send me a text message.
What is Science Fiction?
What is Science Fiction?
And so we begin! The very first episode. Before we start the journey of examining every single sci-fi film ever* we must understand what science fiction is. In this episode I speak to science fiction scholars Lisa Yaszek and Glynn Morgan about the definitions of this well-known genre. What is the difference between science fiction and fantasy? Are superhero movies sci-fi? Are the we the real monsters? Please be warned: as always there are spoilers ahead! Link for the next film is at the bottom. *Almost For full shownotes which explain more about the topics, names and books mentioned in this episode you can visit https://www.everyscififilm.com/what-is-science-fictionThe experts:I am extreme lucky to have these guests with me.Lisa Yaszek has known sci-fi very well for very many years. Regents Professor of Science Fiction Studies in the School of Literature, Media, and Communication at Georgia Tech, she researches and teaches science fiction and has authored, compiled, and edited numerous books on the topic. Her Future is Female books not only draw attention to the huge contribution of women writers in the genre but also have wonderful retro covers! (I am not judging a book by its cover but I am judging the cover!) Lisa was President of the Science Fiction Research Association from 2009-2010 and serves as an advisory board member for About SF. She has won many awards for contributions to science fiction and serves as a juror for sci-fi writing awards. Glyn Morgan is Curator of Exhibitions at The British Science Museum and put together the Science Fiction: Voyage to the Edge of Imagination exhibition which has moved on from London, UK and is currently showing in Hong Kong. He is a lecturer and former editor of Vector, the Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association. He has written extensively about sci-fi and speculative fiction and has served as an award judge. Chapters: 00:00 Introduction to show and guests02:58 Lisa’s definition: Darko Suvin and his three criteria10:24 Glynn’s definition: Damon Knight’s one criteria16:50 Are superhero films science fiction?18:38 Magic Vs science20:28 The history of comic books, superheroes and science fiction26:36 Mysticism in science fiction34:12 What even is science?37:44 Is everything in space sci-fi?43:57 Aliens and monsters49:40 AI, robots and fembots55:34 Time travel and multiverses59:57 Dystopia, utopia, and Star Trek01:12:13 ConclusionNEXT EPISODE!George Melies' Le Voyage Dans La Lune from 1902 will the focus of episode 2. It is available to watch on YouTube. Or you can check here for UK or here for US options. DVDs of the film are also available. Send me a text message.