#364: What Finance Leaders Really Need To Know About Cyber Risk Management with Kip Boyle

#SITN Strength in the Numbers Show

18-11-2021 • 38 mins

“Cyber is a material risk that must be treated appropriately, but there's a second responsibility that I really want to point out, which is you have to make sure that the cybersecurity budget is creating as much business value as possible.” Great advice from this week's guest mentor Kip Boyle who shares with us the importance of: - Why Cyber should be now treated as a material risk to the going concern of an organization. - The important role Finance leaders can play in cyber risk management as well as the potential pitfalls to be aware of. - Emerging trends in cyber risk management. - And we go through a 4-dimensional model to help frame and prioritize resource allocation decisions involving cyber risk management. Check out sitnshow.com/ for detailed time stamped show notes, transcripts, links to resources and more guest mentor episodes and Monday Memos. #financementor #riskmanagement #sitn