Pivot To Joy

Dele Downs Kooley

Welcome to Pivot to Joy with Dele Downs Kooley! Dele shares her insights on the connection between our thoughts and the results we see in our lives. She talks about how understanding this connection can help us take charge of our lives and create the outcomes we desire. read less


Navigating Mile Markers Celebrating Success and Embracing Growth
Navigating Mile Markers Celebrating Success and Embracing Growth
In this episode, Coach Kooley discusses celebrating milestones and embracing the journey toward success rather than solely focusing on the end goal or destination. She discusses strategies for staying motivated, such as pausing to reassess and set new goals after accomplishing objectives, surrounding yourself with a supportive community, and viewing challenges as opportunities for growth. Coach Kooley provides advice for nurturing a positive, growth-oriented mindset essential for navigating the path to success and fulfillment, including taking actionable steps to maintain momentum, celebrating small wins to fuel motivation, and shifting your perspective to view success as a continuous journey of learning and evolution. Join the show now for this and more! Timestamps: [01:14] Episode overview and reflections on celebrating milestones [02:19] The importance of celebrating moments along the journey [04:04] Shift from viewing success as a destination to a journey [05:17] Strategies for staying motivated and maintaining momentum [06:33] Advice to a client on pausing and celebrating accomplishments [07:52] Invitation to reflect on a personal journey and embrace challenges Quotes: Success is a journey, not a destination.ePause and take in your new surroundings and the space you occupy because you don't want the version 1.0 of yourself charting the path forward or the version 2.0 version of yourself.When we don't celebrate those moments, we're robbing ourselves of more opportunities for more joy in our lives.Embrace the challenges as opportunities for growth and development. Resources: If you want to know more about creating intentional pivots, let's connect, and remember to SHARE with your friends! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/delekooleycoaching/ LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dele-downs-kooley Website: https://delekooleycoaching.com Anyone joining the Pivot community before May 15th will receive two free coaching and strategy sessions with me. Use code celebrate at checkout to get your free sessions. Book Your Strategy Session: delekooleycoaching.com/coaching If you want the complete show notes or you want to learn more about the work that I do with my clients, go to https://delekooleycoaching.com/podcast
Harnessing the Power of Intention for Success
Harnessing the Power of Intention for Success
Hello, welcome to episode 2 of a 5 part series on your success. In this episode, Coach Kooley continues her five-part series on success by discussing the pivotal role of intentionality. She explains how intentionality shapes our actions and outcomes, provides strategies for setting clear intentions, and shares examples of her clients achieving success through intentional action. Coach Kooley emphasizes the importance of overcoming limiting beliefs, building a supportive system, and taking consistent action toward your goals. Join the show now! Timestamps: [02:27] Intentionality and its impact on performance [03:50] Importance of clarity when setting intentions [04:52] Using visualization to clarify desired outcomes [06:14] Leveraging affirmations to instill new beliefs [07:07] Overcoming limiting beliefs rooted in fear, lack, loss [10:01] Building a supportive environment and system [12:26] Client examples of achieving goals through intentionality Quotes: Intentionality shapes, actions and outcomes by starting with clarity.It starts with setting intentions and it requires more than just wishful thinking or operating on autopilot.Clarity is essential for maximizing your performance and potential.Our beliefs shape our reality, and sometimes, adopting a new belief can be challenging.It's not enough to set an intention. You have to take action.Success doesn't happen in isolation. We need a strong support system that encourages us and lifts us up on the journey toward our next success." Resources: If you want to know more about creating intentional pivots, let's connect, and remember to SHARE with your friends! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/delekooleycoaching LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dele-downs-kooley Website: https://delekooleycoaching.com If you're listening to this episode on the release date, it's the last day of my birthday month, so to celebrate, I have a gift for you. Anyone joining the Pivot community before May 15th will receive two free coaching and strategy sessions with me. Use code celebrate at checkout to get your free sessions. Book Your Strategy Session: delekooleycoaching.com/coaching If you want the complete show notes or you want to learn more about the work that I do with my clients, go to https://delekooleycoaching.com/podcast
Potential vs. Performance: Powering Up Your Path to Success
Potential vs. Performance: Powering Up Your Path to Success
In this episode, Coach Kooley discusses the difference between potential and performance, and how balancing these elements is critical for sustainable success. She explains potential as what you can do based on your abilities and skills, while performance is what you achieve by applying those abilities. Coach Kooley explains the importance of avoiding the "Peter Principle" trap of promoting based solely on performance in a current role versus assessing the potential for a new role. She provides practical tips for aligning your actions with long-term aspirations, such as setting clear goals, prioritizing high-impact tasks, seeking feedback, collaborating effectively, and adapting to change.  Join the conversation now to unlock your full potential and achieve your highest performance and career success! Timestamps: [01:14] The concepts of potential vs. performance as the foundation for success. [02:13]  What does potential and performance really mean? [03:26] The Peter Principle and the importance of considering potential when promoting employees [04:38] Benefits of recognizing potential pitfalls and setting intentions for success [05:48] The importance of balancing short-term performance and long-term potential [07:04] Practical tips for aligning actions with aspirations [09:16] What adopting to change looks like Quotes: The simple difference between success and failure is intention. Set the intention for what you want, work at it, and get help if you need it.This is called the Peter Principle, a concept formulated by Lawrence J. Peter that simply states that employees are promoted based on their performance and current role rather than their abilities to perform the new role that they're promoted to.No one is a mind reader, so you'll have to communicate your goals, the progress you're making on them, and the challenges you're facing effectively to gain their support and feedback. It's important to stay flexible and adapt to change. Change is a given in life, especially in the corporate world, where reorganizations and changing leadership are constants. Knowledge isn't power; it's potential until you do something with it, so go out there and turn your potential into performance and show people what you can do. Resources: If you want to know more about creating intentional pivots, let's connect, and remember to SHARE with your friends! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/delekooleycoaching/ LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dele-downs-kooley Website: https://delekooleycoaching.com Book Your Strategy Session: delekooleycoaching.com/coaching If you want the complete show notes or you want to learn more about the work that I do with my clients, go to https://delekooleycoaching.com/podcast  Episode 5 of the Pivot to Joy podcast on the secret to advancing your career and feedback: https://music.amazon.co.uk/podcasts/8d052c96-2e50-479e-b25f-5eca0c1c38c5/episodes/03972114-40c1-40ca-ba47-7315095513b0/pivot-to-joy-episode-5---the-secret-to-advancing-your-career
Taking Ownership of Your Career
Taking Ownership of Your Career
In this episode, Coach Kooley celebrates the first anniversary of launching the Pivot to Joy podcast, coinciding with her birthday! She reflects on her journey, from the early days of midnight tax filing runs with her mom to embracing her birthday to celebrate being alive and spreading joy to her loved ones. Coach Kooley shares insights on "career risk triggers," predictable milestones like birthdays and work anniversaries that can lead to decreased job satisfaction and a higher likelihood of employees seeking new opportunities. She offers proactive strategies for managers to mitigate these risks, such as regularly scheduled career check-ins. As Kooley looks ahead to Q2 and the new year, she emphasizes the importance of individuals taking ownership of their careers rather than solely relying on managers. She invites listeners, whether they are high-performers seeking to level up or ambitious emerging leaders, to explore opportunities to work with her in her group coaching program. Timestamps: [01:14]  Coach Kooley's birthday and her birthday traditions [02:11] Predictable career risk triggers, such as birthdays and work anniversaries [02:51] The significance of April for the Coach Kooley [03:27] Actions managers can take to proactively reduce career risk triggers [04:57] The importance of individual career ownership and regular check-ins with managers [06:15] Coach Kooley's coaching programs and how to connect with her Quotes: From the moment you were born, you were 100% worthy of love. I love texting my favorite humans to let them know that their existence on the planet is a cause for joy in my life.Adding two additional check-ins to ensure that you're having conversations every two to three months allows for an opportunity to provide additional feedback and course correct where needed.If your manager were responsible for your career, it would be called their career. I say this because you are one person versus a manager who is responsible for many people, and the math will never be in your favor if you are solely dependent upon someone else to manage your career.Caring is sharing. If you know someone who would benefit from hearing these words, share my podcast with them. Resources: If you want to know more about creating intentional pivots, let's connect, and remember to SHARE with your friends! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/delekooleycoaching LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dele-downs-kooley Website: https://delekooleycoaching.com Book Your Strategy Session: delekooleycoaching.com/coaching If you want the complete show notes or you want to learn more about the work that I do with my clients, go to https://delekooleycoaching.com/podcast  Episode 3 of the Pivot to Joy podcast on career ownership: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-3-creating-your-roadmap-to-success/id1682688358?i=1000609270082
The Five Strengths Driving Coach Kooley's Coaching Approach
The Five Strengths Driving Coach Kooley's Coaching Approach
In this episode, Coach Kooley shares five key strengths she has identified through the Clifton Strengths Assessment - individualization, context, maximizer, learner, and discipline. She explains how each strength manifests in her unique approach as a coach, helping her create personalized solutions, draw on diverse experiences, focus on excellence, cultivate curiosity, and foster productivity through strategic planning. Coach Kooley opens up about how these strengths are the foundation of her work, empowering clients to navigate career pivots and unlock their full potential. She invites listeners to explore working with her through a one-on-one strategy session or by joining her Pivot to Joy group coaching program. Coach Kooley's passion shines through as she shares how these strengths complement each other, making her an exceptional leader and relationship builder skilled at strategic thinking, execution, and influence. Timestamps: [02:07] A fun fact about Coach Kooley [03:08] Coach Kooley's strengths from the Clifton Strengths Assessment [04:16] The strength of individualization and how it benefits Coach Kooley's clients [05:22] Context and how it helps create blueprints for clients' success [06:44] How maximizer strength drives Coach Kooley to help others identify strengths [07:50] What makes Coach Kooley's unique as a learner [09:54] Discipline and how it serves as the foundation for Coach Kooley's other strengths [11:55] The value derived from understanding and leveraging the five strength Quotes:  I don't believe in a one-size-fits-all approach for my clients individually or in a group setting. I believe that each individual is worthy and deserving of that level of detail.I am drawn to and naturally curious about the strengths of others and how they can double down on those strengths. This is where the magic happens in the form of employee engagement and productivity.I want to hear about all the things that you're interested in when I'm having a conversation with someone. It's the foundation for what I call curiosity conversations.My clients can move faster, and it's not just about the work I do with them in my one-on-one coaching practice or the things I do with my group coaching programs.The best thing about these five strengths is how well they complement each other. In my opinion. You get an exceptional leader and relationship builder good at strategic thinking, executing, and influencing. Resources: If you want to know more about creating intentional pivots, let's connect, and remember to SHARE with your friends! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/delekooleycoaching LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dele-downs-kooley Website: https://delekooleycoaching.com Book Your Strategy Session: delekooleycoaching.com/coaching If you want the complete show notes or you want to learn more about the work that I do with my clients, go to https://delekooleycoaching.com/podcast  Episode 7 of the Pivot to Joy podcast on curiosity conversations: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0KWVuv5GiDAxHlLsj3X1BD?si=18e1603cc0ed4795 Clifton Strengths Assessment:
Pivoting to Joy: My Reflections on 2023 and How It Changed My 2024
Pivoting to Joy: My Reflections on 2023 and How It Changed My 2024
In this episode, Coach Kooley shares her journey through 2023, a year that was filled with successes and also brought unexpected challenges along with valuable lessons. She opens up about her experience of parting ways with Microsoft, grappling with health issues related to perimenopause, and the resulting emotional journey that momentarily dimmed her confidence and she lost her “groove”. With resilience and determination, she describes how she used the concept of Who; not How to build her personal board of directors, including her business coach, entrepreneurial peers, medical professionals, friends and loved ones, to create a plan and regain her mojo. Embracing 2024 with a renewed sense of purpose, she introduces this year's theme, "How Dele Got Her Groove Back," as a testament to her regained momentum.   Coach Kooley extends a heartfelt invitation to listeners to join her on this inspiring journey of recovery and rediscovery, offering support and coaching for anyone working in the corporate and tech spaces who may be facing similar challenges or seeking to reignite their passion in their professional and personal lives. Timestamps [03:02] Coach Kooley's strength in planning and strategy [05:20] Coach Kooley's layoff from Microsoft on January 17th, 2023 [08:54] Emotions after losing her job [10:09] Coach Kooley's internal conflict between the desire for stability and fear of uncertainty [12:28] Outward appearance of success despite health issues [13:47] Coach Kooley's resilience and commitment to regaining health [14:42] Navigating unexpected setbacks while trying to sustain purpose and productivity [15:51] Coach Kooley's Disappearance from public life during recovery [16:49] How to get Dele's groove back [17:55] Significance of teamwork, persistence, and introspection in personal and professional growth [19:00] Opportunities for corporate high performers recovering from setbacks or burnout in 2024 Quotes Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. And last year, I felt that to my soul.Success comes from moving toward abundance, not running from scarcity, and nothing good comes from running from my feelings and fear of failure.I had lost my mojo, and it felt almost impossible to get back.If you've listened to the Pivot to Joy podcast before, the idea of who, not how, is not a foreign concept.What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.Let's just be honest. It doesn't matter how old you are; your mom will be worried about you, about something happening to you, and about your life. It's what they do. Resources If you want to know more about creating intentional pivots, let's connect, and remember to SHARE with your friends! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/delekooleycoaching/ LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dele-downs-kooley Website: https://delekooleycoaching.com Book Your Strategy Session: delekooleycoaching.com/coaching If you want the complete show notes or you want to learn more about the work that I do with my clients, go to https://delekooleycoaching.com/podcast
Summer of Success Series: Empowering Your Career: Lynne Varner's Insights on Embracing Opportunities
Summer of Success Series: Empowering Your Career: Lynne Varner's Insights on Embracing Opportunities
In this episode, Coach Kooley is joined by Lynne Varner, CEO of Washington STEM, who shares her journey of pivoting from politics to journalism and higher education, highlighting the importance of authenticity and embracing one's uniqueness. The conversation touches on imposter syndrome, mentorship, and the value of having a supportive network that advocates for your growth even when you're not in the room.  Lynne discusses the concept of the "kitchen cabinet," a network of trusted individuals who provide guidance and support, drawing parallels to mentorship and sponsorship. They emphasize the importance of being open to opportunities, not playing small, and taking calculated risks in one's career journey. Lynne shares her personal journey from journalism to higher education and CEOship, emphasizing the significance of being fearless and embracing change.  Are you looking to identify your "kitchen cabinet," seek connections, and ultimately strive for growth and success? Don't miss out on this insightful conversation that unpacks the ingredients for a recipe of achievement and fulfillment. Timestamps [02:56] Lynne’s background [04:53] Career changes and the challenges they entail [07:24] Managing career transitions and fostering employee engagement during life changes  [10:48] Transitioning into the real world after school and the value of real-life experiences  [14:12] Lynne’s experience participating in programs like Close-Up [18:01] Managing people-pleasing, imposter feelings and the pursuit of self-improvement [20:20] Building a kitchen cabinet for authentic mentorship and guidance [25:47] Fostering connections and relationships to form a strong support network [27:46] The importance of building reciprocal relationships, seeking and offering help [35:28] Embracing opportunities, recognizing the value of being open-minded [38:03] Understanding various degrees associated with career pivots [41:52] Embracing the value of seeking advice and perspectives from mentors and peers [46:46] How to support Lynne Notable Quotes When planning to jump ship, think about your safety and taking care of yourself just like you would if you were physically going to jump off the ship; you wouldn't be announcing and telling people and talking and chatting. You would be planning for your security. I don't have to prove I don't have to prove anything. I don't have to become anything because I'm already enough. They hired me, they saw me. And so if you remember that, you're already enough when you walked in the door, didn't hire someone else, and came in. No, they hired you.You have to be you. You have to be you because you are who they want. You start trying to be someone else and are now in trouble.Your kitchen cabinet: They want what's good for you. They're rooting for you. So they're not like just any old, you know, people that you meet, strangers, or even just people that you know tangentially. These are people who they're in your corner.You need people to speak for and speak up for you when you're not in the room.When you are taking an opportunity, it doesn't mean you're now wedded to that decision. You can change it and change. It doesn't, um, it's not a sign of failure. It's simply a sign that this didn't fit. And that's why you do want to have a two-way opportunity. You want to be able to turn around, pivot, and go in the opposite direction if you need to.   Resources If you want to know more about creating intentional pivots, let's connect, and remember to SHARE with your friends! Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/delekooleycoaching/ LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dele-downs-kooley Website: https://delekooleycoaching.com/podcast Look out for a special journaling worksheet at https://delekooleycoaching.com/podcast. For the first time, check out the Pivot Group Coaching Program at www.delekooleycoaching.com/workwithme and get on the waitlist.  Connect with Lynne on:  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynne-varner-873b466/ Website: https://washingtonstem.org/ Email: Lynn@washingtonstem.org
Summer of Success Series: The Transformative Power of Small Moments: Embracing Joy in Everyday Life Ft Cristina Costa
Summer of Success Series: The Transformative Power of Small Moments: Embracing Joy in Everyday Life Ft Cristina Costa
In this episode, Coach Cooley is joined by Cristina Costa, a passionate advocate for empowering people of color in their careers. Coach Cooley and Cristina connect over their shared experiences living and working abroad. Cristina shares her story, starting from her college years and her transformative service trip to Japan and Spain.  They delve into the differences between work cultures in Japan and Spain, highlighting the importance of rest, play, and finding joy in small moments. As women of color, they discuss the impact of cultural expectations on women's lives and the need to prioritize self-care. Christina shares her coaching approach, which focuses on helping women overcome burnout, set boundaries, and prioritize their well-being.  Tune in and learn why rest and self-care are vital for personal and professional growth! Timestamps [02:03] Cristina’s background [04:42] How living and working abroad impacted Cristina’s work [08:28] Being curious and experiencing situations by yourself [13:11] The pivot of studying and working abroad [15:24] Cristina’s experience while working in Japan [18:34] The impact of workplace culture on mental health [26:57] How Cristina is applying lessons learned abroad in her coaching practice [29:28] The importance of rest and living life in abundance [37:49] How Cristina defines success to her clients [39:00] Why Cristina thinks coaching is powerful [41:52] How to support Cristina [43:39] Cristina’s upcoming projects  Notable Quotes Sometimes you don't want people to look at you just kind of want to be a flower on the wall, right? And let me live my life.As soon as you take that first step to explore something, you will want to keep doing itIf you don't understand your history, you're destined to repeat it. I learned in Spain through that experience that a slower pace of life was possible. Rest is essential. And that rest, we shouldn't feel guilty to rest and have that relaxation. And people in Spain were just so much happier than I saw in Japan or the States.I wasn't just born to work and die. I was born to rest, play, love, explore the world, experience as much as I can in this lifetime, and be grateful for what I can explore and continue exploring as much as possible.You should not feel guilty for resting because to be your best self and show up for all these people who depend on you; you must also show up for yourself.I understand these people depend on you and that you want to do right by these people, but you need to do right by yourself first. Resources If you want to know more about creating intentional pivots, let's connect, and remember to SHARE with your friends! Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/delekooleycoaching/ LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dele-downs-kooley Website: https://delekooleycoaching.com/podcast Look out for a special journaling worksheet at https://delekooleycoaching.com/podcast. For the first time, check out the Pivot Group Coaching Program at www.delekooleycoaching.com/workwithme and get on the waitlist.  Are you looking to take the podcast's and guests' inspiration to the next level?  Join the pivot group coaching program to get the opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals committed to leveling up their careers and their lives. Connect with Cristina on LinkedIn at linkedin.com/in/cristina-nicole-costa- Website: ccostacoaching.com/
Summer of Success Series: Decluttering for Emotional Well-being /Amelia Pleasant's Guide to Positive Change
Summer of Success Series: Decluttering for Emotional Well-being /Amelia Pleasant's Guide to Positive Change
In this episode, Coach Kooley is joined by Amelia Pleasant, a certified life coach, professional organizer, and CEO of A Pleasant Solution.  Amelia discusses her unique approach to decluttering that focuses on the emotional aspects of organization. Coach Kooley and Amelia explore the challenges faced by women due to societal expectations, leading to overwhelm and burnout. The conversation covers self-care, setting boundaries, and how small pivots can lead to significant positive life changes.  Amelia shares insights into her journey of making the world work for her by following her passions, embracing change, and asking the fundamental question, "What do I want?" They touch on managing emotional and physical clutter, redefining relationships and partnerships, and the transformative power of leading with personal desires.  Are you looking to challenge societal norms, prioritize self-care, and embrace an empowered mindset? Don't miss out on this insightful conversation! Timestamps [01:53] Amelia’s background [04:51] The link between decluttering physical space and enhancing mental and emotional well-being [07:43] The interconnectedness of over-commitment, managing physical belongings, and societal expectations of women [10:24] Supporting women's well-being through Fair Play facilitation amidst caregiving roles [16:51] The Benefits of Fair Play  [18:56] Implementing Fair Play framework and creating role-based household responsibilities [26:37] Creating a life that suits one's desires by following personal adventures [29:47] Shifting from being the foundation of everything to being at the center of one's life [33:31] The three different types of clients that Amelia works with [43:11] How to connect with Amelia Notable Quotes Our attention is often just elsewhere. So there are many reasons why clutter comes into our homes, why we collect things, why we're attached to objects, why we overcommit in our schedules. It's not as simple and straightforward as it seems sometimes on social media, where we just straighten up and put a few bins in boxes in place and all as well. But there is a deeper level to this where, you know, we, we are really intertwined through story with the objects in our lives. It is so powerful when you ask the question, what do I want? You shift into the center of your life, and you're making choices from that grounded, powerful place of saying, yes, I can support my children. Yes, I can show up fully in my work. Yes, I can be a caregiver. Yes, I can do all these things, but only a bit at a time.When you are satisfied with the choice that you're making, the direction that you're taking when you explicitly communicate to others, Hey, this is what I think and how I feel, and this is what I think we should do, that it invites everyone else to jump on board, contribute, add their ideas, um, and talk about it collectively.You do not have to do it alone if you are on your clutter journey. Many of us feel it is painful and scary to let go of objects, and we must force our way through. So I'm here to say there's a large support network out there for you, and having explicit conversations in your household, truly true, will create more space and time for everyone.    Resources If you want to know more about creating intentional pivots, let's connect, and remember to SHARE with your friends! Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/delekooleycoaching/ LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dele-downs-kooley Website: https://delekooleycoaching.com/podcast Look out for a special journaling worksheet at https://delekooleycoaching.com/podcast. For the first time, check out the Pivot Group Coaching Program at www.delekooleycoaching.com/workwithme and get on the waitlist.  Connect with Amelia on:  Podcast: https://www.apleasantsolution.com/podcast Website: https://www.apleasantsolution.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apleasantsolution/
Summer of Success Series: Navigating the Cost of Playing Small and Making Career Moves: w/ Elan Bailey
Summer of Success Series: Navigating the Cost of Playing Small and Making Career Moves: w/ Elan Bailey
Welcome to another incredible Pivot to Joy Podcast's Summer of Success Series episode. In this episode, Coach Kooley is joined by Elan Bailey, a transformational leadership coach and organizational development consultant. Coach Kooley and Elan reflect on personal journeys' messy and non-linear nature, highlighting the importance of self-discovery and integration.  Elan shares her story, from her early passion for business to her realization of the value of humanity in organizational settings. They explore the concept of self-leadership and the power of owning one's story and values, highlighting the importance of alignment.  Elan discusses the value-based decision-making process and the need to reassess and adapt values as one grows and evolves. The conversation also touches on the organizational side, emphasizing the benefits of investing in employee development and the costs of not doing so.  Tune in to gain valuable insights and embark on your journey of self-discovery and intentional career pivots. Timestamps [01:22] Elan's Background [07:06] The disengagements that led to Elan's decisions [12:23] Embracing the authentic self [21:42] The importance of self-leadership [26:47] Intentionality as a key to success [29:03] What value-based perspective mean to Elan [34:40] How to set up yourself to recognize the limits to your values [34:46] Helping people see the polarities in their values [36:20] What 2.0 and 3.0 version of yourself holds [37:00] Separating self-preservation from physical needs [43:20] Two-part approach to finding a job [44:28] Permitting yourself to stop waiting for leadership roles [46:42] The organizational costs of employee development [49:41] Organizational costs of not developing employees [54:58] The cost of playing small in your career path [59:22] How to connect with Elan Notable Quotes I can look back and see that my compass was a value, a compass, and values. You know, it takes work to live by your values.Your career roadmap to success, or your career wayfinding as you call it, is easy to fix. You've probably already fixed it.For me, self-leadership now is, you know, helping people to own their story, coming from a place of commitment rather than reacting my way forward.Values-based alignment is having those things line up. And it does take risks. It is a creative risk, sometimes, to show up for your values, to stand for values that are not being represented in the room to speak for the underrepresented voices. Resources If you want to know more about creating intentional pivots, let's connect, and remember to SHARE with your friends! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/delekooleycoaching/ LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dele-downs-kooley Website: https://delekooleycoaching.com/podcast Look out for a special worksheet and learn more about Elan and get guided journal prompts to support your summer of success at https://delekooleycoaching.com/workwithme. For the first time, check out the Pivot Group Coaching Program at www.delekooleycoaching.com/workwithme and get on the waitlist.  Are you looking to take the podcast's and guests' inspiration to the next level? Join the pivot group coaching program to get the opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals committed to leveling up their careers and their lives. Connect with Elan on: LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/elanbailey Website: https://my.timetouplevel.com/
Summer of Success Series: From Rock Bottom to Entrepreneurship: Ajee's Journey
Summer of Success Series: From Rock Bottom to Entrepreneurship: Ajee's Journey
In this episode, Coach Kooley is joined by Ajee Cook, the CEO and founder of Done & Done. In their conversation, they discuss Ajee's story and the importance of pivots, success, and delegation. Ajee shares her journey, starting at seven when she had to pivot due to her father's sudden passing and finding a new guardian. She talks about her experience at Lincoln University, where she found a sense of belonging and got involved in various activities.  Ajee also shares her experience after being laid off during the Covid-19 pandemic and how she handled being jobless for 11 months. She further shares her story of being laid off within her 90-day probation period and how this fueled her into entrepreneurship. They further discuss the significance of operations and the role of delegating duties in any business. Don't miss this inspiring episode as Coach Kooley and Ajee share valuable insights and provide a personal and professional growth roadmap. Timestamps [02:26] Ajee’s background [08:31] Two big pivots for Ajee [08:45] The power of who’s in your life [10:43] Magnetic personality at Lincoln University [15:44] The definition of success and how it affects happiness [20:24] What happened after Ajee lost her job [22:29] Pivoting when you hit rock bottom [25:03] Getting laid off from her 90-day probation [26:22] The importance of sharing one's needs [35:00] Discovering happiness in entrepreneurship [48:05] All you need to know about services offered by Ajee’s company Done & Done [52:28] Why operations are important to an entrepreneur [54:26] Why delegation is an important factor in any business [01:04:13] How to connect with Ajee   Notable Quotes Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.I think it's when we shove our emotions down. And we don't make space that we're not even open to the possibility of anything else. Because we're trying to hold so much in and keep so much going simultaneously, we miss the opportunity to have what processing your emotions does.Being able to live is one of the most compelling why’s you need to have.You are the CEO of your role. You do your role the best. Better than anybody else in your role. Resources If you want to know more about creating intentional pivots, let's connect, and remember to SHARE with your friends! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/delekooleycoaching/ LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dele-downs-kooley Website: https://delekooleycoaching.com/podcast Look out for a special worksheet and learn more about Ajee and get a guided journal prompts to support your summer of success at https://delekooleycoaching.com/workwithme. For the first time, check out the Pivot Group Coaching Program at www.delekooleycoaching.com/workwithme and get on the waitlist.  Connect with Ajee on:  LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/ajee-cook-a6a455115 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chiefgetitdoneofficer/ Website: https://www.chiefgetitdoneofficer.org/
Summer of Success Series: Emotional Intelligence in the Corporate World: Navigating Challenges with Valerie Louissaint
Summer of Success Series: Emotional Intelligence in the Corporate World: Navigating Challenges with Valerie Louissaint
In this episode, coach Kooley is joined by Valerie Louissaint, a Haitian-American people strategy professional and emotional intelligence practitioner. Coach Kooley and Valerie delve into the power of emotional intelligence and its impact on personal and professional growth. Valerie shares her journey of discovering the importance of emotional intelligence during her college years, thanks to her favorite professor, Ralph Jordan.  She explains how she became interested in the topic and how it eventually became a crucial part of her work and the foundation of her company, The Emprint Lab. Valerie also discusses her early experiences in the corporate world, where she faced mistreatment despite believing that behaving well would lead to fair treatment. She shares how she relied on her emotional intelligence skills to navigate these challenges, including self-awareness, empathy, and emotional regulation.  Join the conversation as you prepare to move faster in the last four months of the year! Timestamps [01:36] Valerie’s background [06:03] How emotional intelligence became an important part of what Valerie does [09:50] The first thing we do when something goes wrong [12:44] What Valerie did when she was being mistreated [15:25] The three takeaways from emotional intelligence [18:23] What happens when things go bad [24:13] How to create a safe work environment [25:44] Valerie’s handshake agreement [32:12] Services offered by Emprint Lab [33:32] How Valerie helps create employee engagement [39:15] Other packages offered by Emprint Lab [43:37] How to connect with Valerie Notable Quotes what's better is to be satisfied with yourself than trying to satisfy someone else with how you moved about a situation.What happens in the handshake agreement is we have, we have the employer and the employee who both meets each other. In the middle, what they do is you have a neutral third party, which either would be your HR rep, your people What rep, any type, or any other anyone on the people team would be preferred. Resources If you want to know more about creating intentional pivots, let's connect, and remember to SHARE with your friends! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/delekooleycoaching/ LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dele-downs-kooley Website: https://delekooleycoaching.com/podcast Look out for a special worksheet and learn more about each guest and get a guided journal prompts to support your summer of success at https://delekooleycoaching.com/workwithme For the very first time, check out the Pivot Group Coaching Program at www.delekooleycoaching.com/workwithme and get on the waitlist.  Are you looking to take the podcast's and guests' inspiration to the next level?  Join the pivot group coaching program to get the opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals committed to leveling up their careers and their lives. Connect with Valerie and get a chance to join the Empower Community Group on: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theemprintlab/ Email: info@theemprintlab.comLinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/valerielouissaint Website: https://theemprintlab.com/
Summer of Success Series: Unleashing Potential/ Roxana Tanase's Path to Peace and Human Potential
Summer of Success Series: Unleashing Potential/ Roxana Tanase's Path to Peace and Human Potential
In this episode, Coach Kooley is joined by Roxana Tanase, the HR Director for Scale and Talent Management Programs at Microsoft. Roxana shares her career journey, starting from college, where she discovered her passion for peace and human potential.  She talks about the importance of finding joy and purpose in one's life and how it guided her choices. Despite facing setbacks and difficult experiences, Roxana learned valuable lessons that shaped her resilience and determination. Coach Kooley and Roxana also discuss the power of curiosity conversations and the connections they can foster.  Are you looking to embrace small pivots and explore practical personal and professional growth strategies? Join the conversation! Timestamps [02:34] Roxana’s background [07:44] How Roxana started her career [15:01] How to communicate difficult news in a kind and considerate way [12:12] Different mentors and how they mentor you [16:50] Different ways to build strength [18:41] The importance of building a foundation [20:40] Benefits of having a career plan [22:14] Knowing how your strengths apply to you [23:12] How to discover your strengths [24:52] The difference between joy and happiness [31:17] Three points of commonality in the jobs taken by Roxana [39:14] Having feminine energy is not a bad thing [41:26] Roxana’s advice to the women out there [44:26] How to connect with Roxana Notable Quotes Sometimes you just meet people, and you click, and it's important that you follow up on those connections that just clicked for whatever reason, don't let them go.A failure is simply a learning opportunity you take with you and carry forward to help you grow and advance your career. In your background, that rings so true. Everything we've ever done, regardless of whether we thought it was a success or a failure, prepares us along our professional journey for where we are in each moment. If you think of joy, you can find joy in everyday life.Your strengths are likely to be discoverable, even without an assessment through all those things you do with ease, enjoyment, and effectiveness. Resources If you want to know more about creating intentional pivots, let's connect, and remember to SHARE with your friends! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/delekooleycoaching/ LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dele-downs-kooley Website: https://delekooleycoaching.com/podcast Look out for a special worksheet and learn more about Roxana and get a guided journal prompts to support your summer of success at https://delekooleycoaching.com/workwithme For the first time, check out the Pivot Group Coaching Program at www.delekooleycoaching.com/workwithme and get on the waitlist.  Are you looking to take the podcast's and guests' inspiration to the next level?  Join the pivot group coaching program to get the opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals committed to leveling up their careers and their lives. Connect with Roxana on LinkedIn at linkedin.com/in/roxana-tanase-78655712
Episode 12 - Sowing Seeds for a Fall Harvest: Coach Kooley's Mindset Shift for a Successful Summer
Episode 12 - Sowing Seeds for a Fall Harvest: Coach Kooley's Mindset Shift for a Successful Summer
Welcome to another exciting episode of the Pivot to Joy Podcast! In this episode, Coach Kooley shares her mindset shift that led to finding balance and setting herself up for a successful summer while still savoring quality time with her family. She explores the concept of sowing seeds for a fall harvest and shares practical strategies to accelerate your personal and professional growth during the summer months.  Coach Kooley also unveils the exciting plans for the Pivot to Joy Podcast during the summer, including a fantastic lineup of guests who will inspire and provide ideas and strategies for your summer of success. She also introduces the Pivot Group Coaching Program highlighting its benefits. Don't miss out on this episode packed with insights, guidance, and a roadmap to finding balance, achieving success, and unlocking your full potential.  Timestamps [01:24] What Coach Kooley has been upto [01:47] How she came to move from Germany [02:40] Finding Balance as a working mum [03:15] The mindset shift that led to a successful summer [04:08] What we can do over the summer to prepare for success [05:12] Pivot to Joy Podcast plans for the summer [05:33] The benefits of being part of the Pivot Group Coaching Program Resources If you want to know more about creating intentional pivots, let's connect, and remember to SHARE with your friends! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/delekooleycoaching/ LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dele-downs-kooley Website: https://delekooleycoaching.com/podcast Look out for a special worksheet and learn more about each guest, and get guided journal prompts to support your summer of success.Check out the Pivot Group Coaching Program at www.delekooleycoaching.com/workwithme, get on the waitlist, and be notified when signups open. Are you looking to take the podcast's and guests' inspiration to the next level?  Join the pivot group coaching program to get the opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals committed to leveling up their careers and their lives.
Episode 11 - Setting Boundaries Using Balanced Conversations
Episode 11 - Setting Boundaries Using Balanced Conversations
Join the conversation as Dele talks about creating boundaries in the workplace. Reflecting on her career journey, she shares her struggles with setting boundaries and how it led her to the brink of burnout. She discusses women's unique challenges in corporate settings when establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries. Dele introduces her favorite tool for setting boundaries and obtaining support from managers and colleagues—the balanced conversation. She shares how she applied balanced conversation to establish boundaries in her life, including adjusting her work schedule and addressing communication outside of work hours. Stay tuned for more empowering episodes of the "Pivot to Joy" podcast, where we inspire you to create intentional pivots in your life.  Timestamps [01:26] Setting healthy boundaries at Work [02:09] The impact of undefined boundaries on women and corporate [03:12] How to set the boundaries at work [05:40] The balance conversion as a mum [06:38] The Art of assertive communication [07:04] When Dele first learned about the balance conversation [13:19] The importance of a balance conversation Notable Quotes Undefined boundaries lead to the ambiguity that can sometimes cause more turns than necessary and put us in a state of constant reactivity that moves us closer to burnout.Assertive communication allows you to advocate for your needs while considering the other parties' perspectives. Resources If you want to know more about creating intentional pivots, let's connect, and remember to SHARE with your friends! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/delekooleycoaching/ LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dele-downs-kooley Website: https://delekooleycoaching.com/podcast Balanced conversation worksheet: delekooleycoaching.com/balancedconversationworksheet How are you modeling and setting healthy boundaries to encourage the open dialogues and flexibility that you need? If you want to share, send an email to dele@delekooleycoaching.com Feel free to download a copy of the balanced conversation worksheet and write down your preferences so you're prepared to ask thoughtfully for what you need at delekooleycoaching.com/balancedconversationworksheet.
Episode 10 - Why "I'm Just Happy To Be Here" Is Holding You Back
Episode 10 - Why "I'm Just Happy To Be Here" Is Holding You Back
Many of us experience this when we start a new job or get promoted. We feel grateful for the opportunity, but that gratitude can shift into complacency if we're not careful. "Just happy to be here" can become an obstacle that prevents us from fully embracing our potential. But there are ways to break through this. In this episode, Coach Kooley addresses the issue while revealing its potential to hinder career growth and personal development. While sharing her personal story, Coach Kooley highlights the importance of not quitting or giving up on one's dreams. She emphasizes that staying committed and driven is crucial, even when faced with challenges and setbacks. Individuals can overcome obstacles and achieve their full potential by believing in themselves and refusing to settle for less.  Have you just been promoted to leadership and don't know what to do? Join coach Kooley as she shares some challenges new leaders face in harnessing their value and some insights on how to navigate the transition into a leadership role.  Join the conversation now!  Timestamps [02:07] Thought that can significantly impact your progress in your new job [03:17] What happens when cultural, psychological, and social factors negatively impact your new role [05:21] Why it is important not to quit or give up on your dreams [08:41] What causes “Just Happy To Be Here” to shift from gratitude & contentment to an obstacle in your career [11:52] How to break free and embrace your potential when your belief in yourself and self-competence is low [12:06] Techniques to help you overcome self-limiting beliefs [12:22] The challenge faced by all new leaders [15:40] Embracing your value Notable Quotes People with low self-confidence don't have far to fall. So if they fail, the stakes aren't very high. But most people who achieve high-level roles or high leadership have high self-confidence. And it's when you have high a high level of self-confidence that you have further to fall.Confidence is past-focused. Your level of competence comes directly from your portfolio of past experiences that prepare you for the new challenges ahead.If Self-confidence is past-focused, then self-competence is future-focused.As a coach, I subscribe to the philosophy that you can't read the label when you're inside the bottle, so I could attempt to fix the problem myself.Remember that while being grateful for your new job is essential, settling for being content can hinder your growth and potential. Resources If you want to know more about creating intentional pivots, let's connect, and remember to SHARE with your friends! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/delekooleycoaching/ LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dele-downs-kooley Website: https://delekooleycoaching.com/podcast Email: dele@delekooleycoaching.com
Episode 9 - Master The Art of Asking for What You Want and Getting It
Episode 9 - Master The Art of Asking for What You Want and Getting It
We have always found ourselves in situations where we want to ask for a pay rise or promotion but are always afraid of the outcome. Join Coach Kooley as she shares some tips to help you negotiate effectively.  In this episode, Coach Kooley talks about some of the challenges women encounter in their places of work and the strategies one can adopt to overcome them. She also shares some of her best tips on how to clearly define your goals and work towards advocating ourselves.  While working towards realising our full potential and in our quest for a promotion or a pay rise, we have always made some assumptions which lead us in the wrong direction. Join in as Coach Kooley shares some of the assumptions we make and why they lie between our current responsibilities and promotion. Join the conversation and up your negotiation skills with Coach Kooley!  Timestamps [02:12] Obstacles women encounter in their workplaces [03:33] Strategies to overcome challenges at work [03:39] How to define your goals [05:11] How to advocate for yourself [07:40] Building a support network [09:13] The biggest mistakes people make when going into negotiations [10:47] Some assumptions we make when going for a promotion or pay increase [13:10] How to negotiate effectively [15:19] Activity to help you in your negotiation [18:35] How to prepare for the conversations [20:10] Some of the ways to respond to feedback after you ask for what you want Notable Quotes Work and life are closely intertwined. And if something is not performing well in either area, there's a direct impact on the level of joy that we experience.Your chances of getting what you want increase when you know the market value of your skills and expertise. Research so that you know your numbers.If you're seeking a salary raise, gather the data on industry standards and average salaries for your role and the value you bring to the organisation.Surrounding yourself with humans who believe in you and your abilities can be a game changer when navigating your career.When I talk about waiting, it's the waiting that creates the power when you're negotiating. The art of awkward silence is one of the most valuable resources you have available to you during a negotiation.When negotiating, you will want to highlight your achievements, responsibilities, and the value you bring to the organisation. You have to articulate why you deserve what you're asking for clearly. And be prepared to negotiate on things like compensation or additional responsibilities. Resources If you want to know more about creating intentional pivots, let's connect, and remember to SHARE with your friends! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/delekooleycoaching/ LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dele-downs-kooley Website: https://delekooleycoaching.com/podcast Join me next time when I talk about breaking free from the I'm just happy to be here mindset and unleashing your full potential in your new career or current role. ! If you want to know more about how to address conversations during your performance review and the secret to your success, check out Episode Five, the secret to advancing your career.
Episode 8 - The Secret To Your Success Is Math!
Episode 8 - The Secret To Your Success Is Math!
In this episode, Dele talks about using KPIs to achieve job search goals faster. She shares her personal story of the tips she used to find a job after leaving the military. Dele advises listeners to define their job search goals and identify their KPIs directly related to the job search.  She shares insights on how KPIs can provide structure and focus in areas you control and explains how to use them effectively. She also talks about the nature of indicators that will measure your progress toward your job search goals and how to track and measure your success. She offers tips on adjusting your approach when you're falling short and handling rejection when it's a natural part of the process. Are you struggling to find a job or just want to have a change in the field you are in? Tune in to learn how to use KPIs to stay motivated and achieve success in your job search! Timestamps [03:09] The secret to all our success is math [03:53] Why it is important to use KPIs to track progress in job search [05:07] A framework that will give you structure and focus in areas you have control over [05:20] How to use KPIs in your job search [06:34] The nature of indicators that will measure your progress toward job search [08:33] How to track and measure your success [10:42] How to adjust your approach when you are falling short [13:00] How to handle rejection when it is a natural part of the process  Notable Quotes So once you've identified the indicators that measure success or progress towards success, you set a target and establish a specific number or benchmark to help you analyze your job search performance.If you're not tracking it, you get stuck and data versus drama. You are having drama because you don't know. You just have a thought about your performance. And that can be problematic because either you're hitting your mark or not. Every no is one step closer to a yes.Celebrate the small victories because you will have so many more small victories than you will ever have large victories. The job is not the destination; each point along the way is its destination that deserves to be celebrated.The job search process is challenging, so stay focused, create a schedule that works for you, and keep going. You can't fail if you don't quit. Resources If you want to know more about creating intentional pivots, let's connect, and remember to SHARE with your friends! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/delekooleycoaching/ LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dele-downs-kooley Website: https://delekooleycoaching.com/ Stay tuned for an amazing podcast series about sowing the seeds during the summer for a fall harvest!
Episode 7 - Curiosity Conversations
Episode 7 - Curiosity Conversations
In this episode, Dele discusses the importance of networking and curiosity conversations. Drawing on her experience from attending a recent conference in Philadelphia, Dele shares how making a career change or pivot often relies on the strength of our professional network. But what if you don't know what your next move should be? She offers practical tips on conducting a curiosity conversation, a powerful tool to help you gain clarity and explore new opportunities. From asking open-ended questions to building a deeper connection with the other person, Dele walks you through initiating and having a curious conversation. Dele also shares how she has personally used curiosity conversations in her own life to uncover new ideas and opportunities. She also explains why KPIs are important in tracking progress toward your career goals. But sometimes, people get stuck when having curious conversations. Dele explores this common stumbling block and guides how to move past it.  Are you considering a career change or simply expanding your professional network? This episode contains valuable insights and practical advice to help you confidently take your next steps. Tune in and learn! Timestamps [02:11] Some of the concepts that came up at the conference in Philadelphia [02:59] How making career change or pivoting hinges upon our network [04:07] Conducting a curiosity conversation when you don’t know what to do [04:19] Tips to help you network when unsure of your next move [07:16] What curiosity conversations are and how to initiate them [08:37] Tips on how to have a curiosity conversation [11:42] Why asking open-ended questions is the best thing to get the right answers [13:18] Building a deeper connection and fostering a more meaningful conversation with the other person [14:15] How Dele has used curiosity conversations in her own life [16:06] Why KPIs are important [19:09] Things one can do when having a curiosity conversation to determine the next move [21:46] One of the parts where most people get stuck when having curiosity conversations and why  Notable Quotes Networking is a critical skill for your career success, regardless of what industry you're in or what job you're in.Look for networking events or industry conferences in your area, and then use them as an opportunity to meet new people and learn more about different career paths that you might be interested in.The quality of the answer to your question comes directly from the quality of your question.Make sure you're genuinely interested in what the person has to say and you're listening to what they're saying, not listening to respond. And then keep asking questions. When you ask them about a curiosity conversation, it's not about you. It's about them. It's about their bandwidth, belief, and ability to create value for you. It's never about you. So if someone says no, it's not about you. And that's okay. If they say yes, that's great. Resources If you want to know more about creating intentional pivots, let's connect, and remember to SHARE with your friends! Check out this template for a curiosity conversation you can use for your networking conversations.  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/delekooleycoaching/ LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dele-downs-kooley Website: https://delekooleycoaching.com/
Episode 6 - How To Be the CEO of Your Life
Episode 6 - How To Be the CEO of Your Life
In this episode, Dele talks about being the CEO of your life by applying business strategies to your personal life. By setting clear goals, creating a mission statement, and developing a strategic plan using SMART goals, you can take a proactive approach to managing your life and achieving your goals.  Dele discusses how managing your resources, including time, money, and energy, is essential to personal and professional success. She also shares the importance of building a strong support team and how it can enhance success.  Are you looking to take ownership of your decisions, actions, and outcomes and take a proactive approach to managing your life? Join Dele as she empowers you to unlock your full potential and live purposefully! Timestamps [03:21] Applying business strategies to your life, managing resources, and building a support team as the CEO of your life [03:52] Ways one can incorporate business strategies in their life as the CEO [04:32] Steps to applying business strategies to achieve goals [04:46] The difference between setting mission and vision statements [05:34] Steps that a strategic plan should include [07:38] Two professional development investments that you might want to consider [08:14] Conversations you need to have with yourself as the CEO [08:49] Benefits of understating where your resources are going [09:35] The most important part of being the CEO of your life [10:08] Benefits of building a strong support team Notable Quotes Being the CEO of your life means intentionally taking ownership of your decisions, actions, and outcomes and taking a proactive approach to managing your life.When you have a dream and write it down, it becomes a goal with a date. When a goal is broken down into at least three steps, it becomes a plan, and a plan that has been executed becomes a reality.As the CEO, understanding where your money is being invested in you incorporate it allows you to make different decisions, or it allows you to make the same decisions.No successful business operates in a vacuum, and neither should you. Doing everything yourself is the fast path to burnout.  Resources If you want to know more about creating intentional pivots, let's connect, and remember to SHARE with your friends! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/delekooleycoaching/ LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dele-downs-kooley Website: https://delekooleycoaching.com/