The 12-Minute Method Podcast

Robbie Swale

Coach and author Robbie Swale investigates why we sometimes don't do the things that deep down we really want to do. In this podcast you'll find out how to beat procrastination, be more productive and finally do that thing you've been meaning to do. You know the one. The one you never seem to get round to. The one you've been thinking about for years. Find out more about Robbie and the 12-Minute Method books at read less


S1E15 - Why I Haven't Created the Episode I Promised You
S1E15 - Why I Haven't Created the Episode I Promised You
I didn't do what I said I would do - a Series 1 review. This is an episode about why. I talk about integrity, importance vs interest, will vs love and more. (I am reliably informed that I actually reversed the love and will descriptions in this episode - that's what you get for doing things in one take! For more information on that, check out this 12-minute article... I mention this Warren Buffett/James Clear story again: It's about how to create an avoid-at-all-costs list. I mention Susan Ni Chriodain and her podcast, Life Beyond the Numbers - here's my appearance: And I mention that you can now subscribe to the 12-Minute Blog: I'll be back again sometime in the future - thanks for listening! About the 12-Minute Method Podcast: In this podcast, I (leadership coach and author Robbie Swale) investigate why we sometimes don't do the things that deep down we really want to do. In each episode of season 1, I am going to reflect on a time in my life where I have beaten procrastination, become more productive and finally done something important to me, hoping that by doing this I will learn more about what it really takes to go from wanting to do something (but not doing it) to getting it done. And hoping that whatever you take away from each episode might help you get your idea off the ground and out into the world. Find out more about Robbie and the 12-Minute Method books at
S1E14 - Starting a Podcast II: The 12-Minute Method Podcast
S1E14 - Starting a Podcast II: The 12-Minute Method Podcast
In this final 'normal' episode of Series 1 of this podcast I get into the most recent project that I've got off the ground... this podcast! I talk about how stressed I got starting out and recording the little bits of music, I talk about where it came from and the roles that Cat Preston's Collective Wisdom Podcast and The Podcast Show 2022 both played in creating it. It's also an episode about the 100 Podcast Challenge (see Episode 13 or for more) because that's what made me get creative and get productive about making this show.  I talk a bit about some of the struggles, and mostly about how I made it about learning and success beyond success, and not about how many people I had listening, which I worry about.  I mention this Warren Buffett/James Clear story again: It's about how to create an avoid-at-all-costs list, and it's the goal-setting exercise I have been using for the last five years, which has really helped me be more productive and finally do the things I've been meaning to do.  As this project is so fresh - ongoing, in fact! - I can feel all the parts of me that want to tell you more about it, about all the things I'm learning and still learning... and about how this episode isn't good enough. But that's the magic of the timer. And of practising the 12-Minute Method... it's not perfect, but I've done enough for today. Enjoy! I'll be back later in the year with a Series 1 review, and will be reflecting ahead of next year on how I might continue (or not) this podcast. Thanks for listening! -- About the 12-Minute Method Podcast: In this podcast, I (leadership coach and author Robbie Swale) investigate why we sometimes don't do the things that deep down we really want to do. In each episode of season 1, I am going to reflect on a time in my life where I have beaten procrastination, become more productive and finally done something important to me, hoping that by doing this I will learn more about what it really takes to go from wanting to do something (but not doing it) to getting it done. And hoping that whatever you take away from each episode might help you get your idea off the ground and out into the world. Find out more about Robbie and the 12-Minute Method books at
S1E13 - Appearing on Podcasts: The 100 Podcasts Challenge
S1E13 - Appearing on Podcasts: The 100 Podcasts Challenge
In this episode I talk about how I went from having appeared on a handful of podcasts (and feeling pretty nervous/anxious about them) to appearing on A LOT of podcasts, and feeling really relaxed about the whole thing. That is, I talk about my 100 Podcasts Challenge, which I am working on in 2022. [On that, if you have a podcast or know someone who does, and would love me as a guest, I really need help - I'm on 70 with about two months to go. Please get in touch!!] It's about the power of an outrageous goal and taking focused action, and it's about how I coped when the challenge got overwhelming. I talk about the benefits and insights I've taken away from the challenge and more. I reference Episode 3 quite a few times, as I used a lot of my learnings from building my coaching business, as you'll hear. Here's the page to learn more about the challenge, listen to many of the shows I've been on (including those I mention) and more: I'm so grateful to everyone who's supported me with the challenge, in particular all the amazing podcast hosts who have had me on their shows. Please do go out of your way to support those shows - people are doing amazing, creative things in the podcasting space and the world is better for it.  In particular, here's Michael Chaffin's new show: (Michael was, if I remember correctly, the first person to ever have me on a podcast) And here's Cat Preston's show, where I had the Who am I to do this? insight: If you want help from me in creating a challenge for yourself, why not come over to the 12-Minute Method Facebook group and post a question: Or drop me an email.  -- About the 12-Minute Method Podcast: In this podcast, I (leadership coach and author Robbie Swale) investigate why we sometimes don't do the things that deep down we really want to do. In each episode of season 1, I am going to reflect on a time in my life where I have beaten procrastination, become more productive and finally done something important to me, hoping that by doing this I will learn more about what it really takes to go from wanting to do something (but not doing it) to getting it done. And hoping that whatever you take away from each episode might help you get your idea off the ground and out into the world. Find out more about Robbie and the 12-Minute Method books at
S1E12 - Meditating
S1E12 - Meditating
In this episode I talk about how I FINALLY started a meditation practice. I had LOTS of stories about what meditation should be like, and I let all of them get in the way of doing something that really helps me. It helps me do good work and I have no doubt it helps me feel better. It involved prompts from my coach at the time, Joel Monk. It involved really seeing the power of meditation for my work. And it involved learning from Tim Ferriss that the rep of meditation is bringing your attention back - that stopped me beating myself up so much and let me get on with practising.  I said I would link to a few things: - The draft preview edition of my book, The Power to Choose, which I referenced in this episode: - The centring practice Joel shared with me: - An article I wrote about how for commitment, RECOMMITTING is the rep: -- About the 12-Minute Method Podcast: In this podcast, I (leadership coach and author Robbie Swale) investigate why we sometimes don't do the things that deep down we really want to do. In each episode of season 1, I am going to reflect on a time in my life where I have beaten procrastination, become more productive and finally done something important to me, hoping that by doing this I will learn more about what it really takes to go from wanting to do something (but not doing it) to getting it done. And hoping that whatever you take away from each episode might help you get your idea off the ground and out into the world. Find out more about Robbie and the 12-Minute Method books at
S1E11 - Publishing Books: The 12-Minute Method Series
S1E11 - Publishing Books: The 12-Minute Method Series
This episode is the story of publishing the 12-Minute Method series of books. How did the books come about? Why did it take me 2 years after having the idea to get them out? I talk about the help I had along the way, including Steve Creek, Jericho Writers and Tim and Joseph at I talk about the evolution of the idea and the books and more. I reflect on whether the two-year period was procrastination, or whether it was necessary for the books to find their rightful home. Certainly the journey changed me and, reflecting now, for me feels like it has served my own growth so well. I said I would link to a few things: - My article on Gay Hendricks' frame, The Zone of Genius: - My time management article, where I talk about Saying Yes and Saying No, and Warren Buffett: - The draft preview edition of my book, The Power to Choose, which I referenced in this episode: - My dad's poetry: - My article about publishing these books: -- About the 12-Minute Method Podcast: In this podcast, I (leadership coach and author Robbie Swale) investigate why we sometimes don't do the things that deep down we really want to do. In each episode of season 1, I am going to reflect on a time in my life where I have beaten procrastination, become more productive and finally done something important to me, hoping that by doing this I will learn more about what it really takes to go from wanting to do something (but not doing it) to getting it done. And hoping that whatever you take away from each episode might help you get your idea off the ground and out into the world. Find out more about Robbie and the 12-Minute Method books at
S1E10 - Reading Non-Fiction
S1E10 - Reading Non-Fiction
When I got ill in 2018, I could no longer find the space or energy to read non-fiction. But it was important to me - to learn, grow and to support my clients. This episode is about how I created a new reading habit, using the ideas of the 12-Minute Method. It helps me keep reading even when things are tough, it's hard to forget and - as I reflect in this episode - it might actually be a BETTER way of reading than the quicker ways I used to read before.  I mentioned this article I wrote about time management, which also contains the Warren Buffett story I mentioned in the last episode and at the start of this one: -- About the 12-Minute Method Podcast: In this podcast, I (leadership coach and author Robbie Swale) investigate why we sometimes don't do the things that deep down we really want to do. In each episode of season 1, I am going to reflect on a time in my life where I have beaten procrastination, become more productive and finally done something important to me, hoping that by doing this I will learn more about what it really takes to go from wanting to do something (but not doing it) to getting it done. And hoping that whatever you take away from each episode might help you get your idea off the ground and out into the world. Find out more about Robbie and the 12-Minute Method books at
S1E9 - Starting a Podcast: The Coach's Journey Podcast
S1E9 - Starting a Podcast: The Coach's Journey Podcast
In this episode I talk about how I started The Coach's Journey Podcast. It was my first podcast, and is designed to help coaches create thriving businesses and thrive while they do it. It's also designed to mimic some conversations I had that really helped me as I started my business... and it's designed to be the Tim Ferriss Show but for coaches. It includes how I used what I'd learned from Ferriss and from things like the 12-Minute blog to get going. It includes how I started with what I knew would be fun and built upt. And it includes how the key moments were making it sustainable in terms of time, and then in terms of money.  I said I would link to a few things... - The Warren Buffett goal-setting exercise I love. - The Coach's Journey Podcast episode about podcasting: - The Coach's Journey Podcast episode about creating new work, including how I thought about and made the Coach's Journey Community happen: - Read about The Coach's Journey Community here: You can listen to the Coach's Journey Podcast at or by searching wherever you're listening to this! -- About the 12-Minute Method Podcast: In this podcast, I (leadership coach and author Robbie Swale) investigate why we sometimes don't do the things that deep down we really want to do. In each episode of season 1, I am going to reflect on a time in my life where I have beaten procrastination, become more productive and finally done something important to me, hoping that by doing this I will learn more about what it really takes to go from wanting to do something (but not doing it) to getting it done. And hoping that whatever you take away from each episode might help you get your idea off the ground and out into the world. Find out more about Robbie and the 12-Minute Method books at
S1E8 - Exercise
S1E8 - Exercise
In this episode I talk about my exercise habit. I realised when being interviewed on a recent podcast (this one, I think: that my longest standing habit actually isn't the 12-minute writing practice. Instead, it's my habit of exercising every work-day morning. In this episode I talk about that: how someone being mean essentially started it, how I've evolved it over time, how becoming someone who exercises in the morning makes it easier to DO that now, than to not do it. I also talk about the power of considering our mortality, and how future you will be SO GLAD you started exercising regularly.  This one felt to me like - alongside learning Spanish (E6 - - one of the places where perfectionism got in the way of me exercising for a long time. And as I was speaking I also realised that it was the place where the talent myth held me back the most. Read more about the Talent Myth here: I said I would link to a few things... My article, It's Time For You To Die: The Energy Project: My article about my morning routine: My friend Paul Thompson and his businesses, which have helped me so much: Worksmart Wellbeing:  PT Health Coaching: The PT Health Coaching YouTube Channel, which is where I do all my HIITs: -- About the 12-Minute Method Podcast: In this podcast, I (leadership coach and author Robbie Swale) investigate why we sometimes don't do the things that deep down we really want to do. In each episode of season 1, I am going to reflect on a time in my life where I have beaten procrastination, become more productive and finally done something important to me, hoping that by doing this I will learn more about what it really takes to go from wanting to do something (but not doing it) to getting it done. And hoping that whatever you take away from each episode might help you get your idea off the ground and out into the world. Find out more about Robbie and the 12-Minute Method books at
S1E7 - Strengthening Relationships with Family Members
S1E7 - Strengthening Relationships with Family Members
In this episode I talk about how my brother (Ewan Townhead, and I have strengthened our relationship over the last few years via a weekly practice that accidentally looks a lot like the 12-Minute Method. And that we have so far - miraculously - not given up on. It started with us signing up to Seth Godin's The Marketing Seminar together and ended with us speaking more and connecting more than we ever have as adults... and arguably more than ever before. I also explain how the importance of connecting with family showed up for me by considering my own mortality, how I have developed similar ways to strengthen my relationship with my daughter and my mum, how Resistance and procrastination can't cope with consistency and how creating a good practice in one part of your life can have knock-on effects elsewhere.  Here's the Tim Urban Wait But Why blog I mentioned: -- About the 12-Minute Method Podcast: In this podcast, I (leadership coach and author Robbie Swale) investigate why we sometimes don't do the things that deep down we really want to do. In each episode of season 1, I am going to reflect on a time in my life where I have beaten procrastination, become more productive and finally done something important to me, hoping that by doing this I will learn more about what it really takes to go from wanting to do something (but not doing it) to getting it done. And hoping that whatever you take away from each episode might help you get your idea off the ground and out into the world. Find out more about Robbie and the 12-Minute Method books at
S1E5 - Learning Spanish
S1E5 - Learning Spanish
In this episode I'm talking about how I *FINALLY* started learning Spanish. This was something I had been thinking about and wanting to do and not doing for YEARS.  Then a move to Costa Rica made it very important that I had some Spanish and a combination of a great tutor, an app my wife's family used and the repeated decision not to give up mean that I have now been practising my Spanish almost every day for five years. And whilst I'm far from fluent yet - just listen to me stumble over the word 'aprendiendo' in the opening couple of minutes of the show - I'm immeasurably better than five years ago and far better than I would have been if I hadn't created a '12-minute method' practise for language learning. And if I keep going, who knows where I'll be in another five years?  I get into a bit of positive psychology theory I learned about from one of Shawn Achor's books, and I also reflect on what I learned from listening back to Episode 4, where I talk about the origin of the 12-Minute Method.  PS There's also a lot of love for Duolingo in this podcast.  PPS I decided not to go for the clickbait-y title in the end! More on that next time, maybe! -- About the 12-Minute Method Podcast: In this podcast, I (leadership coach and author Robbie Swale) investigate why we sometimes don't do the things that deep down we really want to do. In each episode of season 1, I am going to reflect on a time in my life where I have beaten procrastination, become more productive and finally done something important to me, hoping that by doing this I will learn more about what it really takes to go from wanting to do something (but not doing it) to getting it done. And hoping that whatever you take away from each episode might help you get your idea off the ground and out into the world. Find out more about Robbie and the 12-Minute Method books at
S1E4 - Starting a Blog: The Origin of The 12-Minute Method
S1E4 - Starting a Blog: The Origin of The 12-Minute Method
Right - it's time to talk about how the 12-Minute Method came about. In this episode, as part of my investigation into what we need to beat procrastination, be more productive and finally do the things we want to do, I talk about one of the most important commitments I've ever made: to write a series of short blogs on my train journey over a two week period. That became a blog I've now been writing weekly for six years, which has changed so many things about me and genuinely been one of the most transformative things I have ever done. It was also how I created the four books in the 12-Minute Method series. You can read the first of these - How to Start When You're Stuck - here: Important parts of the journey included the gentle invitation I got from Joel Monk of Coaches Rising to create a series, the things I had learned from Tim Ferriss about how to get something going without your embarrassment stopping you, and Steven Pressfield's Resistance (and the rule of thumb: the more Resistance you feel about something, the more important it is to your soul's evolution). The easiest way to read the 12-Minute Blog is on my website here:  It's also still on LinkedIn here: Here is the first article of The Train Series, which became the 12-Minute blog: -- About the 12-Minute Method Podcast: In this podcast, I (leadership coach and author Robbie Swale) investigate why we sometimes don't do the things that deep down we really want to do. In each episode of season 1, I am going to reflect on a time in my life where I have beaten procrastination, become more productive and finally done something important to me, hoping that by doing this I will learn more about what it really takes to go from wanting to do something (but not doing it) to getting it done. And hoping that whatever you take away from each episode might help you get your idea off the ground and out into the world. Find out more about Robbie and the 12-Minute Method books at
S1E3 - Building a Coaching Business
S1E3 - Building a Coaching Business
In this episode, as part of my investigation into what we need to be more productive and finally do the things we want to do, I explore how I overcame my procrastination and created my coaching business, which got to a point where I could work on it full-time less than two years after I started my coaching training.  Important parts of it were Steven Pressfield's Resistance and The War of Art; making space for what mattered to me; sitting down and staying sitting; and getting into a place - thanks to some insights on a Coaches Rising call from the coach Carolyn Freyer Jones - where my business's success felt within my control. Oh, and setting myself ambitious challenges, too! If you want to hear more from me about coaching, check out my other podcast The Coach's Journey, and all the resources that I've created for coaches, at In particular, this is the article I mention about building my business, which is still my most-read article: -- About the 12-Minute Method Podcast: In this podcast, I (leadership coach and author Robbie Swale) investigate why we sometimes don't do the things that deep down we really want to do. In each episode of season 1, I am going to reflect on a time in my life where I have beaten procrastination, become more productive and finally done something important to me, hoping that by doing this I will learn more about what it really takes to go from wanting to do something (but not doing it) to getting it done. And hoping that it might help you get your idea off the ground and out into the world. Find out more about Robbie and the 12-Minute Method books at
S1E2 - The Wisdom of David Gemmell
S1E2 - The Wisdom of David Gemmell
In this episode, on my investigation into how we can finally do the things we want to do, I reflect on creating The Wisdom of David Gemmell, a website dedicated to the philosophy of my favourite author. You can find it at or follow it on Twitter at  The most important part of it reflecting on it was: I *didn't* start it for a long time. It took the pain of seeing two ideas I had move on to other people (remembering what Liz Gilbert says: if we don't use an idea it will find someone else who will use it). It took navigating all kinds of Resistance, which tied me in knots. It took a call to arms from then-stranger-now-friend Inga Umblija to make me take action because of who it might serve. And then it took breaking it down into small steps.  I hope you take insight from it that helps you get your idea out into the world.  -- About the 12-Minute Method Podcast: In this podcast, I (leadership coach and author Robbie Swale) investigate why we sometimes don't do the things that deep down we really want to do. In each episode of season 1, I am going to reflect on a time in my life where I have beaten procrastination and finally done something important to me, hoping that by doing this I will learn more about what it really takes to go from wanting to do something (but not doing it) to getting it done. Find out more about Robbie and the 12-Minute Method books at