Barbara Worsley

The Chatty Ramble Podcast

26-04-2024 • 45 mins

Barbara was born in London England where she studied nursing and practised as a Registered Nurse (RN). She moved to the USA in 1991.

She is a natural healer, Reiki & polarity therapist. Mind, Body Spirit Practitioner. Best known for her ability to channel, Barbara connects with Ascended Master, Arch Angels, Galactics and dragons to bring messages of comfort to those awakening to the New Golden Age.

Merlin has been her guide for over 30 years and plays a main role in connecting her to those who wish to receive messages and other beings-he is her connector!

She is now affectionately known as The East Coast Dragon Lady and helps bring forth messages of love, light & comfort. Barbara has been connecting to many Dragon collectives in the past few years.

She hold monthly recorded DRAGON HOUR with special guest to talk about their journey's with dragons and offerings. Barbara posts daily on her facebook pages messages from Dragons, Ascended masters or who ever has a message for the group.