The Conscious mind includes your experience in the present time. When you're meditating on the centers of the Conscious mind, you become aware of what you are experiencing in the present time. Through meditation on the Conscious mind, Buddhism developed the idea of impermanence. In this podcast, Lawrence Castilia interviews George Boyd, the founder of the Mudrashram Institute of Spiritual Studies as we examine the different centers of the Conscious mind: Awareness of the current unfolding moment of time as your life. Awareness of the external environment through the five senses. Awareness of the present time experience of the physical body. Awareness of present time emotions. Awareness of behavior, repertoire, analogical reasoning and deductive reasoning. Ego awareness (ego being the integrating center of the Conscious mind). Pre-conscious awareness (awareness of ideas, memories, images and impressions arising from the Subconscious mind). Finally, you have the gate of the subconscious, also called the ethereal veil, which keeps the attention within the sphere of the Conscious mind. This podcast is part of the Mudrashram Maps of Consciousness series.