Scottish Independence Podcasts

YesCowal Podcasts

Scottish Independence Podcasts is a weekly podcast about Scottish politics, culture and chat. We passionately support Scottish Independence. New episodes every Friday. Our website: read less
Society & CultureSociety & Culture


Dissolving the Union with Graeme McCormick
Dissolving the Union with Graeme McCormick
Why did Graeme McCormick decide to stand in the SNP leadership contest and why did he then withdraw his candidacy to allow John Swinney to be elected unopposed?  We last chatted to Graeme McCormick in September 2023 about his proposals to dissolve the UK union and how that might come about (you can listen to that episode here ) Since then, Graeme has stood for the Presidency of the SNP but was beaten by Mike Russell.  He brought his case to the SNP's independence strategy conference which Humza Yousaf held and most recently, announced his intention to stand in the latest SNP leadership contest.  In the event, John Swinney was elected unopposed.  But just why did Graeme withdraw his candidacy?  And where does he think the independence campaign needs to go next? This is a podcast  version of an episode of the TNT show on Independence Live's Youtube channel.  As a live broadcast, their episode was plagued with technical issues which we have edited out.  The Scottish Independence Podcasts team produce a NEW podcast episode every Friday search for Scottish Independence Podcasts wherever you get your podcasts.  Remember to like and subscribe! Buy us a coffee: Contact Us:  Visit our website for blogposts, newsletter signup and more episodes Subscribe to our Youtube channel @scottishindypodExtra for more of our video footage and clips Music: Inspired by Kevin MacLeod
Manifesto Madness
Manifesto Madness
As the party manifestos start to appear, Indypodcasters Fiona and Marlene are joined by guest Marion Robertson to pick out the bits we like from the manifestos on offer.   Note that the first half of this episode was recorded before the official launches of the Scottish Greens and Alba manifestos, links to both are below. Main themes are: 00:00:30   ISP (Independence for Scotland Party) 00:01:37   Scottish Greens 00:07:53    Alba party 00:15:37     SSP (Scottish Socialist Party) 00:20:29     Tory/Reform 00:23:26      Campaign checkpoint 00:27:38      SNP 00:35:03       Labour's response 00:48:00       Starmer - first steps and two faces 00:51:49       GB Energy 01:02:24        The Union's last gasp   Scottish Greens manifesto now published, available here Scottish Socialist Party policy statement available here Alba Party policy statement available here SNP manifesto here   The Scottish Independence Podcasts team produce a NEW podcast episode every Friday search for Scottish Independence Podcasts wherever you get your podcasts.  Remember to like and subscribe! Buy us a coffee:  Contact Us:  Visit our website for blogposts, newsletter signup and more episodes Subscribe to our Youtube channel @scottishindypodExtra for more of our video footage and clips Music: Inspired by Kevin MacLeod Industrial Cinematic by Kevin MacLeod
Over 65s: Why still not yes? With Pat Kane
Over 65s: Why still not yes? With Pat Kane
Musician, author and journalist Pat Kane is our guest in this episode when we discuss why over 65s are still not convinced by independence. Pat suggests the answer might lie in our musical influences - are former hippies, punks and post punks more likely to challenge the status quo? Themes included in our discussion are: 00:02:43 Musical influences on attitudes 00:04:47 Post-war British consensus 00:06:24 Rise of Scottish music and culture in the 80s and 90s 00:07:10 Social class component shaping attitudes 00:09:26 Sterlingisation and continuity 00:10:28 Climate crisis and security 00:12:02 Community resilience and the role of elders 00:13:49 The long haul to indy 00:14:56 Cosmo - localism 00:16:16 War time experiences 00:19:45 Hippies, punks and post punks 00:23:17 Citizen self determination 00:25:40 Spirit of 2014 00:30:05 Community development 00:38:10 Project fear revisited 00:43:20 Our Third Act Pat's think tank - More about Pat Kane You can watch the video version of this podcast at  The Scottish Independence Podcasts team produce a NEW podcast episode every Friday search for Scottish Independence Podcasts wherever you get your podcasts. Remember to like and subscribe! Contact Us: Visit our website for blogposts, newsletter signup and more episodes Subscribe to our Youtube channel @scottishindypodExtra for more of our video footage and clips Music: Inspired by Kevin MacLeod
Where next for the Welsh Dragon?
Where next for the Welsh Dragon?
Latest in our Mibbes Aye podcast series, we explore the Welsh Constitutional Commission with Leanne Wood who was one of the Commissioners on the 2 year project.  Leanne is also a former leader of the Welsh independence party Plaid Cymru. The Commission produced a report with 10 recommendations which can be found here Main themes: 00:00:30  Intro and welcome 00:01:34  Mark Drakeford in the Senedd 00:08:05  Background to the report 00:11:20  A national conversation 00:13:05  Informed choices 00:15:09   A democratic revolution 00:17:50   Reactions and next steps 00:20:30   Iceland style constitutional conversations 00:23:22   What if labour win the GE? 00:27:57   Devolving broadcasting 00:29:49    Other Welsh initiatives 00:32:34    Welsh social security powers 00:35:28    Profit extraction, economic powers and tax 00:39:51    Possibilities for Scottish Constitutional Convention 00:44:56    Fiona and Marlene reflect 00:46:17    The 10 recommendations in full   The Scottish Independence Podcasts team produce a NEW podcast episode every Friday search for Scottish Independence Podcasts wherever you get your podcasts. Remember to like and subscribe! Contact Us: Visit our website for blogposts, newsletter signup and more episodes Subscribe to our Youtube channel @scottishindypodExtra for more of our video footage and clips Music: Inspired by Kevin MacLeod
Freeports and Special Economic Zones - just how dangerous are they?
Freeports and Special Economic Zones - just how dangerous are they?
David Powell appeared on John Drummond's TNT show recently with a worrying take on the proliferation of Freeports and Special Economic Zones across the UK and the sinister forces which may lie behind them.  This is in marked contrast to the reassuring statements being made by the Scottish Government in relation to Green Freeports.  Let us know what you think about both perspectives! David is a senior lecturer in Fine Art at the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, and describes himself as a "reluctant" political activist.  He is a prolific commentator on twitter where he is better known as @EuropeanPowell You can watch the video version of this interview on Independence Live's Youtube channel Find our previous podcasts on Freeports here: also: Richard Murphy blog on Freeports:   The Scottish Independence Podcasts team produce a NEW podcast episode every Friday search for Scottish Independence Podcasts wherever you get your podcasts.  Remember to like and subscribe! Contact Us:  Visit our website for blogposts, newsletter signup and more episodes Subscribe to our Youtube channel @scottishindypodExtra for more of our video footage and clips Music: Inspired by Kevin MacLeod
Speaking up for Scotland - BiS rally speeches
Speaking up for Scotland - BiS rally speeches
Believe in Scotland hosted a very successful march and rally in Glasgow on 20th April. This episode brings together the speeches from the rally (minus the obligatory comments about how wonderfully sunny the weather was!).  Speakers list: 00:00:50     Pat Kane (musician and journalist) 00:06:11     Jane McAllister (film maker) 00:12:47     Gordon Martin (RMT trade union) 00:18:47      Ross Greer (Scottish Greens) 00:23:07      Iona Soper (activist) 00:28:57      Richie Venton (Scottish Socialist Party) 00:37:21      Marlene Halliday (Pensioners for Indy - and Indypodcaster!) 00:43:54      James Robertson (poet and author) 00:49:50      Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp (Believe in Scotland) 00:57:20       Humza Yousaf (First Minister)   Our video of the march entering George Square is on our Youtube channel here The whole march and rally was livestreamed by Independence Live and can be seen on their Youtube channel. The Scottish Independence Podcasts team produce a NEW podcast episode every Friday search for Scottish Independence Podcasts wherever you get your podcasts.  Remember to like and subscribe! Contact Us:  Visit our website for blogposts, newsletter signup and more episodes Subscribe to our Youtube channel @scottishindypodExtra for more of our video footage and clips Music: Inspired by Kevin MacLeod
Bits & Pieces Podcast: April 2024
Bits & Pieces Podcast: April 2024
Welcome back to our roundup of topical clips for April 2024!  Indypodcasters Fiona and James present a selection of clips and musings.  Main themes covered this month are: 00:01:00  BBC howler and GB news immunity 00:03:17   Believe in Scotland march and rally reflections 00:20:00   Hate crimes myths 00:24:43   Solidarity with farmers 00:26:34    Land register surprises 00:28:34    Wood burning stoves 00:34:31    Green targets and fallouts 00:45:28    Deliberative democracy - People's Panel a new hope? Footage of the BiS march entering George Square is on our Youtube channel - see if you can spot yourselves!   If you would like to support our indy media colleagues over at Independence Live, the link to their crowdfunder is You can download the People's panel report here   The Scottish Independence Podcasts team produce a NEW podcast episode every Friday search for Scottish Independence Podcasts wherever you get your podcasts.  Remember to like and subscribe! Contact Us:  Visit our website for blogposts, newsletter signup and more episodes Subscribe to our Youtube channel @scottishindypodExtra for more of our video footage and clips
Humza - One Year On
Humza - One Year On
Indypodcasters Fiona and Marlene share their impressions of Humza's first year in the job - what went well, what could have gone better - plus clips from various interviews and speeches Humza has given along the way (see links below).   Main themes covered are: 00:00:41  First Minister - first impressions 00:02:24  Gaza - political and personal 00:05:04  First Minister's Questions  00:07:58  Childhood influences 00:10:46  Choosing a career in politics 00:13:57  Supporting Scottish Innovation 00:15:38   Scottish GDP outstripping Uk 00:17:20   A failed and failing UK economy 00:19:17   Brexit impacts and attitudes 00:21:52   Economic dynamism and social solidarity 00:23:08   Standing up against the Scottish media 00:24:55    Searching for shared solutions 00:27:13    Starmer standoff 00:28:17    Brexit v Scexit  00:30:59    Consensual politics 00:32:17    Scottish politics post indy 00:34:50    Some own goals 00:36:46    Matheson mess 00:38:58    Council tax freeze 00:40:00    Hate crime act 00:44:42    Pick the right battles 00:47:43    More gallus government 00:48:54    First Activist 00:50:55    Building a new Scotland 00:52:04    Our verdicts so far 00:53:18     Podcasters challenge Contains information licensed under the Scottish Parliament Copyright Licence Includes clips from:  Full Disclosure LSE lecture   The Scottish Independence Podcasts team produce a NEW podcast episode every Friday search for Scottish Independence Podcasts wherever you get your podcasts.  Remember to like and subscribe! Contact Us:  Visit our website for blogposts, newsletter signup and more episodes Subscribe to our Youtube channel @scottishindypodExtra for more of our video footage and clips Music: Inspired by Kevin MacLeod
Gove's Gagging Order
Gove's Gagging Order
A Bonus Tuesday episode! Our latest Hot Topic is Michael Gove's extraordinary attempt to stop devolved parliament ministers, local councils, universities and other public bodies from using their fully devolved procurement powers to boycott goods and services on ethical and moral grounds in a way that would implicitly oppose UK government's foreign policy. The bill also imposes a gagging order on ministers and public bodies by preventing them from even stating that they would have applied a boycott if not for the bill - with threats of fines being issued for non compliance! Both the Scottish and Welsh parliaments have refused legislative consent for the bill and yet it continues its progress through Westminster. In this Hot Topic report we highlight key points from the Scottish and Welsh Parliaments and the Westminster stage 3 debate to raise awareness of the latest assault on devolution and free speech. The video version of this podcast is available on our youtube channel   The Scottish Independence Podcasts team produce a NEW podcast episode every Friday search for Scottish Independence Podcasts wherever you get your podcasts. Remember to like and subscribe! Contact Us: Visit our website for blogposts, newsletter signup and more episodes Subscribe to our Youtube channel @scottishindypodExtra for more of our video footage and clips Music: Industrial Cinematic by Kevin MacLeod Contains information licenced under the Scottish Parliament Copyright Licence.