Expat Phyles

Christian Nix

Expat Phyles was created to help you create the right Plan B... in the right part of the world... where you and your family can ride out any troubles in your home country during the turbulent 2020s.

From international living to offshore investing... from private schools to private banking... foreign real estate... second passports... offshore vaults for your precious metals... asset protection trusts do's and don'ts... how to make your digital life un-cancellable... and the best residencies for you to pursue right now... all wrapped up in a dose of libertarian philosophy and uncommon good sense that will keep you sane in an increasingly insane world!

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Simon Hunt Says...
Simon Hunt Says...
Simon Hunt is a noted geo-political, macro analyst with a strange ability to make big calls… and get it right. He’s worked in Africa, China and the Americas and currently lives in Dubai - which is where I caught up with him. When Simon speaks, it pays to listen. So I asked him to come on and tell us what he sees and what’s coming next. Strap in…The big picture as Simon sees it… the BRICS threat to the US dollar… and the growing fear in Washington about their loss of hegemony.Why the action in the Middle East is also a strategic move against BRICS by putting Iran in the crosshairs. How Iran sent a serious message to the West when they retaliated against Israel. The how the Russians are in total control in Ukraine. The sum of all fears for the US i-  the loss of dollar Reserve status. Why Simon sees a pivot to China coming this year where the West gangs up against the Chinese. What Simon sees coming in the US and why the leadership believes 2024 is their last great chance to consolidate control. Simon's prediction for markets by year's end. How the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East come home to the US. The real likelihood of RFK being elected… and the possibility there isn’t an election at all. Simon's prediction regarding recession and his advice on when to take profits. Simon’s biggest no-brainer - and the one asset everybody should load up on now. China's gold buying and how the Shanghai Gold Exchange is teeing up for a gold mania as China prepares for war.Check out: ExpatPhyles.orgJoin The X Plan Community:https://www.goxplan.com/letter-from-tain/And contact Simon here: Simon-Hunt.comI created The Expat Phyles to show you the world of options that exist outside your home country. Today, it's more important than ever to move some of your wealth - and maybe even your family - offshore because your #1 risk right now is the political risk from your home government. Go here to book a FREE 15-minute call and find out how easy it is to get started living the Expat Adventure. "I work with you one-on-one to design and execute a plan to legally offshore and protect your investments, reduce your tax bill, diversify your wealth and make you a global citizen so you can enjoy greater freedom and opportunity." - Tain Nix
Ep. #30: Alex Krainer on The Dangerous Trends in the Western World... and Where It's All Headed
Ep. #30: Alex Krainer on The Dangerous Trends in the Western World... and Where It's All Headed
Alex Krainer has a thing or two to say about the massive changes overtaking the West. He grew up in communist Yugoslavia and now runs money in Monaco. So you might say he’s seen both of the dominant approaches to government on offer in the world today.He also wrote a book about the rape of Russia in the 1990s when the Soviet Union fell. It’s titled, Grand Deception: The Browder Hoax. I would like to link to it here on Amazon but…The book was banned by order of the US State Department. No explanation. No appeal. But don’t worry, you can hear all about what was in the book that made US authorities so uneasy… and why Russia has so many reasons to mistrust the West. We also talk about:An honest discussion of different forms of government and the real war unfolding between the two dominant ideas in the world today of how to run a country… The truth about life growing up in communism versus the breakdown of Western institutions today. Discover how Alex and his peers dealt with Marxist teachers… (Hilarious) Alex's observation on the bottom of the nature of socialism and how it resembles the individualism we so value in the West vs. the top-down control and government largesse given to the corporate world we see in today's crony capitalism… Alex’s unconventional notion of government intervention, if we have to have government intervention, wouldn't it be better if…? Alex's prediction about the coming reckoning with our Western form of government and the end of Western hegemony… Comments on the end of Western hegemony and what it means for people like you and me… Alex's refreshingly clear-headed explanation of how the world is changing. The danger of the coming tantrum by Western oligarchs…Alex's take on the Ukraine war and his prediction about what comes next…The Magnitsky Act, Bill Browder, the rape of Russia, and Alex's banned book… The Coming “lawfare” shitstorm against Western oligarchs. The likelihood of the Russia hysteria boiling over into war. The final degradation of the Western oligarchy. The incredible lack of competence among Western leaders and the very real danger Western oligarchs will start a war in the hopes of keeping their power. Here's how it could happen…Check out Alex Krainer's excellent Substack, TrendCompass here.Here is a worthwhile documentary by colleague David Webb on The Great Taking.I created The Expat Phyles to show you the world of options that exist outside your home country. Today, it's more important than ever to move some of your wealth - and maybe even your family - offshore because your #1 risk right now is the political risk from your home government. Go here to book a FREE 15-minute call and find out how easy it is to get started living the Expat Adventure. "I work with you one-on-one to design and execute a plan to legally offshore and protect your investments, reduce your tax bill, diversify your wealth and make you a global citizen so you can enjoy greater freedom and opportunity." - Tain Nix
Ep. #29: J Robertson of Prosperá City, Roatàn
Ep. #29: J Robertson of Prosperá City, Roatàn
J Robertson is the most unusual guy in the public policy world. Whereas most of his professional peers are busy trying to take part in more disastrous policies that make life worse for you and me. J decided he would go his own way…J understands the governance and governments are both broken. But making meaningful change is almost impossible within the system. So J and his team went around all the bureaucratic nonsense by founding their very own country. Sort of…Built on libertarian principles, and capitalizing on other successful examples like Hong Kong, Dubai and Singapore, Prospera made the bold decision to create a public private partnership with the poor Central American nation of Honduras.You’ll hear us talking about:How did Prospera - a Delaware LLC - partner with the sovereign government of Honduras and get a favorable situation? The movement to create a new model of governance that allows human prosperity and how Prospera is leading the way…The truth behind that old Ayn Rand quote, “Observe that the 'haves' are those who have freedom, and that it is freedom that the 'have-nots' have not.”The new trend where national identities give way to paying for government services and living wherever you are treated best…The dissatisfaction with current government services and Prospera’s ballsy initiative to create a model in which people can pay for the services they want… and leave the rest.How Prospera went to work creating 4,000 jobs for locals (so far)… boosted property values… and generated tax revenue for the Honduran government. The international treaty that protects Prospera from any funny business by the Honduran government.The truth about the accusation that ‘Prospera is stealing land from the locals.’Why it’s safer to invest in Prospera than anywhere else in Honduras thanks to their special international treaty.Why NOT being part of the legacy system and infrastructure allowed Prospera to move faster and get things done in record time.The truth about safety in Roatan (it’s safer the US cities)...How tourism has totally transformed Roatan - and Prospera is capturing that momentum and building on it.Prospera’s massive growth from five acres to 400 acres and a profitable resort - The Pristine Bay.1,300 residents, 160 companies and permanent expats living in a stable environment.Why medical research facilities are incorporating in Roatan.The incentives Prospera is offering that is attracting everything from financial companies to crypto startups, real estate to medical research.My own conversion to free market radical after reading The Market For Liberty by Morris and Linda TannehillI created The Expat Phyles to show you the world of options that exist outside your home country. Today, it's more important than ever to move some of your wealth - and maybe even your family - offshore because your #1 risk right now is the political risk from your home government. Go here to book a FREE 15-minute call and find out how easy it is to get started living the Expat Adventure. "I work with you one-on-one to design and execute a plan to legally offshore and protect your investments, reduce your tax bill, diversify your wealth and make you a global citizen so you can enjoy greater freedom and opportunity." - Tain Nix
Ep: #28 James Guzman: International Man and Global Medical Insurance Expert
Ep: #28 James Guzman: International Man and Global Medical Insurance Expert
Today, we hear from James Guzman, international man and global insurance expert. James has done it all. US Navy… International business degree… Real Estate agent and investor… and now global medical insurance expert. Like us, James prefers the expat life and recently moved to one of my favorite spots… San Miguel de Allende in Guanajuato, Mexico.I caught up with James because I wanted my audience to hear the truth about having first class medical experiences outside the US. Look…The facts are the facts and for US-centric types, this is a tough message to get through…But medical care in the US is awful once you factor in all the hassles of hidden costs, insurance snags and the understaffing now popping up in US facilities as the profit motive continues to impact the patient experience.The level of care you get in a place like Mexico - where things are so reasonable you could actually pay out of pocket like I did when my son was born - completely demolish the notion that the US has the best healthcare system. That statement is no longer even close to being true.Hear James and I discuss the important considerations when it’s time for you to go expat - and you need to have a global insurance plan. We talk about:The free market in medical care that exists globally and how it get world class medical care anywhere you go - for a lot less than you are paying in the USHow to get high-quality, hassle free, top-class healthcare wherever you goThe big error people make when buying travel insurance - and how it can cost you tens of thousands of dollars if you get it wrongThe horror of going to a public hospital and why you only want to deal with private medical services (private care is every bit as good if you know how to access it)The things you can pay for out of pocket - and the reasons you want global insurance to avoid taking a big hitThe difference between trip insurance on your credit card and having global insuranceHow to make sure you are covered for life - even if you have a pre-existing conditionBest medical tourism options in Latin AmericaThe shocking savings for living the good life in Latin America - and why this is still the main draw for North Americans moving southThe move toward “near-shoring” and why it’s going to benefit certain parts of MexicoThe major infrastructure projects coming to Mexico and how you can benefit from Mexico’s growthWhy the dumb ideas of woke ideology don’t survive in Latin AmericaJamesguzman.com  https://beacons.ai/jamesguzmanBorderless Podcasthttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2J07VEgKAcediGcxcva1_QI created The Expat Phyles to show you the world of options that exist outside your home country. Today, it's more important than ever to move some of your wealth - and maybe even your family - offshore because your #1 risk right now is the political risk from your home government. Go here to book a FREE 15-minute call and find out how easy it is to get started living the Expat Adventure. "I work with you one-on-one to design and execute a plan to legally offshore and protect your investments, reduce your tax bill, diversify your wealth and make you a global citizen so you can enjoy greater freedom and opportunity." - Tain Nix
Ep. #27: John Alton on How Language Media Ecosystems (LMEs) are Driving the Paradigm Shift
Ep. #27: John Alton on How Language Media Ecosystems (LMEs) are Driving the Paradigm Shift
John Alton went to China to teach at Beijing University in 1987. In 1989, he was chased out of the country - and even shot at with a .50 caliber machine gun on his way to the airport. But before the Tiananmen Square disaster was beamed all over the world, John had the incredible good fortune to be part of the greatest flowering of Qigong collaboration in Chinese history.Qigong is Chinese exercise science - but it’s not just about stretching and movement. At the highest level, Chinese Qigong is spooky stuff. It gives you conscious control over your autonomic nervous and immune systems to turn you into a kind of superbeing for health and longevity. Imagine if you could marshall and direct your body’s self-healing system to detect and eradicate serious illness… consciously. Well, that’s what John learned while he was there. It was this flowering of Qigong culture that led to the uprising in 1989.I met John in 1994, not long after when he moved to Charlottesville, Virginia. This was the phase of my life when I first became interested in Chinese movement arts.I found a teacher of Qigong and Taiji - and still practice to this day. Years later, I would find a mentor to teach me Chinese medicine well enough that I passed the national board exam without any formal schooling. John is a guest of high-placed Chinese officials whenever he visits their country - which is regularly. He has done and discovered things with and about Chinese medicine… their cultural heritage and mindset… and the Chinese idea of their proper place in the world of tomorrow no other person in the West has considered. He is truly a treasure trove of understanding.Better still, John has a knack for explaining Chinese concepts in simple, everyday language Western folks can understand. I asked John to come on the podcast to talk about the paradigm shift unfolding in front of us… and what the West doesn’t get about what is happening (especially our so-called leadership).There is a symmetry break happening. Asians get it. They get the future favors their own epistemology and that their cultural heritage - so downplayed and degraded by Western powers during China’s Century of Humiliation - is now a principal reason they expect to win the battle for the future. John's book can be found hereSlidesI created The Expat Phyles to show you the world of options that exist outside your home country. Today, it's more important than ever to move some of your wealth - and maybe even your family - offshore because your #1 risk right now is the political risk from your home government. Go here to book a FREE 15-minute call and find out how easy it is to get started living the Expat Adventure. "I work with you one-on-one to design and execute a plan to legally offshore and protect your investments, reduce your tax bill, diversify your wealth and make you a global citizen so you can enjoy greater freedom and opportunity." - Tain Nix
Ep. #26: Olivier Wagner on Expat Taxation - staying compliant while reducing what you owe
Ep. #26: Olivier Wagner on Expat Taxation - staying compliant while reducing what you owe
To book your free 15 minute call with Tain, go here:This Episode: Olivier Wagner is came to the US to work on Wall Street. After the 2008, GFC, he had a better idea... So he became a tax specialist and began traveling. Originally from Strasbourg, France, he also has US and Canadian passports. Today, he helps US expats with the monumental burdens of staying compliant with the IRS.To this end, Olivier actually makes the rounds by traveling to big time expat hangouts like Mexico City during tax season - which is where I caught up with him for this podcast. (Most people don't know this but Mexico City has the highest number of US citizens outside the US - IYKYK.)He shared his "Three Legs" system for helping you reduce what you pay - and even had a surprising take on renouncing US citizenship... who's doing it... and why? (HINT: It's not who you think.) Enjoy...Resources:- Olivier's book: https://1040abroad.com/book-us-taxes-for-worldly-americans/- Website: https://1040abroad.com/- Website to convert crypto data into something an accounting can use to calculate capital gains: https://koinly.io/IRS forms mentioned in the podcast:- Form 1116: Foreign Tax Credit- Form 2555: Foreign Earned Income Exclusion- Form 5471: For Foreign Corporation - Subpart F & GILTI income- Form 8621: Passive Foreign Investment Company- Form 8854: After renouncing US citizenshipI created The Expat Phyles to show you the world of options that exist outside your home country. Today, it's more important than ever to move some of your wealth - and maybe even your family - offshore because your #1 risk right now is the political risk from your home government. Go here to book a FREE 15-minute call and find out how easy it is to get started living the Expat Adventure. "I work with you one-on-one to design and execute a plan to legally offshore and protect your investments, reduce your tax bill, diversify your wealth and make you a global citizen so you can enjoy greater freedom and opportunity." - Tain Nix
Ep. #25: How to Bribe Cops in Mexico... the RIGHT way!  (part 2)
Ep. #25: How to Bribe Cops in Mexico... the RIGHT way! (part 2)
Go here to watch the upcoming webinar:https://www.goxplan.com/tainTo book your free 15 minute call with Tain, go here:Bribing Cops - the RIGHT way! What you DO and DO NOT say when bribing cops in Mexico (or any other Latin American country)What you should not offer when you have to bribe someoneHow to make them an offer they appreciate - and agree toThe difference between English Common Law systems and The Napoleonic Code in places like MexicoHow to navigate officialdom when you go to Latin America Who’s the real enemy when you go to Latin America?A kind of corruption that works?What it’s like working at a rural hospital in Guatemala… running medical missions to places where no one spoke Spanish… and what it taught me about the North American medical system.The indigenous dialects came from bird and animal noisesHow I’m up 8,000% on a property I bought in a town of 2,000 peopleMy adventures in Panama being apprehended as a CIA operativeThere’s more going on in Panama than meets the eye. Is it a good spot?My experience in Colombia near FARQ held territory. And why I love Colombia as a great outpost for the rest of the 2020s and beyondWhat happens at the end of bad times is that people are happy to enjoy prosperity. That’s where you want to be.The great turn-around in El Salvador and what it means for the rest of the worldWhere in the world are people finding massive prosperity today and how do you get a pieceMy marriage in Buenos Aires - and the pandemonium of good feeling happening in Argentina. “There’s not enough worthless money to pay people to go along…”The Debt Spiral - what it is and what happens when it beginsIf you care about your kids and future generations… this is what you should be focused onYou don’t have to watch this thing wash over you. Take the steps still available to you to avoid the worst of what’s coming.What is the W.E.A.L.T.H. Framework? Find out more…The actionable steps you can take to make yourself and insider and to put distance between you and your #1 enemy right nowWant help? Find out how to benefit from what I’ve done to create more freedom in my own lifeHow to deal with the naysayers - especially the people who argue you should stay and take whatever's coming to prove your loyalty and “patriotism”The coming of capital controls, people controls, and all the other nastiness history says is right over the horizon… and how to sidestep it.I created The Expat Phyles to show you the world of options that exist outside your home country. Today, it's more important than ever to move some of your wealth - and maybe even your family - offshore because your #1 risk right now is the political risk from your home government. Go here to book a FREE 15-minute call and find out how easy it is to get started living the Expat Adventure. "I work with you one-on-one to design and execute a plan to legally offshore and protect your investments, reduce your tax bill, diversify your wealth and make you a global citizen so you can enjoy greater freedom and opportunity." - Tain Nix
Ep. #24: How to Bribe Cops in Mexico... the RIGHT way!  (part 1)
Ep. #24: How to Bribe Cops in Mexico... the RIGHT way! (part 1)
Go here to watch the webinar:https://www.goxplan.com/tainTo book your free 15 minute call with Tain, go here:My buddy Henry had me on his Practical Liberty Podcast.  It was so fun, I had to post it here for you. you'll hear us talk about:How to avoid letting life happen to you…My strange upbringing and my early realization that a reckoning was coming in my lifetime…The phrase you never hear anymore in the US… (me and my pals used to say this to each other all the time)How I came up with the W.E.A.L.T.H. Framework… and why the “L” is something you need to start dealing with RIGHT NOWThe signs of trouble on the horizon - from debt to deficits… wars to climate lockdowns… the immigration crisis… and other general nonsense you don’t want to get stuck dealing with  The taxi driver in Guatemala who explained to me down to the last detail how the US is headed toward civil war - because it’s the same dynamic he lived through during the civil war in his country!The truth about Latin America and why it’s actually much safer on average for North American expats (in spite of the nonsense you hear on mainstream media)...My experience in Mexico for my son’s birth - and the truth about medical care in Latin America…Why pockets of wealth are exploding in Latin America right now and how you can identify a place that’s on the way up…How I nailed a 8,000% gain on my first piece of real estate in a tiny pueblo of 2,000 inhabitants…What I look for when I travel and how to find the next big score in a developing part of the world…How to bribe cops… the RIGHT way!End of Part 1I created The Expat Phyles to show you the world of options that exist outside your home country. Today, it's more important than ever to move some of your wealth - and maybe even your family - offshore because your #1 risk right now is the political risk from your home government. Go here to book a FREE 15-minute call and find out how easy it is to get started living the Expat Adventure. "I work with you one-on-one to design and execute a plan to legally offshore and protect your investments, reduce your tax bill, diversify your wealth and make you a global citizen so you can enjoy greater freedom and opportunity." - Tain Nix
Episode #23: ¡Viva Zapata! My Shocking Journey Through Southern Mexico... part 2
Episode #23: ¡Viva Zapata! My Shocking Journey Through Southern Mexico... part 2
I just got back from a hidden gem of a community in southern Mexico of all places.I made a shocking discovery which I'll tell you about in the video. But the main gist of my trip was that I found a lively community in a delightful region with a fabulous climate surrounded by plenty of resources and hard working folks. That ticks a lot of boxes for the years ahead. The people in Chiapas are somewhat different than the rest of Mexico - for reasons I will explain...I see a genuine prosperity in Mexico right now. Not only that, it's probably the cheapest developed country in the world right now. The lifestyle is agreeable and you may find yourself more free in Mexico than in North America.  If you want to know more about the excellent community in southern Mexico... or anywhere else in Latin America... that's why I created the Expat Phyles. Find out the best places to ride out the 2020s - outside the easy reach your home government in North America. I created The Expat Phyles to show you the world of options that exist outside your home country. Today, it's more important than ever to move some of your wealth - and maybe even your family - offshore because your #1 risk right now is the political risk from your home government. Go here to book a FREE 15-minute call and find out how easy it is to get started living the Expat Adventure. "I work with you one-on-one to design and execute a plan to legally offshore and protect your investments, reduce your tax bill, diversify your wealth and make you a global citizen so you can enjoy greater freedom and opportunity." - Tain Nix
Episode #22: ¡Viva Zapata! My Shocking Journey Through Southern Mexico... part 1
Episode #22: ¡Viva Zapata! My Shocking Journey Through Southern Mexico... part 1
I just got back from a hidden gem of a community in southern Mexico of all places.I made a shocking discovery which I'll tell you about in the video. But the main gist of my trip was that I found a lively community in a delightful region with a fabulous climate surrounded by plenty of resources and hard working folks. That ticks a lot of boxes for the years ahead. The people in Chiapas are somewhat different than the rest of Mexico - for reasons I will explain...I see a genuine prosperity in Mexico right now. Not only that, it's probably the cheapest developed country in the world right now. The lifestyle is agreeable and you may find yourself more free in Mexico than in North America.  If you want to know more about the excellent community in southern Mexico... or anywhere else in Latin America... that's why I created the Expat Phyles. Find out the best places to ride out the 2020s - outside the easy reach your home government in North America. I created The Expat Phyles to show you the world of options that exist outside your home country. Today, it's more important than ever to move some of your wealth - and maybe even your family - offshore because your #1 risk right now is the political risk from your home government. Go here to book a FREE 15-minute call and find out how easy it is to get started living the Expat Adventure. "I work with you one-on-one to design and execute a plan to legally offshore and protect your investments, reduce your tax bill, diversify your wealth and make you a global citizen so you can enjoy greater freedom and opportunity." - Tain Nix
Episode #21: The Death of Truth: How to Act When You're Not Allowed To Say What's Happening - Part 2
Episode #21: The Death of Truth: How to Act When You're Not Allowed To Say What's Happening - Part 2
In The Road to Serfdom, F. Hayek dedicates an entire chapter to the Death of Truth. Like so many far sighted prophecies, Hayek too stubbed his toe on the truth when he wrote that masterpiece back in 1944. We live in a world where you can no longer say what's true with impunity... or even ebate what might be true. Your job is to ignore your senses and obey. But what's even worse the censorship is that fact that no one really wants to talk about difficult topics. That to me - more than any other signal of the coming collapse - is what makes me pessimistic for the near term. There is a big coming to Jesus moment out there for most of the deluded Western nations. We blow up other people's pipelines... deny that immigration is a problem... and keep printing fake money units to cover our collective assess. It will not end well - and everyone knows it.But even at this late hour, there would still be a way out if only people who care about each other and about the future would just talk about what's happening. Sadly...It appears that we no longer can. Not because we won't but because we are not able to.Lucky for you, you found this channel. Because no matter what is coming, you don't have to sit still and be a victim. The Expat Phyles shows you the best communities throughout Latin America where you can live an outstanding lifestyle... with more freedom... for a lot less money than what you're getting in North America.I created The Expat Phyles to show you the world of options that exist outside your home country. Today, it's more important than ever to move some of your wealth - and maybe even your family - offshore because your #1 risk right now is the political risk from your home government. Go here to book a FREE 15-minute call and find out how easy it is to get started living the Expat Adventure. "I work with you one-on-one to design and execute a plan to legally offshore and protect your investments, reduce your tax bill, diversify your wealth and make you a global citizen so you can enjoy greater freedom and opportunity." - Tain Nix
Episode #20:The Death of Truth: How to Act When You're Not Allowed To Say What's Happening - Part 1
Episode #20:The Death of Truth: How to Act When You're Not Allowed To Say What's Happening - Part 1
In The Road to Serfdom, F. Hayek dedicates an entire chapter to the Death of Truth. Like so many far sighted prophecies, Hayek too stubbed his toe on the truth when he wrote that masterpiece back in 1944. We live in a world where you can no longer say what's true with impunity... or even ebate what might be true. Your job is to ignore your senses and obey. But what's even worse the censorship is that fact that no one really wants to talk about difficult topics. That to me - more than any other signal of the coming collapse - is what makes me pessimistic for the near term. There is a big coming to Jesus moment out there for most of the deluded Western nations. We blow up other people's pipelines... deny that immigration is a problem... and keep printing fake money units to cover our collective assess. It will not end well - and everyone knows it.But even at this late hour, there would still be a way out if only people who care about each other and about the future would just talk about what's happening. Sadly...It appears that we no longer can. Not because we won't but because we are not able to.Lucky for you, you found this channel. Because no matter what is coming, you don't have to sit still and be a victim. The Expat Phyles shows you the best communities throughout Latin America where you can live an outstanding lifestyle... with more freedom... for a lot less money than what you're getting in North America.I created The Expat Phyles to show you the world of options that exist outside your home country. Today, it's more important than ever to move some of your wealth - and maybe even your family - offshore because your #1 risk right now is the political risk from your home government. Go here to book a FREE 15-minute call and find out how easy it is to get started living the Expat Adventure. "I work with you one-on-one to design and execute a plan to legally offshore and protect your investments, reduce your tax bill, diversify your wealth and make you a global citizen so you can enjoy greater freedom and opportunity." - Tain Nix
Episode #19: How To Talk To Your People About The Decision To Go Global
Episode #19: How To Talk To Your People About The Decision To Go Global
When you make a decision not to be trapped inside your home country - and right now there are a lot of reasons not to be...The first thing you'll notice is that not everyone agrees with your decision to make a leap for the rim of the bucket. Don't panic. And don't raise your voice. In fact, if you lower your voice and do what I recommend in this video, you will find yourself being listened to... maybe even respected... and almost certainly left alone.Talking to loved ones who don't get the idea of Going Global... or worse, who do get it but somehow don't approve of your position... is no fun.But you can still have a good time going on your merry way. Check out this timeless advice for doing what you damn well please while planting dropping a few breadcrumbs for your loved ones to follow when they finally come around...Enjoy.I created The Expat Phyles to show you the world of options that exist outside your home country. Today, it's more important than ever to move some of your wealth - and maybe even your family - offshore because your #1 risk right now is the political risk from your home government. Go here to book a FREE 15-minute call and find out how easy it is to get started living the Expat Adventure. "I work with you one-on-one to design and execute a plan to legally offshore and protect your investments, reduce your tax bill, diversify your wealth and make you a global citizen so you can enjoy greater freedom and opportunity." - Tain Nix
Episode #18 Why You're Likely Heading To Mexico If You Go Expat - Part 2
Episode #18 Why You're Likely Heading To Mexico If You Go Expat - Part 2
With mountains, beaches, friendly, hard-working people who have never heard of woke ideology... Mexico has a lot going for it right now. The Riviera Maya - Cancun.. Playa... Tulum... are all booming right now. Tulum now has its own international airport. And the "Tren Maya" is almost complete - which means the country will be linked with easy access to this fast growing region. The upside in real estate is still substantial. But most of all, Mexico is a breath of sanity in the ocean of BS coming from North America. I love the US. And I lived in Canada and still have fond memories. But... I feel far more free in Mexico than I do up north now. And I think you'll feel it too - along with the sense of prosperity that's palpable in the fast growing parts of Mexico.On the Pacific Coast...  Acapulco... Mazatlan... Vallarta... and of course Los Cabos... all of these places are better than ever. Cabo in particular is a fantastic getaway and a great place. to own rental real estate. And don't forget the pleasant mountainous areas of Querètaro... San Miguel Allende...  San Cristobal de las Casas... and let's not forget Mexico City which is probably the nicest, cheapest big city (along with Buenos Aires) in the world today. In Part 2, I talk about learning the language and why Mexican Spanish is the easiest to learn... and you should make the effort to learn it. Because it changes your experience utterly and people react totally different when you can speak their language. I also talk about Mexico's refreshingly family-oriented, hard-working culture.  I tell the story of my experience bribing Mexican officials and why corruption can work in your favor. Compared to what's happening in the US and Canada, there are so many reasons to give Mexico a look. And if you want my help, go here to book a free call.I created The Expat Phyles to show you the world of options that exist outside your home country. Today, it's more important than ever to move some of your wealth - and maybe even your family - offshore because your #1 risk right now is the political risk from your home government. Go here to book a FREE 15-minute call and find out how easy it is to get started living the Expat Adventure. "I work with you one-on-one to design and execute a plan to legally offshore and protect your investments, reduce your tax bill, diversify your wealth and make you a global citizen so you can enjoy greater freedom and opportunity." - Tain Nix
Episode #17 Why You're Likely Heading To Mexico If You Go Expat - Part 1
Episode #17 Why You're Likely Heading To Mexico If You Go Expat - Part 1
With mountains, beaches, friendly, hard-working people who have never heard of woke ideology... Mexico has a lot going for it right now. The Riviera Maya - Cancun.. Playa... Tulum... are all booming right now. Tulum now has its own international airport. And the "Tren Maya" is almost complete - which means the country will be linked with easy access to this fast growing region. The upside in real estate is still substantial. But most of all, Mexico is a breath of sanity in the ocean of BS coming from North America. I love the US. And I lived in Canada and still have fond memories. But... I feel far more free in Mexico than I do up north now. And I think you'll feel it too - along with the sense of prosperity that's palpable in the fast growing parts of Mexico.On the Pacific Coast...  Acapulco... Mazatlan... Vallarta... and of course Los Cabos... all of these places are better than ever. Cabo in particular is a fantastic getaway and a great place. to own rental real estate. And don't forget the pleasant mountainous areas of Querètaro... San Miguel Allende...  San Cristobal de las Casas... and let's not forget Mexico City which is probably the nicest, cheapest big city (along with Buenos Aires) in the world today. In Part 1, I give you thoughts on all the above - plus the all important question about safety while in Mexico (spoiler alert: Mexico is nowhere near as dangerous as you've been led to believe and no one there wants anything bad to happen to tourists.)I created The Expat Phyles to show you the world of options that exist outside your home country. Today, it's more important than ever to move some of your wealth - and maybe even your family - offshore because your #1 risk right now is the political risk from your home government. Go here to book a FREE 15-minute call and find out how easy it is to get started living the Expat Adventure. "I work with you one-on-one to design and execute a plan to legally offshore and protect your investments, reduce your tax bill, diversify your wealth and make you a global citizen so you can enjoy greater freedom and opportunity." - Tain Nix
Episode #16 The Value of Real Assets In Times of Trouble
Episode #16 The Value of Real Assets In Times of Trouble
Where are we in the economic cycle? Are we close to a top or a correction? Is there more upside to come? I'm not a financial analyst and I'm certainly not qualified to offer advice to anyone about money. That economies move in cycles is no secret. There's one part of the cycle when you want to be in growth areas like tech. And there' another part of the cycle when you only want to be in real stuff. To me, it looks like this is the time to be in real assets. But why?in this episode, you'll discover:The age of paper wealth is over… Paper wealth and the big accounting problem… Median house price $450,000! I recorded this before we were fighting Wars on two fronts… Here's how they rob you in North America… A construction clue blocked the street and looted his house in Portland, Oregon… Vigilantes? Keep some of your hard assets here… The risk is less, but you should have both… Paper assets are going to get bitch-slapped. Is there intrinsic value? Much worse for much longer, 1914 to 1945... The same ideas from 1917 are being tried again… As safe as you can be in the world in this lifetime… Sleep easy by doing this…Here's how you have options when the worst of it is over…I created The Expat Phyles to show you the world of options that exist outside your home country. Today, it's more important than ever to move some of your wealth - and maybe even your family - offshore because your #1 risk right now is the political risk from your home government. Go here to book a FREE 15-minute call and find out how easy it is to get started living the Expat Adventure. "I work with you one-on-one to design and execute a plan to legally offshore and protect your investments, reduce your tax bill, diversify your wealth and make you a global citizen so you can enjoy greater freedom and opportunity." - Tain Nix
Episode #15 The Idea of America And Why It Still Matters (No BS Version)
Episode #15 The Idea of America And Why It Still Matters (No BS Version)
Today, we ponder America as an ideal. Not the BS version where everyone has a right to be offended and tell others what to do while they're at it. The idea that changed forever the history of the relationship between governments and the people they rule... the version that made the US - howsoever briefly - the shining city on the hill... the land of milk and honey... and the light of the world to all humanity. Our uncle Ben Franklin is reported to have said, "Tyranny being the rule throughout all of human history, we propose to make one nation where the power of the state shall be restrained." That's a rough translation, but you get the gist. The chief irony of our time is that most people seem to want the government to fix the mess we are in. How else to explain the rolling fervor for the next election - when time and again it proves only to make the situation worse than before!Vote if you feel you must. But don't be fooled... The solution to the problem cannot come from the very thing that created the problem in the first place. Is there a way back to the original idea of America? Does anyone care enough to try? in this episode, you'll hear:For all of human history, it was the same until… Is government restraint a law or a custom? When did the US get into the empire business? A government is just a bunch of people, and they are not your friends… The push toward collectivism…What is an ideal worth defending?The perversion of individuality happens when… There are no other rights except individual rights and nobody else to possess them except individuals. If this idea disappears, it will be a dark age for humanity… The fact I could be thrown off for saying this is proof of your biggest danger… This is how serious wars begin. Can you find greater Freedom abroad? It will get ugly before this happens… Let him who can save himself… Go international - it's easier than ever… The major growth is in developing parts… There's no downside to this…I created The Expat Phyles to show you the world of options that exist outside your home country. Today, it's more important than ever to move some of your wealth - and maybe even your family - offshore because your #1 risk right now is the political risk from your home government. Go here to book a FREE 15-minute call and find out how easy it is to get started living the Expat Adventure. "I work with you one-on-one to design and execute a plan to legally offshore and protect your investments, reduce your tax bill, diversify your wealth and make you a global citizen so you can enjoy greater freedom and opportunity." - Tain Nix
Episode #14 The Importance of Correct Moral Philosophy
Episode #14 The Importance of Correct Moral Philosophy
What if the solution to the slow motion plane crash happening in the US right now has a really simple solution? I would argue that there are plenty of simple solutions for preventing the bad end we are now headed toward. Stop printing money... fire 50% of the government - then fire 50% of who's left... bring home all the troups and close all 800 foreign bases - we have no business telling others what to do and threatening so many people with our vaunted military might... These might seem fanciful or outrageous to some people. To me, they don't go far enough. But at least it's a start. But the anarcho-libertarian postion that says, no force, no fraud is - like every view of the world - built on a specific philosophy. A moral philosophy. In this short episode, I am exploring a CORRECT moral philosophy. The very idea that so many people in the West have become uncomfortable with ideas of what is correct and what is incorrect is a clue to what ails us. This episode is my attempt to forward an answer to the question: What is a correct moral philosophy and why does it matter? You'll hear me talk about:Why does correct moral philosophy matter? This is all being done by people… What prevents one man from doing this and permits another? Humans exist suspended between these two things… Is there such a thing as good violence? Do the masses need to be tricked into obeying? If you're a young person, this is the problem you have to solve… Does Trump have a core philosophy? What if there was one leader with the correct moral compass heading? I created the Expat Phyles to navigate these times… If you don't decide, someone will be deciding for you… How to get your money and family out of the reach of your home government?I created The Expat Phyles to show you the world of options that exist outside your home country. Today, it's more important than ever to move some of your wealth - and maybe even your family - offshore because your #1 risk right now is the political risk from your home government. Go here to book a FREE 15-minute call and find out how easy it is to get started living the Expat Adventure. "I work with you one-on-one to design and execute a plan to legally offshore and protect your investments, reduce your tax bill, diversify your wealth and make you a global citizen so you can enjoy greater freedom and opportunity." - Tain Nix
Episode #13 What's Coming Next Has Happened Many Times Before...
Episode #13 What's Coming Next Has Happened Many Times Before...
The "funny" thing about war is how predictably unpredictable it is. Just ask the Europeans. When the fun kicked off in July and August of 1914, almost no one dared to believe out loud it would be any more than a grand and glowing adventure - a battle royal of good against evil that might take a few months at most. Thirty-one years later, the killing and mayhem finally stopped. As US policymakers continue to drive the ship of state toward the jagged rocks, anyone with any sense left has to be thinking about getting to the lifeboats. At Expat Phyles, we specialize in giving you the best options throughout the Americas to protect your wealth and your family from the unpleasantness now so close over the horizon.  Look around and drink in the sights and sounds of the epoch now coming to a close...  You will not see it's like again in our lifetime. In this episode:Don't think it can't happen here… The history of Europe and The World of Yesterday… If you have this, you're a target… The feds are trapped and they know it… Don't hit your head on reality… The rhyme of History and what's coming next… No one is coming to save you… they're coming to get you!Why would you trust the state? Especially when you don't have to!I created The Expat Phyles to show you the world of options that exist outside your home country. Today, it's more important than ever to move some of your wealth - and maybe even your family - offshore because your #1 risk right now is the political risk from your home government. Go here to book a FREE 15-minute call and find out how easy it is to get started living the Expat Adventure. "I work with you one-on-one to design and execute a plan to legally offshore and protect your investments, reduce your tax bill, diversify your wealth and make you a global citizen so you can enjoy greater freedom and opportunity." - Tain Nix
Expat Phyles Weekly Wrap up: July 14, 2023
Expat Phyles Weekly Wrap up: July 14, 2023
Here’s a video of the New Zealand propaganda ministry twisting themselves in knots because someone in their organization told the truth about the 2014 revolution in Ukraine and who was behind it.The reaction is so over the top, you have to wonder if maybe they want you to not believe in something that’s… actually true. We are living at a time when anything that is censored is likely to be right over the target. Act accordingly.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xP2OU125iEHere’s the video of Ed Dowd sharing the data about the massive spike in disability. His prediction is that all hell will break loose when the court of public opinion finally returns a verdict on the actions of 2020-2022. I agree with him. Incredibly I still know lots of people who see no problem. I’ll bet you do too.  https://rumble.com/v303qju-ed-dowd-black-swan-event-they-cant-run-from-this-data-from-chd.tv.htmlI created The Expat Phyles to show you the world of options that exist outside your home country. Today, it's more important than ever to move some of your wealth - and maybe even your family - offshore because your #1 risk right now is the political risk from your home government. Go here to book a FREE 15-minute call and find out how easy it is to get started living the Expat Adventure. "I work with you one-on-one to design and execute a plan to legally offshore and protect your investments, reduce your tax bill, diversify your wealth and make you a global citizen so you can enjoy greater freedom and opportunity." - Tain Nix