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The Price with Confidence Podcast

Rebecca Hawkes

The Price with Confidence Podcast was created for social media managers who want to feel confident in what they charge, learn how to price their services so they can hit their income goal with ease and increase their self worth so they feel deserving of higher prices. Created by Confidence + Pricing Coach Rebecca Hawkes, each episode is designed to empower you to charge more so you can live the freedom lifestyle you dream of.

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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13. How to avoid burnout as a social media manager
13. How to avoid burnout as a social media manager
It's incredibly easy to become burnt out as a social media manager.It's not like it's a 'post to Instagram' + then you're done job.(Despite what some people think)It's a job that never switches off. There's always posts to share, comments to respond to, content to create, trends to keep up with + new features to learn (cheers IG).And even when you close your laptop at the end of the day, it's easy to open up the apps on your phone + start scrolling.If you're not careful, your brain will stay in 'work' mode.So what can you do to avoid becoming overwhelmed, exhausted, burnt out + resentful of your clients?Tune into this episode of The Price with Confidence Podcast where I’m sharing the signs you’re on the brink of burnout + how to avoid becoming completely burnt out as a social media manager.W E C O V E R:[01:25] Why it's so easy to become burnt out as a social media manager[03:58] Signs you're burning out[06:30] Why your price is the difference between burn out + ease in business[15:10] How attracting clients offline can help you avoid burn out[22:35] The importance of setting + implement boundaries to prevent burn out[28:50] The one thing you need to prioritise in your scheduleQ U O T E S:"Your price is the difference between you hustling + burning out and feeling relaxed, confident + things flowing easily for you in your business.""You can always tell a social media manager who's busy with clients because their socials really take a hit!""We don't want to upset or offend out clients.....but it's so important for your mental health.""It's not an emergency for me because you've decided you want to do something on the spur of the moment."T H E P R I C I N C A C A D E M Y®:➡️ Ready to price your services with confidence so you can make more money, sign better clients and create more freedom in your life + business? Go here: L I E N T S W I T H C O N F I D E N C E™:➡️ Learn how to get clients without burning out on socials, keep clients so your bank balance never runs dry + fire clients who don't value you or no longer align with you so you can sleep peacefully at night: E A D T H E B L O G P O S T S:➡️ Find tonnes of helpful blog posts for social media managers on my website here: O N N E C T W I T H M E O N➡️ Instagram:➡️ LinkedIn:➡️ Pinterest:➡️ My website: https://rebeccalucyh.comA B O U T R E B E C C A H A W K E SI'm a Confidence + Pricing Coach for social media managers who want to feel confident in their prices, their business + themselves. I help my clients + community with what to charge for social media management services and show them how to create more confidence so they can make more money without needing to hustle. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12. You can change your prices whenever you want to
12. You can change your prices whenever you want to
One of the most common questions I get asked is “How often should I increase my prices?” or “When is the right time to increase my prices?”.I’m a firm believer in doing what’s right for you and your business. I don’t believe in there being a ‘one size fits all’ perfect answer to these questions however there are a few key signs that your current prices are no longer serving you.Want to know what they are so you can decide whether you’re ready to increase your prices?Tune into this episode of The Price with Confidence Podcast where we’re discussing why you’re reluctant to raise your rates, when the right time to increase your prices is and whether or not you should change your prices for your current clients.Episode 12: You can change your prices whenever you wantW E C O V E R:[00:51] Why pricing is so uncomfortable[01:57] You can change your prices whenever you want[03:44] 6 Signs it’s time to raise your rates[09:25] Should you increase your prices with your current clients?[12:53] When NOT to increase your prices[15:05] One of my fave client success storiesQ U O T E S:“Your fears are there to stop you embarrassing yourself, stop you making a fool of yourself, to stop you doing something that might hurt you.”“You have to make the decision to push through those fears, to push out of your comfort zone and to take action, even though you're scared.”“You don't have to make a drastic change where you double the price or you start charging three times more than you were, you can just increase a little bit.”“I like to make sure that my clients feel valued and feel appreciated but I also like to make sure that I don't undervalue myself as well.”T H E P R I C I N C A C A D E M Y®:➡️ Ready to price your services with confidence so you can make more money, sign better clients and create more freedom in your life + business? Go here: L I E N T S W I T H C O N F I D E N C E™:➡️ Learn how to get clients without burning out on socials, keep clients so your bank balance never runs dry + fire clients who don't value you or no longer align with you so you can sleep peacefully at night: E A D T H E B L O G P O S T S:➡️ Find tonnes of helpful blog posts for social media managers on my website here: O N N E C T W I T H M E O N➡️ Instagram:➡️ LinkedIn:➡️ Pinterest:➡️ My website: https://rebeccalucyh.comA B O U T R E B E C C A H A W K E SI'm a Confidence + Pricing Coach for social media managers who want to feel confident in their prices, their business + themselves. I help my clients + community with what to charge for social media management services and show them how to create more confidence so they can make more money without needing to hustle. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11. You don't have to be the best to be paid well
11. You don't have to be the best to be paid well
When I started out as a social media manager in 2017, I felt like I couldn’t charge what I needed for my services because I was new. I had limited experience, I was self taught and I definitely wasn’t the best social media manager out there.The idea that I had to be the best to get paid well left me underearning, overwhelmed and on the brink of burnout.The truth is, you don’t have to be the best to be paid what you deserve and in this episode of The Price with Confidence Podcast I’ll be diving into how imposter syndrome can affect the price you charge and why you’re worthy of being paid well, even if you’re not the best in the world.Episode 11: You don’t have to be the best social media manager to be paid well for your servicesW E C O V E R:[00:53] I’m joined by a very special guest![01:49] How imposter syndrome held me back in my business + how it’s protecting you[05:15] What your clients really want when they’re hiring a social media manager[06:54] Why someone will hire you over anyone else[10:20] Why you deserve to be paid well even if you’re not the best in the world[11:22] Your responsibilities as a social media managerQ U O T E S:“I had never heard of the phrase imposter syndrome but I noticed that when I started to get results for clients, I didn't really believe that they were good enough. And despite the praise that I was getting from the clients, I didn't believe that they were actually happy.”“If you price lower than you need to, it protects you.”“The truth is, the clients who are hiring you aren't looking for the best social media manager in the world, they want someone who can elevate their brand online, who can grow their community and ultimately increase their sales.”“You have to recognise how valuable you are to a client, no matter what stage in your business you're at.”T H E P R I C I N C A C A D E M Y®:➡️ Ready to price your services with confidence so you can make more money, sign better clients and create more freedom in your life + business? Go here: L I E N T S W I T H C O N F I D E N C E™:➡️ Learn how to get clients without burning out on socials, keep clients so your bank balance never runs dry + fire clients who don't value you or no longer align with you so you can sleep peacefully at night: E A D T H E B L O G P O S T S:➡️ Find tonnes of helpful blog posts for social media managers on my website here: O N N E C T W I T H M E O N➡️ Instagram:➡️ LinkedIn:➡️ Pinterest:➡️ My website: https://rebeccalucyh.comA B O U T R E B E C C A H A W K E SI'm a Confidence + Pricing Coach for social media managers who want to feel confident in their prices, their business + themselves. I help my clients + community with what to charge for social media management services and show them how to create more confidence so they can make more money without needing to hustle. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10. Why you shouldn't price per post as a social media manager
10. Why you shouldn't price per post as a social media manager
Choosing what to charge for social media management services is a decision that can be overwhelming, confusing and difficult to make.It’s common for people to think they have to price their services based on how many posts they’ll be sharing for their clients but actually, this isn’t true.In this episode of The Price with Confidence Podcast, I’ll be sharing how to price your services as a social media manager without including the number of posts you’ll share and how you can respond to potential clients who want to know how often you’ll be posting.Episode 10: Why you shouldn’t price per post as a social media managerW E C O V E R:[00:34] Why it’s natural to think you should price per post[01:14] Why posting every day isn’t worth more than posting 3 times per week[01:44] Why you shouldn’t commit to a number of posts before you start working with them[03:20] How you price your services if you don’t price per post[05:52] How to respond when someone asks how many posts you’ll be sharing for themQ U O T E S:“Although you'd think posting every day is of higher value than posting three times a week, it’s not.”“Your client shouldn't give a shit about how many posts you're sharing for them, they should be giving a shit about the actual, tangible results that you're going to get for them.”“As long as you are confident in what you're doing, you remember that you're the expert and you explain why you don't commit to a certain number of posts, your potential client should be happy to follow your lead.”T H E P R I C I N C A C A D E M Y®:➡️ Ready to price your services with confidence so you can make more money, sign better clients and create more freedom in your life + business? Go here: L I E N T S W I T H C O N F I D E N C E™:➡️ Learn how to get clients without burning out on socials, keep clients so your bank balance never runs dry + fire clients who don't value you or no longer align with you so you can sleep peacefully at night: E A D T H E B L O G P O S T S:➡️ Find tonnes of helpful blog posts for social media managers on my website here: O N N E C T W I T H M E O N➡️ Instagram:➡️ LinkedIn:➡️ Pinterest:➡️ My website: https://rebeccalucyh.comA B O U T R E B E C C A H A W K E SI'm a Confidence + Pricing Coach for social media managers who want to feel confident in their prices, their business + themselves. I help my clients + community with what to charge for social media management services and show them how to create more confidence so they can make more money without needing to hustle. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
09. "You're too expensive!" Here's how to respond
09. "You're too expensive!" Here's how to respond
If you’re running a business as a social media manager, chances are you’ve been told you’re too expensive at least once.In the early days of my business, I’d accept their opinion of my price - and instantly drop what I charged to suit that opinion - because I was so desperate to hear the yes.After working to increase my confidence and self worth, I realised I wasn’t too expensive and my services were most definitely worth the price tag I’d placed on them.I stopped dropping my prices and learned how to confidently respond when someone believed I was too expensive. In this episode of The Price with Confidence Podcast I’m sharing a 4 step strategy that you can use the next time someone questions your price.Episode 9: “You’re too expensive!” Here’s how to respondW E C O V E R:[00:35] What it actually means when someone tells you you’re too expensive[01:16] Why I struggled with being rejected for my price[03:44] The first thing you need to do before you respond[04:42] Write out an empowerment list[06:00] How affirmations helped me transform my life[09:26] Get out your journal and answer this prompt[10:48] What you include in the actual responseJ O U R N A L P R O M P T S:➡️ Empowerment list: 30 Reasons I know I’m worthy of the price I charge➡️ Now that I’m confident in who I am + the value of my services, this is how I choose to respond to potential clients who ask for it cheaperQ U O T E S:“It means absolutely nothing about you, it means nothing about your business, it doesn't mean that you are too expensive, it just means their perception of your prices is that it's outside of their budget.”“Within the space of a year, I transformed my life so much that I quit the 9 to 5 that I was nearly fired from and I actually went backpacking solo, around Southeast Asia.”“Don't be scared to let a client go.”“By standing your ground with your price, you're reinforcing the fact that you know you're worthy of your prices, and you're leaving space for a better client to enter your world.”T H E P R I C I N C A C A D E M Y®:➡️ Ready to price your services with confidence so you can make more money, sign better clients and create more freedom in your life + business? Go here: L I E N T S W I T H C O N F I D E N C E™:➡️ Learn how to get clients without burning out on socials, keep clients so your bank balance never runs dry + fire clients who don't value you or no longer align with you so you can sleep peacefully at night: E A D T H E B L O G P O S T S:➡️ Find tonnes of helpful blog posts for social media managers on my website here: O N N E C T W I T H M E O N➡️ Instagram:➡️ LinkedIn:➡️ Pinterest:➡️ My website: https://rebeccalucyh.comA B O U T R E B E C C A H A W K E SI'm a Confidence + Pricing Coach for social media managers who want to feel confident in their prices, their business + themselves. I help my clients + community with what to charge for social media management services and show them how to create more confidence so they can make more money without needing to hustle. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
08. How not to undervalue yourself as a social media manager
08. How not to undervalue yourself as a social media manager
We’ve all been in situations where someone - intentionally or unintentionally - has tried to undervalue us as a social media manager.Maybe they wanted you to drop your prices or expected a response from you at 11pm.If you have a moment of doubt or you lack confidence, it may feel easier to lower the price to hear the yes or respond to the email for fear they’ll sack you.But you deserve to be valued and to ensure you are, it’s important you value yourself first which is why in this episode of The Price with Confidence Podcast, I’ll be sharing 3 steps you can take to make sure you don’t undervalue yourself and what you can do if someone tries to undervalue you.Episode 8: How not to undervalue yourself as a social media managerW E C O V E R:[00:45] What happens when you value yourself[04:26] 3 Steps to take to make sure you don’t undervalue yourself[08:08] Important boundaries you can set with your clients[10:59] What to do when someone tries to undervalue youQ U O T E S:“It's very hard to undervalue someone who recognises how worthy they are, who is full of self confidence, who's full of belief in themselves, and who knows and stands strong in the value that they deliver.”“​​When you value yourself and your skills, you empower your peers to value themselves and their services. And who doesn't want to contribute to the empowerment of others in the industry?”“When you have people out there offering their services for next to nothing, it gives this impression to outsiders and to people looking to hire social media managers, that the service isn't worth that much either.”“If you try to cling on to them by lowering your price, you undervalue yourself, and then you're going to end up feeling really resentful.”T H E P R I C I N C A C A D E M Y®:➡️ Ready to price your services with confidence so you can make more money, sign better clients and create more freedom in your life + business? Go here: L I E N T S W I T H C O N F I D E N C E™:➡️ Learn how to get clients without burning out on socials, keep clients so your bank balance never runs dry + fire clients who don't value you or no longer align with you so you can sleep peacefully at night: E A D T H E B L O G P O S T S:➡️ Find tonnes of helpful blog posts for social media managers on my website here: O N N E C T W I T H M E O N➡️ Instagram:➡️ LinkedIn:➡️ Pinterest:➡️ My website: https://rebeccalucyh.comA B O U T R E B E C C A H A W K E SI'm a Confidence + Pricing Coach for social media managers who want to feel confident in their prices, their business + themselves. I help my clients + community with what to charge for social media management services and show them how to create more confidence so they can make more money without needing to hustle. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
07. Stop trying to guess what your clients can afford
07. Stop trying to guess what your clients can afford
We’re all guilty of this when we lack confidence in our pricing.We get on a call with a potential client, discuss their needs, think about our packages and then worry they won’t be able to afford to pay our prices.And sometimes we drop our prices before we’ve even given the client a chance to pay our actual price. (Or was that just me?)This guesswork around what someone will or won’t pay is harming your business and in this episode of The Price with Confidence Podcast I’m going to share with you why it’s so damaging and what your responsibility is when it comes to your prices.Episode 7: Stop trying to guess what your clients can affordW E C O V E R:[00:43] Why assuming what your clients can afford is harming your business[01:53] What happens when you change your beliefs around what someone will pay[02:57] How you’re disempowering your potential clients[05:07] Your responsibility when it comes to pricing your servicesQ U O T E S:“When you decide what your clients can or can't afford, you already enter the sales conversations expecting to be paid a lower price than you want or need or deserve.”“If you don't give people the opportunity to pay your higher prices, they're going to pay you a low price because they've got no other option. People can only pay you what you ask for.”“It's not for you to decide the amount of money that they want to invest to support themselves.”T H E P R I C I N C A C A D E M Y®:➡️ Ready to price your services with confidence so you can make more money, sign better clients and create more freedom in your life + business? Go here: L I E N T S W I T H C O N F I D E N C E™:➡️ Learn how to get clients without burning out on socials, keep clients so your bank balance never runs dry + fire clients who don't value you or no longer align with you so you can sleep peacefully at night: E A D T H E B L O G P O S T S:➡️ Find tonnes of helpful blog posts for social media managers on my website here: O N N E C T W I T H M E O N➡️ Instagram:➡️ LinkedIn:➡️ Pinterest:➡️ My website: https://rebeccalucyh.comA B O U T R E B E C C A H A W K E SI'm a Confidence + Pricing Coach for social media managers who want to feel confident in their prices, their business + themselves. I help my clients + community with what to charge for social media management services and show them how to create more confidence so they can make more money without needing to hustle. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
06. The Price with Confidence Method™ for social media managers
06. The Price with Confidence Method™ for social media managers
If you find working out what to charge overwhelming, if you’re not earning what you need, if you lack confidence in how much to charge or you’re ready to raise your rates + you want to learn an empowering way to do so, you’re gonna LOVE this.In this episode of The Price with Confidence Podcast, I’m breaking down my 4 step strategy for pricing your services with confidence as a social media manager and sharing with you the pricing formula that’ll help you discover exactly how much YOU should be charging for your services.Episode 6: The Price with Confidence Method™ for social media managersW E C O V E R:[00:38] Where the Price with Confidence Method™ came from[01:08] Why you can’t just chuck a number on your services[02:27] I didn’t go from charging £37.50 to £400 per platform overnight[03:33] Step one: Of course we’re starting with this[05:13] A powerful exercise for stepping into your next level[06:53] Step two: Getting clear on what you actually want[07:38] Step three: Learning the pricing formula[07:53] Deciding how + when you want to implement it[08:37] How it became the pricing burger[09:33] Step four: What you need to uncover when you’ve got your new price[11:22] The reason the Price with Confidence Method™ is so powerfulJ O U R N A L P R O M P T S:➡️ What does future you, who is already signing clients at a higher price, who is making more money, who has more freedom, what would they feel about the price that you need to charge?➡️ Now that I’m confidently signing clients at this higher price....what do I believe about myself?what action(s) am I taking everyday?what do I know to be true about my ability to sign clients at that price?Q U O T E S:“When you feel good about the amount you're charging, it's much easier for you to sign clients at that price.”“You get out of where you are right now with your limiting beliefs and your fears and your what ifs and you step into the shoes of the person who is already charging that amount and who is already signing clients at that amount.”“There is nothing to say that you need to earn your stripes before you can start charging what you need.”“It allows you to hit your income goals without hustle because you’re making the decision around how many platforms you want to manage, you’re choosing how busy you want to be.”T H E P R I C I N C A C A D E M Y®:➡️ Ready to price your services with confidence so you can make more money, sign better clients and create more freedom in your life + business? Go here: L I E N T S W I T H C O N F I D E N C E™:➡️ Learn how to get clients without burning out on socials, keep clients so your bank balance never runs dry + fire clients who don't value you or no longer align with you so you can sleep peacefully at night: E A D T H E B L O G P O S T S:➡️ Find tonnes of helpful blog posts for social media managers on my website here: B O U T R E B E C C A H A W K E SI'm a Confidence + Pricing Coach for social media managers who want to feel confident in their prices, their business + themselves. I help my clients + community with what to charge for social media management services and show them how to create more confidence so they can make more money without needing to hustle. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
05. 5 Pricing mistakes you're making as a social media manager
05. 5 Pricing mistakes you're making as a social media manager
We all make mistakes.It’s a natural part of life.And thankfully, those mistakes teach us valuable lessons that improve not only our lives but can also improve other people’s lives when we share our wisdom.Because you only know what you know, right?That’s why, in this episode of The Price with Confidence Podcast, I’m sharing 5 common mistakes you could be making when it comes to what to charge for your social media management services and what to do when you realise you’ve made a mistake (hint: it isn't to beat yourself up!).Episode 5: 5 Pricing mistakes you’re making as a social media managerW E C O V E R:[00:45] Why it’s good to make mistakes[02:41] Why Facebook groups is the worst place to ask for help with how much to charge[07:48] There’s ‘no one size fits all’ perfect price[09:24] The most common pricing mistake everyone makes[11:28] Why you need to put your needs first[13:03] The mistake that makes me feel the saddest[14:39] What not to do when you realise you’ve made a mistakeQ U O T E S:“Your business mistakes are really great for teaching you exactly what you don't want, and where you don't want to be.”“There's no such thing as a silly question and until you ask for help, you're not going to know the answer.”“The truth is your price should be completely unique to you.”“Your prices need to support the goals that you have and the life that you’re working towards creating so it doesn't matter what anybody else is charging.”“A reminder that it's not selfish to put yourself first in any way, shape or form.”“I also know that you're good at what you do, because you care. And you deserve to be paid for that.”T H E P R I C I N C A C A D E M Y®:➡️ Ready to price your services with confidence so you can make more money, sign better clients and create more freedom in your life + business? Go here: L I E N T S W I T H C O N F I D E N C E™:➡️ Learn how to get clients without burning out on socials, keep clients so your bank balance never runs dry + fire clients who don't value you or no longer align with you so you can sleep peacefully at night: E A D T H E B L O G P O S T S:➡️ Find tonnes of helpful blog posts for social media managers on my website here: O N N E C T W I T H M E O N➡️ Instagram:➡️ LinkedIn:➡️ Pinterest:➡️ My website: https://rebeccalucyh.comA B O U T R E B E C C A H A W K E SI'm a Confidence + Pricing Coach for social media managers who want to feel confident in their prices, their business + themselves. I help my clients + community with what to charge for social media management services and show them how to create more confidence so they can make more money without needing to hustle. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
04. The worst pricing strategy for social media managers
04. The worst pricing strategy for social media managers
There are many different pricing strategies you can use to work out what to charge as a social media manager.Based on my own experience of undercharging and learning how to increase my prices with confidence, I’ve developed my own Price with Confidence Method™ that works for me and works for the hundreds of social media managers around the world who’ve used it.That being said, I don’t believe there’s one single strategy that works for everyone.However, there is a pricing strategy that I completely disagree with. A strategy that teaches you if you’re rich, you’re worthy and if you’re poor, you're worth-less.In this episode of The Price with Confidence Podcast, I’ll be sharing the worst pricing strategy you can use as a social media manager and how you’ll feel when you’ve found the right strategy for you.(P.S. I’m sharing my Price with Confidence Method™ in episode 6 so make sure you’re subscribed if you want to hear it)Episode 4: The worst pricing strategy for social media managersW E C O V E R:[00:58] Why I felt so outraged when I heard about this strategy[02:10] Why this strategy is the worst one you can use[04:26] Revealing the strategy[05:58] What happens the second you drop your price[10:11] How you’ll feel when you’ve found the pricing strategy that’s right for you[11:06] How you’ll be able to handle rejection differently when you price with confidenceQ U O T E S:“This pricing strategy doesn't reflect the value of what you bring to the table, it doesn't reflect the skills that you bring to the table.”“Not only does it shit all over the skills that you've got, but it devalues you as a person and as a human being.”“I want to make things very, very clear: your worth as a person does not change when you have money in the bank, your worth as a person doesn't change when you have credit card debt, when you’ve got no money, when you've brought in six figures a year. Your worth as a person is constant, and you are worthy for no other reason, than you were born”“As soon as you drop your price, you devalue yourself, and you devalue the services that you are trying to sell to a potential client”“You should never drop your price based on somebody else's opinion of what is and what isn't expensive.”T H E P R I C I N C A C A D E M Y®:➡️ Ready to price your services with confidence so you can make more money, sign better clients and create more freedom in your life + business? Go here: L I E N T S W I T H C O N F I D E N C E™:➡️ Learn how to get clients without burning out on socials, keep clients so your bank balance never runs dry + fire clients who don't value you or no longer align with you so you can sleep peacefully at night: E A D T H E B L O G P O S T S:➡️ Find tonnes of helpful blog posts for social media managers on my website here: O N N E C T W I T H M E O N➡️ Instagram:➡️ LinkedIn:➡️ Pinterest:➡️ My website: https://rebeccalucyh.comA B O U T R E B E C C A H A W K E SI'm a Confidence + Pricing Coach for social media managers who want to feel confident in their prices, their business + themselves. I help my clients + community with what to charge for social media management services and show them how to create more confidence so they can make more money without needing to hustle. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
03. Charging by the hour is ruining your business
03. Charging by the hour is ruining your business
A few months into my business as a social media manager, I saw a video that changed everything for me.Whilst I hadn’t charged an hourly rate, I had used an hourly rate to create my packages (and then did something shocking when I worked out the price!).The video I watched made me see things from a whole new perspective and showed me exactly why charging an hourly rate for your social media management services is the worst thing you can do if you want to grow a successful business.In this episode of The Price with Confidence Podcast I’ll be sharing that same information with you as well as what you can do instead of using an hourly rate in your business.Episode 3: Charging by the hour is ruining your businessW E C O V E R:[00:51] How I used an hourly rate in my business[02:38] The shocking action I took after I worked out my prices[04:00] The video that changed everything for me[06:49] The only time you should charge hourly[07:04] Why you can’t just increase your hourly rate[08:14] Another reason not to charge by the hour[10:07] Why offering packages of hours can leave you feeling guilty[10:19] What you can do instead of pricing by the hourQ U O T E S:“When you feel disconnected from a price, either you're not going to find clients at that price because there's an energetic misalignment or you sign clients at that price but you’ll find yourself feeling resentful or feeling anxious or feeling overwhelmed.”“The better you get at your job, the less you get paid.”“Most people won't increase their prices, because pricing feels so uncomfortable and pricing feels so scary.”“Your overworking is undervaluing yourself.”“You, as a social media manager, should be getting paid for your skills, for the value that you bring to the business, the results that you can get, the talent that you have, the experience that you have, the knowledge that you have. That's what you should be getting paid for, not how many hours you work for a business.”T H E P R I C I N C A C A D E M Y®:➡️ Ready to price your services with confidence so you can make more money, sign better clients and create more freedom in your life + business? Go here: L I E N T S W I T H C O N F I D E N C E™:➡️ Learn how to get clients without burning out on socials, keep clients so your bank balance never runs dry + fire clients who don't value you or no longer align with you so you can sleep peacefully at night: E A D T H E B L O G P O S T S:➡️ Find tonnes of helpful blog posts for social media managers on my website here: O N N E C T W I T H M E O N➡️ Instagram:➡️ LinkedIn:➡️ Pinterest:➡️ My website: https://rebeccalucyh.comA B O U T R E B E C C A H A W K E SI'm a Confidence + Pricing Coach for social media managers who want to feel confident in their prices, their business + themselves. I help my clients + community with what to charge for social media management services and show them how to create more confidence so they can make more money without needing to hustle. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
02. How pricing with confidence can change your life
02. How pricing with confidence can change your life
I started out charging ridiculously low prices as a social media manager.(You won’t believe the amount I charged my first client!)When I realised my prices were leading to overwhelm, anxiety + were definitely not giving me the life I’d dreamed of, I knew I needed to increase them.Over 6 weeks, I increased my confidence which enabled me to increase my prices and recognise that I was worthy of being paid well for my services.When you learn how to price with confidence as a social media manager, everything changes. In this episode of The Price with Confidence Podcast I’ll be showing you just how much of an impact what you charge for your services can have on you, your life and your business.Episode 2: How pricing with confidence can change your lifeW E C O V E R:[00:59] How much I charged my first client as a social media manager[03:29] Why I realised charging low wasn’t a sustainable way to run a business[06:39] What it means to ‘price with confidence’[10:10] What your life looks like when you’re not pricing with confidence[11:40] How your life can change if you price with confidence[12:27] Rejection will still happen when you’re confident in what you charge[14:28] How charging more gave me more freedomQ U O T E S:“I was very much stuck in this mindset of I need to hustle, I need to be busy, that's what successful entrepreneurs do.”“It was this overwhelming headache that kept me awake at night and turned me into this wreck of a person.”“It's not about you earning £5k or £10k or £20k+ months, unless you want it to be.”“It doesn't mean you're not good enough, it doesn't mean your services aren't good enough, it doesn't mean someone's better than you or you're a bad person, it just means their budget doesn't fit you.”T H E P R I C I N C A C A D E M Y®:➡️ Ready to price your services with confidence so you can make more money, sign better clients and create more freedom in your life + business? Go here: L I E N T S W I T H C O N F I D E N C E™:➡️ Learn how to get clients without burning out on socials, keep clients so your bank balance never runs dry + fire clients who don't value you or no longer align with you so you can sleep peacefully at night: E A D T H E B L O G P O S T S:➡️ Helpful blog posts for social media managers: O N N E C T W I T H M E O N➡️ Instagram:➡️ LinkedIn:➡️ Pinterest:➡️ My website: https://rebeccalucyh.comA B O U T R E B E C C A H A W K E SI'm a Confidence Coach for social media managers who want to feel confident in their prices, their business + themselves. I help my clients + community with what to charge for social media management services and show them how to create more confidence so they can make more money without needing to hustle. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
01. Why you should be passionate about what you charge
01. Why you should be passionate about what you charge
As a social media manager, it’s important you get your prices right.But knowing what to charge for social media management services can be confusing, especially when you do what most people do and start by creating the package first.In my world, we do things differently.When you start with your prices as the foundation of your business, it means that you're instantly creating a business that’s going to support you, your goals and the life you want to live.This is one of many reasons for why you should be passionate about pricing and through The Price with Confidence Podcast, I’m going to empower you, inspire you and teach you how to price your services with confidence so you can grow a successful business as a social media manager.Episode 1: Why you should be passionate about pricingW E C O V E R:[01:11] Your prices form the foundation of your business[01:59] Starting with your price will help you hit your income goal without hustle[05:22] Why pricing right will make you feel better physically, mentally + emotionally[07:15] Your prices can make you look like an amateur or an expert[08:56] How your prices affect the collective[12:25] 3 Things I’m on a mission to ban when it comes to pricingQ U O T E S:“When you have more freedom in your life, you get better results for your clients.”“When you charge the price that you actually need to charge to live the life that you want to live, you empower others around you to do the same.”“When you charge a low amount, you devalue your services, you devalue yourself and you devalue the industry as a whole.”“You deserve to be paid well for those skills, the end.”“It’s not shameful to desire a better life, to desire a wealthy life.”T H E P R I C I N C A C A D E M Y®:➡️ Ready to price your services with confidence so you can make more money, sign better clients and create more freedom in your life + business? Go here: L I E N T S W I T H C O N F I D E N C E™:➡️ Learn how to get clients without burning out on socials, keep clients so your bank balance never runs dry + fire clients who don't value you or no longer align with you so you can sleep peacefully at night: E A D T H E B L O G P O S T S:➡️ Find tonnes of helpful blog posts for social media managers on my website here: O N N E C T W I T H M E O N➡️ Instagram:➡️ LinkedIn:➡️ Pinterest:➡️ My website: https://rebeccalucyh.comA B O U T R E B E C C A H A W K E SI'm a Confidence + Pricing Coach for social media managers who want to feel confident in their prices, their business + themselves. I help my clients + community with what to charge for social media management services and show them how to create more confidence so they can make more money without needing to hustle. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
TRAILER: Coming soon
TRAILER: Coming soon
Hello, hello, hello and welcome to the Price with Confidence Podcast with me, your host, Rebecca Hawkes.This podcast was created for social media managers who want to feel comfortable in what they’re charging, who want to learn how to increase their confidence + self worth so they can sign higher paying clients and who want to start making more money in their business without needing to hustle.You can expect a brand new episode every week so if you’re someone who struggles with what to charge, who isn’t getting paid what they want and who’s keen to feel confident in their prices, hit the subscribe button now so you don’t miss an episode.And always remember to check the show notes where you’ll find free resources, courses + more content to help you Price with Confidence.••••••••••••T H E  P R I C I N C  A C A D E M Y®:➡️ Ready to price your services with confidence so you can make more money, sign better clients and create more freedom in your life + business? Go here: L I E N T S  W I T H  C O N F I D E N C E™:➡️ Learn how to get clients without burning out on socials, keep clients so your bank balance never runs dry + fire clients who don't value you or no longer align with you so you can sleep peacefully at night: U I Z:➡️ Take my pricing quiz to discover what to charge as a social media manager: https://quiz.rebeccalucyh.comR E A D  T H E  B L O G  P O S T S:➡️ Find tonnes of helpful blog posts for social media managers on my website here: O N N E C T  W I T H  M E  O N➡️ Instagram:➡️ LinkedIn:➡️ Pinterest:➡️ My website: https://rebeccalucyh.comA B O U T  R E B E C C A  H A W K E SI'm a Confidence + Pricing Coach for social media managers who want to feel confident in their prices, their business + themselves. I help my clients + community with what to charge for social media management services and show them how to create more confidence so they can make more money without needing to hustle. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.